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08-22 投稿


blandness 发音

英:[ˈblændnəs]  美:[ˈblændnəs]

英:  美:

blandness 中文意思翻译



blandness 词性/词形变化,blandness变形

动词过去分词: blandished |动词现在分词: blandishing |动词第三人称单数: blandishes |名词: blandisher |动词过去式: blandished |

blandness 短语词组

1、blandness defini ─── 规定湿度

2、blandness def ─── 平淡定义

3、blandness wiki ─── 平淡维基

4、blandness dansk ─── 混合丹麦语

5、blandness ang ─── 温文尔雅

6、blandness syn ─── 温和综合征

blandness 相似词语短语

1、gladness ─── n.愉快,高兴

2、boundness ─── 有界性;约束物

3、blankness ─── n.空白;空虚;单调

4、blondness ─── 金发

5、blindness ─── n.失明;无知;盲区

6、blandest ─── adj.柔和的(最高级)

7、baldness ─── n.光秃;率直;枯燥

8、blackness ─── n.黑色;阴险

9、badness ─── n.坏,恶;不良;恶劣状态

blandness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You might say 'I don't like rice on its own - it's a bit bland. ─── 仅仅吃米饭,自然是没有什么味道了。

2、The Cinderella danced by Brianne Bland was not only lovely in her careful movements.She was also emotionally believable as an actress. ─── Brianne Bland 扮演的灰姑娘不仅动作优美,她也用表演折服了观众。

3、The conversation, the Asahi beer and warm sake in the bar compensated for the bland food on board. ─── 一路呆在暖和的酒吧里聊天和畅饮朝日啤酒,可以算作对船上乏味伙食的补偿。

4、He denied with bland effrontery. ─── 他和颜悦色地厚着脸皮把一切都赖掉了。

5、The ci composed by the graceful and restrained group members has the beauty of blandness in all the text. ─── 婉约派的词通篇透出一股阴柔之美。

6、Another reason for the blandness is the dull censoring hand of the platform holders who are amazingly prudish. ─── 另一个“温和”的原因,就是某些无聊的平台厂商以他们的“审查之手”硬装活菩萨。

7、Jaguars now outshine “increasingly bland German products”, he maintains. ─── 他还认为比起“日趋平凡的德国汽车”,目前捷豹是大放异彩。

8、He had been accustomed to bathe in that bland sea and to take long walks among the pleasant vineyards, but little by little, grudging the time, he ceased to do so. ─── 一开始他也 常到温和的海水中去洗澡,不时在可爱的葡萄园之间散步。 但由于舍不得时 间,渐渐地他不再下海,也不再散步了。

9、Plain, bland pages with few orgpeting hyperlinks result in higIT click-through rates on the AdSenSE ads. ─── 少一部份和谷歌相抵的连接,有助于用户点你的广告连接。

10、Within a mere half-hour, rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized. ─── 在仅仅半小时以内,房间便从平淡无奇变得明亮而且配置齐整。

11、The doctor said you should try to avoid greasy food and have a bland diet these two days. ─── 医生说这两天你最好不要吃油腻的东西,吃一些清淡的食物。

12、In winning acceptance from straights, he says, gays have become bland, sanitised and shallow. ─── 在赢得直人们的接受后,他说,同性恋者越来越乏味,无奇和肤浅。

13、She frequently finds it hard to cope with the blandness of her life. ─── 他们觉得别人都比自己幸福。

14、He has a bland appearance. ─── 他外表平庸。

15、Huge fire pots in contrasting or matching colors, rightly placed at the centre with ideal seating positions around can kill the blandness of any huge hall. ─── 如果它已被一些时间 , 因为您的系统升级到家庭,考虑以下的提示。当你购买合适的产品和安装得当,排水沟修理会减少。

16、Under a bland, equinoctial sky, the morning light lay evenly over the white concrete outside the entrance to the planetarium . ─── 在温和、昼夜平分时的天空下,晨曦淡然地照耀在天文馆人口处外面的白色混凝土上。

17、She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising. ─── 她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。

18、His brown face was bland and his mouth, red lipped, clear cut as a woman's, frankly sensual, smiled carelessly as he lifted her into the carriage. ─── 他那褐色的脸膛是温和的,而那张嘴,那张唇红齿白、像女人的嘴一样轮廓鲜明富于肉感的嘴,当他搀扶她上马车时,更浮出随随便便的微笑,动人极了。

19、If they had stuck to their rights and enforced them you wouldn't be trying to trample mine under foot in this bland way now. ─── 如果他们也都要维护自己的权利,并且坚持到底,现在你们就不会这样满不在乎地试图践踏我的权利了。

20、Without ups and downs, our life will be dull and bland, so enjoy your fights while you can. ─── 人生不如意事十常八九,没有些风雨,相信人生一定会颇沉闷,尽情享受一下吵嘴的情趣吧!

