glimpsing 发音
英:[ˈɡlɪmpsɪŋ] 美:[ˈɡlɪmpsɪŋ]
英: 美:
glimpsing 中文意思翻译
glimpsing 反义词
stare | gaze
glimpsing 词性/词形变化,glimpsing变形
动词现在分词: glimpsing |动词第三人称单数: glimpses |名词: glimpser |动词过去式: glimpsed |动词过去分词: glimpsed |
glimpsing 短语词组
1、fleetingly glimpsing at him ─── 匆 ─── 匆瞥了他一眼
glimpsing 同义词
notice | foretaste | look | sign | glance | peek |see | peep | hint | witness | peep at | indication | sight | catch | glint | blink | of | catch sight of | coup d'oeil | look at | glance at | pointer
glimpsing 常用词组
glimpse of ─── 瞥见;一瞥
catch a glimpse of ─── 瞥见
glimpse at ─── v. 看到;瞥见
glimpsing 相似词语短语
1、flimping ─── 飞行
2、eclipsing ─── v.重叠(eclipse的现在分词)
3、gliming ─── n.半明冰,雨雾淞
4、unimposing ─── adj.不庄严的;没有威信的;不堂皇的
5、elapsing ─── vi.消逝;时间过去;n.流逝;时间的过去
6、-lapsing ─── n.小错;过失;行为失检;v.(时间)流逝;(合同)终止;背弃(宗教信仰)
7、glimmering ─── n.微光;隐约的一瞥;adj.微弱地发光的;薄弱地发光的
8、reimposing ─── v.重新实施(法律,规章等)
9、limping ─── n.跛行;v.跛行(limp的现在分词)
glimpsing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、One day long ago ,the Martians looking to their telescopes, discovered the Venusians.Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they never known. ─── 很久以前,火星人用望远镜发现了金星人,看到金星人,意识到他们从来没有过的感情。
2、a good local guide will improve your chances of glimpsing some magnificent beasts. ─── 个有经验的向导会增加你见到这些惊人动物的机会。
3、Still, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars. ─── 然而,我依然记得匆匆瞥见的数学排列,醒目美丽,如满天繁星。
4、It didn't sob on the streets or scream like a teenage girl glimpsing her rock idol. ─── 那不是在大街上掉眼泪或和一位十来岁的女孩看见了自己摇滚偶像时一样地发出尖叫。
5、I got a glimps of a new map accidentally whn my fishing rod expired in the lagoon. I was kicked out and found myself here. ─── 她被带到一个新地图儅她的钓鱼竿过期的时候,她被踢出然后发现她在这里.
6、Glimpsing the life in the past that had faded and crumbled, I have to move on. ─── 回头看着我已经凋零和崩塌的生活,我必须前进,过去是靠不住的。
7、Glimps on Human- Based Management by East Japan Railway Company ─── 东日本铁路公司人本管理一瞥
8、Binaadir说:I think Dong has every chance of playing this match and it would be wonderful to see him play and maybe we can see some glimps of his ability as Fergie regards his potential very high. ─── 我想董很有机会打上这场比赛,如果能看到他上场将是一件很棒的事情,那样我们可能看到他能力的一些闪光,别忘了弗格森爵士认为他有很高的潜力。
9、We are indeed like ships in the night, just cathing a glimps of one another, and then disapearing from view with only whisper instead of a word. ─── 我们确像夜晚航行的船一样,互相只看到对方的掠影,然后,便从对方的视野中消失了,听到的只不过是只言片语。
10、Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they had never known. ─── 匆匆一瞥,唤醒了火星人,心中沉睡的感情。这种感情他们还从未知晓。
11、Ms. Scales recalls her first sighting of a wild seahorse as "like glimpsing a unicorn trotting through my garden". ─── 女士回忆起自己第一次看到野生海马的情景,就像“瞥见一只独角兽在我的花园里小跑”。
12、Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they never known. ─── 就那么一眼,火星人产生了从未有过的感觉。
13、Ms Scales is clearly bowled over by her subjects.She recalls her first sighting of a wild seahorse as “like glimpsing a unicorn trotting through my garden”. ─── 思卡尔斯女士对自己的研究也十分迷恋,她回忆起第一次见到野生海马的情景,就像“看见一只独角兽在自己的花园中一闪而过”。
14、Louise recalls glimpsing Lucie on her way out in sandals and a black one-piece dress, and a silver necklace with hearts on it ─── 路易斯回忆说她当时看到露茜穿着一双便鞋,黑色连衣裙,戴着一条心形银项链。
