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09-10 投稿



hoary 发音

英:[ˈhɔːri]  美:[ˈhɔːri]

英:  美:

hoary 中文意思翻译



hoary 短语词组

1、Hoary fox ─── 哈里福克斯

2、hoary alyssum ─── [网络] 神圣的alyssum

3、hoary-headed a. ─── 白头发的

4、hoary willow ─── 雪柳

5、hoary puccoon ─── 灰白紫草; ─── 灰板墙筋材料

6、hoary golden bush ─── [网络] 金色的灌木丛

7、hoary plantain ─── 中型车前草

8、hoary pea ─── 灰豌豆

9、hoary marmot ─── [动物]灰白旱獭 (Marmota caligata,产于北美洲西北部)

10、hoary alison ─── [网络] 古怪的艾莉森

11、hoary head ─── 皓首;白头;白首

12、Hoary bat ─── 霜红蝠

hoary 词性/词形变化,hoary变形


hoary 相似词语短语

1、hoagy ─── n.(美)大型三明治

2、hoards ─── n.贮存(品),秘藏(品);古代宝库;情报(库);v.贮藏(钱财或贵重物品);(在某物匮乏时)积敛;储存(以备后用);n.(Hoard)(美)霍尔德(人名)

3、hoar ─── adj.灰白的;披霜的;n.白霜;abbr.白霜(hoarfrost);n.(Hoar)(美)霍尔(人名)

4、oary ─── adj.有桨的

5、hoarily ─── 白发

6、hoarsely ─── adv.嘶哑地;刺耳地

7、hoarse ─── adj.嘶哑的;嘶哑地

8、roary ─── 咆哮。

9、hoard ─── n.贮存(品),秘藏(品);古代宝库;情报(库);v.贮藏(钱财或贵重物品);(在某物匮乏时)积敛;储存(以备后用);n.(Hoard)(美)霍尔德(人名)

hoary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hoary travels ─── 古代游记

2、Like the one I had at first seen in the hold, they all bore about them the marks of a hoary old age ─── 他们个个都像我在船舱里头一回看见的那个人一样白发苍苍,老态龙钟。

3、the cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around. ─── 樱桃梨树共争艳, 四处非花如雪片。

4、Tears stream hoary goes on in your face, my heart Mo's a tight, feeling like a lost the most precious things in. ─── 泪水流在您那张苍老的脸上,我的心莫的一紧,那种感觉像失去了最珍贵的东西一样。

5、aromatic shrub of arid regions of western North America having hoary leaves. ─── 北美西部干旱地区的一种芳香灌木,叶灰白色。

6、Here, in the home-brewed world of a midnight hacker, was the first bit of testable proof for hoary ecological wisdom: that what is best for an individual ain't necessarily best for the species. ─── 在午夜黑客自酝酿的世界中,首次有了这样一个对古老的生态智慧的可检验的证明:对个体而言是最好的,对物种而言不一定是最好的。

7、Two side grew my cheek very much little white a knot in one's heart, have pinpoint so big, be hoary head acne excuse me? ─── 我的腮帮两旁长了许多小白小疙丁,有针尖那样大,想问问是白头痘痘么?

8、"as I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow" (Robert Southwell). ─── “我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖” (罗伯特·索恩韦尔)。

9、Hoary bat ─── n. 暗灰蝶蝠

10、9 Rather, understanding is the hoary crown for men, and an unsullied life, the attainment of old age. ─── 其实;人的老年是在于有智慧,高寿是在于生活纯洁。

11、Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD. ─── 32在白发的人面前,你要站起来,也要尊敬老人,又要敬畏你的神。我是耶和华。

12、hoary of painting ─── 画论

13、I play'd a soft and doleful air; I sing an old and moving story-- An old rude song, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. ─── 我奏起柔美哀怨的曲调,我常起古老动人的古似乎;对那堆苍凉的陈年废墟这质朴老歌很合适。

14、On a mountain stretched beneath a hoary willow /Lay a shepherd swain and viewed the rolling billow ─── 在山上一棵古老的柳树下,伸展躺着年轻的牧羊人,眺望着翻腾的巨浪

15、hoary plantain ─── 中型车前草

16、Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD. ─── 在白发的人面前,你要站起来,也要尊敬老人,又要敬畏你的神。我是耶和华。

17、Red a knot in one's heart often rises to begin to a bit forcedly hoary head is shown later all round the mouth and fluctuation lip still swells, be how to return a responsibility? ─── 嘴周围老是起红疙瘩开始有点硬后来有白头露出而且上下嘴唇还发肿,是怎么回事?

