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09-13 投稿


sinless 发音

英:[ˈsɪnlɪs]  美:[ˈsɪnləs]

英:  美:

sinless 中文意思翻译



sinless 词性/词形变化,sinless变形

动词过去式: sank/sunk |形容词: sinkable |动词第三人称单数: sinks |动词现在分词: sinking |动词过去分词: sunk |

sinless 同义词

founder | fade | weaken |fall | drown | sump | wash-hand basin | immerse | decline | cesspool | mine | sag | swallow hole | depression | lapse | droop | go down | slump | pass | deteriorate | basin | go | drill | fall off | dip | slide down | cesspit | lower | drop | bowl | duck | capsize | sinkhole | submerge | go under | descend | pine | swamp | languish | dig | bury | down | subside | depress | hand basin | flop | settle | drop down

sinless 短语词组

1、sinless life ─── 无罪的生活

2、sinless def ─── 无罪的定义

3、sinless pw ─── 无罪的pw

4、sinless high ─── 清白的高

5、sinless life bible ─── 清白的生命圣经

6、sinless pwi ─── 清白pwi

sinless 反义词

rise |float | source

sinless 相似词语短语

1、signless ─── adj.无符号的;无表示的

2、winless ─── adj.未赢的;从来没胜过的

3、sunless ─── adj.阳光照射不到的,阴暗的

4、spinless ─── 无刺的

5、kinless ─── adj.无亲戚的

6、sonless ─── 十四行诗

7、finless ─── adj.无鳍的;无翼片的

8、skinless ─── adj.无皮的

9、sinkless ─── adj.不下沉的

sinless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We could not atone for these things by ourselves.God knew that and he sent his own perfect sinless son into this world to accomplish it for us. ─── 神知道我们根本不能够为自己赎罪,因此,祂差遣祂那完全无罪的儿子进入世界,来为我们成就了救赎计划。

2、If your mind is part of God's you must be sinless, or a part of His Mind would be sinful. ─── 你的心若是上主的一部分,你一定是清白无罪的,否则就表示在祂天心中有一部分是有罪。

3、If you search in the dictionary, pure refers to things that are free of dirt or pollution, that have a uniform composition, that are complete and sinless. ─── 如果你翻查一下字典,会发现“纯”这个词是指干净没有被污染过的,成分单一的,完善和清白的。

4、If I feel injured when another lays to my charge things that I know not, forgetting that my Sinless Saviour trod this path to the end, then I know nothing of Calvary love. ─── 若当别人把一些我毫不知情的罪过推到我身上时,我感到深受伤害,却忘记了我那位完全无罪的救主也曾义无返顾地走过这条路;那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

5、Christ was sinless, so why did He think He should be baptized in this way? ─── 基督是无罪的,那么,他为什么认为他要受这样的洗呢?

6、He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. ─── 一次趁着妈妈正在厨房里喝咖啡的当儿,我把我的一幅巨作拿给她看。

7、he freed us from our sins, many and grievous as they were, by suffering and dying, taking them upon himself as if he were answerable for them, sinless though he was. ─── 祂不仅用奇迹、治愈了我们的疾病,用祂所受的苦难除去我们的软弱,用祂无罪的圣死偿付我们的罪债,免除我们又重又多的罪孽;

8、David did not claim to be perfect or sinless, for in many other psalms he admited to guilt and asked forgiveness (e.g. ─── 大卫从没有宣称自己是完美无罪的,他在很多其他诗篇中都承认自己有罪,也求上帝宽恕(如第廿五篇);

9、Forgive my sins, O Only Sinless One, in which I have sinned against Thee this day, known or unknown, in word, and deed, and thought, and in all my senses. ─── 惟一无罪者,求你赦免我今日所犯的所有悖逆你的罪恶,无论是出于明悟或出于昏愚,来自思言行为或我的任何感官。

10、His sinless life and substitutionary atonement alone are sufficient for our justification and reconciliation to the Father. ─── 基督在世上的无罪的生活与救赎性的代死是足够于让我们得称义及与上帝和好.

11、He is the only sinless one - the only one who could ever have taken our place. ─── 在人类的历史中,祂是唯一一个无罪的人。

12、Her accusers dispersed after Jesus challenged anyone sinless among them to cast the first stone, and he said to her, "Neither do I condemn you . ─── 耶稣要求他们当中谁没有罪的先拿石头打那妇人后,指责她的人就一一散去。

13、The sinless Pure Soul, hypnotised by Its own maya, experiences the joys of heaven and the pains of hell. ─── 清白的纯洁灵魂,着迷于自己的幻像,经历了天堂的欢乐和地狱的痛苦。

14、'"(Genesis 2:26) Since God is the holy god, which means He is sinless, the human beings were sinless also. ─── (创世纪2:26)因为圣洁的上帝是无罪的,因此人类起初也是无罪的。

