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08-23 投稿



unsteady 发音

英:[ʌnˈstedi]  美:[ʌnˈstedi]

英:  美:

unsteady 中文意思翻译




unsteady 常用词组

unsteady flow ─── 非定常流

unsteady state ─── 非稳定态

unsteady 反义词


unsteady 同义词

intermittent | irregular | erratic | uneven | inconstant | variable | capricious | tottering |unreliable | weak | wobbly | rickety | wayward | unsafe | changeable | wavering | aimless | unfirm | unsure | tremulous | trembling | unstable | shaky | slippery | dizzy | breakable | unsound | flighty

unsteady 短语词组

1、unsteady infiltration ─── 非定常渗透

2、unsteady dispersion ─── 非定常色散

3、unsteady distillation ─── [化] 不稳定蒸馏

4、unsteady flow ─── [化] 非定常流

5、unsteady-state flow ─── 非稳态流动

6、unsteady motion ─── 不稳运动

7、unsteady wave ─── [电] 不稳电波

8、unsteady problem ─── 不稳定的问题

9、unsteady state transfer of heat ─── [化] 非定态传热

10、unsteady regime ─── 不稳定的状态

11、unsteady low ─── [电] 不定流

12、unsteady combustion ─── 不稳定燃烧

13、unsteady market ─── 不稳定的市场

14、unsteady non-uniform flow ─── 不稳定变速流

15、unsteady equation ─── 非定常方程

16、unsteady-state reaeration ─── 非稳态再曝气

17、wealdy-unsteady flow ─── 不稳定的流动

18、unsteady runing ─── [电] 不稳运转

19、unsteady state ─── [化] 非定态

unsteady 词性/词形变化,unsteady变形


unsteady 相似词语短语

1、unsteadier ─── 不稳定

2、unsteadied ─── adj.不稳定的;不规则的;摇摆的;无常的;vt.使不稳定;动摇

3、steady ─── adj.稳定的;不变的;沉着的;vi.稳固;vt.使稳定;稳固;使坚定;adv.稳定地;稳固地;n.关系固定的情侣;固定支架

4、unready ─── adj.不敏捷的;没准备的

5、nonsteady ─── 不稳定的

6、unsteadying ─── adj.不稳定的;不规则的;摇摆的;无常的;vt.使不稳定;动摇

7、unsteadily ─── adv.不稳定地;摇摆地(unsteady的副词);vt.使不稳定

8、instead ─── adv.代替;反而;相反

9、to unsteady ─── 不稳定

unsteady 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She looked at him. Oh, God, I love him so, she thought, unsteady, wanting even more of him, never stopping. ─── 她看着他,心里想着,天哪,我多爱他。 她有点把握不住自己,还想再要他,永无止境。

2、Propagation characteristics of unsteady gaseous detonation in propane? oxygen? air mixtures through90° bend were studied by experiments. ─── 对丙烷-氧气-空气的混合气体非稳定爆轰波通过90°弯管传播特性的变化进行了初步的实验研究.

3、A hydraulic model was developed to analyze the unsteady flow of a water supply system with long pipelines and an overflow weir. ─── 在长距离输水管路出口设置溢流堰可以有效控制水击和防止管路脱空。

4、The relationship between unsteady flow and blade loading distributions is very important in the design of turbomachinery. ─── 叶轮机内部非定常流动与叶片表面负荷分布之间的关系对于叶轮机的设计非常重要。

5、Dysphagia, unsteady gait, and right-side limb weakness developed 37 months after the onset of seizures. ─── 37 个月后,病患产生吞嚥困难,步态不稳以及右侧肢体麻痹等症状。

6、This confirms that the PIV system can be applied to measure the instantaneous volume flow rate and investigate the unsteady characteristics. ─── PIV技术可用于瞬时体积流量的测量以及流场非稳态特性的研究。

7、As the front foot slipped, the rear foot became unsteady. ─── 前脚一滑,后脚也站不稳。

8、He is a man of unsteady mind, and acts by planets. ─── 他思想不稳,行为游移不定。

9、A numerical method is developed to simulate the unsteady flows involving moving boundaries. ─── 发展了可用于模拟包含运动边界的非定常流动的数值方法。