21、Its flesh is edible but bland and leaves an unpleasant aftertaste (Ref. 28499).The liver was used as a source of machine oil (Ref. 28499). ─── 它的肉是可食用的但是淡而无味的而且留下一个不愉快的回味.(参考文献28499)肝脏被用作一个机器油的来源。

22、Use the optics magnifier and the bland ray of luminescence to observe the skin veins clearly ,it is a useful tools or beautification,tattoo and eyebrow embroidery. ─── 利用光学放大镜的放大功能和冷光灯管的柔和光线,更清晰地观察皮肤的纹理,令问题肌肤的状况明晰化,是美容,文绣的得力工具

23、Derided for the blandness of its output during the 1980s and early 1990s, Fiat dared to start thinking outside the box. ─── 嘲笑20世纪80年代到90年代初的失败,菲亚特敢于跳出箱子思考。

24、His gross manner betrayed his pretence of blandness. ─── 他假装做出一副文雅的样子,可他粗鲁的举止暴露了他的本质。

25、Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet. ─── 他没有点通常吃的淡而无味的食品,而要了咖哩食品

26、You find him quite bland and urbane toward the people who would not listen to him. ─── 他对于不听从训导的人总是和颜悦色、彬彬有礼。

27、The game was a little bland in the first half, while in the second we managed to make the difference, pressing harder and denying Verona space. ─── 上半时很沉闷,下半时尤文有所改观,占据了主动。我们给对手制造了更大的困难,压缩他们发挥的空间。

28、Yeast extracts have also been discovered to reduce blandness in foods, for instance when salt content is reduced in sauces and soups. ─── 酵母提取物也被发现,以减少食品中的平淡例如,当含盐量在减少酱汁和汤。

29、He is a mild man, who is reasonable almost to the point of blandness. ─── 他是个性情温和、理智到了近乎呆板的人。

30、Blandness in the basic politics of the media became standard. ─── 传播媒介在基本政治问题上通常采取温和的态度。

31、Description: Clear yellow pale oily liquid, with odour and characteristic bland taste. ─── 外观:清澈浅黄色油状液体,特有柔和清香气味。

32、The Briarose Estate Blackwood Cove 2003 is a Bordeaux bland of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc. ─── 2003年布赖亚罗斯庄园黑木湾牌葡萄酒是卡本内苏维浓、美洛和卡本内弗朗克的波尔多品牌。

33、Few of the great creators have bland personalities. They are cantankerous egotists, the kind of men who are unwelcome in the modern corporation. ─── 伟大的创作家很少具有温和的个性。他们是不易相处的自我主义者,是现代企业中不受欢迎的一群。

34、Uniform ads across territories are often criticised for being bland and soulless. ─── 各地使用统一的广告片经常被批评为乏味、没有灵魂。

35、He said this with his face expanding in a bland smile. ─── 他这样说着,脸上绽开了温和的笑容。

36、They became silent, their faces clouding over, their features becoming soft and negative, their eyes bland and deceptive. ─── 他们不响了,脸色阴沉了下来,表情显然模糊,冷淡,眼神变得呆滞而难以捉摸。

37、Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. ─── 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。

38、Other times the specifics are buried under a thick layer of marketese and bland slogans. ─── 另外有些时候,这些关于产品的细节特性被淹没在众多的网站信息和庸俗的口号中。

39、Mammy had her there and there was no argument. Seeing the obdurate look on Scarlett's face, Mammy picked up the tray and, with the bland guile of her race, changed her tactics. ─── 嬷嬷看见思嘉一脸的不服气,嬷嬷便端起托盘,用一种出自本能的温和而狡狯的方式改变了策略。

40、Never matures as a dimensional character; he is pasty, bland, faceless. ─── 他从没有成长为一个性格健全的人;他脸色苍白,冷漠而没有表情。

41、They're amazingly consistent if you eavesdrop on them during interviews: You'll hear plain, neutral, bland questions. ─── 如果你偷听他们的采访,你会吃惊于他们的始终如一的风格:你会听到朴素的、中立的、温和的问题。

42、The words spat forth with sudden savagery , all pretense of blandness gone. ─── 奥格尔维突然粗鲁地冲口而出,所有假装的和蔼态度全没有了。

