deflector 发音
英:[dɪˈflektər] 美:[dɪˈflektə(r)]
英: 美:
deflector 中文意思翻译
deflector 短语词组
1、gas deflector cone ─── [化] 导风锥
2、light beam deflector ─── [计] 光束偏折器; 光束偏转器
3、deflector door ─── 偏转门
4、deflector cap ─── 通风帽
5、deflector ring ─── 暖汽调整阀垫圈
6、optical deflector ─── [计] 光偏转器
7、deflector lamp ─── 折流板灯。
8、deflector angle ─── [机] 偏导角
9、deflector plate ─── [电] 致偏板
10、acousto-optic deflector ─── [计] 声光偏转器
11、deflector sleeve ─── 偏转器套筒
12、deflector shroud ─── 偏转器裹尸布
13、tongue deflector ─── [医] 压舌器
14、media deflector ─── 半挡板。
15、underpass deflector ─── 挡板下通道
16、deflector baffle ─── 偏转器挡板
17、deflector bucket ─── 鼻坎反弧段
18、deflector jet ─── [化] 导流喷射式; 偏流喷射式
19、deflector coil ─── 偏转线圈
deflector 常用词组
wind deflector ─── 挡风板;风向导流板;导风板
deflector 词性/词形变化,deflector变形
动词过去式: deflected |形容词: deflectable |动词第三人称单数: deflects |名词: deflector |动词过去分词: deflected |动词现在分词: deflecting |
deflector 相似词语短语
1、deflect ─── vt.使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲;vi.转向;偏斜
2、deflator ─── n.紧缩指数;平减物价指数;扣除通货膨胀因素的价格指数
3、deflection ─── n.偏向;挠曲;偏差
4、reflectors ─── n.[光]反射镜;反光片;[光]反射体(reflector的复数)
5、defaecator ─── 诽谤者
6、defecator ─── n.澄清者;清净器
7、defector ─── n.背叛者;逃兵;叛离者
8、reflector ─── n.反光面,(夜间光线照射后能反光的)反光玻璃(或塑料),反光体,反光罩;反射式望远镜
9、defectors ─── n.叛逃者(defector的复数形式);背叛者
deflector 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr. Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism. ─── 但是分析家博格说到此为止,奥巴马能够扭转部分党派批评。
2、The Geonosian warriors carry a sonic-based weapon designed to present a degree of challenge to the Jedi, who cannot deflect these particular blasts. ─── 吉诺西斯战士携带一种音波武器,被设计来对绝地武士造成某个程度的威胁,因为绝地武士无法偏转这些特殊的震波。
3、In the core, Coriolis forces deflect the upwelling fluid along corkscrewlike, or helical, paths, as though it were following the spiraling wire of a loose spring. ─── 在地核中,科氏力使涌升的流体沿著像开酒瓶器的螺旋路线上升,彷佛顺著弹簧的螺旋线圈移动。
4、Deflect the devil's darts by which he seeks to wear down and even destroy our marriages. ─── 不要中恶者的诡计,他想使我们厌倦婚姻,甚至想毁坏我们的婚姻。
5、You deflect compliments in the presence of foreign friends. ─── 外国朋友在场时,会把别人的赞美推掉。
6、Deflector shields protected the shuttle's passengers, while a sophisticated security suite provided a sound-dampening field and countermeasures to ensure against electronic surveillance. ─── 偏导护盾保护着运输机内的乘客,精密的全套安全设备可以产生消声场,并有反窃听和反监视的功能。
7、Amazingly, the Prisoner, even blinded by the hood, and with both hands bound in front, is able to deflect their blades. ─── 令人惊讶地,战俘,甚至用风帽掩饰,和两只被束手在前的手,能偏转他们的刀片。
8、To divert; deflect. ─── 分散;转移
9、Howerer, under heavy load the shaft may deflect excessively. ─── 但是,在重载作用下,轴会发生过度挠曲。
10、The formula fits with the laboratory data well in some condition, and corrects the mistake that the deflect degree only increases while the bevel increases. ─── 公式经与前人的试验资料验证,一定范围内吻合良好,并依据公式更正了此前流向偏转角度随斜交角度的增大而增大的错误认识。
11、We're coming up on the sentry ships.Hold 'em off! Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns! ─── 如果有别的宇宙飞船,阻挡他们,升起防护网,将主要炮管装满
12、One that represents a group, as an employee whose presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or accusations of discrimination. ─── 代表一群人的一个代表,如一个雇员的存在,被用来抵挡雇主的批评或歧视性的指责
13、That gave the critics plenty of ammunition, although attempts to deflect the blame on to Hamilton's shoulders went some way to redeeming him. ─── 尽管尝试着将责任转移到汉密尔顿的肩上在某种程度上挽救了他,但是这仍然给了那些评论家们大量的话柄。
14、To cause(light rays, for example) to diverge; deflect. ─── 使(如光线)发散;使偏离
15、The police used fibreglass shields to deflect rocks, but when mobs tried to burn down the city's Christmas tree, they retaliated with teargas. ─── 希腊,雅典:警方曾使用警盾来阻挡石块,但是当暴民们开始点燃城市里的圣诞树之后,警方开始用催泪瓦斯回击.
