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09-12 投稿



hobnob 发音

英:['hɒbnɒb]  美:['hɑbnɑb]

英:  美:

hobnob 中文意思翻译



hobnob 网络释义

vi. 交谈;共饮;过从甚密;亲切交谈n. 交谈;共饮

hobnob 短语词组

1、hobnob with ─── 交往密切

hobnob 词性/词形变化,hobnob变形

动词现在分词: hobnobbing |动词过去分词: hobnobbed |动词过去式: hobnobbed |动词第三人称单数: hobnobs |

hobnob 相似词语短语

1、hobnobbed ─── vi.交谈;共饮;过从甚密;亲切交谈(hobnob的变形)

2、hobnobber ─── 霍布诺伯尔

3、hobnobs ─── vi.交谈;共饮;过从甚密;亲切交谈;n.交谈;共饮

4、hob-jobs ─── 滚刀工作

5、hobos ─── 无业游民(hobo的名词复数);漂泊者(hobo的名词复数);流浪汉(hobo的名词复数)

6、hobnobbers ─── 霍布诺伯斯

7、hob-job ─── 滚刀工作

8、hobnobby ─── 霍布诺比

9、to hobnob ─── 是霍比特人吗

hobnob 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But to the majority of Singlish speakers, I urge you to hobnob with those who speak good English, whether they are locals or foreigners. ─── 至于大多数讲新加坡式英语者,我奉劝诸位多同讲标准英语的人士交往,不论其为本地人或外国人。

2、But Wales isn't in London to hobnob with the rich and famous. ─── (连U2乐队主唱都给维基百科创始人 Jimmy Wales 写信。

3、Well, at least I get to hobnob with royalty. ─── 好吧,至少我应该和皇室走的更近些。

4、Were you lucky enough to own more than $515,000, you could hobnob with the top 1% (although this is a “far from exclusive club”,containing 37m adults). ─── 如果你足够幸运,收入在515,000美元以上的话,你就可以和只占世界人口1%的超级富翁们平起平坐了(尽管这是一个“远非入会限制严格的俱乐部”,仅有3700万个成员)。

5、The ideal of the introjection of human and nature spurred YU Da-fu to hobnob with nature in social life and describe nature in writing. ─── 天人合一的审美理想促使他在生活中乐于亲近自然,在创作中大量描写自然;

6、During the course of dying research, Gothic gradually shared with death by flesh, and finally hobnob with it. ─── 在探索死亡的过程,慢慢地和它体肤与共,逐渐与它亲近。

7、Do you like to hobnob with me? ─── 你愿意和我一起喝两杯吗?

8、Were you lucky enough to own more than $515,000, you could hobnob with the top 1% (although this is a "far from exclusive club", containing 37m adults). ─── 如果你足够幸运,财富存量在515,000美元以上的话,你就可以和只占世界人口1%的超级富翁们平起平坐了(尽管这是一个“远非进入门槛极高的俱乐部”,包括3700万个成员)。

9、Tom and his friends used to hobnob in the bar. ─── 汤姆常和朋友在酒吧里欢饮。

10、But to the majority of Singlish speakers, I urge you to hobnob with those who speak good English, whether they locals or foreigners. ─── 至于大多数讲新加坡式英语者,我奉劝诸位多同讲标准英语的人士交往,不论其为本地人或外国人。

11、He used to hobnob with the rich and famous. ─── 他过去常与富有而著名的人交往。

12、Finally, on June 19th, he is to visit Britain for several days to hobnob with the prime minister, Gordon Brown, plus various other politicians and would-be investors. ─── 最后,6月19日,他将用几天时间访英,与英国首相戈登布朗、一些不同党派的其他政客及潜在的投资者进行亲切会谈。

13、But to form a government he has been forced to hobnob with characters whose records are not for the squeamish. ─── 但是,组织一个政府难免要去拉拢一些记录并非完全清白的实权人物。

14、No newspaper was outraged by the chocolate Hobnob. ─── 没有一家报纸就“巧克力”这个词语感到恼火。

15、The ideal of the introjection of human and nature spurred YU Da-fu to hobnob with nature in social life and describe nature in writing. ─── 天人合一的审美理想促使他在生活中乐于亲近自然,在创作中大量描写自然;

16、Sometimes we are just throwing them away with meaningless waiting or boring hobnob or stupid gossiping.Now I am to sway from the topic. ─── 所以让我们感谢,感谢那些负担和压力,让我们可以脚踏实地的生活,感谢自己活过的每分每秒,那排是那些不开心的日子,这些构筑了完整的人生。

17、This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company's president, board chairman, and leading executives. ─── 这给了比尔一个与该公司总裁、董事长及主管经理厮混的机会。

18、No matter where you are, if you can connect to the internet, you can meet and hobnob with creative people from every corner of the globe. ─── 无论你在哪儿,只要你能够上网,你就可以遇见、并且和这些来自世界各各角落有创造力的人交谈。

19、The noble sentiment will no doubt echo around the Swiss Alps next week as chief executives hobnob with political leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos. ─── 这种神圣的使命感下个星期将在阿尔卑斯山脉引发强烈反响,各大公司的首席执行官将聚在瑞士举行经济论坛。

20、My invitations started arriving long after the parade had passed by, always asking me to pay serious money to hobnob with ... people like me. ─── 而我的邀请函总是在游行队伍走过以后才姗姗来迟,然后问我付一笔不小的费用,只是为了跟我同样的人一起聊聊。

21、2.Green and fashion tourism theme zone: protect environment, hobnob with nature; ─── 绿色时尚旅游主题区:保护环境,亲近自然;

22、We can commute the moon,but we are difficult to take a step to hobnob with our neigbors. ─── 我们可以往返月球,但却难以迈出一步去亲近我们的左邻右舍;

23、I do something similar if we draw, though I tend to drop the chocolate Hobnob in that case. You don't want to seem to be getting things out of proportion. ─── 如果打平我仍会这样,只不过我可能会把巧克力掉在地上。你不会想去看到一个出乎意料的结果的。

24、In this period, also let many countries hobnob with others. ─── 期间也使不少的国家走的更亲更近。

25、But I save time to hobnob with my old classmates: we try to get together every Tuesday night for dinner and a few drinks. ─── 但是我还是尽量挤出时间来跟老同学碰碰头。我们每星期二晚上见面,一起吃饭并喝上几杯。

26、hobnob with ─── v. 亲密, 亲近

27、I used to hobnob with the rich and famous. ─── 我过去常与富有而又著名的人交往。

28、But i save time to hobnob with my classmates:we try to get together every Tuesday night for dinner and a few drinks. ─── 然而我还是挤出时间来跟老同学碰碰头。我们设法安排每星期二晚上见面,一起吃饭并喝上几杯。

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