18、Hoary Puffleg ─── n. 苍蓬腿蜂鸟

19、Here young sika deer will grow strong. Here a hoary old man will find eternal peace". ─── 梅花幼鹿成长之所,白发老翁安息之乡”。

20、A ka mohio tenei whakaminenga katoa, ehara te hoari, te taoroa ranei, i ta Ihowa mea hei whakaora: na Ihowa hoki te whawhai, a mana koutou e homai ki o matou ringa. ─── 又 使 这 众 人 知 道 耶 和 华 使 人 得 胜 , 不 是 用 刀 用 枪 , 因 为 争 战 的 胜 败 全 在 乎 耶 和 华 。他 必 将 你 们 交 在 我 们 手 里 。

21、The cherry and hoary pear, ─── 樱桃梨树共争艳

22、By now he is doddering, hoary, but seems like a beast at bay, watching, searching, and waiting for his chance. ─── 此刻他已老态龙钟,满头堆雪,但那神态,却像一只困兽,张望着,扑捉着,也伺机着。又一根火柴被他划着,又灭去。

23、No matter what he talked about, he spoke in the clichs and hoary, stilted phrases of an old Party manual ─── 他无论讲什么,总是那些陈词滥调,唱着从陈旧的党内手册中搬来的老掉牙的高调。

24、It also shows how the hoary old thesis and antithesis of genetics and upbringing combine in a most intriguing synthesis. ─── 同时,论文也揭示了遗传学和抚育这一古老论题与其对立面如何在最复杂的综合体下发挥其综合作用。

25、He told us a hoary old joke that we'd all heard many times before. ─── 他给我们讲了一个我们都听了很多次的老掉牙的笑话。

26、Land rose from its womb, usurped its throne, and ever since the maddened old creature, with hoary crest of foam, wails and laments continually, like King Lear exposed to the fury of the elements. ─── 大地从它的腹中隆起,篡夺了它的王位。从那以后,暴怒的老家伙就开始顶着灰白色的泡沫不断的哀号恸哭,一如暴风骤雨之中的李尔王。

27、hoary madwort ─── n. 婆儿草

28、Arrived in the winter, call hoary head white, foliaceous yellow grass is anxious, greenfeed for pigs feeds light. ─── 冬天到了,打白头霜了,叶黄草焦了,猪草喂光了。阿爸叫两姊妹去扯猪草。

29、That hoary old chestnut should've been put to bed with the white australia policy. ─── 这么老掉牙的东西还是和白澳政策一起塞到床底下去吧。

30、the hoary ruins of English abbeys ─── 古老的英国寺院的遗迹

31、Tackling this hoary puzzle requires expertise in several fields, including cryptography, linguistics and medieval history. ─── 要解决这个古老谜团,必须旁及好几个领域的专门知识,包括密码学、语言学和中世纪历史等。

32、Hoary fox ─── n. 灰白胡狼

33、Covered with short,fine whitish or grayish hairs or down;hoary. ─── 带灰白绒毛的,斑白的覆盖短而纤细的浅白到浅灰色毛或绒毛的;灰白色的

34、a man with hoary hair ─── 一位灰白头发的人

35、An aged man with hoary temples ─── 玉鬃老翁

36、Rise up before the hoary head, and honour the person of the aged man: and fear the Lord thy God. I am the Lord. ─── 对老年人要尊敬,应敬畏你的天主:我是上主。

37、genus of tropical and subtropical herbs or shrubs: hoary peas ─── 热带和亚热带草本或灌木的属;灰白的豌豆

38、a coat of hoary moss has gathered over the inscriptions of the mural monuments, and obscured the death's heads, and other funereal emblems. ─── 墙上长满了一层苍白的苔藓,不但盖住了碑文,也使得故人的头像和陪葬物品模糊难辨。

39、He told us a hoary old english joke that we'd all heard many times before. ─── 他给我们讲了一个我们都听了很多次的老掉牙的英语笑话。

40、I say, aren't you John Hoary? ─── 我说,你不是约翰 亨利吗?

