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09-12 投稿


graceless 发音

英:['greɪslɪs]  美:['ɡresləs]

英:  美:

graceless 中文意思翻译



graceless 词性/词形变化,graceless变形

副词: gracelessly |名词: gracelessness |

graceless 同义词

restraint | dignity |elegance | smoothness | cleanness | refinement | diplomacy | tact | subtlety | fluidity | graciousness | grace | politeness | poise | delicacy

graceless 反义词


graceless 短语词组

1、graceless smp ─── 优雅的smp

2、graceless definition ─── 不优雅的定义

3、graceless boy ─── 不文雅的男孩

4、graceless one ─── 不优雅的人

5、graceless define ─── 优雅的定义

6、graceless guard ─── 不优雅的守卫

7、graceless tarnished ─── 不优雅的污点

8、graceless age ─── 不优雅的年龄

9、graceless night ─── 不优雅的夜晚

10、graceless band ─── 优雅乐队

graceless 相似词语短语

1、bractless ─── 无苞

2、greaseless ─── adj.没有油脂的

3、grateless ─── 无耻的

4、bracelets ─── n.手镯;手链(bracelet的复数)

5、gradeless ─── adj.无坡度的

6、grapeless ─── 无毛的

7、traceless ─── adj.无踪迹的

8、gracelessly ─── adv.笨拙地;不优美地

9、graveless ─── adj.没有坟墓的;未下葬的

graceless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner! ─── “罪孽呀罪孽!有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊!

2、These days,are fast,love don't last in this graceless age. ─── 这个时代,变化太快,爱情都无法从容。

3、Rough and graceless would be such greeting, but truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. ─── 这些话语粗砺也不文雅,但事实就是胜于矫柔造作的爱。

4、I don't like those with graceless behavior. ─── 我不喜欢那些举止粗鲁的人。

5、graceless behaviour ─── 不雅的举止

6、A wild fit of laughter seized the graceless young rascal, and, unconcerned at interrupting the performance and distracting the attention of the audience, he cried delightedly:"Oh, look at that old fraud over there begging! ─── 这个捣蛋鬼一见到他,猛然一阵狂笑,全然不顾会不会打断演出,会不会扰乱全场的肃穆,开心地嚷叫起来: “瞧!那个讨饭的病鬼!”

7、Melody has conciliation graceless bosom, intenerate hard rock or make millennium tree bow's charm. ─── 2音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀、软化顽石或使千年老树弯腰的魅力。

8、Kennedy is remembered fondly for bringing style, grace and humor to the White House--wedged between the boring Eisenhower and his graceless successors, Johnson and Nixon. ─── 肯尼迪让白宫有了时尚,文雅,幽默的气息,这点至今人们铭记在心。

9、A wild fit of laughter seized the graceless young rascal,and,unconcerned at interrupting the performance and distracting the attention of the audience,he cried delightedly:"Oh,look at that old fraud over there begging!" ─── 这个捣蛋鬼一见到他,猛然一阵狂笑,全然不顾会不会打断演出,会不会扰乱全场的肃穆,开心地嚷叫起来:“瞧!那个讨饭的病鬼!”

10、a graceless, angry young man ─── 粗鲁、愤怒的年轻人

11、These days - are fast, love don't last in this graceless age ─── 时代蜕变迅速,在这个不道德的年代没有永远的爱情

12、And when she is frownd,peevish,sullen,sour,and not obedient to his honest will,what is she but a foul contednding rebel and graceless traitor to her loving lord? ─── 同时,难道当她忧愁,烦躁,闷闷不乐,不悦以及不理会她丈夫率直的请求的时候,她就是一个邪恶好斗的反叛者和对她心爱丈夫的粗野叛徒?

13、Whatever the cause, it's a graceless change, and One Day, such a treat on the page, ends up being just another day at the movies. ─── 不管是什么原因,这是一个粗俗的变化,有一天,这样的页面上的治疗,最终只是在电影的另一个一天。

14、2.Rough and graceless would be such greeting, but truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. ─── 粗俗和不雅会向你招手,但是坚持真理要比虚伪的爱更加英俊潇洒。

15、a graceless remark, refusal, etc ─── 无礼的言词、 拒绝等.

