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09-12 投稿



patronize 发音

英:[ˈpeɪtrənaɪz]  美:[ˈpætrənaɪz]

英:  美:

patronize 中文意思翻译



patronize 网络释义

vt. 以高人一等的态度对待;经常光顾,惠顾;资助;保护

patronize 短语词组

1、patronize ae ─── 赞助ae

patronize 词性/词形变化,patronize变形


patronize 反义词


patronize 同义词

patronise | support | back | belittle | utilize | forwards | favor | trade |frequent | befriend | oblige | or | finance | condescend | go to | talk down to | deal with | demean | patronage | visit | denigrate | forward | with | shop | promote | trade with | deal | sponsor | use | keep going

patronize 相似词语短语

1、patronized ─── vt.以高人一等的态度对待;经常光顾,惠顾;资助;保护

2、matronized ─── vt.使显出主妇的派头;陪伴

3、patroniser ─── 漫画家

4、matronizes ─── vt.使显出主妇的派头;陪伴

5、patronise ─── vt.(英)保护(等于patronize)

6、patronizer ─── 资助者

7、patronizes ─── vt.以高人一等的态度对待;经常光顾,惠顾;资助;保护

8、patronised ─── v.屈尊俯就地对待;经常光顾;赞助(patronise的过去式及过去分词,patronise等于patronize)

9、matronize ─── vt.使显出主妇的派头;陪伴

patronize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We will be creating resplendent future with you and warmly welcome the worldwide customers to patronize and cooperation with us. ─── 以质量求生存,以信誉求发展,竭诚为广大用户提供优良服务,杰龙将与您携手创造辉煌的明天,欢迎世界各地客商惠顾和合作。

2、He was lucky to have found a millionaire patron . ─── 他有幸找到了一位百万富翁赞助人。

3、But mostly she chose to flatter her current patron. ─── 但是,她大多数会选择对当前的主顾奉承。

4、Others are refused to patronize the firm. ─── 其他人被拒绝光临这家工厂。

5、The bookstore appropriate to reduce the prices of books, give the customer a few favourable, customers would be willing to patronize. ─── 还可以帮下我吗再翻译这篇谢谢你…书店要适当降低书的价格,给顾客一些优惠,顾客便愿意光顾。

6、Diderot, the patron of vast collaborations around a great, hugely ambitious goal, would be proud. ─── 作为如此巨大合作项目的资助人,相信他会感到自豪。

7、They were also given their own temple and patron divinity or hero, whose priests they elected. ─── 各个德莫同样也有自己的神庙及守护神或英雄,并选出侍奉他们的神职人员。

8、At 520 Virtual Game World, one of the city's biggest Internet bars, a patron sits at one of over 300 terminals. ─── 在“520虚拟游戏世界”-------北京最大的网吧之一里,一名顾客坐在300台终端机的其中一个前。

9、Along with medicine, he was also a patron of architects, knowledge and scribes. ─── 不只是医学,他也是建筑师之父,知识和书记官。

10、The capital and largest city of Greece was named after Athena (its patron goddess). ─── 希腊首都及最大城市;根据希腊女神雅典娜命名。

11、Maggie, do not patronize me. Ok? And where the hell are my pajamas? ─── 别迁就我,行吗?我的睡衣到底在哪儿?

12、They drank coffee in a workers'cafe, whose only other patron was a menacing-looking man dressed as a manual laborer. ─── 他们在一个2人咖啡馆里喝咖啡,这里只有一个长得一付凶相,穿得象壮士一样的顾客。

13、PEDANT. O, sir, I do; and will repute you ever The patron of my life and liberty. ─── 学究:啊,先生,这样您真是我的救命恩人了,我一定永远不忘您的大德。

14、By this time I saw very clearly how the land lay between my patron and his wife. ─── 到这时我已清楚地看出我的老板和他妻子的关系如何。

15、She had agreed to become patron of the British Deaf Association. ─── 她同意成为英国聋协会的赞助人。

