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09-04 投稿


bloodshedding 中文意思翻译



bloodshedding 相似词语短语

1、blood-letting ─── 放血

2、loadshedding ─── 加载

3、load sheddings ─── 卸载,减载;甩负荷

4、woodshedding ─── 单独练习演奏

5、load shedding ─── 卸载,减载;甩负荷

6、blood puddings ─── 黑香肠(用猪血、脂肪及谷粒等制成的香肠)

7、load-shedding ─── 卸载,减载;甩负荷

8、blood-testing ─── [临床]验血;化验血;血液试验

9、blood pudding ─── 黑香肠(用猪血、脂肪及谷粒等制成的香肠)

bloodshedding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By turning back to the wisdom of the Stoic philosophers, we may find a helpful way of tempering some of our expectations and dampening our shock at disasters and bloodshed. ─── 回顾一下斯多噶学派哲人的智慧,我们或许能找到一种有益的方法,从而调节我们的种种期望,并减轻灾难和流血带来的震惊。

2、And He expected justice, but instead, bloodshed! ─── 祂指望的是公平,谁知倒有流血!

3、It's new wave heroic bloodshed with new wave talent such as the upcoming Rosamund Kwan who went on to star in six Jet Li films. ─── 未几,杜又见黑道中人围攻少女李赛男(惠英红),乃将之救出,孰料李反斥杜坏其好事,令杜啼笑皆非。

4、In those days,Lee feared a prolonged crisis might cause bloodshed and chaos,he worried that Marcos might fight it out if he had no place to go,so he invited Marcos to take political asylum in Singapore. ─── 李光耀担心延长危机会带来流血和混乱的局面,马可斯如果走投无路也可能斗争到底。因此,他邀请马可斯到新加坡寻求政治庇护。

5、To date, tasi's have killed no humans, but inadvertent encounters with devils can end in bloodshed. ─── 到目前为止还没有袋獾将人咬死的记录,但有些与袋獾意外的相遇却以流血事件告终。

7、To inure to battle or bloodshed. ─── 使习于作战使适应于搏斗或杀戮

8、Who build Zion with bloodshed And Jerusalem with violent injustice. ─── 弥3:10以人血建立锡安、罪孽建造耶路撒冷。

9、Progress on the "road map" peace plan, which envisages Palestinian statehood by 2005, has been stymied by a relapse into tit-for-tat bloodshed. ─── 在“路线图”和平计划的进程中,希望能够在2005前使得巴勒斯坦的国际地位获得正视。然而,这一进程却因为周而复始的流血事件而被破坏。

10、God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. ─── 上帝和国家是一支不可被击败的球队;他们打破了所有压迫和流血的纪录。

11、The bloodshed of Sichuanese submerges in a rampant earthquake. ─── 凄凉的泪水回响著凄凉的雨水。

12、Regardless of the outcome there is tremendous anticipation here that the election will end years of bloodshed and bring peace to this impoverished nation. ─── 无论选举结果如何,人们强烈预期这次选举将结束多年的流血,把和平带给这个贫穷的国家。

13、Who build Zion by bloodshed And Jerusalem by iniquity. ─── 10藉流人血建立锡安,以罪孽建造耶路撒冷。

14、They were unprepared for his ferocity and could not match it simply because the rewards being fought over were not, to their minds, worth so much bloodshed. ─── 他们没有料到他那么凶恶,同时他们认为所争取的目标实在不值得流那么多血,因而认为不值得同他硬拼。

15、It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. ─── 因此可以说,政治是不流血的战争,战争是流血的政治。

16、Comrades! The victory of the War of Resistance has been won by the people with bloodshed and sacrifice, it should be the victory of the people and it is to the people that the fruits of the War of Resistance should go. ─── 同志们,抗战胜利是人民流血牺牲得来的,抗战的胜利应当是人民的胜利,抗战的果实应当归给人民。

17、He once listed murder as the second of the major sins,5 and he even warned that on the Day of Judgment, {The first cases to be adjudicated Between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of Bloodshed. ─── 他一度将谋杀列为第二严重的主要罪行,他甚至警告在审判日时,{第一件在审判日判决的人类罪行将是杀戮。

18、The Middle East conflict drags on, and bloodshed continues unabated. ─── 中东问题久拖不决,流血事件此起彼伏;

