despoiled 发音
英:[dɪˈspɔɪld] 美:[dɪˈspɔɪld]
英: 美:
despoiled 中文意思翻译
despoiled 短语词组
1、despoiled synonym ─── 掠夺同义词
2、despoiled divinity ─── 被掠夺的神性
3、despoiled mean ─── 掠夺的手段
4、despoiled antonym ─── 掠夺反义词
5、despoiled meaning ─── 被剥夺的意义
6、despoiled define ─── 掠夺
7、despoiled def ─── 掠夺的def
despoiled 词性/词形变化,despoiled变形
名词: despoiler |动词过去分词: despoiled |动词第三人称单数: despoils |动词现在分词: despoiling |动词过去式: despoiled |
despoiled 相似词语短语
1、desponded ─── v.感到沮丧,失去信心;n.失去勇气;失望;n.(Despond)(法)德蓬(人名)
2、despoiler ─── 掠夺者
3、despised ─── adj.受轻视的;v.轻视,看不起(despise的过去式和过去分词)
4、despoils ─── vt.掠夺,剥夺;夺取
5、despited ─── 鄙视
6、despoil ─── vt.掠夺,剥夺;夺取
7、respooled ─── 回应
8、despaired ─── n.绝望;令人绝望的人或事;vi.绝望,丧失信心
9、undespoiled ─── 未变质
despoiled 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、39. Member States should develop policies and programmes for restoration of natural areas made derelict by industry, or otherwise despoiled by man's activities. ─── 各成员国应为恢复因工业而遭废弃或人类活动而遭破坏的自然区域制订政策和计划。
2、and the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. Thus they despoiled the Egyptians. ─── 耶和华叫百姓在埃及人眼前蒙恩,以致埃及人给他们所要的。他们就把埃及人的财物夺去了。
3、between the two countries which nearly led to a war. The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments. ─── 希腊和亚洲城市中最值钱的装饰品被抢劫一空。
4、The stouthearted are despoiled; They slept their sleep, And none of the men of strength Have found their hands. ─── 5心中勇敢的人,都被掠夺;他们睡了长觉,没有一个勇士能措手。
5、Overloaded lorries trundled by the thousands through the despoiled Bellary hills, throwing up clouds of red dust. ─── 成千上万的重载卡车驶过这座被掠夺一空的贝拉里山,扬起一片片红色的尘埃。
6、They despoiled the villagers of their belongings. ─── 他们夺走了村民的财物。
7、AFTER THE EXECUTION Pierre was separated from the other prisoners and left alone in a small, despoiled, and filthy church. ─── 行刑后,皮埃尔与别的犯人隔离开来,单独囚禁在一座破败肮脏的小教堂内。
8、I say the two, because Cardinal Rospigliosi, who had not taken any precaution, was completely despoiled ─── 我说两位,是指还有那位红衣主教罗斯辟格里奥赛,他由于事先毫无准备,所以完全被抢光了。”
9、30:16 "`But all who devour you will be devoured;all your enemies will go into exile.Those who plunder you will be plundered;all who make spoil of you I will despoil. ─── 16 故此、凡吞吃你的、必被吞吃.你的敌人、个个都被掳去、掳掠你的、必成为掳物、抢夺你的、必成为掠物。
10、He used his ruthless and destructive armies to despoil everybody who lived within reach of his realm. ─── 他动用其损坏性的戎行残暴地攫取国内的人民。
11、Perhaps the earthquake has despoiled the life of your family.Please don't lose your faith! ─── 或许地震破坏了你们的生活和家庭,请你们不要失去信念!
12、Avarice and taste very frequently despoiled the vanquished nations of the elegant statues of their gods, and the rich ornaments of their temples; ─── 贪婪和品味不断破坏被征服民族所拥有的优雅神祗雕像和奢靡寺庙饰品。
13、The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments. ─── 希腊与亚洲城市中最宝贵的装饰品被劫掠一空。
14、The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure. ─── 得胜的军队把城里的财宝劫掠一空。
15、that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; ─── 伦敦市的市长大人,一个神气十足的大员,在特恩安森林被一个剪径的强徒喝住,只好乖乖地站住不动。 那强盗竟当着众随员的面把那个显赫人物掳了个精光。
16、despoil sb of his right ─── 剥夺(某人)的权利
17、"Thy voice, and suddenly grow grey with fear, And tremble and despoil themselves: 0 hear!" ─── 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青:一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听!