16、St.Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland. ─── 大城市的购物中心,街道上的圣诞装饰琳琅满目。

17、As you proceed through the toll plaza, a Patron Display will tell you that the correct toll has been paid. ─── 当你驶过通行费广场后,一个语音器将会告诉你正确的通行费已经被支付。

18、For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues . ─── 另一方面,不断提高的生活水平使中国人能够支付增加的娱乐支出。

19、It was Carla's idea when she saw the brochure in the beauty shop that another patron had forgotten. ─── 卡拉的主意是这样产生的:她在美容院时,看见了另一位顾客忘记带走的假日指南手册。

20、If we cannot resurrect, the moral angel will never patronize our sullied spiritual habitat. ─── 不能复活,道德天使永远不会光顾我们被玷污的精神栖息地。

21、Do not patronize illegal hawkers. ─── 不应光顾无牌小贩。

22、Picking up the cost of overhead, and gambling that shoppers would patronize a store with only one company's products, was considered risky. ─── 提高管理费用,并且打赌消费者在一家店只惠顾一家公司的产品,这是冒风险的做法。

23、Only the well - to - do could afford to patronize them. ─── 只有富人才能资助他们。

24、We are effusively welcome by the patron and his wife. ─── 我们受到老板和他妻子的热忱欢迎。

25、We dislike to have anyone patronize us. ─── 我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。

26、The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate, patron of arts in the middle ages. ─── 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。

27、Mi vidis nek lin, nek lian patron. ─── - 我看见既不是他, 也不是他父亲.

28、It was then agreed that whoever offered the most useful object for men would become the patron of the city. ─── 后来他俩一致同意,谁为人类提供最有用的东西,谁就当这座城市的保护神。

29、Declare Patron: Create a special relationship with a single friendly nation. ─── 宣布赞助:跟一个国家发展特殊的合作关系。

30、Eat oranges, bananas, watermelon, it can increase the quota, to eat carrots to increase energy, do not patronize to eat, it has to combat? ─── 吃到橘子,香蕉,西瓜,可以增加点数,吃到胡萝卜增加能量,别光顾着吃,还得作战呢?

31、The library patron example uses most of the syntax elements. ─── 图书馆顾客示例用到了大多数语法元素。

32、Almost no shops open on the second floor, no one patronize. ─── 二楼的商铺几乎都没开,没有什么人光顾。

33、It's so unwise to irritate an ironclad mother and patron. ─── 他们谈到的一些问题与不满,也是在国内生活中大家遇到的。

34、He considered it to be his duty as a gentlemen to patronize the institution of public worship. ─── 他认为,维护公共礼拜堂是绅士的天职。

35、I'll never patronize that store again. ─── 我再也不去光顾那家商店了。

36、Don't patronize me. I'm not a child. ─── 不要以那副神气十足的样子对我,我不是小孩子。

37、Support, encouragement, or championship, as of a person, an institution, an event, or a cause, from a patron. ─── 庇护,保护保护人对某人、机构、事件或事业的支持、鼓励或维护

38、The patron greeted us at the door and asked if we needed a room. ─── 店主在门口迎接我们并询问我们是否需要一个房间。

39、Have you ever been patronize in Marks &Spencer? ─── 你有没有惠顾过马莎?

40、She first turned on to a career in forensic science by the off-hours cops and criminalists who would patronize the club. ─── 她最初开始从事法庭科学方面的工作是因为那些下了班来光顾俱乐部的警察和犯罪学家的鼓励。

41、A parish festival held annually, often in honor of a patron saint. ─── 守护神节日教区一年一度的节日,常为纪念一个守护神

42、Indeed he was a patron of culture religion. ─── 事实上他是文化和宗教的庇护者。

43、Don`t give fake compliments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to. ─── 不要虚假奉承、恩惠他人或说些你认为自己应该说得话。

