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09-12 投稿



unpleasantness 发音

英:[ʌn'plezntnəs]  美:[ʌn'plɛzntnəs]

英:  美:

unpleasantness 中文意思翻译



unpleasantness 词性/词形变化,unpleasantness变形

副词: unpleasantly |

unpleasantness 短语词组

1、unpleasantness ravens ─── 不愉快的乌鸦

2、unpleasantness def ─── 不愉快定义

3、unpleasantness thesaurus ─── 不愉快主题词表

4、unpleasantness at the bellona club ─── 贝洛纳俱乐部的不愉快

5、unpleasantness definition ─── 不愉快定义

6、unpleasantness meaning ─── 不愉快的意思

7、unpleasantness synonym ─── 不愉快同义词

unpleasantness 反义词


unpleasantness 同义词

fuss | foulness | coldness | bother | argument | hostility | disagreement | ill feeling | trouble | conflict | quarrel |nastiness | unkindness | obnoxiousness | distastefulness

unpleasantness 习惯用语

1、have a slight unpleasantness with sb. ─── 和某人有点不愉快的事

2、the late [recent] unpleasantness ─── [美谑]1861-1865年的美国南北战争(在1916年以后, 亦指世界大战)

unpleasantness 相似词语短语

1、incessantness ─── n.不间断

2、unpleasantries ─── n.使人不快的话或事

3、pleasingness ─── 愉悦

4、unpleasantry ─── n.使人不快的话或事

5、unpleasant ─── adj.讨厌的;使人不愉快的

6、pleasantest ─── 最愉快的

7、pleasantness ─── n.愉快,快乐;和蔼可亲

8、unpleasantly ─── adv.令人不愉快地,不讨人喜欢地

9、unpleasantnesses ─── n.不愉快;不愉快的事,煞风景的事

unpleasantness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The thing with the marvelous, sad even unpleasantness that happens in daily life, we say for life incident. ─── 日常生活中发生的不平常、不愉快甚至不幸的事,我们称之为生活事件。

2、have a slight unpleasantness with sb ─── 同某人发生小冲突

3、How can you just learn to forget those unpleasantness and go tarry of those happiness? ─── 怎么样才可以学会忘记那些不愉快的而去留住那些美好的?

4、Continue with sth.to the end, despite difficulty or unpleasantness ─── (虽然困难或不愉快)坚持到底

5、The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club ─── 贝罗那俱乐部的不快事件

6、Continue with sth to the end, despite difficulty or unpleasantness ─── (虽然困难或不愉快)坚持到底, 一直忍下去

7、His matter changes and on account of the change grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress do not arise. ─── 彼人于色变易、变异。彼人有色之变易、变异,而不生愁、悲、苦、忧、恼。

8、But they don't want unpleasantness. '. ─── 但他们不希望出现不愉快。

9、A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion. ─── 从讨论中发生了一点不愉快。

10、Pleasantness or unpleasantness depends, as a matter of fact, not on life’s favorable turns, but on our instantaneous choices of perspective. ─── 原来如意或不如意,并不是决定人生的际遇,而是取决于思想的瞬间。

11、As the tour progressed, Davy considered Faraday more and more as a colleague.Lady Davy, however, looked upon him as a servant, which led to frequent unpleasantness and embarrassments for Faraday. ─── 当旅行过程中,德维觉得法拉第越来越像他的同事.德维女士只是把他看作是一位仆人,使得法拉第频频感到不愉快和困惑.

12、To xdyoid future unpleasantness on the question of shortage, may we suggest that that you sell the cotton waste on landed weight instead of shipping weight? ─── 史:为了避免以后在短重问题上发生不愉快的事情,我们建议你方出售废棉要以到岸重量而不是以装船重量为依据,成吗?