10、In fact, tunnel fire is unsteady and variational because of throttling effect and buoyancy effect. ─── 实际上,在节流效应和浮力效应作用下,隧道火灾是动态变化的。

11、We begin with the transient energy balance equation on unsteady CSTR operation.It is derived the general energy balance on the batch reactor. ─── 从釜式反应器的瞬时能量衡算通式出发,导出了分批釜操作的能量衡算式。

12、Underground thermal energy storage (UTES) process is a complicated unsteady heat transfer which effected by the features of underground. ─── 地下蓄能过程是一个受岩土特征影响的复杂多变的传热过程。

13、The unsteady wake made the time-averaged film cooling effectiveness decreased at blowing ratio of 0.5, rod diameter of 4mm. ─── 在吹风比M=0.5,细钢棒直径4mm时,非定常尾迹使气膜的时均冷却有效温比降低。

14、David poured two brandies with an unsteady hand. ─── 大卫用颤抖的手倒了两杯白兰地。

15、The unsteady flow indicates that the upstream wake can influence the boundary layer,wake and leakage flow of the downstream flow. ─── 另外,非定常结果流动图画显示,在非定常环境下上游周期性尾迹的通过对下游叶片边界层、尾迹以及叶尖泄漏流的发展都有一定影响。

16、Thus, a new approach was available to utilize the potentiality of intrinsic unsteady flow. ─── 为固有非定常潜能的利用提供了一类新途径。

17、Cloud Wang Ye's breathing seems to be also to have some to allow by the moment of unsteady. ─── 云王爷的气息此刻似乎也有些许的不稳。

18、On reaching the fresh air he was sufficiently unsteady. ─── 他出来叫凉风一吹,可就有些东倒西歪了。

19、In the case of over-penetration, unsteady flow structures are induced by impinging between the opposing jets. ─── 在射流过度穿透条件下,异向射流的碰撞引起非定常流动结构;

20、Gradually Clara became unsteady in standing up and was unable to attend school. ─── 她渐渐站不稳,不能上学了。

21、Caderousse raised his glass to his mouth with unsteady hand, and swallowed the contents at a gulp. ─── 卡德鲁斯哆嗦着的手把杯子送到嘴边,咕咚一声一饮而进。

22、Give off unsteady sounds,alternating in amplitude or frequency. ─── 发出不稳定的在振幅上或频率上交互的声音。

23、So the effect of unsteady jet should be paid attention in aerocraft design. ─── 在飞行器设计中,必须从安全控制的角度出发,考虑这一非定常效应的影响。

24、A method of correcting distortion in the measured unsteady pressures using a tubing system and off-board pressure transducers is described. ─── 使用外置压力传感器测量非定常压力会造成非定常测量信号失真。

25、The unsteady air is the most dangerous source of disturbance for astronomical photography. ─── 不稳定的空气便是天文照相最危险的干扰源。

26、A large telescope magnification also magnifies the influence of unsteady air. ─── 大的望远镜放大率同时放大了不稳定大气的影响。

27、Finally, the ELMFS based on the unsteady Stokeslets is adopted to analyze the Navier-Stokes equations in primitive-variable form. ─── 在本文中提出的尤拉-拉格朗日基本解方法的稳定性与一致性可以经由上述一连串数值实验加以验证。

28、George's voice came out strangely high and unsteady. ─── 乔奇的声音高得出奇,但不稳定。

29、He whose mind is unsteady, he who knows not the Good Teaching, he whose confidence wavers, the wisdom of such a person does not attain fullness. ─── 如果一个人的思想是不定的,他不会洞悉“真善的教义”;如果信心动摇,他的智慧不会达致完满。

30、Having a feeble or unsteady gait; shaky. ─── 不稳的,虚弱的; 摇晃的

31、Waiting always for a word of help his hand moved faithfully the unsteady symbols, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. ─── 他一边不断地期待着得到指点,一边忠实地描摹着那些不规则的符号。在他那灰暗的皮肤下面,是一抹淡淡的羞愧之色,忽隐忽现。

32、The main factors to IGV-impeller interaction were also discussed to analyze the influence of unsteady flow effect upon flow field of impeller. ─── 分析了非定常性应对叶轮内流场结构的影响。