44、Pope (1492-1503) noted as a patron of the arts and for his corrupt papacy. ─── 亚历山大四世:教皇(1492-1503年),作为艺术的保护人及其腐败的统治而闻名

45、VIP Pass is non-transferable and good for one patron only. ─── VIP通行证只限一人使用,不得转让。

46、Don't you patronize me!. ─── 你不要屈尊对待我。

47、Estas klare, ke ni ne povas trompi vian patron. ─── 我们不能欺骗你父亲,这一点很清楚。

48、It's my patron saint's day, and I'm standing the racket. ─── 今天是我的守护神日,我是负责给钱的。

49、Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. ─── 圣徒克里斯托弗是旅行者的守护神。

50、Here Octavian built a lavished temple to his patron D Mars, the god of war. ─── 在这里屋大维为他的信奉神-战神修建了一个豪华的庙宇。

51、Wholeheartedly welcome you to patronize and choose, we will create brilliant future together with you! ─── 竭诚欢迎您的惠顾与选择,我们将与您共创美好的明天。

52、St Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. ─── 圣·克里斯托弗是旅行者的守护神。

53、King of Assyria (''9-'2') who was a noted patron of literature and the arts. ─── 亚述巴尼拔:亚述国王(公元前''9-'2'年)是文学和艺术的著名保护人

54、The word "pattern" is derived from the same root as the word patron. ─── "模式"这个词与保护神这个词来自同一词根。

55、Mr Putin, his partner and patron, is due to leave office in 2008. ─── 他的伙伴和资助人普京2008年将离任。

56、ladies of Berne liked to patronize the palace for tea and little cakes. ─── 伯尔尼的女士们喜欢光顾这个地方喝茶吃点心。

57、Don't give fake compliments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to. ─── 不要送出欺骗的问候、假装光顾别人和说几句话你认为对的话。

58、We would like to make contributions together with all walks of the society to the booming nationak ecnonmy in the near future.Welcome to patronize! ─── 展望未来,我们愿与各界全仁在蓬勃发展的国民经济新浪中携手进拓,共创辉煌。

59、She is a patron of that bookstore. ─── 她是那家书店的主顾。

60、Has been by the old and new customers to patronize. ─── 一直深受新老客户的光顾。

61、Diana, Princess of Wales was patron of the charity Birthright. ─── 威尔士王妃戴安娜是慈善机构“出生权”的支持者。

62、By association he is regarded as the patron saint of tanners and skinners. ─── 因为联想,他成了鞣皮工人和剥皮工人的保护神。

63、The usher handed the patron to a reserved seat. ─── 引座员把顾客引到预订的座位上

64、Mithras was worshipped as guardian of arms, and patron of soldiers and armies. ─── 密特拉作为士兵的武器而被崇拜,士兵和军队的资助者。

65、Participants were asked to refrain from spending money or at least to patronize gay-friendly businesses for the day. ─── 活动要求参与者们在这一天里尽量不花钱,就算花钱,也去光顾那些支持理解同性恋的店面。

66、We will take high quality, low price, and so you to patronize. ─── 我们会以过硬的质量,低廉的价格来等您光临惠顾。

67、"Well," said the patron, "let what may happen, it shall never be said that we deserted a good comrade like you. ─── “好吧,”船长说,“只好听天由命了,我们不能让人说闲话,说我们抛弃了象你这样的一个好伙伴。

68、Patron is asked not to smoke in the auditorium . ─── 在礼堂里,观众不允许抽烟。

69、Give them the compensation, the recognition and the tools they need and above all, don't patronize them. ─── 对他们要给予补偿,给予重视,给予必要的工具,尤其是不要用居高临下、神气十足地态度对待他们。”

70、She has not maintained a regular patron for more than a century. ─── 她的正式侍父没有一个能在自己的位子上呆过一个世纪。

71、Purchase fresh food from reliable sources. Do not patronize illegal hawkers. ─── 应从可靠的地方购买新鲜食物,不要光顾无牌小贩。