43、China's censors are as prudish and culturally conservative as they are politically repressive, preferring bland family fare from overseas. ─── 中国的电影审查制度相当严格,在文化上过分保守,一如中国在政治上施加的压制,相比而言,他们更喜欢温和的亲情式舶来品。

44、This blandness masks the rarity of her brain . Because whatever else Savant is , she is not a fraud . ─── 这份温和淡定掩饰了她罕见的智慧。因为无论她是什么人,她绝不是骗子。

45、If Pendennis was impertinent in his talk, Foker, on the other hand, so bland and communicative on most occasions. ─── 如果说潘登尼斯在谈话时有些盛气凌人,那么福克大多是温和而殷勤的。

46、In fact, most vegetables in the U.S. are rather bland in taste. ─── 实际上,美国的大部分蔬菜味道很淡。

47、"If their dreams were bland," Cartwright says, "they hadn't started to work through their emotions and deal with the divorce. ─── “如果他们的梦是乏味的,”卡特赖特说,“他们的情感无法很好地开始工作,并处理离婚。”

48、BUS pulls up, the doors are flung open and suddenly a quiet bland warehouse in a Sydney industrial suburb is temporarily open for business. ─── 一辆公共汽车停下来,车门猛地被打开,悉尼工业市郊一个寂静的仓库突然变成了临时商业区。

49、People tend to think of English food at bland, but, in fact, the pilgrims used many spices, including cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and dried fruit, in sauces for meats. ─── 人们一般认为英国菜乏味,但事实上,当时的清教徒做菜会用许多香料作调料,比如在做肉的沙司里加肉桂、姜、蔻、菽、饯。

50、She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising. ─── 她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。

51、Can you savored the bland soup with salt? ─── 你能不能将淡汤加盐调味?

52、Salsa can usually overcome space blandness. ─── 太空的食物总是平淡无味,还好有辣味番茄酱来帮忙。

53、After the meeting, a bland statement was issued. ─── 会后发布了一条乏味的声明。

54、Some type of bland soap and warm water may be used for initial cleaning. ─── 可用某种刺激性小的肥皂和温水进行初期清洗。

55、He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble. ─── 他因胃病而吃清淡的食物。

56、Malfoy watches him for a few moments with a bland expression, then abruptly laughs. "You know, it's amazing what I can get away with just by pleading amnesia. ─── Malfoy面无表情的看了他一阵儿,然后突然笑了起来。“你知道么,拿健忘症当借口真是一剂万能药,这真是奇妙。

57、She rolled her eyes and screwed up her mouth and stuck her leathery thin face into his smooth bland one. ─── 她转动着眼珠,时时撅起嘴,用她那干瘪的瘦脸贴着他那光滑、柔嫩的脸。

58、He eats only bland food because of his ulcer. ─── 他患溃疡,只能吃无刺激性的食物。

59、Pan-European campaigns are often criticised for blandness, and newer media face the same risk. ─── 泛欧洲广告活动常常被批评为平淡乏味,而新锐媒体面临着同样的风险。

60、The only problem with this image of corporate bliss is that it is so bland. ─── 公司幸福形象仅有的问题是它太温和了。

61、Mathematics, which is strict and bland, has something in common in varous of aspects with art which abounds with creation and imagination. ─── 严格和冷漠的数学在许多方面跟富有创造和想象的艺术具有共同之处。

62、A bland diet. ─── 不油腻的饮食

63、He prescribed a bland and boring diet; the Graham cracker, in fact, is a sweetened version of his invention. ─── 他开出了一个单调的食谱:格拉汉饼干,事实上,这是他发明的一种甜食。

64、It encouraged sentimentality, the primary emotional evil of our day, and a sort of caring blandness. ─── 它倡导(怂恿)了伤感、我们现时最主要的情绪上的恶意(罪恶情感)和一种(对于)关怀(别人)的漠视(冷漠态度)。

65、For these patients, usual food flaors taste bland or different, with a few patients losing the sensation of taste altogether. ─── 对于这些患者,通常食物的味道尝起来变淡或与众不同,其中少数患者完全丧失味觉。

66、Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre. ─── 对碘造影剂过敏、隐匿性甲状腺亢进和轻微甲状腺肿的病例,应慎重。

67、Mrs Obama did not campaign as a traditional first lady, staring at her husband with dewy-eyed admiration and limiting her comments to bland pleasantries. ─── 奥巴马夫人并没有像传统的第一夫人一样搞运动,以天真的惊叹的神气盯着其丈夫,把她的评论限制在平和的幽默。

68、They're amazingly consistent if you eavesdropon them during interviews: You'll hear plain, neutral, bland questions. ─── 如果你偷听他们的采访,你会吃惊于他们的始终如一的风格:你会听到朴素的、中立的、温和的问题。