33、in which the sum of the unsteady effect and the convective effect gives the rate of change of a parameter for a fluid particle. ─── 和不稳定的效果和对流效应给的变化率参数对流体粒子。

34、Financial marketization degree of central part region is rising continuously, but unsteady factors still exists in it. ─── 中部地区金融市场化程度在不断上升,但仍然存在不稳定因素;

35、Once producing by socker rod pump, the velocity and pressure of liquid are changing with the time in unsteady flow. ─── 在有杆泵抽油生产条件下,流体的速度和压力都随时间变化,处于非稳定流动状态。

36、The act or an instance of wobbling; unsteady motion. ─── 前后摇晃摇摆不定的动作或实例; 不稳定的行动

37、The DSC-T9 features one system to compensate for the effect of unsteady hands, and another to capture fast moving objects clearly. ─── DSC-T9相机的特点中,其一种系统可以补偿“抖动”影响的拍摄效果,另一方面还能清晰地快速捕捉移动的物体。

38、He's a bit unsteady on his pins. ─── 他的两腿还有点站不稳。

39、She spoke with an unsteady voice. ─── 她用不稳定的声音说着。

40、Six whiskies made him unsteady on his feet. ─── 他喝了六杯威士忌就脚下不稳了。

41、She went into the interview room, her legs shaking like jelly, ie She was so nervous that she was unsteady. ─── 她走进面试室,两腿抖得像果冻一样颤颤巍巍。

42、The performance of pressure driven membrane processes may be significantly improved when unsteady fluid instabilities are superimposed on crossflow. ─── 在十字流膜滤的基础上采用不稳定流动方式,则压力驱动的膜过滤过程将得到强化。

43、A lot of unemployments could cause unsteady of the society. ─── 大规模的失业会导致社会不稳定。

44、Most politicians recognize the link between investment in science and national economic strength, but support for research funding has been unsteady. ─── 大多数政治家认识到对科学的投资与国家经济实力之间的联系,但对研究资金的支持一直不稳定。

45、'The number of casualties, ' he said in an unsteady voice, 'will be more than any of us can bear. ─── “死亡人数,”他用颤动的声音说,“将会是超过我们任何人可以承受的。”

46、When he did that, he toddled and he looked a little old and unsteady on his feet, which is in direct contrast to how he comes across to his supporters. ─── 但是有时候他也会在台上踱步,他踱步的时候不太稳,摇摇晃晃的,看上去显得有点苍老,这其实与麦凯恩想要给选民留下的印象正好相反。

47、And to the loud voice that now bids her be silent with wondering unsteady eyes. ─── 她还朝那个现在使她眼中露着惊奇、茫然神色保持缄默的大嗓门低头。

48、He made a sad business of drawing with his unsteady hand, and a smothered titter rippled over the house. ─── 他的手老是发抖,结果画得很糟糕,于是全场发出了一片憋住的嗤笑声。

49、He was unsteady on his feet. ─── 他的脚站不稳。

50、He was too unsteady on his legs to navigate. ─── 他的腿太抖了以致于不能行走

51、When is a Flow Compressible [For Both Steady and Unsteady Flow]? ─── 什么时候流动是可压缩的[对定常和非定常流来说]?

52、Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle or overloading it makes it unsteady and more difficult to control. ─── 在你的自行车上加上一个重东西或过分负载会使自行车不稳而更难以控制。

53、A special type of unsteady motions which bear a resemblance to plane wave solutions of the linear theory of elasticity can be constructed. ─── 一种特殊类型的、和线性弹性理论中的平面波解有点相象的非稳态运动可以建立起来。

54、Based on advancing front model, a mass transference model of unsteady state for extraction of PG by the emulsion liquid membrane was developed. ─── 在“渐进前沿模型”的基础上,建立并推导了乳状液膜法提取青霉素的非稳态传质数学模型。

55、They cited a journalist's 1861 description of the tall, lanky Lincoln's "shambling, loose, irregular, almost unsteady gait. ─── 他们引用了1861年一位记者对瘦高的林肯的描述,说他的步态蹒跚、不准确、不规则,甚至是不稳的。

