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09-16 投稿



pedagogue 发音

英:['pedəgɒg]  美:['pɛdəɡɑɡ]

英:  美:

pedagogue 中文意思翻译



pedagogue 网络释义

n. 教师,教员;卖弄学问者

pedagogue 词性/词形变化,pedagogue变形

形容词: pedagoguish |

pedagogue 短语词组

1、pedagogue pointe ─── 教育家波因特

2、pedagogue define ─── 教育者定义

3、pedagogue point login ─── 教育者点登录

4、pedagogue definition ─── 教育者定义

5、pedagogue vtm ─── 教师vtm

pedagogue 相似词语短语

1、pedagogy ─── n.教育;教育学;教授法

2、pedagoguery ─── 教育学

3、hemagogue ─── 通经药

4、demagogue ─── n.煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家

5、pedagogues ─── n.教师,教员;卖弄学问者

6、paragogue ─── 副科

7、pedagog ─── n.(小学)教师;喜欢卖弄学问的教师(等于pedagogue)

8、pedagogs ─── n.(小学)教师;喜欢卖弄学问的教师(等于pedagogue)

9、pedagogic ─── adj.教师的(等于pedagogical);教育学的;教授法的

pedagogue 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I felt like a hired man, like a jack of all trades, like a hunter, like a rover, like a galley slave, like a pedagogue, like a worm and a louse. ─── 我觉得自己像一个受雇者、一个“万金油”、一个猎手、一个流浪汉,一个划船的囚犯、一个寒酸的小学教师、一条蛆和一只虱子。

2、Guo Bo once took confident to catch on to let to paint pedagogue to exclusively paint for Ms. Zhao of portrait, one face is dark. ─── 郭博拿过心腹管事让画师专门为赵小姐画的画像,一脸黑色。

3、So, always pedagogue should study psychology, the education that uses him guidance is carried out, ground having a way goes teaching a person, influence person. ─── 所以,凡是教育者都要学习心理学,用来指导自己的教育实践,有法地去教育人,影响人。

4、The Present Problems in the Installation of Courses Aiming at Master Degree in Pedagogue ─── 教育硕士课程设置现存问题研究

5、My friend, because our conservative pedagogue gives me only at that time,hit ' passing ' . ─── 我的朋友,因为我们的保守的文学教师当时只给我打‘及格’。”

6、If this person die, absolutely no longer somebody dare to compel to ask her the commerce of nation pedagogue, it occurred that. . . ─── 若是此人死了,绝对不再有人敢逼问她国师的事,偏偏…

7、Pedagogue and parent search a method to improve test result of the child. ─── 教育者和家长都寻找方法来提高孩子的测验成绩。

8、The education primary purpose is must make the pedagogue to become a complete person. ─── 教育的根本目的就是要使受教育者成为一个完整的人。

9、24 Wherefore the law was our pedagogue in Christ, that we might be justified by faith. ─── 这样,法律就成了我们的启蒙师,领我们归于基督,好使我们由于信仰而成义。

10、aggrandizement of pedagogue part will hinder the intelligence and creativity of the educatee. ─── 教育者角色的强化,使生命的灵动与创造被泯灭。

11、7.The sufferring of school of run by the local people pedagogue mixes fair education of school suffer pedagogue to have equal legal position. ─── 民办学校的受教育者和公办学校的受教育者具有同等的法律地位。

12、as Pedagogue, the Old Law's function is to order Jews not forget natural law; ─── 旧法是一种教化方法,其作用是促使犹太人不要忘记自然法;

13、The reason that the student is a student, because it is the pedagogue. ─── 学生之所以为学生,就因为其是受教育者。

14、These guileless but deep speech, come from the Luo Liming of the person that regard Internet as pedagogue and practice. ─── 这些朴实但深刻的话语,来自作为互联网教育者和实践者的罗立明。

15、Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains ─── 马克?吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。

16、One of the most important duties of a pedagogue is to teach the pupil how to practice correctly. ─── 指导学生以正确的方法练习是教师最重要的任务之一。

17、Gives the devil his due, the pedagogue takes these measures, its starting point should not allow to suspect that namely is to educate the student well, well prominent education effect, and so on. ─── 平心而论,教育者采取这些措施,其出发点应该是不容怀疑的,即都是为了更好地教育学生,更好地突出教育效果,等等。

18、"Nothing is more tiresome than a superannuated pedagogue" (Henry Adams) ─── “老朽无能的学究最令人讨厌不过”(亨利·亚当斯)。

19、Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains. ─── 马克·吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。

20、Continuing Professional Education in Russia, Director Guzel Moukhametzyanova, Research Institute of Pedagogue and Psychology of Professional Education, Russia. ─── 俄罗斯教科院职业教育与心理学研究所所长古泽尔院士。

21、Training finished, all the students raised their hands wanting to be companion pedagogue. ─── 培训结束,同学们都举手要当同伴教育者。