41、To have a slender waist and hoary hair ─── 沉腰潘鬓

42、I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. ─── 疑 是 地 上 霜 。

43、whose beard with age is hoar-Coleridge; nodded his hoary head. ─── 上了年龄的花白的胡须-柯尔雷基;点了点他头发花白的脑袋。

44、Why do you hv this so many hoary hair? ─── 你为什么有这么多白头发?

45、Hoary Barwing ─── n. 纹头斑翅鹛

46、aromatic shrub of arid regions of western North America having hoary leaves ─── 北美西部干旱地区的一种芳香灌木,叶灰白色

47、Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems. ─── 这一句陈腐的话,虽然平时他并不喜欢,但这时候他却觉得它是解决这一切问题的妙法了!

48、They discussed the hoary old problem. ─── 他们讨论老问题。

49、as I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow ─── 我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖

50、hoary hair ─── 白发灰发

51、A hoary plan to build a canal in Nicaragua was dusted off last month, surely not by coincidence. ─── 上个月,在尼加拉瓜建造一条运河的古老计划也破尘见日。

52、The tradition of Yoga is a hoary one and has been kept alive by ascetics and hermits. ─── 瑜伽的传统来自十分悠久的年代,通过苦行者和隐士而保存生命力。

53、Some of this looks quite unlikely, particularly the hoary promise to complete the trade round and the new one to reach a climate agreement. ─── 其中一些承诺看上去很难兑现,尤其是完成多哈回合贸易谈判的老承诺,以及达成气候变化协定的新承诺。

54、hoary leaves. ─── 有灰白色茸毛的叶子

55、When going in grow some v/arc able-bodied man to wrap babushka, when they are answered already hoary head defends a margin even. ─── 去时里长给有的壮丁裹头巾,他们回时已经白头还要去守边。

56、whose beard with age is hoar-Coleridge; nodded his hoary head ─── 上了年龄的花白的胡须-柯尔雷基;点了点他头发花白的脑袋

57、the mill owners thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereotypes associated with the homeworking activities they presumed to have been the purview of women. ─── 厂主们这样就把关于被他们视为妇女的天职的家务劳动的陈腐的老套引入了新的工业秩序之中。

58、And though the fields look rough with hoary dew. ─── 尽管白露使田野显得凄怆。

59、It is associated in the mind with ideas of order, of quiet, of sober well-established principles, of hoary usage and reverend custom. ─── 如此魅力,皆出乎井然有序、娴静从容之观念,皆出乎客观公正、举世公认之准则,皆出乎年代久远、为人尊崇之习俗。

60、See northward farmer head wraps hoary head towel on the way, some ear-muff that still hang shagginess work in the ground. ─── 沿途看到北方农民头裹白头巾,有的还挂上毛茸茸的耳罩在地里干活。

61、Ka hinga ou tangata i te hoari, ou marohirohi i te whawhaitanga. ─── 你 的 男 丁 必 倒 在 刀 下 ;你 的 勇 士 必 死 在 阵 上 。

62、Without a word spoken, he hurried away, with his hoary head bending low. ─── 他一言不发,低着白发苍苍的头, 匆匆地走了。

63、The night was very large, and very strange, stretching its hoary distances infinitely ─── 夜空寥廓,不可思议,茫茫伸向无垠的远方。

64、"While yet the rouge is fresh, the powder fragrant, The hair at the temples turns hoary -- for what cause?" ─── "说什么脂正浓,粉正香,如何两鬓又成霜?"

