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08-29 投稿



cob 发音

英:[kɒb]  美:[kɑb]

英:  美:

cob 中文意思翻译




cob 网络释义

n. 雄天鹅;玉米穗轴;结实的矮脚马;圆块vt. 捣碎n. (Cob)人名;(西)科夫

cob 词性/词形变化,cob变形

副词: coaxingly |动词第三人称单数: coaxes |动词过去分词: coaxed |动词过去式: coaxed |动词现在分词: coaxing |名词: coaxer |

cob 短语词组

1、Welsh Cob ─── 威尔士语

2、cob web vt. ─── 使布满蛛网; ─── 使混乱n.蜘蛛网;蛛丝;圈套

3、cob-nut ─── 欧洲榛

4、maize cob ─── 玉米棒子

5、cob led cob led

6、corn-cob ─── 玉米芯

7、corn on the cob ─── 煮玉米棒子,老玉米

8、cob house ─── 科布家

9、churchwarden cob ─── 教长科布

10、cob nut ─── 小坚果

11、corn cob ─── [建] 玉米穗轴

12、cob brick ─── 土砖

13、cob construction cob ─── 施工

14、cob work light cob ─── 工作灯

15、cob crusher cob ─── 破碎机

16、corn cob grits ─── [化] 玉米棒屑

17、cob conveyor cob ─── 输送机

18、corn cob crusher ─── 玉米芯破碎机

19、Welsh Pony of Cob Type ─── 科布型威尔士小马

cob 相似词语短语

1、comb ─── n.梳子;蜂巢;鸡冠;vt.梳头发;梳毛;vi.(浪)涌起

2、co- ─── abbr.一氧化碳(carbonmonoxide);哥伦比亚(Colombia);现付票(CashOrder);货源证书(CertificateofOrigin);n.(Co)人名;(中)措(藏语·汉语拼音)

3、Tob ─── abbr.股票公开收购(TakeoverBid);起飞助推器(Take-OffBoost);技术操作委员会(TechnicalOperationsBoard)

4、cod ─── n.鳕鱼;愚弄;哄骗;vi.欺骗;愚弄;vt.愚弄;欺骗

5、cobb ─── n.科布(姓氏);酷伯传奇(电影名)

6、Job ─── n.工作;职业;vt.承包;代客买卖;vi.做零工;n.(Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布

7、Bob ─── v.(使)上下跳动,振动;(使)轻敲;把(头发)剪成波波头;乘大雪橇;突然出现(或消失);(沿某个方向)快速移动;点头;微微鞠躬行礼;n.摆动,颠簸;轻敲;快速的点头(或鞠躬);浮子;钟摆,悬挂的饰品;齐短发型,波波头;大雪橇,连橇;(一)先令;相当多的一笔钱;诗节末尾的短行;变序鸣钟;n.(Bob)鲍勃(人名)

8、cobs ─── n.钟形失真;雄天鹅;结实的短腿马;领导人(cob的复数)

9、cab ─── n.驾驶室;出租汽车;出租马车;vi.乘出租马车(或汽车)

cob 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After that, Cob vowed to reform and left for the West, but he had actually sworn to himself to get his revenge on Ged. ─── 在格得的阻止之下他未能进入亡者之界,亦将自己推往恐惧的边缘。自此之后,喀布起誓有朝一日要向格得报复。

2、10.shows lower activity on oatspelts xylan (water soluble) and least activity on self-made corn cob xylan and cotton seed husk xylan. ─── 其次为可溶性燕麦木聚糖;酶活最低的为自制的玉米芯木聚糖和棉子壳木聚糖。

3、Study of the Thermomechanical Coupling Effect in COB Packaging Structures ─── COB封装中热-机械耦合效应的研究

4、He had finished gouging out a cob, ─── 他刚挖空一只玉米棒子,

5、Arren, whose fear of the shadow has come to a head, is given hazia and loses his senses, and finally tells his true name and falls captive to Cob. ─── 对黑影的恐惧到达顶点的亚刃,为寻逃避吞食迷幻草而失去了理智,对喀布吐露了他的真名而受到巫师的控制。

6、Residual stress of different substrate site on in COB packages ─── COB封装中芯片在基板不同位置的残余应力