15、sinless integers ─── 无符号整数, 正整数

16、If the doctrine of sinless perfection is a heresy, the doctrine of contentment with sinful imperfection is a greater heresy.A. J. ─── 如果无罪完全的教义是异端,那满足于有罪不完全的教义是更大的异端。

17、If He was sinless, and yet He died, there is only one explanation. ─── 祂若无罪,却要被钉十架而死,就只有一个解释。

18、He knows you are incapable of being perfect or sinless. ─── 他知道你无法成为完美或不犯罪。

19、with clean hands; guiltless; sinless ─── 清白无罪

20、She is a sinless man. ─── 她是无罪的人。

21、I advise you to live sinless and I wish you to die tranquil. ─── 我劝你活得清白,我愿你死得安宁。双重谓语

22、He therefore recoiled from the prospect of agonizing crucifixion and the ordeal of having the world's sin heaped on His sinless soul. ─── 因此,在面对十字架的酷刑,要以无罪之躯担当世人罪恶时,祂也不禁却步。

23、He lived a sinless life, bore our sins, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven and now seated at the right hand of God, mediating and interceding for us. (Mt. 1:18-24; ─── 他无罪的生命,为我们死而复活且担当了我们一切的罪,如今已升天及坐在父神的右边,成为我们的中保及代祷者。

24、IF I fell injured when another lays to my charge things that I know not, forgetting that my Sinless Saviour trod this path to the end, then I know nothing of Calvary love. ─── 若当别人把一些我毫不知情的罪过推到我身上时,我感到深受伤害,却忘了我那位完全无罪的救主也曾义无反顾地走过这条路;那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

25、Think of his character: he was sinless , uncorruptible, loving, gracious, com passionate and sensitive to the needs of the weak. ─── 请思考一下他的品质:他无罪、不朽、有爱心、高尚、富有同情心,对弱者的需求能敏锐地察觉。

26、He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate. ─── 祂一生无罪,在本丢彼拉多手下被钉于十字架,从死里肉身复活,升到天上、坐在天父上帝的右边,作我们的大祭司和中保。

27、You lived a perfect sinless life ─── 你过着完美无罪的生活

28、He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory and empower us for life. ─── 祂活出了无罪及典范的生命,替代我们死在十字架上,并且复活以证明祂的胜利及赐下力量给我们的生命。

29、The whole Christian gospel of salvation was based upon a belief in a sinless sacrifice. ─── 基督教福音是建立在一个无罪的羔羊的身上。

30、Because the sinless Savrior died, ─── 因无罪的救主为我死,

31、Jesus was pure and sinless and holy. ─── 耶稣是纯净,无罪和圣洁的。

32、And yet we insist that the Church in her essence is holy and sinless. ─── 但是我们仍然坚持教会是圣洁无罪 的。

33、We have no right to step into God's house, so God created a way for us to enter : one sinless Man was judged in the place of every sinful individual. ─── 我们没资格进入神的家,所以神提供了一个进入的办法:一个无罪的人代替其他所有的人的罪面对审判。

34、At this point, we certainly wonder, did the Lord bless Noah and his family because their hearts were good, because they were sinless? ─── 我们一定会想,主赐福给挪亚一家是因为他们的心思善良吗?

35、6 Notwithstanding my right I am set at nought; in my wound the arrow rankles, sinless though I am. ─── 我虽无罪无辜,却成了说谎者;我虽未行不义,却受了不可医治的创伤。

36、Christ was sinless and innocent, yet was condemned to die. ─── 基督是完全无罪和无辜的,却要被判死刑。

37、Jesus Christ, God's Son, was sinless. ─── 神的儿子耶稣基督是无罪的。

38、Mankind needs to continually pray for God's strength and sanctification, for although he can never be sinless, he can strive to be blameless by not allowing sin to have dominion over his life. ─── 人类应不断地祷告,求上帝加添他力量,使他成圣,虽然他决无法完全不犯罪,他还是可以做到无可指责,不让罪支配他。

39、Sinless, He was adored by the multitudes one day (Matt. 21:9), and then condemned as a criminal and died on a Roman cross in excruciating pain. ─── 无罪的他,一日曾被众人称颂欢迎(马太福音21章9节);接著却被定罪,并钉在罗马人的十字架上,承受了极大的痛苦。

40、jesus , by his sinless life , made everlasting life possible for all who believe in him and keep god ' s commandments. ─── 耶稣用他无罪的生命,使一切信他和遵循神的诫命的人都可能得到永生。

41、Who can tell me why or how the Lincoln Burrows,the Michael Scofield, got sinless??Sorry, It's so long that I forgot it. ─── 哪位帅哥美女可以告诉我,林肯布鲁斯,就是斯科菲尔德的哥哥是怎么着就无罪了??