16、The integrated sporty deflector was custom designed for the AVEO. ─── 专为乐骋度身定制的一体式运动扰流板
17、When an interviewer asks your salary requirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiring about the salary for the position. ─── 大多数人都会告诉你谁最先回答这个问题谁就输了。但也不一定是真的。
18、But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr.Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism. ─── 他们警告说,总统的政府花销计划会导致国债的大幅下跌。
19、Deflect a bow gun arrow with your knife. ─── 使用小刀,砍掉敌人射过来的十字箭!
20、Cloaking(8) used special materials to deflect(9) radar or light or other waves around an object, like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream. ─── 做这件斗篷的材料很特殊,能使包括雷达或光波在内的各种波遇到物体后发生偏转,就象溪流遇到光滑的石头那样。
21、In a laser printer, a device that uses a modulator crystal to deflect a beam of light and effectively turn it on or off. ─── 在激光印刷机中的一种装置,它利用一块调制晶体使光束偏转并将其接通或断开。
22、Most Palestinians are anxious to avoid a schism that would deflect them from their confrontation with Israel. ─── 大多数巴勒斯坦人都急于避免这样的分立,因为那将使他们本来与以色列对峙的局面产生偏斜。
23、The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut. When the handwheel is rotated to the closed position the upper stem pushes on the diaphragms, which deflect downward, forcing the lower stem against the valve seat. ─── 上阀杆通过丝口旋在横膈膜止动螺母里。当手轮旋转到关闭位置,上阀杆推动横膈膜,横膈膜下垂,迫使下阀杆接触阀座。
24、Taking physical optics method and geometric theory of diffraction,this article discusses the affection of finite dimension deflector plate to antenna array directional diagram. ─── 关键词:天线阵,方向图,物理光学法,几何绕射理论|全部关键词
25、Alien cultures have developed their own native analogs of deflector shield technology. ─── 异族文明研发了他们本土类似的偏导护盾技术。
26、As Liu Xiang, China's star hurdler, gets ready to compete again, organizers are keen to deflect any pressure on him to win. ─── 中国跨栏运动明星刘翔做好了复出参赛的准备,赛事组织者希望他不要有任何获胜的压力。
27、If only the front seats are occupied, a wind deflector can be erected above the rear bench seat in a few simple steps from one side of the vehicle. ─── 如果只有前排座位被占,风偏转,可以竖立以上后方座椅,在几个简单的步骤,从一方的车辆。
28、Mr.Obama also needs to deflect a growing populist outrage over sky-high pay among the banks and other companies now on the public dole. ─── 奥巴马也需要转移公众对于银行及其他行业仍然发放高薪的愤怒到公众救济上去。
29、But just as important is the age-old beliefs in most European countries that the sound of a bell can turn away an approaching storm, deflect lightning or tame a tornado. ─── 但另一同样重要析原因是,在许多欧洲国家有个非常古老人说法,即钟声能使即将来临的暴风雨移开,使闪电转向,使龙卷风驯服。
30、There are two types of deflector shields: ray shielding and particle shielding. ─── 偏导护盾有两种类型: 射线护盾和粒子护盾。
31、There are two sets of deflector plates which can make the electrons hit any part of the screen because they are given an electric charge which repels or attracts the electrons. ─── 其中有两组偏向板,它们都施加电荷,排斥或吸引电子束,因此能使电子打在萤幕上任何部份。
32、Advantages: no pressure line of paper, cardboard single-trimming, single line pressure, the cardboard will deflect! ─── 好处:不压线分纸、纸板单修边、单压线,纸板都不会歪斜!