18、despoil sb. of right ─── 剥夺某人权利
19、And tremble and despoil themselves: oh hear! ─── 战栗着消逝,听啊!
20、A region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development. ─── 由于不加限制的发展而使这个地区丧失了其美丽景色
21、The trees were despoiled of their leaves in the high wind ─── 那些树上的叶子都被大风刮光了。
22、From the wicked who despoil me, My deadly enemies who surround me. ─── 诗17:9使我脱离那欺压我的恶人、就是围困我、要害我命的仇敌。
23、3. Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures. ─── 博物馆里有许多从印度掠夺来的无价之宝.
24、Many of the tombs had been despoiled . ─── 许多墓碑已经被掠夺了。
25、for the Lord pleads their cause and despoils of life those who despoil them. ─── 因耶和华必为他辨屈,抢夺他的,耶和华必夺取那人的命。
26、He has fermented so long now that he is amorphous.Yeast despoiled of its vitamins.Vase without a rubber plant. ─── 他发酵的时间太长,现在已变得毫无形状了,成了失去维生素的酵母,没有橡皮底座的花瓶。
27、Freelance divers, seeking salvage rather than knowledge, despoil them. ─── 自由职业的潜水员为了获得钱财而不是研究,也破坏了他们。
28、That which once despoiled your view will be removed and vistas anew you will experience as you explore the bounty of spirit's offerings. ─── 那曾经掠夺你观点的(负面能量)将会被移除,当你会探索灵性慷慨的给予之时,远景会令你更新。
29、despoil of ─── 掠夺
30、The earth will be completely laid waste and completely despoiled, for the LORD has spoken this word. ─── 地必全然空虚、尽都荒凉.因为这话是耶和华说的。
31、The bandits despoiled the villagers of their belongings. ─── 匪徒们夺去村民们的财物。
32、Truth Is Lacking, And Whoever Turns From Evil Is Despoiled. ─── 真相越来越少,而那些个从邪恶里转回的人被掠夺了。
33、He have fermented so long now those he is amorphous.Yeast despoiled of its vitamins.Vase lacking a rubber plant. ─── 他发酵的时间太长,目前已变得毫无形状了,成了失去维生素的酵母,么有橡皮底座的花瓶。
34、Our grants help fund grassroots action in some of the world's most despoiled and impoverished places where other sources of support often are not available. ─── 我们的资金用于资助世界上最贫困地区的基层组织开展活动,通常那里没有任何支持资源。
35、having despoiled the principalities and the powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. ─── 在十字架上,基督亲自解除了(或译:基督亲自脱离了)那些灵界执政者和掌权者的权势,把他们当作凯旋行列中的俘虏,公开示众。
36、The robbers despoiled the merchant of his goods. ─── 强盗们洗劫了那商人的财物。
37、'If you were shown a great heap of dolls, and were set upon them to pluck them to pieces and despoil them for your own advantage, you would pick out the richest and gayest.Say! ─── “如果你面前有一大堆布娃娃,有人鼓动你去剥掉它们的衣服给自己用,你会选择那最高贵最漂亮的剥,是吧?
38、Toussaint's bed was despoiled in like manner.One bed only was made up, and seemed to be waiting some one, and this was Jean Valjean's bed. ─── 杜桑的床也同样剥光了,只有一张床是铺好的,似乎等待着一个人,这就是冉阿让的床。
39、He employ his ruthless and destructive armies to despoil eVery abundancebody who lived within reach of his realm. ─── 他动用其破坏性的军队残暴地掠夺国内的人民。
40、They destroyed all the cities around Gerar, for the dread of the LORD had fallen on them; and they despoiled all the cities, for there was much plunder in them. ─── 又打破基拉耳四围的城邑.耶和华使其中的人、都甚恐惧.犹大人又将所有的城掳掠一空、因其中的财物甚多。
41、Barbarians despoiled the western towns. ─── 野蛮人把西部一座座城镇洗劫一空。
42、Two thousand fattened years like maniacs. Have despoiled our common grave. ─── 使二千几年长肥喜欢躁狂者.已经掠夺我们共用坟墓.