13、But if you can make him listen Beth, if you can make him do what I want, you'll all walk away from this unpleasantness, unscathed. ─── 但如果你让他听话,如果你能让他言听计从,你们都可以毫发无损的离开这里。

14、The gravel cut his feet but this was the only unpleasantness. ─── 沙砾把他的脚硌得生疼。但这是唯一的令人不快之处。

15、The next few years in Austin were very difficult for me,I truly believe that in order to see beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantness. ─── 在奥斯汀接下来的几年里我生活得非常艰难,但我确信看到生活中的真善美你必须要经历苦难。

16、The next few month in Middle school were very difficult for me, but I truly believe that in order to see beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantness. ─── 在中学接下来的几个月里里我生活得非常艰难,但我确信为了看到生活中的真善美你必须要经历一些苦难。

17、1.This new play really plumbs the depths of unpleasantness. ─── 这出新戏实在讨厌极了。

18、When investors assume that the Fed will spare them any major unpleasantness, they get "overexuberant," another now-famous economist once t old this magaizine. ─── 另一个当代著名的经济学家曾经对《财富》杂志说,当投资者以为美联储能够保护他们免遭重大损失时,他们就“过于乐观”了。

19、Different Brain Activation Patterns to Pain and Pain-related Unpleasantness during the Menstrual Cycle. ─── 月经期疼痛和疼痛相关的不适对脑区激活的不同模式。

20、Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. ─── 人该年轻时就年轻,该年老时就年老,这是与自然同步,这就是和谐。和谐就是美,反之就是丑。

21、There is not meant to be any unpleasantness. ─── 不是有意要引起不愉快。

22、The endorphin response matched up in time with reductions in pain intensity and unpleasantness the volunteers reported. ─── 而这些脑内啡出现的时间,刚好与志愿者回报的疼痛强度及不适感同步。

23、the late unpleasantness ─── 不久前的战争

24、Don't let that unpleasantness end our friendship. ─── 咱们别为那件小事儿伤了和气。

25、If we're late, there'll be/it'll mean trouble, ie unpleasantness, perhaps involving punishment. ─── 我们要是迟到就倒霉了.

26、I don't mean there to be any unpleasantness. ─── 我无心引起任何不愉快。

27、I had a slight unpleasantness with the manager ─── 我和经理之间有过一点磨擦。

28、Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration, discomfort and defeat, without complaint or collapse. ─── 成熟就是有面对不愉快和沮丧、不舒服和失败,却没有一丝怨言或可能崩溃的能力。

29、But they don't want unpleasantness '. ─── 但他们不想有什么不愉快。

30、Furthermore, Cambridge University is a non-governmental institution, so whatever unpleasantness happens on campus is not the government's responsibility. ─── 奈何剑桥大学并非英国政府的直属机构,在剑桥校内发生的不快,英国政府是可以免责的。

31、But the thing that cannot think of to produce so much unpleasantness, now already bargaining half many month, the problem still did not get settlement. ─── 但想不到发生了这么多不愉快的事情,现在已经交涉了半个多月,问题仍未得到解决。

32、Explaining the unpleasantness and futility of the procedures does not seem to make much difference, either. ─── 该调查同时还说明了治疗过程造成的不愉快和治疗的无效看起来没有什么区别。

33、Resemble handclasp a kind contact is good, let us feel happy, resemble fight even if be being contacted badly, unpleasantness is uncomfortable also. ─── 像握手一类的接触就是好的,让我们感觉愉快,像打架就是坏的接触,不愉快也不舒服。

34、This Madame Thenardier was a sandy-complexioned woman, thin and angular-- the type of the soldier's wife in all its unpleasantness ─── 这位德纳第妈妈是个赤发、多肉、呼吸滞塞的妇人,是个典型的装妖作怪的母老虎。

35、I hope. But I haven't tried it much since all that unpleasantness. ─── 希望吧,不过自从发生上次那件不愉快的事情以来,我就没怎么试过。

36、If you allowed yourself to feel every sling and insult and bit of unpleasantness you'd be a nervous wreck. ─── 如果你让自己感觉到每一次攻击、侮辱和一丁点儿不高兴,你的精神就会崩溃。

37、Let you looks change in keeping with the natural aging process to achieve harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. ─── 人该年轻就年轻,该年老时就年老,这是与自然同步,这就是和谐。和谐就是美,反之就是丑。