7、EMU's College of Business (COB) provides an academic learning environment that fosters innovative, applied and global business programs. ─── 东密大商学院(COB)提供了一个促进创新、应用和全球商业计划的学术的学习环境。

8、Among 1 100 subjects, 231 subjects (21.0%) were positive by OC-Hemodia test and 159 subjects (14.5%) were positive by COB. There was a significant difference in positive rate between OC-Hemodia test and COB (P

9、I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. ─── 我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

10、Study on Ethanol Production with Pretreated Corn Cob ─── 利用木糖渣生产酒精的研究

11、The results showed that growth condition for hypha and fruit of pleurotus ostreatus on medium of maize cob and cotton seed shell and sterlized with Co-60 was normal and the biological efficiencies were 5.6% and 9.7% respectively. ─── 在经辐射杀菌的玉米芯、棉子壳培养料上,平菇的菌丝和子实体生长情况正常,生物学效率(干/干)分别为5.6%和9.7%。

12、We're having corn-on-the-cob for lunch. ─── 我们吃玉米棒子当午饭。

13、Using orthogonal experimental method, the influences of the main parameters on corn cob gasification were investigated,and the optimum parameters in the experiment conditions were obtained. ─── 利用正交实验设计与分析方法,得到实验条件范围内玉米芯超临界水气化制氢的最佳反应参数,同时对气化过程主要操作参数的影响进行了分析。

14、139 were more than that of No. 1,the overall husk areas were larger than that of No. 1. (4) The female cob of No. ─── 139号雌穗轴比1号粗而长,且139号籽粒比1号的大而饱满。

15、He took a few steps away from her, but, returning, said, 'By the bye, Tess, your father has a new cob to-day. Somebody gave it to him. ' ─── 他往前走了几步,但是他又转过身来说,“顺便告诉你,苔丝,今天你父亲得了一匹新马。有个人送给他的。”

16、I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. ─── 我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

17、Yeah. How about corn on the cob? ─── 好的。烤玉米怎么样?

18、Study on Yeast Strain Screening and Evaluation of Xylitol Production from Corn Cob Hemicellulose Hydrolysate ─── 产木糖醇酵母菌株的筛选及其对玉米芯半纤维素水解液发酵的研究

19、shows lower activity on oatspelts xylan (water soluble) and least activity on self-made corn cob xylan and cotton seed husk xylan. ─── 其次为可溶性燕麦木聚糖; 酶活最低的为自制的玉米芯木聚糖和棉子壳木聚糖。

20、In mass production of LCD module under widely developed market,the assembly process of LCD drive circuits is based on COB(Chip on Board)technique. ─── 在市场上逐步推广的液晶模块(LCM)生产中,其LCD系列驱动电路的封装工艺主要采用裸芯片的COB(chip on Board)封装方式。

21、Truly producing a wide range of LCD panels and LCD modules at standard products and custom design, character and graphic module in COB or package IC driven.Backlight option in LED, EL or CCFL. ─── 信利提供一系列标准液晶显示屏及模块、点阵文字及图像,亦提供可配背光源以供选择,更可跟据客人设计而生产。

22、The order of 10 traits difference in 96 American breeds is as following: cob weight> ear height >cob weight > TGW > rows per ear > kernel per row > ear diameter > plant height >cob diameter> ear length. ─── 96个美国杂交种10个性状差异大小的排列顺序是:穗轴重>穗位高>青苞重>千粒重>穗行数>行粒数>果穗粗>株高>穗轴粗>果穗长。

23、But in the film, evil has been comfortably externalized in a villain, the wizard Kumo/ Cob, who can simply be killed, thus solving all problems. ─── 但在影片中,邪恶称心如意地在反派角色上被赋予形体,巫师喀布只要被杀掉就可以解决所有的问题。

24、He smoked a cob pipe and after his wife's death sat all day in his empty office close by a window that was covered with cobwebs. ─── 他抽一种根雕的烟斗。妻子死后他就整天靠窗坐在空荡荡的办公室里,窗上布满了蜘蛛网。