65、Having gray hair; hoary. ─── 有灰色头发的;头发灰白的

66、How to handle do 18-year-old males , black-headed hoary head of in the face acne smallpox smallpox smallpox seal smallpoxes bury alive ? ? ─── 您的位置:网站采集-网页采集技术>生活>美容/塑身>祛斑/祛痘>18岁男,脸上粉刺痘痘黑头白头痘印痘坑,咋办??

67、But as the years have passed, what were once fresh ideas have hardened into hoary dogmas. ─── 但是随着时间的流逝,一度新鲜的观念也变成了陈腐的教条。

68、A hoary old man upon a mow-white horse shall divert the River Periron, and above the stream he will measure out a mill with his white rod. ─── 一位头发灰白的老人在干草堆之上——白色的马会转移到佩里安河,他会在溪水上端用白杆调节着磨坊。

69、Days, weeks, seasons may fly by and the same three or four hoary old tasks stare back at you, stroking their beards and cackling. ─── 一天又一天、一个又一个星期、一个又一个的季度过去了,但是有那么三、四个老任务还在那里,缕着胡须嘲笑着你。

70、Some of this looks quite unlikely, particularly, the hoary promise to complete the trade round and the new one to reach a climate agreement. ─── 其中一些承诺看上去很难兑现,尤其是完成多哈回合贸易谈判的老承诺,以及达成气候变化协定的新承诺。

71、Gads, the data put a lie to the hoary Wall Street adage about 'Sell in May and go away. ─── 上述数据不禁让人对“五月卖出离场”这句华尔街老话感到质疑。

72、Without a word spoken, he hurried away, with his hoary head bending low ─── 他一言不发,低着白发苍苍的头,匆匆地走了。

73、His hoary hair showed his age. ─── 他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。

74、genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting. ─── 北温带地区的一个草本属,叶灰白;珠光香青。

75、Covered with short, fine whitish or grayish hairs or down; hoary. ─── 带灰白绒毛的,斑白的覆盖短而纤细的浅白到浅灰色毛或绒毛的;灰白色的

76、Ban Chao, riding a armoured horse, flashed by, with hoary head and old face. ─── 班超铁骑闪过,皓首苍颜。

77、Truths so old that they are positively decrepit with age.When a truth is hoary with years it is in a fair way to become a lie . ─── 一些真理太陈旧,它们必定随着时代而衰退.当一条真理白发苍苍时,它就顺理成章变成了谎言.

78、as I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow(Robert Southwell. ─── 我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖(罗伯特 索恩韦尔)。

79、It is the small ditch above the skin, once urine channel jammed, can produce a lot of blackhead or hoary head acne slowly, if have bacterial generation again, invade, can form the whelk that we see. ─── 就是皮肤上面的小水沟,小水沟一旦堵塞了,慢慢就会产生很多的黑头粉刺或白头粉刺,假如再有细菌的产生、侵入,就会形成我们所见到的青春痘。

80、hand, one hundred to mend altogether hoary head. ─── 三生有幸握素手,百年修得共白头。

81、Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous. ─── 古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。

82、the hoary ruins ─── 古代的遗迹

83、genus of tropical and subtropical herbs or shrubs: hoary peas. ─── 热带和亚热带草本或灌木的属;灰白的豌豆。

84、sick of hoary Hoot Gibson oaters and antique spook comedies, wonder when, if ever, they will see fresh, first-class Hollywood films. ─── 厌倦了过时的胡特·吉布森西部片和落伍的惊悚喜剧,他们不知道什么时候才能看到新鲜的、一流的好莱坞电影。

85、Everything is hoary, grisly, bristling with merriment, swollen with the future, like a gumboil. ─── 一切都是古老的、可怖的,叫人笑得毛骨惊然,像牙龈脓肿,充满了未来气息。

86、The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. ─── 白发是荣耀的冠冕。在公义的道上,必能得着。

87、He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. ─── 他行的路随后发光,令人想深渊如同白发。

88、4.If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old. ─── 4. 如果女人太过主动地向男人献媚,男人不会拒绝你,但是不会与你白头到老。

89、Ka hinga koutou i te hoari; ─── 你 们 必 倒 在 刀 下 ;

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