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09-12 投稿


destructiveness 发音

英:[dɪˈstrʌktɪvnəs]  美:[dɪˈstrʌktɪvnəs]

英:  美:

destructiveness 中文意思翻译



destructiveness 短语词组

1、self-destructiveness n. self-destructive ─── 的变形

2、destructiveness syn ─── 破坏性综合征

3、destructiveness synonym ─── 破坏性同义词

4、destructiveness definition ─── 破坏性定义

5、destructiveness define ─── 破坏性定义

6、destructiveness of man ─── 人的毁灭性

7、destructiveness of hate ─── 仇恨的毁灭性

8、destructiveness psychology ─── 破坏心理学

9、destructiveness of sin ─── 罪的毁灭性

destructiveness 同义词

harmfulness | force | criticism | power | violence | harshness | negativity | viciousness | roughness | hurtfulness | ferocity

destructiveness 反义词


destructiveness 词性/词形变化,destructiveness变形

副词: destructively |名词: destructiveness |

destructiveness 相似词语短语

1、indestructibleness ─── n.不可摧毁性

2、distinctiveness ─── n.特殊性;区别性;辨别性

3、instructiveness ─── 有益;启发性,指导性

4、obstructiveness ─── n.妨碍

5、descriptiveness ─── n.叙述

6、restrictiveness ─── 限制性,约束性(restrictive的名词形式)

7、disruptiveness ─── n.破裂性

8、constructiveness ─── n.建造性

9、constrictiveness ─── 收缩性

destructiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(It can’t be used in the animal food because it can leave the bad smell and cover the putrid smell of the fish and meal really , furthermore it can destruct the VB1 in the food) . ─── 1.漂白剂不适应动物性食品,主要是因为使用后留有不快气味,并且真正掩盖鱼、肉等的腐败气味,此外还破坏VB1。

2、Coastal erosion can seriously destruct tourism resources and land resources and aggravate invasion of seawater besides threatening the safety of coastal engineering facilities. ─── 海岸侵蚀活动除威胁滨岸工程设施安全外,还严重破坏旅游资源和土地资源,加剧海水入 侵活动。

3、I witnessed for many years its demoralizing influences and its destructiveness to human happiness. ─── 多年来我目睹了它是如何使人道德沦丧、如何毁灭着人间快乐的。

4、Destructiveness of air conditioner condensation ─── 屋面空调冷凝水的破坏作用

5、Dual Command Destruct System ─── 复式指令自毁装置

6、Nuclear Weapons Emergency Destruct System ─── 核武器紧急销毁系统

7、Disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness;fierce. ─── 狂暴的:显示毁灭性的;

8、Conclusion The self-body’s wart implantation can activate body's cellular immune system and destruct HPV and cells of warts,as well as achieve cure. ─── 结论自体疣接种可激活机体的细胞免疫系统,造成HPV和疣细胞的破坏,从而达到治愈的结果。

9、They want truth and accountability for those who skimmed and stole and produced inferior buildings that collapsed while neighboring buildings did not catastrophically destruct. ─── 他们想要得到真相,并让那些瞒报、盗窃和使用劣质材料的人为那些周遭建筑并未彻底损毁,但自身却倒塌的建筑负责。

10、Miller thought earlier that the primitive atmosphere must be free of oxygen since oxygen may quickly destruct the randomly formed amino acids, preventing the formation of proteins. ─── 米勒把原始大气想象成是完全无氧的环境,因为氧气会迅速破坏随机产生的氨基酸,防止蛋白质的形成。

11、Thought that I would self destruct. ─── 你原以为没有你我会自毁。

12、Destruct Traffic Office ─── 区交通(管理)处

13、The kinetic energy rebeasing and destructiveness of cave-in mine tremor is the key to the research on systematical earth pressure disasters. ─── 冒落矿震触发系统地压灾害是一个静 动 静耦合作用的过程 ,其中冒落矿震动能释放的大小及其破坏过程的研究是整个研究的关键。

14、Analysis of the Linked Fissure Destruct Reason of Road and Bridge and the Preventable Measure ─── 公路桥梁铰缝破坏原因浅析与预防措施

15、One night his drunken self-destructiveness came to a head in a fight with my mother I can’t ever forget. ─── 一天夜里,他喝醉了酒,与我母亲厮打起来,他那种自我毁灭的劲头猛地爆发了出来。 那情景我永远也无法忘怀。

16、The paroxysm and destructiveness of crisis incidents increase the difficulty in management. ─── 由于危机事件具有突发性、破坏性等特点,从而增加了对其管理的难度。