25、A strain of VVIBDV COB C1 was isolated from the tissue infected by IBD. The ELD 50 of the isolate was 10 5.6 /0.2 mL. The genes of VP1 and VP2 of CAV were cloned into baciulliform virus vectors. ─── IBDV为自行分离的 VVIBDV COB-C1组织毒 ,毒价为 CEL D50 1 0 5.6 / 0 .2 m L ,CAV为 VP1和 VP2基因克隆进家蚕杆状病毒转基因载体质粒中 ,后经重组 ,筛选后获得的重组VP1和 VP2基因产物。

26、ANDORIN OptoElec Technology INC. Established in 1999. As LCD Module manufactory our capcapabilities are COB (chip-on-board), and TAB (Tape Automated Bonding). We provide extensive and complete solutions based on customer needs. ─── 安的利光电科技有限公司成立于1999年,主要产品是液晶显示模组,包括COB及TAB产品系列。我们可根据客户要求提供方案,以满足客户的需要。

27、A malfunction of transport of mineral elements or a disturbance of the transfer of mineral elenents between cob and kernel tissues may occure with kernel abortion. ─── 子粒败育是由于矿质元素输送渠道的机能失常或果穗上穗轴与子粒的接合点对元素的选择输送机能失常造成的。

28、Candida tropicalis cells were immobilized in Ca-alginate beads and used for xylitol production from corn cob hydrolysates. ─── 固定在海藻酸钙凝胶中的热带假丝酵母(Candidatropicalis)细胞,可有效地利用玉米芯半纤维素水解液生产木糖醇。

29、She plucks each kernel from the cob, holds it in her paws, turns it around and eats the heart out of the kernel. ─── 到天黑的时候,每一颗玉米粒都吃完了,只留下地上一撮残渣。虽然我这样照顾它,但是这个小东西还是很怕我。

30、Application of Reinforcement Cob Wall Technology to Silo Construction Project in Anjialing Coal Mine ─── 加筋土挡墙技术在安家岭矿煤仓土建工程中的应用

31、Study on the Dynamic of the Organic Nutrition and the Mineral Elements in the Silk and Cob of Summer Maize(Zea Mays L.) ─── 夏玉米花丝和穗轴有机营养和矿质养分变化规律的研究

32、Abstract: The yeast cells were absorbed by corn cob as carrier and then wrapped by PVA as entrapping agents. ─── 摘 要: 以玉米芯为载体吸附酵母细胞,再以聚乙烯醇(PVA)进行包埋,于三角瓶中分批发酵。

33、Ear length which direct to the yield were significant difference among most of the combination, cob diameter and no kernels of ear were significant lower than the maize line. ─── 其中,与产量呈正相关的穗长在绝大多数组合中表现为极显著正效应,呈负相关的秃尖长和轴重绝大多数表现为显著负效应。

34、The benefit is 54% than grain corn considering the lower cost. Fresh seed grain and straw and cob output all more than ordinary maize from the output value. ─── 从产值来看,鲜食玉米籽粒、秸秆和穗轴产量均高于普通玉米,产值显著高于普通玉米,加之单位面积成本低于普通玉米,因而效益增加54%。

35、Okay, that's four breasts of chicken, three medium fries, one corn on the cob and one large cola. ─── 好,这里是四块鸡胸,三客中炸薯条,一条玉蜀黍和一杯大可乐。

36、A study was conducted under general field condition to control pol lination so as to investigate the dynamic of soluble sugar and starch in the cob and silk of two varieties corn. ─── 在一般大田环境中,控制玉米果穗的授粉情况,研究果穗在套袋和自然授粉时可溶性糖和淀粉在花丝和穗轴中的变化情况。

37、The different position of silk and cob have the same trend. ─── 不同部位花丝和穗轴的不同部位变化趋势一致。

38、Here's a way of barbecuing corn-on-the-cob that I learned from my uncle. ─── 这是我向我叔叔学的一种烤玉米棒的方法。

39、Keywords CoB;linear regression;kinetics;computer program;electroless deposition;deposition rate; ─── 回归分析法;动力学;计算机编程;化学镀;沉积速率;

40、1 .In the end, we analysed the abnormal development causes of the husk and cob from the organic nutrition transportation respect. ─── 就上述结果从物质运输方面分析了139号苞叶与穗轴发育失调的原因。

