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homo 发音

英:[ˈhoʊmoʊ]  美:[ˈhəʊməʊ; ˈhɒməʊ]

英:  美:

homo 中文意思翻译




homo 网络释义

n. 人,人类;同性恋者n. (Homo)人名;(日)保母(姓);(法)奥莫

homo 常用词组

homo erectus ─── 直立人

homo 短语词组

1、Homo soloensis ─── [网络] 同志独奏

2、Homo sapiens neanderthalensis ─── [网络] 尼安德特人;尼安德塔人;尼克德特人

3、homo-hydroquinone ─── [化] 2-甲基-1,4-苯二酚; 高氢醌

4、homo- pref. ─── 同一 [计] 相 ─── 同, 相似, 类似, ─── 同质, ─── 同一

5、no homo ─── 绝非基佬

6、Homo sapiens sapiens ─── [网络] 智人

7、Homo heidelbergensis ─── [网络] 海德堡人;人属海德堡种;海德堡智人

8、Homo sapiens n. ─── 智人(现代人的学名)

9、Homo habilis ─── 能人;[人类] 巧人;巧手人

10、legalis homo ─── [法] 法人, 有宣誓资格的人, 自由人

11、Homo erectus ─── 直立人

12、Homo rhodesiensis ─── [网络] 罗德西亚人;人属罗德斯种;二名法

13、genus Homo ─── 人属

14、homo sapien ─── 智人

15、ecce homo n. ─── 你们看这个人!(彼拉多将戴荆冕的耶稣交给犹太人示众时说的话)

16、homo-ionic solution ─── [化] 同离子溶液

17、highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) ─── [化] 最高占据轨道; 最高占据分子轨道; 最高已占分子轨道

18、novus homo ─── [复数] novi homines /'nəuvai'hɔmini:z/ ─── [拉丁语]新贵,骤贵者;新提升的要人

19、stereo-homo-polymer ─── [化] 立构均聚物

homo 词性/词形变化,homo变形


homo 相似词语短语

1、hobo ─── n.流浪汉;无业游民;单肩包;vi.过流浪生活;vt.流浪着过;n.(Hobo)人名;(葡)奥博

2、Como ─── n.科摩(意大利北部城市)

3、homos ─── 人;同性恋者(homo的复数);n.(Homos)人名;(阿拉伯)哈穆斯

4、Pomo ─── n.波莫人(美国加利福尼亚北部的北美印第安部落);波莫人讲的霍次语

5、homo- ─── n.人,人类;同性恋者;n.(Homo)人名;(日)保母(姓);(法)奥莫

6、Homo ─── n.人,人类;同性恋者;n.(Homo)人名;(日)保母(姓);(法)奥莫

7、hom- ─── n.肉珊瑚;圣露;n.(Hom)(美)霍姆(人名)

8、zhomo ─── 索莫

9、hom ─── n.肉珊瑚;圣露;n.(Hom)(美)霍姆(人名)

homo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Not like Ecce Homo, crown of thorns and cross. ─── 不同于头戴荆冠、钉在十字架上的。

2、The old issues of power, stratification and territoriality seem to be inherent in the species Homo Sapiens. ─── 追求权力、社会分成阶层以及捍卫自己的领地这样的老问题其实是人类社会固有的问题。

3、It is a giant advance from the first discovery of Homo erectus Yuanmouensis in 1965 to the unearthing of the palacopithecus skull fossil in 1988. ─── 从1965年元谋直立人的首次发现,到1988年古猿头骨化石的出土,这是一个重大的进展。

4、Homo does not have more powerful species to contend with, but his environment is changing, and may do so irreversibly. ─── 人类并没有更强大的物种与之竞争,但他的环境也 在变化,并且这种变化可能是不可逆转的。

5、A primate of the family Hominidae, of whitch Homo sapiens is the only extant species. ─── 以前的原始人属;现在的梭罗人;包括梭罗人。

6、The human gut microbiota performs functions that are not encoded in our Homo sapiens genome, including the processing of otherwise undigestible dietary polysaccharides. ─── 人体的肠道中微生物可以执行一些不用基因组编码的功能,包括分解不能消化的膳食多聚糖。

7、The discovery of many fossils there, especially Homo gracilis, has been of fundamental importance in the study of human evolution. ─── 在这里发现的许多化石,特别人类下颚骨的发现,对研究人类进化产生了深远的影响。

8、distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind. ─── 将现代人和其他生命区分开的是其思维。

9、Is there a rigid wall to be built around the species Homo sapiens, or should we talk about whether there are other species which are entitled to our humanistic sympathies? ─── 在智人这个物种周围有没有一圈刚性的墙壁?或者,我们应该讨论是否有其他物种有权享受我们的人道主义同情吗?