69、It can make bland foods tasty and can make the dentist rich. ─── 它可以平淡,可以使食物鲜美牙医丰富。

70、I wrote a bland, ugly, boring, tasteless 3.8 paragraph paper. ─── 于是我就写了一篇空洞的、难看的、枯燥无味的、让我自己大倒胃口的3-8式文章。

71、The bland food help the children realize how lucky they are. ─── 吃著淡而无味的食物,孩子能够了解他们有多幸福。

72、They gave their order.Hung-chien and Miss Sun both said they didn't have much appetite and wanted something bland, so each ordered a serving of rice noodles. ─── 大家点了菜,鸿渐和孙小姐都说胃口不好,要吃清淡些,便一人叫了个米线。

73、The expression she show me always a bland smile. ─── 她给我看见的永远是温和的、带着微笑的脸。

74、Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. Luckily his wife has perfect taste. ─── 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。万幸的是,他的妻子非常有品位。

75、In its sterile, self-contained chain-store blandness, it is an abomination to many New Yorkers. ─── 许多纽约人不喜欢其过于干净、缺乏个性和充斥着高级连锁店的风格。

76、Panel to fill in gap between two stands, or disguise bland spaces. ─── 填充两个展台之间空隙的嵌板,或装饰多余空隙的镶板。

77、Basically, CGI is limited to bland HTML-based forms. ─── 从根本上讲,CGI受限于乏味的HTML格式。

78、Unlike those sugary and calorie-heavy sports drinks, this super-concentrated drink mix helps you turn at least 16 fl. oz. of boring, bland water into a raspberry taste sensation. ─── 不同于那多糖、高卡路里的运动饮料,这一款超浓缩的饮品可以帮助你把16盎司的无味的纯水变成蓝莓口味。

79、This day does not have to be bland and indistinguishable from all the others. Because you are here to make it special. ─── 今天不会是乏味平淡的,因为你会让今天很特别。

80、The myriad of colors that autumn treats us to makes the greens of spring and summer and the cold white of winter seem devastatingly bland. ─── 人为过往的悔而梦,为过往的美而梦,年复一年,来美近三十个年头。

81、In the Rue Traversiere, in front of the Bland workshop, and in the yard of the Maison-Brulee, in front of tool-maker Bernier's, groups whispered together. ─── 在横街的罗兰作坊前面,在一座着过火的房子的院里,工具工人贝尼埃的车间前,一堆堆的人在低声谈论。

82、If he handles the chicken RMBs well for a few days, you can try adding some bland veggie mix (with perhaps some lean ground meat to tempt). ─── 如果他很好的适应了一段时间用生鸡肉做主食,你可以试着加进一点柔和的素食的混合物(在上面放一点瘦肉来引诱)。

83、Now, he says, the church is run by corporate types, not theologians, and its teachings have become simple and bland, “like people dancing the polka”. ─── 他说,如今教会是由企业类组织而不是由神学家来管理,其教义已经变得简单而平淡,“就像跳波尔卡舞的那些人一样”。

84、The bland New General Catalog designation of NGC2237 doesn't appear to diminish the appearance of the this flowery emission nebula. ─── 在新总表中所命名的NGC2237,看来并没有减损这个花似的发射星云之外观。

85、The result has been a profusion of bland slogans that have come to stand for sustainable development and a greener approach to growth. ─── 其结果是,中国政府推出了大量空泛的口号,支持可持续发展和更环保的增长模式。

86、Especially when the bottle contains mineral water which tastes bland, the AA smell becomes unacceptable. ─── 尤其是PET瓶子盛载淡然无味的矿泉水时,AA味道会变得难以接受。

87、His reply to the question was just a string of bland generalities. ─── 作出的回答只是一连串空洞的概论而已。

88、She sat silently, her eyes bland. ─── 她黯然地呆呆坐着。

89、He came forward with such a bland, engaging smile. ─── 他带着一副殷勤的、动人的笑容,走向前来。








そうこの愛はBlindness,でも見つめるよ,何千も何万も紡いで繋ぐ,すればいいってモンじゃない?いや、いいってモンなんだ!無数の愛で 惑星は生まれ続けるから,しゅうまつ論者のノウは,あぁ、そう。ほら今自由に描いたような,あなたの世界教えて!




爱虽然是盲目的,但也是专注的。成千上万的思绪交织,那是坏事吗?不,那是好事呀!正因有着无数的爱 才会有无数的繁星诞生,但对于末日主义者来说,只不过是一句“哦,这样啊”。如今你无拘无束绘出的世界,请讲给我听吧!


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