72、They drank coffee in a workers' cafe, whose only other patron was a menacing-looking man dressed as a manual laborer. ─── 他们在一个2人咖啡馆里喝咖啡,这里只有一个长得一付凶相,穿得象壮士一样的顾客。

73、We patronize our neighbourhood stores. ─── 我们通常到邻近的商店采买。

74、When he saw me, he made a low bow and assured me that I was a munificent patron of art. ─── 他看到我就深深地鞠躬,捧我是一位慷慨的艺术保护人。

75、Here Octavian built a lavished temple to his patron deity Mars, the god of war. ─── 屋大维在这里修建了一个豪华的庙宇献给他的守护神-战神马尔斯。

76、He inscribed those sonnets to his patron. ─── 他献上这些十四行诗给他的赞助者。

77、Xiao Zhao celibacy, not the parents around, a person living inevitably nervous, and often worry that Liangshangjunzi patronize. ─── 小赵独身,父母又不在身边,一个人住难免提心吊胆,常担心梁上君子光顾。

78、They were celebrating St. Patrick's Day in memory of the Irish patron, Saint Patrick. ─── 他们在庆祝圣帕特里克节,为了纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。

79、Much lore also centres on the patron saints of various localities. ─── 很多口头传说也以各地的守护神为中心。

80、They would prefer, where possible, to patronize protection agencies that patronized courts that did not give capital punishment. ─── 只要可能,他们宁愿去光顾那些支持不判死刑法庭的保安代理。

81、"But you'll die of hunger," said the patron. ─── “但你会饿死的呀。”船长说。

82、He smiled like a weather man, like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light. ─── 他象一个气象预报员又象一个欣喜若狂的回归光守护神似地露了笑容。

83、You want to do, because he could only lock on two spherical appearance, prices are on patronize three decorative OK. ─── 你想吧,他能只因为对两把球型锁的外观、价格不满意就光顾三个装饰行。

84、Bar patron s in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trot ted in the front door. ─── 亚利桑那州的酒吧顾客被一只从前门窜进来的山猫给惊吓到了。

85、Did you usually eat at home or patronize the food premises outside? ─── 咁你通常屋企食抑或帮衬外面食肆呢?

86、George is the Patron Saint of England. ─── 圣乔治是英格兰的守护神。

87、He inscribed those poems to his patron. ─── 他将这些诗献给他的赞助人。

88、Mi ne vidis lin, nek lian patron. ─── - 我没看见他, 也没看见他父亲.

89、"No, no," he said to the patron, "I was awkward, and it is just that I pay the penalty of my clumsiness. ─── “不,不,”他对船长说。“是我太笨了,这是我行动笨拙应得的惩罚。


拒绝电灯,拒绝床 在我的头内部拒绝这些语音 与我放下,告诉我没有谎话 刚刚扣留我关闭,不资助,不资助我 原因我不能使你爱我如果你不 你不能使你的心感到某物它将不 在这里在暗处,在这些孤独的小时 我将放下我的心和我将感到力量 但


拒绝电灯,拒绝床 在我的头内部拒绝这些语音 与我放下,告诉我没有谎话 刚刚扣留我关闭,不资助,不资助我 原因我不能使你爱我如果你不 你不能使你的心感到某物它将不 在这里在暗处,在这些孤独的小时 我将放下我的心和我将感到力量 但是,你将不,没有你将不 原因我不能使你爱我,如果你不 我将关闭我的眼睛,然后我将不看见 爱你不感到你何时扣留我 早晨将到来和我将做是什么正确 到那时为止刚刚给我放弃这战斗 同时,我将放弃这战斗 原因我不能使你爱我如果你不 你不能使你的心感到某物它将不 在这里在暗处,在这些孤独的小时 我将放下我的心和我将感到力量 但是,你将不,没有你将不 原因我不能使你爱我,如果你不

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