10、During the long-term evolution an integrated regulation system, which is highly conserved in eukaryotes from yeast to homo sapient, has developed to regulate copper transportation and homeostasis. ─── 在长期进化过程中真核生物形成了一套完整的铜转运和稳态调节系统,从酵母到灵长类的各种生物都具有高度同源性的调控组件。

11、Is the Protruding Nasal Saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus Caused by Adaptation to Cold Climate? ─── 南京直立人的高鼻梁是由于对寒冷气候的适应吗?

12、Et incarnates est de Spiritu sancto, ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est. ─── 祂因圣神,由童贞玛利亚取得肉躯,而成为人。

13、The concern of mankind to his self being has been no more limited to the retrospection of ancestors with direct relative relations, nor has he been satiable with the quest for the origin of homo and race. ─── 人类对自身的关注,不再满足于与她有直亲关系的祖先的追溯,不再满足于寻求人属或人种起源的答案。

14、The study of humanlike creatures more primitive than Homo sapiens. ─── 史前人类学对比人类更原始的类人动物的研究。

15、All species have a two-part Latin name, such as Boa constrictor or Homo sapiens. ─── 所有物种的名字都由两部分拉丁文组成,像蟒蛇(Boa constrictor)或智人(Homo sapiens)。

16、Early Homo femora have larger heads and broader necks compared to early hominins. ─── 与早期人类相比,早期能人股骨的头端稍大、杆部更宽广些。

17、Homo sapiens, he said, fell to as few as2,000 people, in southern Africa, before migrating up and multiplying through the“ meat locker” of east Africa's savannah and beyond. ─── 他讲道,在南非最初出现的智人仅有2000人,后来才得到迁移并在东非大草原及远方地域的牧马放牛的生活中得到繁殖。

18、Enlil raids the mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia.Given the ability to procreate, Homo Sapiens begin to multiply. ─── 伊利尔袭击了矿山,把原始的工人带到了美索不达米亚的艾丁,给予了他们生育能力,智人开始繁殖。

19、Humans became human, as it were, with the emergence 1.8m years ago of a species called Homo erectus. ─── 180万年前出现了一种叫作“直立人”的物种,直立人的出现意味着人类成“人”了,如果我们可以把直立人称作“人”的话。

20、You're like me, a Homo sapiens. ─── 你和我一样,是智慧生命体,一个有智慧的人。

21、Possible early Homo sapiens represented by a cranium found in the Transvaal,formerly considered a separate species. ─── 可能是最早的人类,以在(南非)德兰士瓦发现的头盖骨为代表,以前被认为是独立的种类。

22、In addition,fossil Homo sapiens from the sediment provides a new data of palaeoanthropology for studying Lower Middle Yangtze River. ─── 同时 ,智人颞骨的发现 ,对长江中、下游古人类的研究 ,也提供了新的资料

23、Homo and vir, that was the exact effect of their different shades. ─── 公白飞补充并纠正着安灼拉。

24、But, the older age of these Au. sediba fossils raises the possibility of a separate, older lineage from which Homo erectus may have evolved. ─── 但是,古老的南方古猿人化石提出了一种可能——直立人可能是由一种独立血统的物种进化的。

25、The results show that the Maba Man has distinct racial characters of the Yellow Race, which proves the Maba Man to be Early Homo Sapiens geographically located in the South. ─── 以这些论著为基础来认识马坝人的种族特徵,确认马坝人在我国人种起源问题中的地位。

26、Homo JVC Lasergraphics LG Electronics Liesegang Lightware Lumens Luxeon Marantz Megapower... ─── Mitsubishi投影机 总代理 ... 中国投影机服务网是 中国...