17、Therefore, we should know how to remould them and guard against their destructiveness. ─── 因此,应该善于改造他们,注意防止他们的破坏性。

18、Destruct of faulting ─── 断层破坏

19、There is a willful self-destructiveness in the air here as if America has all the time and money in the world for petty politics. ─── 这里迷漫着一种任性的自我毁灭气氛,就好象美国可以把所有的时间和金钱都用于琐碎的政见上。

20、Joint destruct ─── 关节破坏

21、One night his drunken self-destructiveness came to a head in a fight with my mother I can't ever forget. ─── 一天夜里,他喝醉了酒,与我母亲厮打起来,他那种自我毁灭的劲头猛地爆发了出来。

22、The end result was a larger headed offspring that self destruct. ─── 结果是一个自我破坏的大头颅后代。

23、Compared with other malignancies,It has biological characteristics of slow-growing,high destructiveness and invasiveness to local organizations and scarely transfer. ─── 与其他恶性肿瘤比较而言,它具有生长缓慢、对局部组织破坏性、侵袭性很强及几乎不发生转移的生物学特征。

24、Command Destruct Unit ─── 指令炸毁装置

25、command destruct ─── 破坏指令

26、As a result, geneticists say Dolly could age faster and mn a higher-than-usual risk of cancer, which occurs when cells fail to self- destruct and begin unconfrolled gtowth. ─── 因此,基因学家说多莉可能衰老得快,患癌症的风险较大,当细胞无法自毁,开始无控制地生长时,这种情况便会发生。

27、Prominent battle efficiency of EMP weapon with strong destructiveness is shown in the modern war. ─── 摘要EMP武器以其极强的破坏性在现代战争中展现出了显著的作战效能。

28、Dissolution was controlled by lithology, the destructiveness of the uplifted fossil reservoirs and their relationship with faults. ─── 溶蚀作用受岩性、古油藏抬升受破坏程度以及与断层的关系控制。

29、I see the mind of a five year old as a volcano with two vents :destructiveness and creativeness. ─── 我认为一个五岁孩子的头脑如同一座有两个喷口的火山:一个喷口是破坏性的,一个喷口是创造性的。

30、Inadvertent Separation and Destruct System ─── 意外分离与自毁系统

31、Quickly identifying the agent and how to treat those who have been exposed are keys to controlling an outbreak and minimizing its destructiveness. ─── 快速识别生物制剂以及如何治疗感染的人群是控制其爆发并将破坏性降到最低的关键。

32、Electronic Ground Automatic Destruct Sequencer ─── 电子地面自毁定序器

33、"Destruct Temples and Boost Larning" ─── “废庙兴学”

34、The fault has dual functions in migration and accumulation of oil and gas,the one is to destruct hydrocarbon reservoir,another is to seal oil and gas. ─── 断层在油气运移及成藏中起双重作用,如何评价断层,对油气勘探开发有重要作用。

35、ASP Trojan horse is powerful,the disguise is strong ,difficult to find,has very great destructiveness and dangerous in the internet,the threat very great to the website and server. ─── ASP木马其功能强大,隐蔽性强,不易发现,在网络中具有很大的破坏性和危险性,对网站、服务器有很大的威胁。

36、Everett: That evacuation order is rescinded. I assume you've armed the self destruct device. ─── 疏散命令撤除,我猜你们已经启动了自毁装置。

37、She manifested a marked tendency toward destructiveness and disturbance of mood and affect. ─── 她显示出心情、情绪反常的显著倾向。

38、Rand, who had come to America from Soviet Russia with striking insights into totalitarianism and the destructiveness of socialism, was already a celebrity. ─── 兰德,俄裔美国人,当她从苏联来到美国的时候已经很出名了,其政治思想充满了极权主义和社会主义毁灭思想。

39、destruct threshold value ─── 破坏阈值

40、Destructiveness for the Results of Small Disturbance of Non-initial Data in Linear Regression Model ─── 线性回归模型中非原始数据小扰动对结论的破坏性

41、They look down upon the stage platform, thinks dirty, noisy and disorder, has destructiveness to the play. ─── 他们看不起戏楼,觉得脏乱差,对戏剧具有破坏性。

42、The object of crime belongs to the category of judgment but not a concept,and its content is the behavior to destructiveness of the legal relationship,that is the behavior violated against the law. ─── 犯罪客体属于判断而不是概念的范畴,其内容是“行为对法律关系的破坏性”即行为的违法性。

43、If he can thwart a scheme of any priestess and escape detection, he will; he hates the cruelty and wanton destructiveness of most drow priestesses. ─── 如果他愿意的话,他可以破坏任何女祭司的阴谋并不被觉察;他厌恶大部分卓尔女祭司的残忍放荡。