38、Despite the unpleasantness of divorce, often times, ─── 尽管离婚很不愉快,但在大多数时候

39、He and Jane decided to leave so as to avoid any more unpleasantness. ─── 他和简决定离开,以避免更多的不快。

40、The Unpleasantness of receiving into One's House a Poor Man who may be a Rich Man ─── 接待一个也许是有钱的穷人的麻烦

41、The next few years in Austin were very difficult for me, but I truly believe that in order to see beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantness. ─── 在奥斯汀接下来的几年里我生活得非常艰难,但我确信为了看到生活中的真善美你必须要经历一些苦难。

42、Thus monks, from ignorance rise determinations and from the threefold determinations rises consciousness ... re ... Thus is the arising of the complete mass of unpleasantness. ─── 十诸比丘!此行以何为因、以何为集、以何为生、以何为起耶?行乃以无明为因、以无明为集、以无明为生、以无明为起。

43、Not a day did he spend without having some unpleasantness with his wife. ─── 他没有一天不和妻子发生争执争执的。争执

44、The difficulties and unpleasantness of reality replace the charming and picturesque "honeymoon." ─── 现实的困难与令人不快取代了迷人的、如画般的蜜月期。

45、Let me now endeavor to make you forget this temporary unpleasantness, and offer you what no doubt you did not expect to find here--that is to say, a tolerable supper and pretty comfortable beds." ─── 现在让我尽量来使您忘记这暂时的不快,而献给您绝对想不到在这儿能找到的东西吧,就是说,一顿还说得过去的晚餐和相当舒服的床铺。”

46、continue with sth to the end,despite difficulty or unpleasantness ─── 虽然困难或不愉快,但坚持到底

47、S: To avoid future unpleasantness on the question of shortage, may we suggest that that you sell the cotton waste on landed weight instead of shipping weight? ─── 史:为了避免以后在短重问题上发生不愉快的事情,我们建议你方出售废棉要以到岸重量而不是以装船重量为依据,成吗?

48、profusion of champagne, the same many-colored, many-keyed commotion, but I felt an unpleasantness in the air, a pervading harshness that hadn't been there before. ─── 还是那些同样的人,或者至少是同一类的人、同样的源源不绝的香槟、同样的五颜六色、七嘴八舌的喧闹,可是我觉得无形中有一种不愉快的感觉,弥漫着一种以前从没有过的恶感。

49、They idle away all day and try to entertain themselves to ease up the stress and unpleasantness. ─── 他们整日无所事事,试图以娱乐的方式来减轻自己的压力和不愉快。

50、The gravel cut his feet but this was the only unpleasantness. ─── 沙砾把他的脚硌得生疼。但这是唯一的令人不快之处。

51、But frustration is a fact of life.At some point, a procrastinator needs to learn frustration-tolerance skills and acknowledge the unpleasantness. ─── 不知从什么时候起过生日对我来说不再是让人兴奋的事了,因为每到这时总会不自觉得会想起过去一年里所做的事情,然后就感觉到自己又虚度了一年的光阴。

52、You ought to be prepared for some unpleasantness. ─── 你要做好思想准备,可能发生一些不愉快的情况。

53、A situation or place preserved from surrounding unpleasantness; a refuge ─── 避风港,避难地;在不愉快环境中保留的情况或地方;避难地,慰藉

54、6.Qualities lacking to some degree, which may be found in you partner, are courteousness, sympathy for others, a dislike of unpleasantness and a feeling for justice. ─── 在某种程度上品质的缺乏、需要你搭档是有礼貌的、同情别人的、一个不喜欢使人不愉快的和合情合理的人。

55、a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness. ─── 免于伤害或不幸的方法。

56、The difficulties and unpleasantness of realities replace the charming and picturesque ‘honeymoon. ─── 现实中的困难与不快取代了吸引人的生动的“蜜月”。

57、Dilatory, psychological unpleasantness, can affect a mood, cause be agitated, the person that has a problem to psychology especially is more such. ─── 拖拉,心理不愉快,会影响情绪,引起烦躁,尤其对心理有问题的人更是如此。