19、Pakistan's claim that the recent bloodshed in South Waziristan shows tribal fighters turning on foreign Afghan-bound jihadists is at best a distortion. ─── 巴基斯坦有关最近在南瓦齐里斯坦的流血事件表明部落好战者袭击前往阿富汗的外国圣战分子的说法最多也只是个曲解。

20、There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery. They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. ─── 何4:2但起假誓、践前言、害、盗、淫、强暴、人流血接连不断。

21、A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed! ─── 懒惰为耶和华行事的,必受咒诅。禁止刀剑不经血的,必受咒诅。

22、In our own experience, we have lived through I don't know how many conflicts, armed and peaceful, with bloodshed and without, so how can you guarantee that there will be none in future? ─── 按照我们的经验,我们这一辈子有过多少冲突,武装的,和平的,流血的,不流血的,你能说以后就没有?

23、"They claim they fear neither bloodshed nor sacrifice," he said. ─── 吴说他们宣称他们不怕流血更不怕牺牲。

24、Eventually the popular will inevitably vents itself in quite major instability and bloodshedding incidents. ─── 最后民意的宣洩管道,必然充满重大的不安定与流血事件。

25、A military statement said U.S. troops are patroling in Balad and providing support for Iraqi forces trying to stop the bloodshed in the town. ─── 军方的一项声明说,美国部队正在巴拉德巡逻,为在城内试图制止流血事件的伊拉克部队提供支持。

26、His scars had itched for some time after the worst of the bloodshed. ─── 最严重的一次渗血之后,他身上的伤口有那么一段时间骚痒难耐。

27、A shared cultural and political heritage helped America to eclipse British power without bloodshed, but the rise of Germany and Japan precipitated global wars. ─── 共同的政治文化遗产,使美国没有流一滴血就取代了英国的地位,但是德国和日本的崛起却立即引发了战争。

28、Son of man, will you judge her? Will you judge this city of bloodshed? Then confront her with all her detestable practices. ─── 人子阿,你要审问审问这流人血的城吗?当使她知道她一切可憎的事。

29、Their bloodshed eventuated from a dispute ─── 他们的流血事件是因争论而发生的。

30、Son of man, will you judge her? Will you judge this city of bloodshed? ─── 人子啊,你要审问审问这流人血的城吗?当使他知道他一切可憎的事。

31、The ground was stained crimson from the years of bloodshed. ─── 多年的流血牺牲把大地都染成了腥红色。

32、Travel back in time to the glamour and bloodshed of ancient Rome"s gladiatorial world, where men fought for their lives to satisfy the whims of emperors and a bloodthirsty populace. ─── 本片将带我们重回那个充斥着荣耀与鲜血的罗马角斗士的世界,在那里,角斗士们拼上性命只为满足皇室贵族与平民百姓嗜血的癖好。

33、But the continuing bloodshed and difficulties in Iraq have taken a toll on support for the war in public opinion polls, and many Democrats have now broken with the president, and believe the Iraq effort is going in the wrong direction. ─── 但是在伊拉克持续的人员伤亡和重重困难使得民意调查中对伊战的支持受到负面影响,并且许多民主党人现已和布什总统决裂,他们认为对伊拉克所付诸的努力正步入歧途。

34、characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides. ─── 以双方的流血和残杀为特点。

35、The second was swept away almost without bloodshed, by peaceful protesters whose televised encounters with thuggish policemen shamed the federal government into intervening once more. ─── 和平示威者与凶猛的武装警察发生冲突,这一幕被摄像机所记录,联邦政府羞愧难当,于是再次介入。

36、guilty of murder or bloodshed. ─── 因为谋杀或者流血事件而有罪过。

37、Under the right circumstances, the very sight of a Garou is enough to conjure primal memories of fear and bloodshed. ─── 在这样的情况下,对狼人的记忆只是原初人类对恐惧和流血的自行想象。

38、In those days, Lee feared a prolonged crisis might cause bloodshed and chaos, he worried that Marcos might fight it out if he had no place to go, so he invited Marcos to take political asylum in Singapore. ─── 李光耀担心延长危机会带来流血和混乱的局面,马可斯如果走投无路也可能斗争到底。 因此,他邀请马可斯到新加坡寻求政治庇护。

39、May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands. ─── 你和你的见识也当称赞;因为你今日拦阻我亲手报仇、流人的血。

40、He is a champion of all living things, and seeks to establish harmony among the spheres by any means other than bloodshed and death. ─── 他是代表所有正义生命的战士,希图用和平的方式消除所有领域间的隔阂。

41、The two sides call a truce to avoid further bloodshed. ─── 双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。

42、A morality that condones such bloodshed is totally unacceptable to me. ─── 宽恕这种杀戮的道德是我完全不能接受的。

43、But is all this worth the bloodshed? ─── 但是为了这一切,就值得流血吗?