44、Disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce. ─── 狂暴的显示毁灭性的;残忍的

45、Parents often faced the dilemma between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness. ─── 家长常常在他们认为对孩子成长有利的事情和他们能够忍受的没有管束的噪声和破坏之间面临两难的境地。

46、What you are objecting to is the destructiveness of that intellect which you so worship. ─── 你所反对的是你如此崇拜的那智力的破坏性。

47、Khan's power is a typical political power with properties of supremacy,compulsiveness,initiative and activeness,expansiveness and destructiveness,etc. ─── 汗权是典型的政治权力 ,它有至上性、强制性、自主性和能动性、扩张性和破坏性等属性。

48、He sees the team first rather than the individual, and I don't think he'd buy a player that could destruct the rest of the team. ─── 他认为团队高于个人,我认为他不会因为买了一个球员而破坏整个队伍。”

49、The debris flow is one kind of geological disaster that breaks out suddenly and has tremendous destructiveness, the human lives and property are usually endangered by the debris flow. ─── 摘要泥石流具有暴发突然、破坏性极大的特点,是一种灾害性地质现象,常常危及人类生命财产安全。

50、Electronic Ground Automatic Destruct ─── 电子地面自毁

51、Based on the comprehension of "The Culture of Heart", Xu Fuguan proposed the unique conception of "Xing Er Zhong Xue" to destruct metaphysics. ─── 徐复观则在把中国文化理解为“心的文化”的基础上,独树一帜的提出“形而中学”的概念,对形而上学加以消解。

52、His heroic conduct during the retrieval innumerable lives, afterward is as if always creating the serious destructiveness. ─── 他的英勇行为在挽救无数的生命同时,似乎总在事后造成严重的破坏性。

53、If the Tc cell “sees” an antigen in conjunction with a MHC molecule of a different allotype (from a different person), it will not be able to recognize and destruct. ─── 我们认真对待每一次的翻译,严格执行相关国家标准和公司内部质量管理规范,赢得了众多客户的好评和良好的市场信誉。

54、The differences of culture might encourage the intense relationship between people of different races and destruct the unity among countries. ─── 也许文化的差异会助长种族间紧张的情绪和削弱国家的团结。

55、Should it lose contact with the Droid Control Ship due to malfunction or other unexpected catastrophe, the starfighter's self destruct mechanism prevents the droid from falling into enemy hands. ─── 假使因为机械故障或其他灾祸使得机器人战机与机器人控制舰失去联系,那麽战机会自行销毁程式,防止落入敌方手中。

56、Sky-Byte: You fools! Watch! Destruct! Destruct! Destruct! ─── 你们这群傻瓜!注意!破坏!破坏!破坏!

57、Non-interference engines will usually not self destruct, but in either case if the belt fails, the engine will immediately shut down leaving you stranded. ─── 对于无干扰式引擎而言,在皮带断裂的情况下不会损伤到发动机,但是发动机会立即熄火让你束手无策.

58、Inadvertent Separation Destruct System ─── 故障分离自毁系统

59、Brief Analysis of Bolt Building's Destruct Regulation ─── 浅析锚杆支护的破坏规律

60、The blazing sun which kills Mrs.Yeobright also shows the destructiveness of nature. ─── 杀死约布赖特太太的炙热的太阳也表现出自然的破坏性。

61、Command Control Destruct System ─── 指令控制自毁系统

62、They nstructor struggled to say, "Thf zstructure of the construction led to t uhe destruct tn." ─── 教师挣扎着说:"建筑物的构造导致这场毁灭."

63、His heroic conduct during the retrieval innumerable lives, afterward is as if always creating the serious destructiveness . ─── 他的英勇行为在挽救无数的生命同时,似乎总在事后造成严重的破坏性。

64、And then studied the area channel flowed along and destructiveness to the coal seam, provide a reference for the mining of coal seam 8 in middle to deep part of the minefield. ─── 并对古河流的流经区域和煤层的破坏程度作了研究,为井田中深部八煤层的开采提供了参考依据。

65、the destructiveness of that disaster, surprisingly few dead animals were recovered. ─── 那场灾难破坏性巨大,令人吃惊的是极少死亡动物被发现。

66、Suzuki Tadashi's distrust to the text and the desire to destruct the function of the role are deeply rooted to his repulsion of Japan's westernization started since Meiji Restoration. ─── 而铃木忠志这种对于文本的不信任以及破坏欲望,皆根植于战后日本对于明治维新以来日本的西化运动之反动。