41、The distribution of 14C-assimilates in cob ranked as basal>middle>upper part, while the amount of 14C-assimilates in kernel sequenced as middle>basal>upper part of the ear. ─── 14C-同化物在果穗不同部位的分布不均一,在穗轴中14C-同化物的分布呈现为基部>中部>上部,而在籽粒中则表现为中部>基部>上部。

42、Simon Lee Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.Founded in 1996, mainly engaged in LCD modules and related products R &D and manufacturing, the main product is the COB module, TAB Modules, COG module. ─── 安的利光电科技有限公司成立于1996年,主要从事液晶模组和相关产品的研发制造,主要产品是COB模组,TAB模组,COG模组。

43、As for the cob ,the vascular bundle areas of 139 were smaller than No.1’s,but the vasculars bundle number of 139 were larger than that of No.1 . ─── 139号雌穗轴的单个维管束面积与其韧皮部面积却小于1号,但在数量上要多于1号。

44、Among 13 domestic populations, Golden Queen, Csyn4, Csyn5, Liaolv, Dongnong C5, Jizong A were classified into Lvda Red Cob group, CSyn3, Yuzong 5, Shanzong 3, WBM-C4 and Shanzong 1 were classified into Lancaster group. ─── 在13份国内群体中,金皇后、中综4号、中综5号、辽旅综、吉综A、东农群体C5、中群13属于旅大红骨群; 中综3号、豫综5号、中群14、陕综1号、陕综3号、WBM-C4属于Lan群。

45、The optimum process was as follow: the extraction time 30? min, corn cob concentration 3.23%, power of ultrasonic wave 280? W, and the temperature 60? ─── 并通过正交实验确定了提取过程的最优条件时间30min,原料质量分数3.23%,功率280W,温度60℃。

46、10.(3) Using cotton seed hull,saw-dust,corn cob to cultivate as substrate, the result shows that the optimal cultivation compost as substrate is cotton seed hull. ─── 以棉籽壳、木屑、玉米芯作为主料进行栽培,结果表明,棉籽壳为最佳栽培主料。

47、ALEXHO X Exotic germplasm, ALEXHO X Reid, ALEXHO XLiida Red Cob, BHO X Exotic germplasm, and BHO X Reid were valuable heterotic patterns in high oil corn breeding. ─── ALEXHO和BHO为高油自交系选育的主要群体。

48、In contrast, the male tassels of maize are a foot or more away from the female cob and are easily blown by the wind to other plants. ─── 相反,玉米的雄穗离它的雌须有一英尺或更远的距离,它的花粉更容易被风吹到其他植株上。

49、High activity Xylanases (54.4IU/mL)with CMCase (3.4IU/mL)could be produced by Trichoderma reesei strain with pretreated corn cob as the carbon source. ─── 以里氏木霉为产酶菌,经适当处理后的玉米芯可诱导产生含纤维素酶(3.4IU/mL)的高活力木聚糖酶(54.4IU/mL)。

50、COB is highly sensitivity and is a economic and practical method. ─── 化学法仍有较高的敏感性 ,是经济实用的方法

51、But summers on the farm also yield the special pleasures of the first ripe tomato, fresh corn on the cob, and sweet juicy peaches picked and eaten right from the tree . ─── 但是夏天也是农场最喜悦的季节,因为第一批蕃茄、玉米已经可以收割了,而甜美的桃子也已经成熟可以吃了。

52、Also, the company has strong produce ability of COB,COG,TAB and COF. ─── 同时,公司拥有COB、COG、TAB,COF的强大的生产能力。

53、Brush your teeth often because this is what the surface of a tooth with a form of "corn-on-the-cob" plaque looks like. ─── 要经常刷牙往往是因为这是牙齿表面的形成一种的类似“玉米棒”状的齿菌斑。

54、Come on, why should COB say that and piss off lotsof people with that? ─── 再说, cob 为什麽非得说这种会惹恼那麽多人的话?