42、If your mind is part of God's you must be sinless, or a part of His Mind would be sinful . ─── 你的心若是上主的一部分,你一定是清白无罪的,否则就表示在祂天心中有一部分是有罪。

43、"something which should remind him, indeed, but only by contrast, of that sacred image of sinless motherhood, whose infant was to redeem the world." ─── 诚然,他的这种联想只能在对比中才能产生,因为圣像中那圣洁清白的母性怀中的婴儿是献给世人来赎罪的。

44、We use different labels to describe the mature conditions of sanctification, such as “assurance of grace and salvation,” “sinless perfection,” “a victorious life,” or “the spiritual man. ─── 我们用不同的名词来形容一个成熟的圣洁状态:“得救的确据”,“无罪完全”,“得胜”,“属灵”等。

45、If He was sinless, and yet He died, there is only one explanation. ─── 祂若无罪,却要被钉十架而死,就只有一个解释。

46、Jesus himself, though sinless, was baptized. ─── 耶稣自己虽然无罪,但仍受洗。

47、6. He allowed himself to be arrested, scorn-fully treated and mocked, beaten and cru-cified, even though he was sinless and did not deserve any such treatment. ─── 他允许自己被捕,受到轻蔑和嘲讽,被鞭打和被钉死在十字架上,仅管他完全无罪,不应受到这样的待遇。收藏指正

48、I lead a clean life. I am sinless. ─── 我清清白白的,何罪之有?

49、He intended to make it possible for any and all believers to stand before God completely sinless and righteous. ─── 祂要令所有信徒都可完全无罪、昂首站在神面前。

50、From Jesus’ insistence that John baptize Him, we learn that Jesus took Baptism very seriously.Even though He was sinless, He told John: “ Let it be so now; ─── 根据马太福音的作者: 耶稣坚持约翰为祂洗礼, 并且指出 “我们理当这样,尽诸般的义.

51、7.Like a vile trichina, like a germ of the plague infecting whole kingdoms, so I contaminated all this earth, so happy and sinless before my coming. ─── 我像一条可憎的毛虫,又像传染了许多国家的鼠疫杆菌,把这块我来之前没有罪恶的乐土全玷污了。

52、One answer stands out as being far more likely than any other. They could not. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy that Messiah would be a sinless man. ─── 有一种答案比其它任何答案的可能性更大。因为他们做不到。耶稣应验了以赛亚书的预言:弥赛亚将是一个无罪的人。

53、Because the sinless Savior died ─── 因无罪救主为我死

54、He claimed to live a sinless life ─── 他声称无罪

55、Jesus not only was a sinless man who went from place to place doing good things, he was also the Savior of mankind. ─── 耶稣既是无罪的行善者,他又是人类救世主。

56、The candy maker started with a pure white mixture to tell of Jesus' virgin birth and sinless life. ─── 这个糖果制造商用一种白色的混合物来象徵耶稣圣洁的出生和无罪的一生。

57、May we see that our life is not found in self-cultivation or good morality, but rather is found in the sinless perfection of Jesus alone. ─── 愿我们知道永恒的、丰盛的生命不是在自我提升或高尚道德中可以寻见,唯有在圣洁、完全的耶稣里能寻见。

58、used of persons or behaviors; having no faults; sinless. ─── 用来指人或行为;没有缺点;清白的。

59、We believe in his virgin birth, sinless life, earthly miracles, substitutionary death on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension into Heaven, and literal second coming. ─── 我们相信他由童女所生,有完全无罪的生命,在地上行各样神迹,在十字架上代赎受死,身体复活,升上高天,及真实的第二次再来。

60、Because Jesus was sinless , he did not remain in the grave. God brought him back to life again after3 days and gave him immortal life. ─── 因为耶稣无罪,他没有留在坟墓里。三天后神让他复生,赐他不腐不朽的生命。

61、He allowed himself to be arrested, scorn-fully treated and mocked, beaten and cru-cified, even though he was sinless and did not deserve any such treatment. ─── 他允许自己被捕,受到轻蔑和嘲讽,被鞭打和被钉死在十字架上,仅管他完全无罪,不应受到这样的待遇。

62、The want that saps their sinless flower Speaks judgment on sin's ministers. Man holds an angel in his power. Ah! deep in Heaven what thunder stirs, ─── 而世间贪欲却不断侵蚀这些无罪的花朵罪孽深重的人却在判断著是非曲直凡人却把天使控于股掌之间啊!天庭的深处怎么有愤怒的雷鸣在搅动!

63、The sinless son of God ─── 神无罪的儿子

64、He loved us so much that, sinless himself, he suffered for us sinners the punishment we deserved for our sins. ─── 基督既如此爱我们,祂虽然无罪,竟为我们的罪、忍受了我们应受的死亡。

65、White symbolizing the sinless nature of Jesus. ─── 白色象征了耶稣的纯洁无罪。

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