43、The robbers despoiled the merchant of his goods. ─── 强盗们洗劫了那商人的财物。
44、they despoiled all the cities, for there was much booty in them. ─── 犹大人又将所有的城掳掠一空,因为城中有许多财物。
45、8 Because you despoiled many peoples all the rest of the nations shall despoil you; ─── 因为你抢掠过许多民族,各民族的遗也必要抢掠你;
46、Do not rob the poor because they are poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate; for the LORD pleads their cause and despoils of life those who despoil them. ─── 23不可仗势占穷人的便宜,不可欺压法庭上无助的人。上主要为他们辩护;谁危害他们的生命,上主要照样取那人的生命。
47、3 2 Then Judas attacked the sons of Esau at Akrabattene in Idumea, because they were blockading Israel; he defeated them heavily, overcame and despoiled them. ─── 那时犹大在依杜默雅的阿卡巴特乃,攻打正在包围以色列人的厄撒乌的后裔,加以痛击,予以重创;制服他们,获得了许多财物。
48、He even pushed as far as Embrun, entered the cathedral one night, and despoiled the sacristy ─── 他甚至敢于进逼昂布伦,黑夜侵入天主堂,卷走圣衣库中的东西。
49、When that lion came to despoil that flock, it came as a wondrous opportunity to David. ─── 当狮子来掠夺羊羔的时侯,他看为一个非常的机会。
50、Though both of shelter and kindred despoiled, ─── 虽然我无亲无友无栖身之地,
51、I can see in your eyes that glorious Kurast has been despoiled by evil. ─── 我可以在你们的眼中,看到光荣的库拉斯特己经被邪恶所所破坏。
52、The thief despoiled the old man of his belongings. ─── 贼夺走了那老人的财物。
53、He rescues the despoiled from the despoiler, the weak from the hands of the violent. ─── 他搭救被剥削者脱离人口,挽救穷人摆脱强暴的手。
54、all who make spoil of you I will despoil. ─── 抢夺你的必成为掠物。
55、22 8 Every woman shall ask her neighbor and her house guest for silver and gold articles and for clothing to put on your sons and daughters.Thus you will despoil the Egyptians. ─── 各个妇人应向邻舍的妇女,向住在自己家中的女人索取金鉓、银饰和衣服,穿戴在你们子女身上:这样你们就剥夺了埃及人。
56、Apparently, the Protoss were aware that the Hive Spores had already despoiled the planet and seeking to prevent further infestation, incinerated the planet. ─── 很明显的,神民族也已经知道了这个星球已经被异形孢子所污染,为了避免进一步的感染,他们彻底的焚烧了这颗星球。
57、The foreign troops despoiled Colombia of the Isthmus of Panama ─── 外国军队夺走了哥伦比亚的巴拿马地峡。
58、despoil v. ─── 夺取;
59、Villagers are displaced by militias to allow exploration, the land is despoiled, cattle die within hours of drinking contaminated water. ─── 村民被民兵驱离家园,随之勘探跟进,土地的资源被掠夺,水质被污染,家畜饮用后数小时之内就死亡。
60、Brother Michael was astonished to discover the castle had been left in relatively good repair, perhaps because the goblins had decided to make it their base while they despoiled the countryside. ─── 迈克尔修士惊讶地发现城堡竟然保存完好,也许因为地精想要将它当作他们在附近乡村掠夺期间的基地。
61、42 And tremble and despoil themselves: oh hear! ─── 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听!
62、She said: "Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the noblest of its people its meanest thus do they behave. ─── 她说:“国王们每攻入一个城市,必破坏其中的建设,必使其中贵族变在贱民,他们这些人,也会这样做的。
63、4. A region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development. ─── 这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观。
64、2. And tremble and despoil themselves: oh hear! ─── 战栗着自行凋落;听,哦,听!
