spoliation 发音
英:[,spəʊlɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[,spolɪ'eʃən]
英: 美:
spoliation 中文意思翻译
spoliation 词性/词形变化,spoliation变形
名词: spoliator |
spoliation 相似词语短语
1、foliation ─── n.生叶,发叶;叶形装饰;绿叶的状态;编张数号
2、asportation ─── n.带走;劫走
3、speciation ─── n.[进化]物种形成
4、sociation ─── n.[植]基群丛,基本群集;小社群;社会交往
5、spoliating ─── v.抢夺,掠夺;抢劫(spoliate的现在分词)
6、despoliation ─── n.抢劫;掠夺
7、spoliative ─── adj.导致血量越来越少的
8、spoliator ─── n.抢劫者;掠夺者
9、association ─── n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想
spoliation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The spoliation of evidence has gone bad litigant's right of proving and the equal between them, so that the behavior needs to be penalized. ─── 证明妨碍行为因其对举证方当事人证明权和当事人间公平的坡坏,而有为法律规制的必要。
2、The results of the spoliation of evidence include the spoliation of the court finding the truth and the spoliation of the proving by the party who bears the burden of proof. ─── 妨碍行为的结果具有妨碍法官发现案件真实和妨碍负举证责任当事人举证的双重效果;
3、might aid in maintaining the neutrality of the United States with dignity in the wars of other powers and in saving the property of their citizens from spoliation. ─── 而在其它权利的较量中可维护美国的中立和尊严,捍卫公民财产不受侵犯,
4、The spoliation of evidence devotes in the solution many questions as a result of majority of evidence owned by one party. ─── 证明妨碍制度是为解决证据偏在所激化的诸多问题而创设的。
5、What we intend to halt, by any means, is three centuries of spoliation of this earth. ─── 我们所要做的,就是用任何方法,阻止三个世纪以来对这个地球所进得的掠夺。
6、This article was revealed generally the spoliation of evidence in civil litigation by the educational world. ─── 该条文被学界普遍认为是证明妨碍制度的明文规定。
7、One factor a court considers in determining sanctions for spoliation of evidence is the harm caused to the other party. ─── 损害另一方当事人的利益,是法院决定处罚销毁证据行为的考虑因素之一。
8、The Mitzvah Incense, which means that our mind is free from taints of misdeeds, evil jealousy, avarice, anger, spoliation, and hatred. ─── 戒香。即自心中无非.无恶。无嫉妒无贪嗔无劫害。名戒香。
9、What we intend to halt, by any means, is three centuries of spoliation of this earth ─── 我们所要做的,就是用任何方法,阻止三个世纪以来对这个地球所进得的掠夺。
10、So Japanese implemented fascistic martial spoliation which had brought not only great disaster to the farmers but great difficulty to anti-Japanese force in that area. ─── 为此,日本进行了法西斯军事性的掠夺。这不仅给农民造成了灾难,也给东北抗日武装斗争造成了极大的困难。
11、Saving the earth does not master the earth and does not subjugate it, which is merely one step from spoliation. ─── 解救地球不 征服地球而且不 征服它, 只是来自强夺的一个踏步。
12、The spoliation of evidence has gone bad litigant's right of proving and the equal between them, so that the behavior needs to be penalized. ─── 证明妨碍行为因其对举证方当事人证明权和当事人间公平的坡坏,而有为法律规制的必要。
13、Saving the earth does not master the earth and does not subjugate it, which is merely one step from spoliation . ─── 解救地球不征服地球而且不征服它,只是来自强夺的一个踏步。
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