27、What is unclear thus far, Wood says, is whether the Dmanisi hominids fall on the Homo side of the divide or the Australopithecus one. ─── 伍德说,到目前还不清楚的是,德玛尼斯化石的分类地位究竟落在南猿属那一边,还是人属这一边。

28、You know a player's life's like Messin' wit tha mojo ofa homo Bustin' up da life of another man... ─── ...陈奂仁 歌词:发送歌词到手机 每当看你微笑 就会感觉奥妙 除非鬼出窍 你怎么会那么好心 这么关心我的生...

29、Wu Xinzhi: A well preserved cranium of archaic type of early Homo sapiens from Dali, China. Scientia Sinica24(4):530-543. ─── 吴新智:中国大荔县发现的早期智人古老类型的一个完好头骨。中国科学,()200-206。.

30、Three kinds of louse call Homo sapiens their home, but each occupies a different niche on the human body. ─── 三种虱子以智人为居,每个占据人类身体的一个特殊部位。

31、Joe Miller: Are you a homo? Are you a queer? Are you a faggot? Are you a fruit? Are you *gay*, sir? ─── 乔:你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋,先生?

32、Perfectus Deus, perfectus homo: ex anima rationali et humana carne subsistens. ─── 祂亦是人,在时间内,从母的性体所生;

33、HomoObscurissimus: Homo Obscurissimus Studying in France and writes perfect blogs. ─── 在法国读书。网志真是漂亮。

34、They created HuMans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus. ─── 他们创造了人类,智人,通过基因遗传而帮助猿人变成智人。

35、Homo took a different path. ─── 人属这一支则走上不同的路。

36、Your own history books will tell you about many of the other cycles, the smaller cycles from the apes into Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and Cro-Magnon man, but it is so much more than that. ─── 你自己的历史的书将告诉你关于许多的其他周期,较小的周期从猿人到直立猿人,智人和克鲁麦农人,但是它是比那多了许多。

37、You think you gettin' up in this, you got another think comin', you homo. ─── 你嘴里说得好听, 却心怀鬼胎。你这死同性恋。

38、The office chair is no place for the descendants of Homo erectus. ─── 办公室里的椅子,也不是很适合直立人的后代们。

39、Then the computer came along and changed our lives; Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago. ─── 后来电脑出现并改变了我们的生活;智人在很早就出现。

40、Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis.Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine,et homo factus esl. ─── 为了我们,为了我们得救,他从天上降临,通过圣灵,从童贞玛丽亚,他获得肉身,他成为人。

41、Former genus of primitive ape-like men are now Homo erectus. ─── 以前为原始的类猿人现在为直立人。

42、Genome sequencing projects of nearly one hundred species have completed, in which Homo sapiens is included. ─── 包括人类基因组在内的近一百个物种的基因组测序已经基本完成。

43、Based on DOS, the contribution to HOMO and LUMO is mainly from 4d electrons, not from 5s electrons. ─── 基于DOS,我们看到,对HOMO和LUMO的贡献主要来自4d电子,而不是5s电子。

44、A primate of the family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species. ─── 人科的(动物)人科中的灵长类,其中智人是唯一现存的种类

45、The phylogenetic relationship between Homo erectus and archaic Homo sapiens in East Asia impacts directly on the hotly debated issues. ─── 二种主要假说“非洲起源”和“多地区连续演化”已激烈争论了近二十年。

46、Later, Homo sapiens stepped out of Africa and invaded into Europe, there Homo sapiens neighboured with Homo neanderthalensis for thousands years afterwards before Homo neanderthalensis died out. ─── 后来智人走出非洲,侵入欧洲,在那里和尼人相遇并一起生活达数千年一直到尼人在地球上灭绝。

47、A futuristic zoo within one large cage where everything runs wild, including the observing Homo sapiens. ─── 一个罩在大笼子的未来动物园,所有的事物,包括进行观察活动的智人种类,都可以自然地发展。

48、So, Homo erectus was the first human ancestor to leave Africa and begin its spread across the globe. ─── 所以,直立猿类是第一个离开非洲的人类祖先,之后他们就开始遍布全球了。

49、When Homo sapiens evolved onthe African Savannah, the ones with a penchant for trying new horizonsprospered. ─── 在非洲大草原进化时,那些敢于探索新大陆的人得以兴盛起来。

50、In these cases, the "constrictor" and "sapiens" are the species names, and "boa" and "homo" are the genus names. ─── 在这些案例中,“大蟒”和“智人”是种名,“蟒属”和“人属”是一个属名。

