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09-10 投稿



superinduced 发音

英:[ˌsʊpərɪnˈdjʊs]  美:[suːp(ə)rɪnˈdjuːs; sjuː-]

英:  美:

superinduced 中文意思翻译



superinduced 词性/词形变化,superinduced变形


superinduced 相似词语短语

1、superinsulated ─── 超绝缘

2、superinducing ─── v.增添;引起

3、superinduces ─── v.增添;引起

4、superconducted ─── v.显示超导性;无电阻导电;起超导体作用

5、superinfected ─── 重叠感染

6、superinducement ─── 优势

7、to superinduce ─── 引申

8、superinduction ─── n.超诱导;再引起;超感应;再加

9、superinduce ─── v.增添;引起

superinduced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The crime of abusing the power and position is a superinduced crime of Criminal Law. ─── 滥用职权罪是《刑法》新增设的罪名。

2、The chill superinduced a pneumonic condition. ─── 受寒并发了肺炎。

3、The excellent national physical culture and accomplishment are pubiicized,which superinduced a great deal of new content in physical culture study of China. ─── 宣传中国优秀的民族体育文化与技艺,为中国体育文化的研究增添内容.

4、The road downward has but few landings and level places.The very state of his mind, superinduced by his condition, caused the breach to widen between him and his partner. ─── 下坡路上很少有落脚点,和他那处境并发的精神状态,加大了他和他的合伙人之间的裂痕。

5、The very state of his mind, superinduced by his condition, caused the breach to widen between him and his partner. ─── 他那和处境并发的精神状态,加大了他和他的合伙人之间的裂痕。

6、In particularly, the establishment of Wuhan Sanxie metalwork Co., Ltd. in October 2007 has superinduced our producing serving ability; ─── 特别是2007年10月武汉市三协金属制品有限公司的成立,更增添了公司的生产服务能力;

7、superinduced stream ─── 叠置河

8、The chill superinduced a pneumonic condition. ─── 受寒并发了肺炎。

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