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09-12 投稿



errantry 发音

英:[['erəntrɪ]]  美:[['erəntrɪ]]

英:  美:

errantry 中文意思翻译



errantry 短语词组

1、knight errantry na. ─── 骑士风度;侠义行为 [网络] ─── 骑士作风

2、knight errantry as a trade ─── 以武侠为业

3、knight-errantry n. ─── 骑士风尚, 侠义行为, 堂吉诃德式的行为

errantry 相似词语短语

1、errant ─── adj.不定的;周游的;错误的;偏离正路的

2、aberrantly ─── adv.反常地;异常地

3、truantry ─── 荒废

4、merchantry ─── 商品学

5、arrantly ─── adv.众目昭彰地;声名狼藉地

6、errancy ─── n.错误;错误状态;犯错误的倾向

7、servantry ─── 仆人

8、errantly ─── 漂泊地;错误地

9、errantries ─── n.游侠行为;骑士精神

errantry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The errantry provides philosophical basis for the ancient Chinese sports culture. ─── 游侠文化为古代中国体育文化奠基了坚实的哲学基础;

2、Ten Famous Stories of Errantry ─── 十大侠义小说

3、errantry culture ─── 游侠文化

4、Novels on knight-errantry is a very important part in the development of China's ancient novels. ─── 在中国古代小说史中,侠义小说是一个重要方面。

5、The rebellion of errantry causes the disappearance of the ancient Chinese sports culture from the mainstream culture. ─── 游侠自身的叛逆性导致了中国古代体育从主流文化中逐渐消失。

6、errantry adoration ─── 侠义崇拜

7、The great advantages of the errantry culture infuse great vitality into the traditional Chinese sports culture. ─── 游侠文化的巨大优势使得中国传统体育的文化生命力极为强大;

8、Under the certain errantry culture model, the behaverious that the triggerman in Qin times earlier, and Qin and Han times, play a great stress on the ancient China errantry. ─── 在特定的侠文化模式下,先秦、秦汉刺客酬恩知遇时古代刺客的驱动力,巨大深长。

9、The errantry provides philosophical basis for the ancient Chinese sports culture. ─── 游侠文化为古代中国体育文化奠基了坚实的哲学基础;

10、For the bourgeoisie, it was the time of knight-errantry; ─── 这是资产阶级的漫游骑士的时代;

11、The great advantages of the errantry culture infuse great vitality into the traditional Chinese sports culture. ─── 游侠文化的巨大优势使得中国传统体育的文化生命力极为强大;

12、errantry novel ─── 侠义小说

13、On the Revenge Consciousness and Errantry Spirit in the Miscellaneous Historical Novels of Han Dynasty ─── 论汉代杂史小说中的复仇意识与侠义精神

14、Awakening--the Motif of the Triggerman Having Errantry In the Ancient China Literature ─── 醒悟:中国古代文学中的刺客侠义母题

15、basic motif factor that Fe ng Yan does not kill women because of errantry in the sutra in the Tang. ─── 唐初汉译佛经已具备冯燕杀不义妇故事的基本母题要素。

16、On the Revenge Consciousness and Errantry Spirit in the Miscellaneous Historical Novels of Han Dynasty ─── 论汉代杂史小说中的复仇意识与侠义精神

17、secondly, the revenge behavior in Han Dynasty is influenced by errantry spirits since the Warring States period; ─── 第二,汉代复仇行为受战国以来游侠精神的影响;

18、Where an errant knight named Wu Bi'rong lived in - who skillfully mastered the martial art and had a mercy mind of an errantry. ─── 宅基有侠士名吴弼荣,武艺高超,侠义心肠。

19、The rebellion of errantry causes the disappearance of the ancient Chinese sports culture from the mainstream culture. ─── 游侠自身的叛逆性导致了中国古代体育从主流文化中逐渐消失。

20、Third,the admiring convention of the Chinese knight errantry vividly extends idealization psychology of nation connatural. ─── 其三 ,慕侠习俗生动地延伸了民族固有的应然心理 ;

21、"errantry:The condition of traveling or roving about, especially in search of adventure." ─── 漫游:尤指为追求冒险经历而进行的旅游或漫游.

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