33、A beginning or intermediate player though, may find a stiffer racquet that doesn’t deflect as much on impact, provides better control. ─── 但是对于初学者、或者初中级水平的选手,可能觉得硬的拍子在触球的时候变形不大,这样才有利于控制。
34、His many gadgets will have that garbage crusher or pesky deflector shield shut down in minutes. ─── 他身上的许多小物件能让垃圾粉碎机,或者烦人的防护罩在几分钟内关闭。
35、He was unable to deflect attacks of character and baseless accusations, which made the spurious claims adhere all the more strongly in the jaundiced eyes of the media. ─── 他无法招架人身攻击和无基础的指控,使得在媒体那双有偏见的眼中欺骗性的谣言更加强烈。
36、The two captains sank the boat tonight, stop trying to deflect blame because you like one player over the other. ─── 今晚,2个船长把自己的船凿沉了。不要去横加指责他们,除非你有偏心。
37、Unlike the standard TIE fighter, this model featured sturdy deflector shields and a hyperdrive engine, and packed incredible firepower. ─── 与标准的钛战机不同,这种飞机有结实的偏转护盾和超空间推进器,并有可怕的火力。
38、Each discharge orifice has a downstream side with a deflector su*ce for directing liquid discharging from the chamber. ─── 每个排出孔具有带有用于引导从室排出的液体的偏转器表面的下游侧。
39、A higher deflector increasesd the cavity lengths and caused the flow in the bottom cavity to be combined with the flow with lateral cavity which increased cacuaed air entrainmeat in the bottom cavity. ─── 回溯水流使底空腔变短,有效空腔长度是影响掺气效果的重要因素。
40、He raised his arm to try to deflect the blow. ─── 他举起手臂试图挡开这一击。
41、But in a small fraction, the gravity of one star can deflect or even control the material flowing out of another. ─── 但在一小部份的系统里,其中一颗恒星的重力能够偏折、甚至控制由另一颗恒星所流出的物质。
42、What situation makes the galvanometer deflect the most? ─── 什么情况下它偏转的角度最大?)
43、BP artificial neural network,genetic algorithm and finite element method(FEM) simulation were applied to optimization of the deflector hole design of profile extrusion die on MATLAB foundation. ─── 基于MATLAB平台,将BP人工神经网络、遗传算法和数值模拟技术应用于铝型材挤压模具的导流孔形状优化设计。
44、The examination will fail if the test condition deflect the above optimal situation. ─── 以上参数偏离最适条件将会导致实验失败 .
45、This paper introduces of working principle and structure characters of apparatus for dismounting and assembling the deflector of column_type support. ─── 介绍了立柱导向套拆装机的工作原理和结构特点。
46、The formula shows that the deflect degree first increases, then decreases, and its maximum increases while the compress rate decreases. ─── 分析表明,斜交桥下的水流流向偏转角度随斜交角度的增大先增大后减小,其极大值随压缩比的减小而增大。
47、Its main components include gas collecting devices, cellular devices, turbulent mesh, fairing, cascade-type counterclockwise shearing deflector, and etc. ─── 开口低速风洞的主要组成部分包括集气装置、蜂窝器、紊流网、整流罩和叶栅型反扭导流片等。
48、The improved designs of nozzle body and deflector bellows make full combustion of coal powder possible and the modification of lifting lug makes installation of burner easy. ─── 在燃烧器的设计中,通过对喷嘴的结构、挡板风箱结构及起吊耳板的改进,使燃烧器更有利于煤粉的燃尽及安装运行。
49、Protecting Echo Base was a powerful energy shield strong enough to deflect Imperial bombardment. ─── 保护回音基地的是一个强力的能源护盾,足以抵抗帝国的轰炸。
50、The experts are trying to deflect the stream from its original course. ─── 专家们正设法使这条河流改道。
51、A nozzle with a guide channel and a deflector by means of at least which the flux is diverted is particularly used. ─── 特别是,使用一种喷嘴,该喷嘴具有引导气流的通道以及至少利用其对气流进行转向的转向器。
52、Anyone with a morsel of gossip or an interesting project of his or her own can deflect you from your appointed task. ─── 对于他人的喜好或是偏见都容易造成工作上的失误。
53、They are canted 45 degrees and spaced so that as liquid streams through the channel, any suspended particles skitter into them and deflect to the right. ─── 它们倾斜45度,间隔排列,在液体流过通道时,会使任何悬浮粒子都进入它们的阵中且偏向右边。
54、If you can get there and you can deflect it, well, you can put it where you want to. ─── 如果我们能实现偏转小行星,我们就能把它放到想放的任何地方。
55、The dovin basals can manipulate gravity, and can project miniature black holes that deflect or absorb incoming enemy fire. ─── 多文基座能控制引力,抛射小型黑洞以偏射或吸收来袭的敌方火力。
56、But, Master,|their deflector shields are up! ─── |但是, 师父!|它开着偏导护盾呢!