51、The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. ─── 古老一代是原始人类,寿命非常长,大约一百万年以上的史前人类sapiens。

52、Bones and flint tools found in Norfolk and Suffolk show that Homo erectus lived in what is now England about 700000 years ago. ─── 在1972年,政府改革四部分边界时,英格兰正式被官方定义并使用。

53、Those early Homo sapiens who were most sensitive to negative changes in the environment were probably most likely to survive, because negative changes may have signaled danger. ─── 为了能够生存下去,早期的类人对环境变化中的消极因素最为敏感,这是因为消极的改变是危险的信号。

54、Too many assume that people behave like the mythical homo economicus, who is hyperrational and omniscient. ─── 他们有太多人假设人们都是神话般的既高度理性又无所不知的人经济人。

55、Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually called a Peking ape-man or Chinese ape-man. ─── 中国的直立人化石。通常称为北京猿人、中国猿人。

56、The medium-term culture of the Paleolithic Age in Central Asia might be created by Neandertals or by late Homo sapiens. ─── 中亚旧石器时代中期文化有可能是尼安德特人创造的,也有可能是晚期智人创造的。

57、In the process of human evolution, Homo erectus emerged as a species with larger brain. ─── 人科系统在演化过程中发展出脑子明显较大的一个物种-“直立人。”

58、A short, fossilized femur from a 38,000-year-old Neandertal could lead to the first full genome sequence for the closest relative of Homo sapiens. ─── 3万8000年前,尼安德塔人遗留的一根短小大腿骨化石,让科学家有机会得到这种现代智人近亲的第一份完整基因组序列。

59、The chipped stone tools of early Paleolithic Age in Central Asia should be also made by these Homo erectus. ─── 中亚旧石器时代早期的打制石器应该是这些直立人创造的。

60、But in a theological context Luther said that "in my temerity I do not distinguish body, soul, and spirit but present the totus homo, the whole man, unto God. ─── 但是在神学的范畴中,路德说“在我的勇气中,我并没有分别体、魂、和灵,而是把整个人展现给神。”

61、The frightening irony is that this exponential growth in the human population -- the very sign of homo sapiens' success as an organism -- could doom the earth as a human habitat. ─── 一个令人恐惧的讽刺就是,这么生下去,我们作为“智慧生物”的真正标志,就是把这个星球变成了“人球”。

62、Vive or morte volez reveni al homo! ─── 以--ez结尾的祈使式不必出现主语。

63、Australopithecus had massive teeth, the grinding molars of a vegetarian.It was Homo habilis that had a bigger brain case . ─── 南猿有着素食动物的巨大的臼齿,而头盖骨较大的是能人猿。

64、Not only has Homo sapiens been doing some major genetic reshuffling since our species formed, but the rate of human evolution may, if anything, have increased. ─── 在现代智人诞生后,不仅重大的基因重组事件仍层出不穷,演化速度甚至越来越快。

65、Homo urbanus did not just live in a town: he was urbane. ─── 城市人属的区别不仅仅是在城镇生活,还有他更为有教养。

66、The study also thought that harsh climate was one of the reasons for Human evolving to early Homo sapiens. ─── L2时期恶劣的气候变化可能是直立人演化为早期智人的原因之一。

67、A member of the genus Homo, which includes the extinct and extant species of human beings. ─── 人人属中的一支,它包括灭绝的及现存的人类

68、Uga-agga - The name of this project is not a joke, but the name of a massively multiplayer online game playing in the time of the homo errectus. ─── uga-agga这个项目的名字不是在开玩笑,这是一个有很多人在玩的多人在线游戏。

69、Off to one side was the seventh biome -- an intensive agriculture and urban area where eight Homo sapiens grew all their own food. ─── 在这块沙漠的一边,就是第7个生物群系:一块密集农业区和城市区,这里就是8个智人种植他们的食物的地方。

70、For two-thirds of its history, Homo sapiens lived exclusively in Africa. Only now are the details of that period becoming clear. ─── 历史上现代智人有三分之二的时期独自生活在非洲,而直到现在,那段时期的细节才被了解。

71、The HOMO orbital is composed of Fe and C atoms in Fc. ─── 其HOMO轨道主要由Fe原子及茂环上C的原子轨道组成的;