55、Cob opens the doors between the worlds of the living and the dead in order to gain eternal life, and plans to kill Ged who is in the way. ─── 在此时,喀布正打算再次开启生死之界来获得永恒的生命,并密谋杀死察觉事变而正在赶来的格得。

56、The trend in different position of cob was accord with the silk. ─── 不同部位的穗轴和花丝中变化趋势一致。

57、Based on the study of xylanase,the extracting methods and conditions of xylan from corn cob were improved. ─── 基于对木聚糖酶研究的需要,探讨了从玉米芯中提取木聚糖的工艺条件。

58、a cob of coal ─── 圆煤块

59、Highest cost process, but good corrosion resistance for on-board contact pads and suitable for wire bonding pads for COB designs. ─── 成本最高的工艺,但板上接触式焊盘具有良好的抗腐蚀性,适合用于板上芯片(COB)设计的焊线粘接焊盘。

60、We have two large pots on the rear burners for the corn on the cob. ─── 後面的爐子上那兩個大鍋要煮玉米。

61、Utilization of Inbred Lines of Luda Red Cob Group in Corn Breeding and Production in China ─── 旅大红骨种群在我国玉米育种与生产中的利用

62、He gouged out a cob and loaded it with tobacco ─── 他把一段玉米棒子挖空,然后装上烟叶。

63、"Where do they come to you, Cob? Where is it that you are?" ─── “他们在哪儿能找到你?你在什么地方?”

64、The linear regression methods for solving the kinetic parameters of electro less CoB thin film ─── 化学镀CoB薄膜动力学参数的回归分析

65、Their dinner that night was hamburgers with potatoes and corn on the cob. ─── 他们那天晚上的晚餐是土豆汉堡包和玉米棒。

66、Past flavors included broccoli casserole, corn on the cob and Brussel sprout. ─── JonesSoda公司以往推出的砂锅椰菜味、玉米饼味和抱子甘蓝味等饮料就一直深受顾客欢迎。

67、Baking with a cob on is neither fun for the person in the kitchen, nor does it make what you produce taste any better. ─── 带着棒子烤玉米对于在厨房里忙碌的人来说并不是很有趣,做出来的东西也不会有多好吃。

68、The yeast cells were absorbed by corn cob as carrier and then wrapped by PVA as entrapping agents. ─── 以玉米芯为载体吸附酵母细胞,再以聚乙烯醇(PVA)进行包埋,于三角瓶中分批发酵。

69、"Nothing but rabbit tobacco. Pa smokes it in a corn cob." ─── "没有,只有兔儿烟,爸放在玉米棒子里抽的。"

70、The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob. ─── 农夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米。

71、To offer the greatest level of flexibility, both COB and integration parameters should be user-definable including overall applicability, reimbursement percentage, and application of credit reserve. ─── 为了提供最大程度的弹性度,COB和集成参数都应该是可以由用户来自行定义的,包括总体上的适应性,偿还比例,和信用储备的应用。

72、Xylitol Production from Corn Cob Hemicellulosic Hydrolysate by Candida sp. ─── 假丝酵母发酵玉米芯半纤维素水解液生产木糖醇

73、Keywords immobilizated yeast;polyvinyl alcohol(PVA);corn cob; ─── 固定化酵母;聚乙烯醇(PVA);玉米芯;

74、The yield, biological efficiency contents of The Agrocybe cylindracea cultivated with the cotton seed hull, sawdust and corn cob as main materials were compared and analyzed. ─── 摘要比较分析了以棉籽壳、木屑、玉米芯为主料栽培茶薪菇的产量、生物学效率。

75、Conclusions POB, COB and MSC cannot meet the demand of bone tissue engineering. ─── 3种细胞的增殖能力依次为MSC >COB >POB ;

76、Withdrawing the last instant of home, old father raises the hand that is a callosity completely, pick below a few urgently fast ripe maize cob. ─── 在撤离家园的最后一刹那,老父亲举起满是老茧的手,急急摘下几支快熟的玉米棒子。

77、Technology of SMT and COB in Manufacturing CIS ─── CIS生产中的SMT与COB技术

78、The most significant correlation were found between ear weight with cob weight, plant height, ear length and ear diameter in the 96 American hybrids. ─── 96个美国甜玉米杂交种的11个农艺性状中青苞重与穗轴重、植株高、果穗长和果穗粗相关最为显著。

