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femora 发音

英:[['femərə]]  美:[['femərə]]

英:  美:

femora 中文意思翻译



femora 词性/词形变化,femora变形

名词复数: femmes fatales |

femora 短语词组

1、femora def ─── 费莫拉定义。

2、femora med ─── 五个小时

3、femora cream femora ─── 奶油

4、femora rx ─── 股骨rx

5、femora 9 ─── 费莫拉9

6、femora app femora ─── 应用程序

7、femora medic ─── 医用股骨

8、femora plural ─── 复数股骨

femora 相似词语短语

1、remoras ─── n.障碍;障碍物;鮣鱼;n.(Remora)人名;(意)雷莫拉

2、remora ─── n.障碍;障碍物;鮣鱼;n.(Remora)人名;(意)雷莫拉

3、Senora ─── n.夫人;太太

4、Debora ─── n.黛博拉(女子名)

5、Señora ─── n.太太,对已婚女子的称呼

6、Lenora ─── 勒诺拉(女子名)

7、femoral ─── adj.股骨的;大腿的;大腿骨的

8、fedora ─── n.一种男式软呢帽;n.(Fedora)人名;(俄)费奥多拉;(西、塞)费多拉

9、nemoral ─── adj.[生态]适林的

femora 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To discuss the feasibility of percutaneous pinning for treatment of fracture of neck of femur. ─── 摘要目的探讨经皮穿针外固定在治疗股骨颈骨折中的可行性。

2、Early Homo femora have larger heads and broader necks compared to early hominins. ─── 与早期人类相比,早期能人股骨的头端稍大、杆部更宽广些。

3、Methods 82 postmenopausal women were divided into the regroups according to BMDs measured at lumbar spine and proximal femur with dual-energy X-ray absorptionmeter. ─── 方法应用双能X线骨密度仪测量82例绝经后妇女腰椎骨密度(BMD),按WHO标准,分为无骨质疏松组(NOP)、骨质疏松组(OP1)、骨质疏松伴骨折组(OP2)。

4、In 1967 he smashed a hip, femur, wrist and both ankles attempting to clear the fountains at Caesars Palace, in Las Vegas. ─── 1967年,在拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫殿,他试图要飞跃那里的多个喷泉,结果摔碎了自己的臀、大腿骨、手腕与两个踝关节。

5、No wear was found on the latest radiograph, but osteolysis was noted in three femora and two acetabula. ─── 最近的影像学检查未示任何磨损迹象,但在三个股骨和两个髋臼,发现了骨质溶解迹象。

6、There is a significant relationship of F-concentration between the femur ash ard herbs expressed by the equationY=27.16X102. ─── 大腿骨骨灰和植物含氟量间存在一定的回归关系,其关系式为Y=27.16X~1.02。

7、It had some advantages when microwave induced hyperthermia were used to treat inferior femora and superior shinbone tumor. ─── 阵列式天线置入诱导高温灭活治疗股骨下端、胫骨上端的肿瘤具有先进性。

8、Got femur head how is necrotic disease treated? ─── 得了股骨头坏死症怎么治疗?

9、Abstract: OBJECTIVE:study and analysis periosteal reaction about proximul femur of uncement hip arthroplasty. ─── 文摘:目的:观察和分析非骨水泥人工髋关节置换术后股骨近端的骨反应。

10、Borgeaud M,Cordey J,Leyvraz PE,et al.Mechanical analysis of the bone to plate interface of the LC-DCP and of the PCFIX on human femora[J].Injury,2000,31(Suppl 3):C29-C36. ─── 吴雪晖陈锡秋.锥状点式接触钢板内固定对局部皮质骨微循环影响的实验研究[J].中华骨科杂志,:.