57、To overcome this problem, the CFD model proposed was used to study the effect of some factors on the performance of a commercial-scale twin-tangential annular deflector vapor distributor in a 7. ─── 双切向环流式气体分布器是一种应用较为广泛的气体分布器,现阶段多靠经验进行设计,缺少必要的理论支持。
58、Don't try to deflect me from my intention! ─── 别想改变我的意图。
59、A character must tap a psionic tattoo, swing a sword, interpose a shield to deflect a blow in combat, wear a mask, or don a psychoactive skin. ─── 如果使用激活物品不用额外时间(如挥舞内含增强加值的灵能宝剑)那么使用它甚至不算动作。
60、The rear lights are integrated also in their function into the design of the entire rear section, forming part of the rear air deflector and thus merging completely into the rear contour. ─── 尾灯集成的功能也将整个车尾部分的设计,形成了空气导流板后面的一部分,因此合并到后方轮廓完全。
61、Namely, setting a series of steppes in the slope channel and deflector plate and hanged-grid at the cure section, through the model test, the conclusion is very good. ─── 即在上级陡坡采用阶梯,在弯道段采用舌压板和导流消能栅的“消一导”结合方式来控制弯道急流,通过模型试验验证,取得了较好的效果。
62、Fernando's race was hampered by having damaged his deflector during his efforts to get past Massa in the first corner. ─── 今天的比赛结果证明了他的领先地位,并以30分暂居车手榜的首位。
63、His gloves are made with a unique micronized iron that can deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow. ─── 他的手套是用一种独特的微粉化金属制成,能够抵挡除光剑以外的任何形式的攻击。
64、The chuntzu would never allow his desires to deflect him from doing what he thought was right. ─── “君子”决不会偏离自己的思想而意气用事。
65、You can animate moving deflectors but particles can leak through the mesh if the deflector moves to fast or if the mesh is complicated. ─── 你能使移动偏流装置创建动画,但是如果偏流装置移动得太快或者网格太复杂,粒子会渗漏网格。
66、To turn from a correct or proper course; deflect. ─── 偏离离开某一正确的或合适的路线;偏斜
67、However, under heavy load the shaft may deflect excessively. ─── 但是,在重载作用下,轴会发生过度挠曲。
68、He will also seek to deflect criticism of the government by arguing it has taken the stiffest action possible against the directors at the time given they have not broken company law. ─── 他也会为政府辩解,称政府已经针对公司管理层采取了当时最坚决的措施,没让他们触犯公司法律。
69、Your familiar leaps to deflect an attack, sacrificing itself to save you. ─── 你的魔宠牺牲自己迅速偏转了一次攻击来解救你。
70、But due to the lower extraction efficiency of the SFC, on one hand, a lot of beam lost, and on other hand, outgas from the surface of the electrostatic deflector is serious because of beam hitting. ─── 但由于SFC的引出效率比较低,只有30%左右,一方面损失了大量束流,另一方面许多束流损失在引出静电偏转板上,造成了大量出气,破坏了真空,难以维持长期大束流运行。
71、One of the more daring tactics developed by Lieutenant Commander Luke Skywalker prior to the Battle of Hoth involved deflector shields. ─── 卢克·天行者少校在霍斯战役前发明的较大胆战术之一就跟偏导护盾有关。
72、That, on top of first-rate scanners and sensors, competitive sublight engines, and powerful deflector shields, made the Rogue Shadow the most fascinating ship she'd flown. ─── 再加上一流的扫描仪和传感器、足以媲美之前几套设备的亚光速发动机和强大的致偏盾,毫不夸张地说,游荡阴影号是朱诺驾驶过的最完美、最迷人的飞船。