65、The invaders despoiled the country of all its treasures. ─── 入侵者抢夺了该国的全部财富。
66、These gods cannot escape either from thieves or brigands. These are more powerful and despoil them of their gold, their silver and their robes. Such gods are unable to defend themselves. ─── 比它们更有力的人夺去了它们的金银,和它们穿的衣服以后,安然离去,它们竟不能自助自救。
67、They are deadly warriors that have grown up in unthinkable hardship, on a world forever despoiled by warfare. ─── 他们是可怕的武士,历经难以想象的苦难磨砺,他们的母星因战乱而万物萧条。
68、The realms of fancy were all untraveled, and its fairest flowers had not been gathered, nor its beauties despoiled, by the rude touch of those who affected to cultivate them. ─── 幻想的园地还无人问津,它的最美丽的花朵还无人采摘,而且它的美好之处还没有被那些佯作培养它们的人们的粗暴之手所破坏。
69、1. that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; ─── 伦敦市的市长大人,一个神气十足的大员,在特恩安森林被一个翦径的强徒喝住,只好乖乖地站住不动。那强盗竟当着众随员的面把那个显赫人物掳了个精光。
70、The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure ─── 得胜的军队把城里的财宝劫掠一空
71、After Mongolian entered into class society,effected by patriarchal,They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage,despoil marriage,inherit marriage,grade marriage,etc. ─── 蒙古族进入阶级社会后 ,受到宗法思想的影响 ,形成了收继婚、抢婚制、世代婚、等级婚、入赘婚、买卖婚、抱斧婚等名目繁多的宗法性婚姻形态。
72、How otherwise can you be mine or I yours unless you be despoiled of your own will both inwardly and outwardly? ─── 这种人的心,不能得真正的自由,不能领受我亲密的恩典。
73、4.The diseases usually can despoil of young. ─── 这些疾病常会夺走年轻的生命。
74、despoil vt. ─── 夺取, 掠夺;
75、"Like a plague of locusts, your forces near Beijing despoil everything around them. This is a grave insult to Chinese sovereignty and we shall not forget it!" ─── 象蝗虫过境,北京附近的军队正大肆掠夺附近的财产。这是对中国主权的严重羞辱,我们永远不会忘记你今天的行为的。
76、'If you were shown a great heap of dolls, and were set upon them to pluck them to pieces and despoil them for your own advantage, you would pick out the richest and gayest. Say! ─── “如果你面前有一大堆布娃娃,有人鼓动你去剥掉它们的衣服给自己用,你会选择那最高贵最漂亮的剥,是吧?
77、22 6 This is a people despoiled and plundered, all of them trapped in holes, hidden away in prisons. ─── 但这民族遭受了洗劫和抢掠,被束缚于桎梏之中,隐伏于监狱之内;
78、Along the way, we despoiled most of the land we worked, often turning verdant, natural ecozones into semi-arid deserts. ─── 一路上,我们破坏了大多数我们曾经耕作过的的土地,经常把翠绿的自然生态区变成了半干旱的沙漠。
79、The cities of Greece and asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments ─── 希腊和亚洲城市中最值钱的装饰品被抢劫一空。
80、They despoiled the villagers of their belongings. ─── 他们夺走了村民的财物。
81、"'But all who devour you will be devoured;all your enemies will go into exile.Those who plunder you will be plundered;all who make spoil of you I will despoil. ─── 故此、凡吞吃你的、必被吞吃.你的敌人、个个都被掳去、掳掠你的、必成为掳物、抢夺你的、必成为掠物。
82、And tremble and despoil themselves: oh, hear! ─── 颤抖中花枝零落:啊,听!
83、Perhaps the earthquake has despoiled the life of your family. Please don't lose your faith! Look, the sun is still rising. Anyway, tomorrow is another day! Go sichuan!Go china! ─── 或许地震破坏了你们的生活和家庭,请你们不要失去信念!看,太阳依旧升起,不管怎样,明天是崭新的一天!加油四川!加油中国!
84、He has fermented so long now that he is amorphous. Yeast despoiled of its vitamins. Vase without a rubber plant. ─── 他发酵的时间太长,现在已变得毫无形状了,成了失去维生素的酵母,没有橡皮底座的花瓶。
85、Tichondrius: Fateful as it sounds, your pet orcs have recently despoiled these forestlands and incurred his wrath. ─── 提克迪奥斯:真是宿命啊,你的宠物兽族们最近在这片森林里大肆掠夺,触怒了塞纳留斯。
86、In his place will rise another who will send a tax collector to despoil the Glory of his Kingdom, but he will be overthrown within a few days, though neither with arms nor in battle. ─── 以后另有一人代他兴起,他要派横徵暴歛的人遍行国内华丽之地,但他没有过几天,就丧了命,不是由于叛变,也不是由于作战。
87、Villagers are displaced by militias to allow exploration, the land is despoiled, cattle die within hours of drinking contaminated water. ─── 村民被民兵驱离家园,随之勘探跟进,土地的资源被掠夺,水质被污染,家畜饮用后数小时之内就死亡。
88、Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures. ─── 博物馆里有许多从印度掠夺来的无价之宝。
89、"There is a thought that for strength should avail me, Though both of shelter and kindred despoiled; ─── 哪怕我无家可归无亲无故,一个给人力量的信念在我心头。
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