79、Two Stages of Acid Hydrolysis for Corn Cob and Ethanol Fermentation ─── 两步酸水解玉米芯条件及其酒精发酵的初步研究

80、Tatsu more than the number of employees who should be packaged integrated circuit chips (COB), then welding circuit board assembly, assembly electronic products. ─── 员工人数达百余人,可封装集成电路芯片(COB)、焊接接装配电路板,组装电子产品。

81、Chip Defect Analysis Based on COB Assembly Process ─── 基于COB组装工艺的芯片失效分析

82、Osteogenic ability of osteoblasts of 3 different sources was POB? COB and BMSC in order. ─── 3种不同来源的人成骨细胞成骨能力依次为:骨膜来源的成骨细胞、颅骨来源成骨细胞、骨髓基质干细胞。

83、Good idea. I'll have two cobs. Can you take it off the cob for me? ─── 好主意。我买两个好了,麻烦你帮我把皮和须须去掉。

84、Our products are covered in the TN, HTN, STN, FSTN, including COB, TAB, COG, etc. ─── 产品涵盖了TN,HTN,STN,FSTN系列液晶面板产品,包括COB,TAB,COG等系列液晶显示模块。

85、The distribution of ~(14)C-assimilates in cob ranked as basal>middle>upper part,while the amount of ~(14)C-assimilates in kernel sequenced as middle>basal>upper part of the ear. ─── 14C-同化物在果穗不同部位的分布不均一,在穗轴中14C-同化物的分布呈现为基部>中部>上部,而在籽粒中则表现为中部>基部>上部。

86、Main products: Technology: COB, TAB, COG.Type: character dot matrix, dot matrix graphics, customization. ─── 主要产品: 工艺:COB,TAB,COG. 类型:字符点阵,图形点阵,客户定制。

87、Digital speckle correlation method(DSCM) is used to measure the thermomechanical coupling effect in COB packaging structures. ─── 利用数字散斑相关方法(DSCM),对COB封装结构在热循环状态下的表面热机械耦合效应进行了测量。

88、Our factory was established in 2002, mainly in frozen corn on the cob mainly viscous.North Yu frozen corn to "sweet, sweet, sticky, tender, fresh," with the market increasing radiation power. ─── 我厂成立于2002年,主要以速冻粘玉米棒为主.北钰速冻玉米以“香、甜、粘、嫩、鲜”著称销售市场辐射力日益增强。

89、A couple of weeks after my husband and I got home, still thinking of Owens and his charming ponies, I went online and found it was the centennial show of the Welsh Pony and Cob Societyof America. ─── 就在我和丈夫回家后几周时间里,我一直惦念着欧文斯和他可爱的小马驹,并在网上发现了一个美国威尔士马驹及短腿壮马协会的百年纪念展览。




英[lT衝] 美[lT衝]

n.草坪; 草地; 上等细棉布(或麻布);

They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree.




英 ['medY妉鎛d] 美 ['medo?#716;l鎛d]


The light of dawn made his huge bedroom as misty as a foggy meadowland.




cobweb lawn 薄麻纱

boiled lawn 细亚麻平布 ; 详细翻译

handkerchief lawn 薄型亚麻细平布 ; 稀薄亚麻细平布

dyed lawn 染色细棉布 ; 染草坪 ; 染色的草坪 ; 详细翻译

lawn edger 草坪剪边器 ; 草坪修边机 ; 草坪边修剪机

India lawn 印度上等细布


undulant meadowland 起伏不平的草地

meadowland church 草场教堂

meadowland ast 街道地址

meadowland enterprises 名字

Inc Meadowland Enterprises 标签







1、格数扩充(Extra seed slots)

2、池塘清理车(Pool Cleaners)

3、草耙(Garden Rake)

4、屋顶推车(Roof Cleaners)

5、机枪射手(Gatling Pea)

6、双子向日葵(Twin Sunflowers)





11、冰瓜投手(Winter Melons)

12、玉米加农炮(Cob Connons)

《植物大战僵尸》是由PopCap Games开发的一款益智策略类单机游戏,于2009年5月5日发售。


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