73、During the debate, Senator McCain tried to deflect Obama's attempts to link him to the Bush administration's economic policies. ─── 在辩论中,麦凯恩反驳奥巴马试图把他本人与布希政府的经济政策联系在一起的做法。
74、American presidents flailing at home have often sought foreign-policy coups to deflect from their domestic despairs, but Mr Bush won no trade victories to counterbalance his poor personal ratings. ─── 布什在国内连连遭受打击,希望通过改变其对外政策,捞取资本以使他低得可怜的支持率升高,但遗憾的是,他还是未能成功。
75、Motor for deflector roll in entry side is requested to use AC variable frequency control. ─── 卷取机卸卷小车行走电机采用交流变频调速控制。
76、Take the top down, and the custom transparent wind deflector keeps things toasty even in winter. ─── 采取自上而下和自定义透明挡风板的东西反而不断,即使在冬季。
77、The lengths of the bottom and side cavities can be increased by installing a lateral deflector in the aerator with a large vertical drop and sudden lateral enlargement. ─── 在突扩突跌掺气设施中,为保证掺气效果,增加底空腔和侧空腔的长度,加设折流器是有效的工程措施。
78、In truth, this is really a deflector, not a diffuser, as described in more detail below. ─── 事实上,这确实是一个导流板,而不是分散的说明,下面有更详细。
79、President Bush is using his State of the Union address to try to revive his domestic agenda and deflect criticism about the war in Iraq. ─── 布什总统利用联合各国的演讲振兴计划,只字不提对于伊拉克战争的批评。
80、To take action against space junk, NASA engineers in 1996 explored the idea of using a ground-based laser to deflect it out of a spacecraft's path. ─── 为了预防太空废弃物造成损害,NASA的工程师在1996年想出了一个点子,利用地面雷射使太空废弃物转向,以避开太空船。
81、His gloves were made with a unique micronized iron that can deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow. ─── 他的手套是用一种独特的微粉化金属制成,能够抵挡威力弱于光剑的任何形式的攻击。
82、There are social,educational and youth themselves reasons for the appearance of submoral phenomenon,which deflect from the main moral stream. ─── 少年儿童中出现偏离社会主流道德的亚道德现象,有社会、教育和少年儿童自身的原因。
83、To cause to swerve from a straight line; deflect. ─── 使转弯;转向使从直线弯曲;转向
84、She sought to deflect criticism by blaming her family. ─── 她责怪她的家人,想这样来转移对她的批评。
85、Stiffer racquets don’t deflect as much on impact, resulting in less power drain than a flexible racquet. ─── 但是不管你出于什么原因而准备购买新拍子,有一些东西是你做决定的基础。
86、Wind deflector shall be fitted on top of bulwark at both wings outside wheelhouse according to approved drawing. ─── 依照认证图纸,在驾驶室外部两翼舷墙顶部安装挡风板。
87、Detectives are believed to have deliberately said the murders were not linked to the Epping hold-up in order to deflect the spotlight from those who allegedly carried out the robbery. ─── 但是,相信探员故意说谋杀与劫案没有关系,是为了避免引起抢劫嫌疑人的注意。
88、Unlike the standard TIE fighter, this model featured sturdy deflector shields and a hyperdrive engine, and packed incredible firepower. ─── 与标准TIE战斗机不同,这一型号有结实的偏导护盾和超空间推进引擎,蕴藏着难以置信的火力。
89、So the pipeline is exaggerated in some cases, but this does not deflect from the fact that we are witnessing the largest shopping-center development boom in Europe's history. ─── 在有些情况下,虽然在某些案例中盘子被夸大了。但这并不改变,事实上,我们目击了欧洲历史上最大的购物中心兴旺发展。
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