67、Effects of amygdala subnuclei destruct on behavior and monoamine transmitters concentration in prefrontal lobe of PCP rat ─── 杏仁核亚核群毁损对PCP模型大鼠行为和递质的影响

68、command destruct signal ─── [电] 命令破坏讯号

69、Only when mankind learns to live without the crutch and destructiveness of Religious belief will we be able to progress to peace. ─── 只有当人们学会离开毁灭性的宗教信仰生活的时候,世界才能走向和平。

70、Because of its sudden and destructiveness of appearing, which will cause the destroys of mine facilities seriously, and may cause the serious personal casualty accidents . ─── 由于其显现的突然性和破坏性,会严重摧毁矿井设施,并可能导致重大人身伤亡事故。

71、Research of Thunderstroke to Computer Equipment Destructiveness Attack ─── 关于雷击对计算机设备破坏性袭击的研究

72、Among all the Wolf sons only one seems to have escaped the ghetto's destructiveness. ─── 沃尔夫家只有一个男孩似乎摆脱了贫民窟濒于毁灭的绝境。

73、Command Destruct System ─── 指令自毁系统

74、A Study on Kinetic-energy Releasing and Destructiveness of Cave-in Mine Tremor ─── 冒落矿震动能释放及其破坏性的研究

75、and by many of our Circles the destructiveness of the Thinner Sex is regarded as one among many providential arrangements for suppressing redundant population, and nipping Revolution in the bud. ─── 在我们许多圆形看来,抑制多余人口、把革命消灭在萌芽状态有很多种方法,而这个瘦小性别所拥有的破坏力不过这些众多方法中的其中一个而已。

76、Given the destructiveness of that disaster, surprisingly few dead animals were recovered. ─── 尽管那场灾难破坏性巨大,令人吃惊的是极少死亡动物被发现。

77、Command Control Destruct ─── 指令控制自毁装置

78、An enquiry into the cause of destructiveness of impulsive and shearing forces of the floorslab with the sheet pillar structure ─── 板柱结构中楼板冲切破坏原因探讨

79、Took the pole from Coulthard and as McLarens self destruct during the race, Michael wins easily despite a late spin. ─── 战胜库特哈德拿到杆位,迈克拉伦自己破坏了比赛,尽管有一个打滑旋转,迈克尔赢得非常轻松。

80、The system prevents the misuse and destruct from inner employees.It is an effectual usage of ID in enterprise MIS. ─── 系统防止了内部人员的误操作和有意破坏,是智能入侵检测在企业MIS中的有效应用。

81、Feodal porter Ma Babei never reconciles to failure and buys off workers at first and then makes destruct insanely. ─── 他先是收买工人,继而又疯狂进行破坏。

82、The tectonic motion is very intense in front belt of north Tianshan mountain, drape fault and so on very develop, and there occurred many times destruct earthquakes. ─── 摘要北天山山前地带是构造运动十分强烈的地区,褶皱断裂等构造现象十分发育,这里曾发生过多次中强破坏性地震。

83、Ordnance Destruct System ─── 军械自毁系统

84、But have no clothes equipment, what I ware is all my equipment.The basketball's destructiveness is very big. ─── 但我没有一点装备,全部的家当都用上了,没想到打篮球还是破坏性比较大的一项运动。

85、Prominent battle efficiency of EMP weapon with strong destructiveness is shown in the modern war. ─── EMP武器以其极强的破坏性在现代战争中展现出了显著的作战效能。

86、If desired or needed, a vent fan and ozone destruct device can also be added. ─── 如果需要或需要,一个排气口狂热者和新鲜的空气破坏装置也可能是附加的。

87、A group of computer scientists at the University of Washington has developed a way to make electronic messages “self destruct” after a certain period of time, like messages in sand lost to the surf. ─── 华盛顿大学的一个计算机科学小组研发了一种可以使得电子信息在一定时间内“自我销毁”的方法,就像潮水过后沙滩上的文字被抹去一样。

88、Attention, attention - prisoner containment is the mission priority. This prisoner transport will self destruct in 10 minutes, as there has been a breach of the prisoner containment area. ─── 注意,注意,犯人区域的安全是我们的首要任务。因为有犯人越狱,犯人区域将在10分钟之内自毁。

89、The reason a good citizen does not use such destructive means to become wealthier is that, if everyone did so, we would all become poorer from the mutual destructiveness. ─── 一位良好的公民不会使用这样的破坏性手段来发财致富,是因为,假如人人都这么做,我们都将因相互破坏而变得愈发贫穷了。

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