11、Methods Bone mass in whole body,femur and lumbar spines(L4|L6) was measured by dual energy X|ray absorptiometry(DXA) in 50 SD rats. ─── 方法 采用扇形束双能 X 线吸收法( D X A)测量50只 S D 大鼠全身、股骨和腰椎( L4? L6)骨量(骨矿含量和密度)。

12、Objective To establish a static law of the geometry for proximal femur and improve the design guidelines for hip prostheses. ─── 摘要目的研究股骨近端几何形态的统计规律,以改善现有的人工关节设计。

13、Methods: Twelve matched pairs of human femora (mean age 64 years) were obtained. ─── 方法:一共有12对股骨参与研究(平均年龄64岁)。

14、This femur has a large eccentric tumor mass arising in the metaphyseal region. ─── 可见股骨骺板处有一体积很大的偏心性肿物。

15、In a fractured neck or femur, for example, one leg may be shortened and externally rotated. ─── 例如,如果骨颈部或股骨骨折,则一条腿可能变短,而且向外旋转。

16、Objective: To explore the clinical effect of proximal femoral nail (PFN) in the subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. ─── 摘要目的探讨PFN治疗股骨转子下骨折的疗效。

17、Stress transfer to the femur is desirable because it proides a physiological stimulus for maintaining bone mass and preenting disuse osteoporosis. ─── 我们所希望的是将应力传导至股骨,这样可为保持骨量和防止废用性骨质疏松提供生理刺激。

18、bone mineral density (BMD) of left femora was measured. ─── 左侧股骨测量骨密度(BMD)。

19、Fracture of dry open sex has used my right leg femur operation hind is secured 100 days inside armor plate, whether can you practice loading walked? ─── 我的右腿股骨干开放性骨折已经用钢板内固定手术后100天了,是否可以练习负重行走了呢?

20、The maternal weight, height, the gestational weeks at delivery, maternal abdominal circle, biparietal diameter and femur length are predictive factors for diagnosis of macrosomia. ─── 孕妇体重、身高、分娩孕期及宫高、腹围、胎儿双顶径、股骨长径是产前诊断巨大胎儿的相关因素。

21、In fact, this joint is more or less just one long bone (the femur, or thighbone) stacked on top of another long bone (the tibia, or shinbone). ─── 事实上,这种关节或多或少都是一根长的骨头(股骨,或大腿骨)堆叠在另一根长的骨头(胫骨,或小腿骨)上。

22、How should take care of the patient with necrotic head of a femur? ─── 应该怎样去照顾一个股骨头坏死的病人呢?

23、The bone absorption is happened in 1、3、7 zoon of head femur, it ... ─── 吸收类多发生在1、3、7区,它是一种不良的骨反应,它对人工关节的长期稳定构成威胁。

24、Methods The DSH method was adopt Under C arm X-ray machine guided to treat 62 cases of intertrochanter fracture of femur in middle and old-aged. ─── 方法在C臂X光机引导下,运用DHS方法治疗中老年人股骨粗隆间骨折62例。

25、The X-ray shows a fracture of your left femur. ─── X线片显示左股骨骨折。

26、The BMD in LS is much higher than that in femur in each group with significant difference (P

27、The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a strong band of tissue that is located within the knee and connects the thighbone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). ─── 前交叉韧带(ACL)是一结实的组织,它位于膝关节内,连接大腿骨(股骨)和小腿骨(胫骨)。

28、Method To analysie 68 cases of intercondylar fracture of femur. ─── 方法对68例该种类型的骨折进行统计分析。

29、Methods:when the hip joint was bending,intorsion,extorsion,the varying regularity of bone trabecula in X-ray in the proximal femur were studied with 14 adult cadavers. ─── 方法:在7具(14侧)成人整尸上,研究髋关节各方向位置变化时(包括屈曲、内旋、外旋位上股骨头内部骨小梁)的X线变化规律。

30、Lumbar spine 3-5 and distal 1/2 part of the right and left femur bone mineral density(BMD) were measured before OVX, implantation and sacrifice. ─── 去势术前、种植术前及处死前分别测量大鼠腰椎3-5、左右股骨远中1/2骨密度。

31、I'm afraid your femur is broken. We'd better X-ray it, just to be sure. Take this paper to the office; the nurse will show you to the X-ray department. ─── 你的股骨恐怕断了。得照几张X线片来确定一下。拿这张申请单到办公室去,护士会带你到放射科去。

32、How can you have a broken femur without so much as a bruise? ─── |连个瘀伤都没有 怎么会大腿骨折的?

