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09-13 投稿



dendrology 发音

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dendrology 中文意思翻译



dendrology 网络释义

n. 树木学

dendrology 词性/词形变化,dendrology变形

形容词: dendrologic |名词: dendrologist |

dendrology 短语词组

1、dendrology app ─── 树木学应用程序

2、dendrology course online ─── 树木学在线课程

3、dendrology pdf ─── 树木学pdf

4、dendrology vt ─── 树木学

5、dendrology course ─── 树木学课程

6、dendrology lab ─── 树木学实验室

7、dendrology 101 ─── 树木学101

8、dendrology key ─── 树木学钥匙

dendrology 相似词语短语

1、andrology ─── n.(研究男性特有疾病的)[医]男科学

2、dendrologist ─── n.树木学家(dendrology的变形)

3、adenology ─── 腺学

4、Indology ─── n.印度学

5、dendrologous ─── 石斛

6、dendrologic ─── 树木学

7、venereology ─── n.性病学(等于venerology)

8、venerology ─── n.性病学

9、dendrolatry ─── 树突

dendrology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、landscape dendrology ─── 园林树木学

2、colleagues;conservation of forest genetic resources;data analysis;dendrology;mailing lists; ─── 主题涉及:树木学、树木改良、森林遗传资源保护、分子森林遗传学;

3、In the first part, landscape tree resource in China, what is landscape dendrology, how and why to study landscape dendrology are introduced. ─── 本课程包括:绪论、总论和各论三部分。

4、Teaching Landscape Dendrology and Strengthening Self-efficacy of the Students ─── 园林树木学的教学与提高学生自我效能感

5、Introduction about concepts of tree, dendrology, and major study objectives relative to the science. ─── 介绍树木学、树木的概念,树木学研究的对象。

6、The result present that this 3D game works wonderfully, also achieves the pre-purpose for popularization of dendrology. ─── 实验结果表明此三维游戏效果真实,同时又达到了普及树木科普知识的目的。

7、Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry. ─── 树木学是林学专业的专业基础课。

8、Emphasized contents of the course Dendrology include theories tree classification and relative systems, identification of important families and the their representatives in genus or species level. ─── 本课程的重点是树木分类的有关理论、植物分类系统和具有重要科学意义和经济价值的科、属、种的识别。

9、Dendrology for gardening is more suitable for students from specialties relating to gardening. ─── 园林树木学则主要适用于园林相关专业的学生。

10、flat steppe, the homogenous dendrology of the forest is far from being a simple setting for developing a scenario. ─── 平坦的草原相同,疏密均匀的树林完全不是开发项目的简单背景。

11、Landscape dendrology is one important basic course in landscape architecture specialty, and citing odes to flowers is one of the teaching AIDS for the course. ─── 园林树木学是园林专业的一门重要专业基础课,引用咏花诗可以作为该课程的辅助教学手段之一。

12、Plant taxonomy and plant systematics may more emphasize on the evolution of plants and their relationships.Its coverage is much broader than dendrology. ─── 植物分类学和植物系统学则强调植物分类的系统性,强调植物的演化及亲缘关系,涉及植物的范围要比树木学广泛。

13、Dendrology is one of courses to be full practicalness.As a part of practical activities, field practice is designed for the course except experiments. ─── 树木学是一门实践性很强的学科,除了进行课程实验,还安排了教学实习。

14、Zhuo L H, Cheng L Q. 2004. Landscape Dendrology[M]. Beijing: China Agriculture Press. ─── 卓丽环,陈龙清。2004。园林树木学[M]。北京:中国农业出版社。

15、Dendrology is the science to study morphology, classification, biological and ecological characteristics, distribution and uses of trees. ─── 树木学是研究树木的形态特征、系统分类、生物学特性、生态学特性、地理分布和利用价值的一门学科。

16、The definition and description of landscape dendrology ─── 景观树木学的定义和描述

17、There are 3 parts in this course: introduction of landscape dendrology, introduction of landscape trees, and, detail introduction of every landscape tree. ─── 也是观赏园艺专业的专业基础课,为选修课。

18、Dendrology for gardening is more suitable for students from specialties relating to gardening. ─── 园林树木学则主要适用于园林相关专业的学生。

19、Dendrology is the science to study morphology, classification, biological and ecological characteristics, distribution and uses of trees. ─── 树木学是研究树木的形态特征、系统分类、生物学特性、生态学特性、地理分布和利用价值的一门学科。

20、Introduction about concepts of tree, dendrology, and major study objectives relative to the science. ─── 介绍树木学、树木的概念,树木学研究的对象。

21、The landscape dendrology is a required course of landscape field, and, it is a specialized basic course of ornamental horticulture field. ─── 园林树木学是园林专业的一门重要专业基础课,为必修课;

22、Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry. ─── 树木学是林学专业的专业基础课。

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