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09-10 投稿



yachtsman 发音

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yachtsman 中文意思翻译



yachtsman 词性/词形变化,yachtsman变形


yachtsman 短语词组

1、yachtsman steakhouse ─── 游艇牛排馆

2、yachtsman cap ─── 游艇水手帽

3、yachtsman resort ─── 游艇人度假村

yachtsman 相似词语短语

1、eightsman ─── 八人

2、raftsman ─── n.撑筏者

3、sightsman ─── 目击者

4、batsman ─── n.击球手,打者

5、yachtswoman ─── 快艇(或游艇)的女主人;驾驶快艇(或游艇)的女子;女帆船运动员

6、yachtswomen ─── 快艇(或游艇)的女主人;驾驶快艇(或游艇)的女子;女帆船运动员

7、Scotsman ─── n.苏格兰人

8、yachtsmanship ─── n.快艇驾驶法

9、yachtsmen ─── n.游艇驾驶者;游艇所有者;帆船运动员;帆船运动爱好者

yachtsman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yachtsman Richard Van Pham set out to make a 28-mile trip to an island off California. ─── 一个美国人在海上漂了4个月后,于近日在他的目的地以外的几千英里外获救。

2、The rescue services did the last sweep to try and find the missing yachtsman. ─── 救援队展开最后一次大面积搜索,设法找到失踪的快艇驾驶员。

3、sand yachtsman ─── 沙地帆车比赛选手

4、Your yachtsman friend could tell you a thing or two about these scholarly themes, only it might not be the kind of tale you would like to hear. ─── 你的开游艇的朋友会告诉你一两个这方面的学术名词,只是在它不像是无聊的闲谈,你才有兴趣听下去。

5、You may try a phone call before dinner to a mutual friend, a yachtsman berthed not too far away. ─── 你昨夜并没有梦到今日会如此失意。

6、Trapani, 51, who is also a skilled yachtsman. ─── 如何省钱对他可不轻松。

7、A yachtsman got into trouble off the coast and had to be rescued. ─── 一个驾驶帆船的人在海上遇险需要救援。

8、A wealthy amateur sportsman, especially an amateur yachtsman. ─── 业余运动家富裕的业余运动者,尤其指业余驾驶快艇的人

9、French yachtsman has broken the record for sailing round the world single-handed. ─── 一名法国航海家打破了环游世界的世界纪录。

10、He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme. ─── 他利用当过游艇驾驶员的经历来制作纪录片。

11、His dad is an experienced yachtsman. He shadowed the trip and was in regular radio contact with Michael. ─── 佩勒姆的父亲是一名经验丰富的水手。在佩勒姆穿越大西洋的航行中,他一直和父亲保持无线电联络。

12、officially certified as a superlative Swiss chronometer, and guaranteed to inspire any yachtsman worth his salt. ─── 被瑞士政府正式认定为最高标准计时器,必将激发所有人的潜能。

13、a round-the-world yachtsman ─── 驾驶帆船环球旅行的人

14、A yachtsman got into trouble off the coast and had to be rescued. ─── 一个驾驶帆船的人在海上遇险须要救援。

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