33、Meth ods 13 cases of closed fractures of femur were treated with reamed int ramedullary nail. ─── 方法用扩髓带锁髓内钉治疗股骨闭合性骨折13例。

34、ConclusionThe operation method choice, post-operation recovery and measures are very important for senile fracture of the neck of femur. ─── [论]龄股骨颈骨折的手术方式、机的选择及术后的康复措施极为重要。

35、Method DHS is used to fix the fracture of intertrochanteric region of the femur for 26 patients and the outcome is analyzed after follow up. ─── 方法对26例股骨转子间骨折应用动力髋螺钉内固定,并进行临床随访分析。

36、When the stem has been fixed within the femur by bone ingrowth, load is preferentially borne by the stiffer structure and the bone of the proximal femur is relieed of stress. ─── 当柄通过骨生长固定于股骨内时,负荷首先由较硬的结构承担,因而股骨近端骨质所受应力减弱。

37、The bone osteogenesis is happened in 1、3、4、5、7 zoon of head femur, and it s useful for reinforce prosthesis. ─── 增生类多发生在1、3、4、5、7区,它是一种有益的骨反应,能加强对假体的固定作用。

38、The prosthesis sank significantly into the femur, and significant separation took place in the proximo-lateral interface. ─── 当骨界面完全松落时,髋关节有显著的下沈滑动,近端外侧则有较明显的分离发生。

39、A short, fossilized femur from a 38,000-year-old Neandertal could lead to the first full genome sequence for the closest relative of Homo sapiens. ─── 3万8000年前,尼安德塔人遗留的一根短小大腿骨化石,让科学家有机会得到这种现代智人近亲的第一份完整基因组序列。

40、Method: analyze retrospectively the 24cases of the interlocking nail in the treatment of femur and tibia shaft fractures. ─── 方法回顾性分析交锁髓内钉治疗股骨、胫骨干骨折24例。

41、The newly designed artificial furcal interior locking joint features irregular prosthetic stem, which adapts to the irregular medullary cavity in the proximal femur. ─── 新设计的分叉内锁式人工关节把现有假体规则性杆柄变为不规则, 适应了股骨近端不规则性髓腔。

42、I just 21 years old I got femur head necrotic disease. ! How should I do. ? ─── 我才21岁我得了股骨头坏死病.!我该怎么办.?

43、The bone mineral density (BMD) of left femora was measured. ─── 取左侧股骨测量骨密度(BMD)。

44、B, Two years later, cortical and cancellous bone density in proximal femur has decreased as a result of stress shielding. ─── 2年后,股骨近端皮质骨和松质骨密度因应力遮挡而减低。

45、Methods 27 cases of delayed union of diaphyseal fractures of femur (17 cases) and tibia (10 cases) were treated with dynamization. ─── 方法对27例骨折应用静力型交锁髓内钉固定后的股骨和胫骨骨干延迟愈合患者,行近侧或远侧锁钉取出术进行动力化治疗。

46、Bone density of femur metaphysis was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. ─── 双能X射线骨密度仪测量股骨骨密度。

47、Increasing diet Ca decreased liver, heart and kidney Fe and Zn, and changed neither liver and heart Ca nor femur P and Mg. ─── 增加饲料中钙质之含量,会降低肝脏、心脏与肾脏之铁和锌,但没改变肝脏与心脏之钙,及股骨之磷和镁。

48、The short-term CVs of BMD measurements in different regions by DXA were as follows,1.58%for lumbar vertebra(L 5 ),0.90%for left femur,and0.86%for right femur,respectively. ─── 各离体骨BMD值的批内CV:腰椎为1.58%、左侧股骨为0.90%、右侧股骨为0.86%;

49、B, Femur exposed by separation of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles and division of vastus intermedius muscle. ─── 分开股直肌和股外侧肌,劈开股中间肌,显露股骨。

50、I think his right femur may Be Broken. ─── 我看,他是右侧股骨骨折。

51、Femur bone mineral density (BMD), serum bone gla protein (BGP) as well as hydroxyproline/creatinine (HOP/Cr) were determined before and during 20 d HDBR. ─── 分别于卧床前和卧床 2 0d进行了股骨骨密度 (BMD)、血清骨钙素 (BGP)、羟脯氨酸 /肌酐 (HOP/Cr)等指标的测量。