44、With God's help, everything will be settled ultimately without any bloodshed. ─── 如果能有上帝的帮助,所有的事情都将在不流血的情况下得到根本解决。

45、The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.Greed has poisoned men's souls - has barricaded the world with hate - has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. ─── 我们不愿意彼此仇恨、鄙视,这世界容得下所有的人,土地是肥沃的,它能养活所有的人。

46、feel a sense of revulsion at the bloodshed ─── 对伤害人的行为深恶痛绝

47、"Fine," he said. "I don't like bloodshed. ─── “好,”他说,“我不喜欢血战。

48、We know great power comes to those willing to take it, and nothing comes without bloodshed. ─── 我们明白力量择人而聚,凡事必经流血。

49、Accept this atonement for your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O LORD, and do not hold your people guilty of the blood of an innocent man." And the bloodshed will be atoned for. ─── 8耶和华阿、求你赦免你所救赎的以色列民、不要使流无辜血的罪归在你的百姓以色列中间.这样、流血的罪必得赦免。

50、The long inconclusive series of wars on the continent were comfortably removed, in terms of danger or observable bloodshed. ─── 从危险性和明显的流血来看,大陆上长期未决胜负的一系列战争已经令人高兴地消除了。

51、It was difficult for me, sitting in a hushed library at Yale, to fully comprehend the wave of bloodshed and chaos that engulfed Minnie Vautrin. ─── 当我坐在耶鲁大学宁静的图书馆里阅读魏特琳的日记之时,我无法想像魏特琳当时所面临的鲜血与混乱的场面。

52、you'll save a lot of bloodshed." ─── 你会立功,预防一场大流血。”

53、However, as taken your girl friend bloodshed into account, it ought be someproblem involved. ─── 只是你们年纪小,要做好安全的措施,不要中奖了夹娃娃的,很伤唷!

54、But if some people are bent on provoking bloodshed, what are we going to do about it? ─── 但是如果有人要制造流血事件,你有什么办法?

55、The speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Mahmoud al-Mashadani, said the nation is now mourning its martyrs, but it will soon rejoice when all the bloodshed gives way to a new and great Iraq. ─── 伊拉克议长马什哈达尼说,伊拉克目前正为烈士们哀悼,但是,不久所有的流血牺牲换来的是新的伟大的伊拉克,这时伊拉克将举国欢腾。

56、Not the strongest of his stories, it makes up for this in a series of action sequences unrivaled by any other heroic bloodshed film. ─── 但后期吴宇森过多地玩弄相同的风格,最终毁了自己的事业。

57、All the fighting and bloodshed in his plays is explained if you see his writing in a historical context. ─── 如果你从历史的背景去看他的作品,就会明白他戏剧中所有的那些战斗和流血情节。

58、There was great bloodshed in Paris during the years after the Revolution in 1789. ─── 在1789年大革命后的几年中,巴黎有许多流血事件。

59、Mr. Obama says the people of Iran need to know their ballots mattered. He says an investigation into allegations of vote rigging should go forward without further bloodshed. ─── 奥巴马总统说:“我认为,如果我对过去数天在电视上看到的情形保持沉默,那将是错误的。”

60、For He who avenges bloodshed remembers those who were slain; He does not forget the cry of the afflicted. ─── 12因为祂追讨流人血的罪,记念被杀的人,不忘记困苦人的哀求。

61、Jacques Three, with his usual craving on him, and evidently disappointed by the dialogue taking a turn that did not seem to promise bloodshed, held by Defarge's arm as he held by the turnkey's. ─── 带着一向的渴望神情的雅克三号显然因为谈话并不往流血的方向发展而感到失望了。 他抓紧了德伐日的手臂,也抓紧了看守的手臂。