22、Teachers playing the role of "pedagogue" makes the students lack the experience to knowledge comprehension. ─── 基础教育的文化特性应体现以下教育理念:真正的文化教育是滋养人的心灵、启迪人的智慧的教育,是全面提高受教育者科学素质的教育,是最大限度地发现并拓展学生潜能的教育。

23、He was a French pedagogue and historian. ─── 他是法国历史学家和教育家。

24、Education concept:every pedagogue is a fugleman. ─── 教育理念:每位教职工每时每刻都是示范者。

25、Nothing is more tiresome than a superannuated pedagogue(Henry Adams)See Synonyms at elderly ─── 老朽无能的学究最令人讨厌不过(亨利 亚当斯)参见

26、He was a French historian and pedagogue. ─── 他是法国历史学家和教育家。

27、Finally also to affected the behavior correction technology application the factor to make the analysis, helped the pedagogue better application behavior correction technology. ─── 最后还对影响行为矫正技术应用的因素做了分析,以帮助教育者更好的应用行为矫正技术。

28、Fourth, pedagogue's“value guide”is opposite to moral educational object's“autonomous construction”in intuitional thinking; ─── 其三,从唯物辩证法的思维方式出发,对马克思哲学中的实践和主体性问题的理解应以历史性原则为前提。

29、The person who tin make Sung entirely to shout pedagogue is only a that be story! ─── 能让宋万全喊师傅的人只有一个那就是将文章!

30、Training finished, all the students raised their hands wanting to be companion pedagogue. ─── 培训结束,同学们都举手要当同伴教育者。

31、A kind of understanding is " the education that exceeds constant education to develop high quality person with ability namely " , the expectation value that gets pedagogue to these then increased in virtually a lot of. ─── 一种熟悉是“超常教育就是培养高素质人才的教育”,于是对这些受教育者的期望值就在无形中提高了许多。

32、I hoped that takes to the Far East the area the people one kind of brand-new soccer idea, but I act only am merely pedagogue's role. ─── “我希望带给远东地区的人们一种崭新的足球理念,而我扮演的仅仅只是教育者的角色。”

33、More substantial education natural resources is chosen for sufferring pedagogue; ─── 有更丰富的教学资源供受教育者选用;

34、Pedagogue comes to the art of viatic pottery and porcelain that serves as to devote oneself to to want education and tie of actual production phase all the time, he feels very gratified. ─── 作为一个一直致力于要走教育与实际生产相结合的道路的陶瓷艺术教育者来,他感到很欣慰。

35、Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains. ─── 马克·吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。

36、Gaulle was a born pedagogue. ─── 戴高乐生来喜欢教育人。

37、It is level, certain to will show it is certain to sufferred pedagogue to finish through school work certificate the study of the knowledge of limits and certain level and skill, reached the educational level that the country sets. ─── 通过学业证书来表明受教育者完成了一定阶段、一定范围和一定程度的知识与技能的学习,达到了国家规定的教育标准。

38、The teacher is no longer a solitary pedagogue armed only with chalk and a blackboard duster.Now he is fully-equipped with computer accessories, audio-visual aids and all the paraphernalia of IT. ─── 老师不再仅仅手持粉笔和板擦,而是配备有电脑、视听器材以及各种各样信息技术设备。

39、From educational quality, educational purpose, pedagogue, educatee and teaching quomodo, the second part makes them as a whole system. ─── 第二部分主要是对于整个古代社会的舞蹈教育,从教育性质、教育目的、教育者、受教育者及教育方式多个方面予以系统梳理与全新观照。

40、Actually, to pedagogue, adopts these to be similar in “will not cook a meal will issue the graduation card on the buckle” the education method will be really has to, but for it. ─── 其实,对教育者自己来说,采取这些类似于“不会煮饭就扣发毕业证”的教育手段实属不得已而为之。

41、Self-reception of the trainees is seeked by pedagogue in present age. ─── 摘要主体接受是当代教育的一个重要价值追求。

42、Through Ideological and political education's guidance, causes the pedagogue to launch along the correct direction own economic activity. ─── 通过思想政治教育的引导,使受教育者沿着正确的方向展开自身的经济活动。

43、On the Consciousness of the Post Modernism about the Pedagogue of Newly - Curriculum ─── 试谈新课程培训者的后现代意识

44、These guileless but deep speech, come from the Luo Liming that regards Internet as pedagogue. ─── 这些朴实但深刻的话语,来自作为互联网教育者的罗立明。

45、The content of Musical Pedagogue must be re-constructed in current educational thoughts and be extended in its conception and practice. ─── “音乐教学法”研究内容的组成要素,即教学目标、教学内容以及教学手段在当前教育思潮中要进行重构,进行概念与实践方面的延伸摸索。

46、But parents and prosecutors alike are nonetheless asking why the female version of pedagogue perversion seems more common on their peninsula compared to other places. ─── 尽管如此,学生家长和起诉人还是在疑问,为什么这种女老师和学生的艳事在这个半岛上会比别的地方更加普遍。

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