52、Methods:The bone intercalary defect animal models were made on New Zealand white rabbits at the middle shaft of the femur in which 1.5cm of diaphysis and periosteum were removed. ─── 方法 :采用新西兰大白兔股骨中段切除1.5cm骨干和骨膜实验动物模型。

53、His/her knee's aerocyst has protected driver's knee and the femur comprehensively. ─── 其膝部的气囊全面保护了驾驶者的膝部和大腿骨。

54、The three most common sites are the distal femur, proximal tibia, and distal radius.Giant-cell tumor of tarsal bone is rare, especially, located in the calcaneus. ─── 一般好发部为以股骨远端,胫骨近端及桡骨远端最为多见,然而生长在跟骨之具大细胞则为罕见。

55、Furthermore patients sometimes complained of thigh pain presumably due to elastic mismatch between the rigid stem and the biologically flexible femur. ─── 并且,病人时常抱怨大腿疼痛,这可能与刚性假体和生物弹性股骨见弹性模量不匹配有关。

56、At the end of experiment, Al and Pb levels in whole blood, liver, kidney, femur and cerebrum were measured by ICP AES. ─── 实验结束后 ,用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 (ICP-AES)分别测定全血、肝、肾、股骨和大脑中铝和铅的含量。

57、Then the hydroxyproline, Ca, P, Mg of bone were tested.ResultsBiomechanics property and bone mineral on femur of rats decreased significantly. ─── 双丹口服液对环磷酰胺大鼠股骨生物力学和生化指标的影响"版权属于原作者所有!

58、Abstract: With an external fixer with sensors and instrument,the stress-time curve in the femur section stress of a goat is measured. ─── 文摘:采用带传感器骨外固定器及其配套仪器,对成年活体山羊股骨进行骨端面应力变化的动态测量,测得应力-时间曲线.

59、ObjectiveExplore the effect of dynamic-condyle screw( DCS) on supracondylar and intercondylar comminuted fracture of femur. ─── [目的]讨DCS治疗股骨髁间及髁上粉碎性骨折疗效。

60、Moreover, Er-xian decoction obviously reduced osteoclast number (P

61、The solitary osteochondroma is known to be the most common benign bone tumor and occurs most frequently in the proximal humerus,tibia and distal femur. ─── 摘要单纯单纯性骨性软骨瘤是最常见的良性骨瘤,它常发生在肱骨,胫骨及远端股骨处。

62、The mechanical testing of the epiphyseal cartilage of isolated fresh femur were performed. ─── 另用幼兔新鲜离体股骨,作力学性质测试。

63、This femur has a large eccentric tumor mass arising in the metaphyseal region.This is an osteosarcoma (a variant known as parosteal osteogenic sarcoma) of bone. ─── 图示骨肉瘤,股骨骺端出现了一大半轮状肿块。

64、Three-dimensional finite element models for an intact femur and femora implanted with two different prostheses were constructed from the same experimental models used. ─── 完整股骨与植入两种不同含骨水泥式人工股骨柄之股骨三维有限元素模型组成皆依照实验假设。

65、Myoblast cells were primary cultured with method of femur muscle pieces. ─── 取20只小鼠分4组,取股骨肌用肌块法进行成肌细胞原代培养,并重复利用肌块6次。

66、I'm afraid your femur is broken. We'd better X-ray it, just to be sure. Take this paper to the office; the nurse will show you the X-ray department. ─── 您的股骨恐怕断了。得去拍几张X线片来确定一下。拿这张申请单到办公室去,护士会带您到放射科去。

67、In order to research the incidence and characteristic of fracture of neck of femur, I investigated and analyzed168 fracture of neck of femur cases. ─── 为了解股骨颈骨折发病率及其发病特点,对168例骨折病案进行调查分析,结果表明,在调查当年住院患者中股骨颈骨折占住院患者的2.78%全部是50岁以上的人群,女性股骨颈骨折较多。

68、Specimens were loaded along the mechanical axis to failure creating a subtrochanteric femur fracture. ─── 使用人尸体股骨打入三枚螺钉,分别采取正三角和倒三角构型。