72、The species that proliferates here and congregates of its own accord into dense swarms numbering millions is Homo sapiens himself. ─── 品种不断繁殖,数百万计地群居 这品种就是人类自己

73、The Yuanmou Man, a Homo erectus fossil unearthed by railway engineers in the 1960s, has been determined to be the oldest known hominid fossil in China. ─── 元谋人是上世纪60年代被铁路工程师挖掘出来的直立人化石,它已经被认定为中国最早的直立人化石。

74、From the skull’s small size, the scientists concluded that Homo erectus was, in one important respect, less humanlike than had been previously assumed. ─── 从一定意义上讲,一个人如果打算一辈子从事研究工作,那么从他在读博士学位期间所形成的做事习惯、研究方法和思维方式基本上就可以判断出他未来工作的轮廓。

75、Later,50 fossils of Meganthropus palaeo and Pithecanthropus erectus/ Homo erectus were found half of all the world's known hominid fossils. ─── 后来,50种化石先后在这里被发现,包括远古巨人,猿人直立人/立人,占世界已知原始人类化石的一半。

76、You can actually trace this sort of connection across the world, wherever modern 'homo sapiens' turns up. ─── 事实上,你可以轻易地在全世界任何现代“智人”所到之处寻找到这种联系的踪影。

77、They were thus contemporary with modern Homo sapiens, who originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago. ─── 他们与近代的智人同类,现代智人在200,000年前起源于非洲。

78、The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen. ─── 产出丁村人及相应石器的一套地层被命名为丁村组。

79、A complex organism like homo sapien sapiens can choose not to do what our genes want. ─── 复杂生物如“智人种”能决定不按照基因的目的做。

80、Later Homo sapiens evolved four main races (white, yellow, brown and black). ─── 后来,智人又进化出四大人种,他们就是今天的白人、黄种人、棕色人种和黑人。

81、Deus est ex substantia Patris ante saecula genitus: et homo est ex substantia matris in saeculo natus. ─── 祂是天主,在万世之前,由父的性体所生;

82、The results show that the dipole moment and HOMO energy increase when the number of carbon atoms increases from 12 to 18, while the LUMO energy keeps unchanged. ─── 伯胺阳离子碳链长度对氧化锌捕收性能的影响,主要取决于胺的偶极子和矿物之间的定向作用力。

83、With aid of Genbank homology analysis program, the sequence of PFN1 had 99% homology with the homo sapiens ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 gene. ─── 与GeneBank资料序列同源性比较分析提示PFN1与泛素活化酶E1同源性 99% ,即为人类泛素活化酶E1基因的一部分。

84、Later, it dawned on one of the scientists that this Homo Sapien child seemed to have the short, lower leg bones of a Neanderthal. ─── 后来,它到来的一个科学家,这种人Sapien儿童似乎短,下肢骨骼的尼安德特人。

85、The age of Nanjing Homo erectus is possibly >500ka or 580ka and that of Peking Man ranges about 400ka to 650ka or possibly 800ka. ─── 南京直立人的时代可能大于500ka,抑或580ka。 北京直立人的时代介于距今400ka至650ka,抑或800ka。

86、The old formula homo duplex is therefore verified by the facts. ─── 人类两重性的旧程式便得到的事实的验证,

87、Whoever you'll be a doctor, businessman, or doing other jobs, all of us are the same sort in the biology -- the Homo Sapiens. ─── 不管你的职业将会是医生、商人,或者各行各业,我们在生物学的分类上,都是相同的物种:人类。

88、Homo the wise, the knower, is too smart for his own good. ─── 作为知者和智者的人类为自己的聪明所误。

89、Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually call a Lantian ape-man, discovered in Gongwang Mountain, Shanxi province in 1964. ─── 中国的直立人化石。通常称作蓝田猿人。1964年发现于陕西蓝田公王岭。















第一,如果从句中省略了if ,那么将从句中的were, had, should 等词移至主语前,主句语序保持不变。

Were he to come, what should we say to him ?

第二,如果从句中出现一些逻辑词,如with, without, or, otherwise, but for 等来暗示句子是虚拟结构时,主句一般也要用虚拟语气。

Without war in the world, people would live a happy life.


If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now.



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