16、the graceless architecture of the 1960s ─── 20 世纪60年代的丑陋建筑

17、She couldn't stand his blunt, graceless manner. ─── 她无法忍受他唐突无礼的作风。

18、3. a graceless production of the play; ─── 这个剧本的制作不雅致;

19、She swam with a graceless stroke. ─── 她游泳的姿势很难看。

20、a graceless production of the play. ─── 该剧的拙劣的演出

21、Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner! ─── 罪孽呀罪孽!有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊!

22、Behave sometimes graceless, not plan sequential, appetite, sexual desire increases. ─── 有时举止粗野,不计后果,食欲、性欲增强。

23、graceless production of the play; his stature low. . . his bearing ungraceful- Sir Walter Scott. ─── 这个剧本的制作不雅致;他的身材很矮……举止也不优雅——沃尔特·斯科特爵士。

24、It would be graceless to write off in advance foreign investment in some of the most miserable places on earth. ─── 在世界上有些最贫乏的国家在注入外国投资之前就销账是不道德的。

25、It would be graceless to write off in advance foreign investment in some of the most miserable places on earth.The potential benefits of new seeds, drip-feed irrigation and farm credit are vast. ─── 在世界最困苦的地方,如果提前取消对其的海外投资是很无礼的。

26、How can love survive in such a graceless age? ─── 爱要如何在这样丑陋的时期存活?

27、a massive, graceless house. ─── 房子很大但无气派可言。

28、You had better get your stick and go out to the others, Stephen said as he followed towards the door the boy's graceless form. ─── “还不如拿上你的球棍,到外面找同学去呢,”斯蒂芬边说边跟着少年粗俗的背影走向门口。

29、And yet even when we know the truth, we can still be awkward and graceless at times until we get the feel of it. ─── 可是,即使我们晓得真理,在熟谙真道前,我们仍然表现笨拙,毫不优美。

30、Daiyu was wondering what sort of graceless scamp or little dunce Baoyu was and feeling reluctant to meet such a stupid creature ─── "这个宝玉,不知是怎生个惫懒人物,懵懂顽童?""____倒不见那蠢物也罢了."

31、You know I'm such a graceless dog that these religious aspects of such subjects don't edify me such. ─── 你知道,我是个不可救药的人,宗教对这种问题的看法对我没多大教益。

32、-- You had better get your stick and go out to the others, Stephen said as he followed towards the door the boy's graceless form ─── “还不如拿上你的球棍,到外面找同学去呢,”斯蒂芬边说边跟着少年粗俗的背影走向门口。

33、These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age ─── 这个年代太匆忙,没有什么留下,在这个不道德的时代

34、And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour, And not obedient to his honest will, What is she but a foul contending rebel And graceless traitor to her loving lord? ─── 倘使她倔强使性,乖张暴戾,不服从他正当的愿望,那么她岂不是一个大逆不道、忘恩负义的叛徒?

35、I don't like those with graceless behavior. ─── 我不喜欢那些举止粗鲁的人。

36、These days - are fast, nonthing last in this graceless age ─── 流光飞逝,在这无理的年代里,没有什么是天长地久


grace 释义: n. 优美;优雅;恩惠 vt. 使优美;使荣耀 读音:英 [ɡreɪs] 美 [ɡreɪs] 单词变形:

1、过去式: graced

2、过去分词: graced

3、现在分词: gracing

4、第三人称单数: graces 双语例句: She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model. 她是一个美丽的姑娘,有着模特儿的那种优雅姿态。


grace:英 [ɡreɪs] ; 美 [ɡreɪs] n:优美;优雅;文雅;高雅;风度;体面v:为增色;为锦上添花;装饰;使荣耀;使生辉;承蒙光临词组短语:

1、fall from grace:失宠2、grace of a dancer:舞者的优雅3、social graces:社交礼仪例句:1、He had been invited to grace a function at the evening college. 他应邀为这所夜校的活动捧场。

2、All went well at first, and I was in high favour; but presently I fell from grace.我最初一帆风顺,备受器重,但现在却失宠了。扩展资料近义词辨析:1、charm英 [tʃɑːm] ; 美 [tʃɑːrm] n:魅力;魔力;吸引力;迷人的特征;吸引人的特性;妩媚;(链或手镯上的)吉祥小饰物v:吸引;迷住;(以魔法或似有魔法)控制,保护例句:He was a man of great charm and distinction. 他这个人魅力十足,卓尔不群。2、decorate英 [ˈdekəreɪt] ; 美 [ˈdekəreɪt] v:装饰;装潢;粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸;点缀;装点例句:Constable posters decorate the walls. 康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面。

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