69、Materials and Methods: Breast cancer cells were injected into the right femur of 30 female nude mice. ─── 方法:乳腺癌细胞注射入30只雌性裸鼠的右侧股骨。

70、D: I'm afraid your femur is broken. We'd better X-ray it, just to be sure. Take this paper to the office; the nurse will show you the X-ray department. ─── 您的股骨恐怕断了。得去拍几张X线片来确定一下。拿这张申请单到办公室去,护士会带您到放射科去。

71、While multiple foci of high density tumor bone were seen in 11 cases in the proximal humerus and femur. ─── 发生在肱骨近端和股骨近端的11例均表现为密度增高的多发团状的瘤骨。

72、The bone absorption is happened in 1、3、7 zoon of head femur, it's bad for hip steady. ─── 吸收类多发生在1、3、7区,它是一种不良的骨反应,它对人工关节的长期稳定构成威胁。

73、In addition to these features, modern human femora have short necks and mediolaterally narrow shafts. ─── 除了这些特点外,现代人类股骨杆部稍短、轴状股较细。

74、The X-ray reveals a fracture of his right femur. ─── X光片显示他的右髋骨骨折。

75、An osteotomy cuts the shinbone (tibia) or the thighbone (femur) to improve the alignment of the knee joint. ─── 截骨术可以截掉部分小腿骨(胫骨)或大腿骨(股骨)以改善膝关节的力线。

76、Of, relating to, or located in the thigh or femur. ─── 属于、有关或位于股骨或大腿里的

77、Methods The imaging findings of 9 cases of osteogenic sarcoma in distal part of femur proved by pathology were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾分析9例经病理证实的股骨下端骨肉瘤的各种影像学表现特征。

78、Early Homo femora have larger heads and broader necks compared to early hominins. ─── 与早期人类相比,早期能人股骨的头端稍大、杆部更宽广些。

79、The bone osteogenesis is happened in 1、3、4、5、7 zoon of head femur, and it's useful for reinforce prosthesis. ─── 增生类多发生在1、3、4、5、7区,它是一种有益的骨反应,能加强对假体的固定作用。

80、ObjectiveExplore the effective treatment for senile fracture of the neck of femur. ─── [目的]索高龄股骨颈骨折有效治疗方法。

81、Femora neck fracture; fracture fixation; Compress hollow screws. ─── 股骨颈骨折;骨折固定术;中空加压螺丝钉。

82、The menisci are two semilunar, fibrocartilaginous disks located between the medial and lateral articular surfaces of the femur and tibia in each knee. ─── 半月板为膝盖中股骨胫骨间两个分别位于内侧和外侧的半月形的纤维软骨盘。

83、Didn't X smooth pelvis see unusual serum assay fights nuclear antibody to suffer from femur likely normally necrotic disease? ─── 光骨盆未见异常血清化验抗核抗体都正常有可能患股骨坏死症吗?

84、To fulfill these requirements, implants must be designed to fit the endosteal caity of the proximal femur as closely as possible. ─── 为了达到这些要求,所设计的假体必须尽可能紧密地填充股骨近端的髓腔。

85、Methods Fractures of the femur and tibia were treated with external fixator,including 2 closed fractures and 21 open fractures. ─── 方法用外固定架治疗闭合骨折2例,开放骨折21例。

86、Methods The osteotomy was performed along margin of acetabulum with acetabular wholism rotary to improve acetabulum to cover head of femur. ─── 方法沿髋臼缘截骨,通过髋臼的整体旋转来加大髋臼对股骨头的包容。

87、New insights into these mechanisms are now arising from femur, calcaneus, humerus model of cancer pain in murine and tibia model in rats. ─── 初步研究表明,癌症痛有其独特的神经化学机制,骨质破坏、外周敏化、中枢敏化及神经侵蚀都参与了癌症痛的产生。

88、Rodriguez-Merchan EC.In situ fixation of nondisplaced intracapsular fractures of the proximal femur[J].Clin Orthop,2002 ;399(1):42. ─── 张经纬,蒋垚,张先龙,等.股骨转子间骨折不同手术方法比较[J].中华骨科杂志,2005;25(1):7-11.

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