58、For harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. ─── 这就是和谐。和谐就是美,反之就是丑。

59、I want to avoid any unpleasantness with the neighbours. ─── 我要避免与邻居有任何不快。

60、A means of obtaining temporary freedom from worry, care, or unpleasantness ─── 逃避现实:从忧虑、担心和不愉快中得到暂时的解脱的方法

61、"It turned out that the purrs that were getting the highest score on urgency and unpleasantness were ones that had an embedded cry, given at a higher level," McComb said. ─── “事实证明,咕噜声在紧迫性和不愉快性上获得最高评分, ”麦库姆说。

62、Have a slight unpleasantness with sb. ─── 和某人有点不愉快的事

63、Maybe I have experienced too much unpleasantness, but I believe in living each day to the fullest, and doing the very best I can. ─── 也许我经历的苦难太多了,但我有一个信念--充实地过每一天,尽力做到最好。

64、You should try to argue calmly and not allow any unpleasantness to creep in. ─── 你应该试图冷静地提出理由,不要让任何不愉快的事情发生。

65、"Individual information is being browbeaten by abuse my life property of quiet, life is safe, make oneself feel pressure or mood unpleasantness. ─── “个人信息被滥用正在威胁着我的生活安宁、生命财产安全,令自己感到压力或者心情不愉快。”

66、Why the person can feel unpleasantness! ─── 为什么人会感到不愉快!

67、Hate causes only more unpleasantness or misery, and many things become worse. ─── 憎恨只能造成不幸或灾难,使得很多事情越发糟糕。

68、Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural aging process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. ─── 从年轻到年老,容颜仪态的变化应该和年龄的自然增长保持同步,和自然规律保持和谐。和谐本身就是美、反其道而为之,肯定事与愿违。

69、If the unpleasantness is slight, you will be only slightly low-spirited. ─── 如苦受是一点点,那也只是一点点情绪低落;

70、There were pain and bewilderment in her face, the bewilderment of a pampered child who has always had her own way for the asking and who now, for the first time, was in contact with the unpleasantness of life. ─── 她脸上流露出痛苦和惶惑的神情,这种惶惑说明,她这个娇宠惯了、经常有求必应的孩子如今可碰到生活中不愉快的事了。

71、If you had been willing to jump through all the necessary hoops, you might have been able to spare some family unpleasantness. ─── 假如你过去愿意跳过所有的关卡,他应已免于一些家庭的不愉快。

72、We shall slip through all right, without any bother or unpleasantness, and we can have a look at them through their windows if you like, and see what they're doing. ─── 如果你愿意,咱们还可以从窗外偷瞧几眼,看看他们都在干什么。”

73、unpleasantness, awkwardness, disagreeableness, disagreeability, inconvenience, trouble ─── 麻烦。不便。不方便。烦恼。不快。不愉快的事。

74、Bhikkhus, the appearance, stability and rebirth of the air element, is the appearance of unpleasantness, the continuance of ailments and the manifestation of decay and death. ─── 五诸比丘!风界之生起、住、再生、显现,是苦之生起,贪、住、老死之显现。

75、How to forget all unpleasantness? ─── 怎么忘记所有的不愉快?

76、Hates causes only more unpleasantness or misery , and mang tings bcome worse , if you tread others with love , you will get the same in turn . ─── 憎恨只能导致痛苦和灾难,使得很多事情愈发糟糕,如果你用爱去对待别人,你将得到相同的回报。

77、I don't mean there to be any unpleasantness. ─── 我的意思是不要引起任何的不愉快。

78、Subjective evaluation of unpleasantness of low-frequency pure tone ─── 低频纯音不愉悦感主观评价的实验研究

79、He stayed for a time with Fleur and Michael but, having fallen in love with Marjorie Ferrar, he moved out after the unpleasantness between Marjorie and Fleur. ─── 他在弗勒和迈克尔的家里住了一段时间,但由于爱上了马乔里,在马乔里和弗勒之间发生不愉快的事件之后,他就搬了出去。

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