15、You will know you are caught with chaff as glimpsing the letter. ─── 只要看一眼这封信, 你就会明白你上当了;
16、It is a glimps of heaven on earth. ─── 这是窥视天堂的一瞬间。
17、"[Lewis and Clark expedition member Sacagawea] must have heard the waves before she saw them, finally glimpsing Oregon shore ... in January 1806. ─── [李维斯和克拉克考察队成员莎卡嘉薇亚]一定在她见到那些波浪前就曾听说过它们,而她终于在1806年1月亲眼看到了俄勒冈州海岸。
18、of the dead and glimpsing strange apparitions at night. ─── 入诡异迷离的幽灵世界,宛如一场恶梦。
19、there, however, it does not encourage salvation, but assists in the glimpsing of the final brightness of eternal bliss. ─── 然而,他并不会鼓励拯救,但会帮助灵魂去瞥见永恒喜悦的最后光辉一眼。
20、An old man of calm, a ocean of boundless, a glimps of charm, a sanpshot of memory. ─── 一个与世无争的老人,一片无垠无际的蓝海,一个巧然而至的倩影,一个稍纵即逝的回忆。
21、I'll live my life apart from you, just glimpsing you across the sky, ─── 我将离开你的生命,祇在横过天际时一瞥,
22、“But glimps is the best way to save money. ─── ” (但是浮光掠影是最省钱的。)我避重就轻地说。
23、Glimpsing that, her mother instantly frowned but continued doing the dishes in silence. ─── 瞥见这一幕,做母亲的不禁马上皱起了眉头,但是她仍然只是默默地继续洗刷着碗碟。
24、there, however, it does not encourage salvation, but assists in the glimpsing of the final brightness of eternal bliss. ─── 然而,他并不会鼓励拯救,但会帮助灵魂去瞥见永恒喜悦的最后光辉一眼。
25、In my eyes, the sea is like a window where I get a glimps of its truth. ─── 在我眼里,海是一个窗口,我从中瞥见了世界的本来面目。
26、Through glimpsing the Venusians, they were beginning to have unselfish feelings for the first time in their history. ─── 因为对金星人的惊鸿一瞥,他们有了历史上首次的不自私。
27、Still, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars. ─── 不过,我至今仍然记得曾在数学王国里浅尝到的无穷变幻---大胆、迷人,犹如群星漫天。
28、I'll live my life apart from you, just glimpsing you across the sky. ─── 我将离开你的生命,祇在横过天际时一瞥。
29、Sometimes,I think I am glimps eternity. ─── 那一刻,我想我瞥见了永恒。
30、Glimpsing a tiny speck of daylight, Yuncui vowed to work herself free. ─── 终于看见一线光亮时,朱云翠在心底发誓要活着出去。
31、It didn't sob on the streets or scream like a teenage girl glimpsing her rock idol. ─── 那不是在大街上掉眼泪或和一位十来岁的女孩看见了自己摇滚偶像时一样地发出尖叫。
32、glimpse [glimps] n. ─── 一瞥,一看;
33、Through glimpsing the Venusians, them were beginning to HAs unselfish feelings for the first time in theirss history. ─── 因该对金星人的惊鸿一瞥,她们有了古代事件上首次的不自私。
34、The achievements made by impressionists rested more on the novelty of their methods.From the paintigs of the impressionists we can get a glimps of their spirit and the firm belief in arts. ─── 然而,印象主义画家所进行的艰苦卓绝的探索,不仅仅在于手法上的新奇,而且表现了探索者丰厚的精神意识和不屈不挠的艺术信念。
35、But a good local guide will improve your chances of glimpsing some magnificent beasts. ─── 找个有经验的向导会增加你见到这些惊人动物的机会。
36、I believe in a particle we can the super brilliant universe,also we can find heavenly kimdom in a piece of flower,while you can master unlimits in your hand,then you grasp a glimps of eternal; ─── 我坚信一粒沙子可见宇宙的辉煌,一枝花朵可见人间的天堂,掌握无限于手中,才能瞬间抓住永恒;
37、Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they never known. ─── 只是看了一眼金星人便激起他们前所未有的感觉。
38、If your sky is clear, you might celebrate this equinox by going outside after sunset and glimpsing the waxing crescent moon to the west (or right) of the star Antares. ─── 如果你所处的地区天气晴朗,你可以在太阳落山后在西方(或者心大星的右侧)看到一轮打蜡新月。
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