62、Long-awaited West African peacekeepers swooped into Liberia by helicopter on Monday, as war-weary Liberians danced for joy in ruined streets on hopes of an end to 14 years of bloodshed. ─── 当天,参加西非经济共同体维和部队的尼日利亚军队抵达蒙罗维亚,饱受连年内战之苦的当地人民对维和部队的到来报以热烈欢迎,他们渴望和平与安定能够早日降临。

63、When you build a new house, make a parapet around your roof so that you may not bring the guilt of bloodshed on your house if someone falls from the roof. ─── 8你若建造房屋,要在房上的四围安栏杆,免得有人从房上掉下来,流血的罪就归于你家。

64、And blessed be your discretion; and blessed be you, who have kept me this day from entering into bloodshed and from avenging myself by my own hand. ─── 33你的见识当受称赞;你也当受称赞,因为你今日拦阻我流人的血,亲手报仇。

65、You will prevent much bloodshed later if you will do it. ─── 假如你能这样做,你就能防止以后的许多次流血。

66、And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress. ─── 他指望的是公平,谁知倒有暴虐(作倒流人血)指望的是公义,谁知倒有冤声。

67、But bloodshed on the battlefield remains the decisive thing in wars. ─── 但战场上的浴血奋战仍然是决定战争胜负的事情。

68、To these British the Chinese were just another colored race who could be created as inferiors and so there was an unnecessarily amount of misunderstanding, bad feeling and bloodshed. ─── 对那些英国人来说,中国人只是另一种颜色的下等民族,也因此产生了许多不必要的误解,不愉快的感觉与流血事件。

69、Hearing Raskolnikov's theory about superior sorts of persons, Razumihin says that it is an excuse for bloodshed and adds that it is worse than the official excuse for bloodshed. ─── 听到拉斯可尼可夫关于强人意志的理论时,罗森米罕认为,这是一个屠杀的藉口并且认为,它比屠杀的正式藉口更坏。

70、A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord 's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed! ─── 懒惰为耶和华行事的,必受咒诅;禁止刀剑不经血的,必受咒诅。

71、The soul retracts from any land or waterway if there is great pain, bloodshed, or too many humans that reside in close quarters and are dissonant, as it is painful for soul to experience. ─── 如果任一大地或水域有着巨大的痛苦、流血,或有太多人类密集地居住且并不谐和,灵魂缩回,因为这对灵魂来说,是去体验痛苦。

72、 双语使用场景

73、Just as certainly, along with the contemptible bloodshed that is war, there will be access to stupendous new horizons of knowledge and awareness. ─── 同样确定的是,与可鄙的、流血的战争一道,也会有一条道路通往知识和意识的宽广崭新的地平线。

74、And Shimei spoke thus in his cursing, Go away, go away, you man of bloodshed and worthless fellow. ─── 7示每咒骂的时候这样说,你这流人血的卑劣之徒,去罢,去罢。

75、To live means to strive with perspiration and bloodshed. ─── 去生活是去奋斗去付出汗水和心血。

76、Albany will be angry: calling her near neighbours to her, she shall give herself entirely to bloodshed. ─── 奥尔巴尼会愤怒;把她的邻居召集在她周围,她会让自己完全地流血。

77、You will destroy those who speak lies. Jehovah abhors a man of bloodshed and deceit. ─── 6说谎言的,你必灭绝;好流人血弄诡诈的人,为耶和华所憎恶。

78、There was a lot of bloodshed during the war. ─── 战争期间造成了无数的流血牺牲。

79、Bush a "dog" and threw his shoes at him on Sunday, sullying a farewell visit to Baghdad meant to mark greater security in Iraq after years of bloodshed. ─── 布什此次告别之行乃为庆贺伊拉克多年血雨腥风之后终于日见和平稳定。

80、War is politics with bloodshed and exacts a price, sometimes an extremely high price. ─── 战争是流血的政治,是要付代价的,有时是极大的代价。

81、capable of or conducive to bloodshed. ─── 会流血或者导致流血。

82、A blessing on your good sense, a blessing on you because you have saved me today from the guilt of bloodshed and from giving way to my anger. ─── 感谢你和你的好意,因为你是我今天不至于进行一场杀戮,不至于听任我一起行事。

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