56、Tending to wobble; unsteady. ─── 倾向于颤抖的;不稳定的

57、As the brain attempts to force the unsteady hand to do its bidding, the tension between the two results in a more compressed, psychologically denser expression. ─── 当大脑试图逼迫不稳定的手去完成任务时,两者之间的紧张关系导致的结果是更加精简、心理上更加难懂的表达。

58、To let flow or fall in drops or an unsteady stream. ─── 使滴下或不稳定地流

59、It is one of approaches for unsteady inverse problems of oscillating airfoil to solve unsteady Bluer equations with finite difference method. ─── 利用有限差分法解非定常欧拉方程是振荡机翼非定常气动反问题的一种求解方法。

60、I was supposed to shoot the monsters using a handheld controller, but I still felt a little unsteady. ─── 原本我应该用手上的控制器射击这些怪物,但我还在摇来晃去呢。

61、A few hours later, after a visit to the Buddha bar, she emerged looking unsteady on her feet and had to be propped up by a pair of minders. ─── 几个小时后,在Buddhabar的访问期间,她步态蹒跚,不得不由陪同人员扶着。

62、But a large quantity of the non-performing loans in bank has also become an important unsteady factor in the economy circulates in our country. ─── 但大量的银行不良资产也已成为我国经济运行中一个重要的不稳定因素。

63、Stagger and stumble suggest unsteady or uncontrolledmovement. ─── stagger 和stumble 均指不稳的或身不由己的动作.

64、On the base of the numerical simulation of unsteady viscous flows, the characters of the static aeroelastics and flutter for the wings are researched. ─── 在模拟非定常粘性绕流的基础上,对涉及机翼和控制面流固耦合作用的静气动弹性特性和颤振特性进行了研究。

65、There are two kinds of distractions of mind, they are comatose and unsteady minds. ─── 人心的散乱有两种:一是昏沉,一是浮动。

66、After an unsteady 2-1 trip against East teams, Sunday served as a fair warmup for a busy period of four games in six days. ─── 在以2胜1败结束了不稳定的东部之旅后,星期天的比赛是湖人队一场不错的热身,他们最近将是6天4战。

67、Carolyn had tears in her eyes, and her voice became unsteady. ─── 卡洛琳眼里含着泪,声音有点发抖。

68、During this time enrolment numbers in this subject have been unsteady. ─── 在这时间登记期间数字在这个主题是不平稳的。

69、Secondary porosity formem formed by unsteady mineral is beneficial to formation"s development. ─── 不稳定矿物溶蚀形成的次生孔隙有利于储层的发育。

70、For those with a blurry eye or an unsteady hand, there is the Envenomed Bow. ─── 为了那些长了一双二五眼或一双筛糠的手的人,“淬毒弓”应运而生了。

71、To appreciate the unsteady environment existing in liquid propellant rocket chambers it is necessary that the steady state be well understood. ─── 为了分析液体推进剂火箭发动机燃烧室中存在的非稳态环境,必须很好地了解稳态状态。

72、The flexibility and the robustness of the MFS are demonstrated by solving the unsteady Stokes problems in irregular domains as well. ─── 在此求解过程中只需要速度的边界以及初始条件,可以避免传统数值方法面临的压力边界条件的问题。

73、Unsteady flamelet modeling of turbulent non-premixed flame.In: Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, eds. ─── 中国工程热物理学会编。

74、Krsna I am unable to keep composed, my mind is unsteady and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens. ─── 奎师那啊,我无法振作起来,我心神不安,看到了种种不祥的凶兆。收藏指正

75、He was holding the concrete safety rail with an unsteady hand. ─── 他用那颤抖的手扶着混凝土栏杆。

76、It describes unsteady flow toward a discharging well in an extensive aquifer. ─── 它描述位于广阔含水层中的抽水井的非稳定流。

77、But he made a sad business of it with his unsteady hand, and a smothered titter rippled over the house. ─── 可他的手不听使唤,结果把图画得不象样,引得大家暗地里忍俊不禁。

78、However acquiring water from outside entails high maintenance costs for the supply system as well as an unsteady or inadequate water supply. ─── 但从校外取水,供应系统的保养费用巨大,且供水量亦可能不稳定或不足。

79、O Krsna I am unable to keep composed, my mind is unsteady and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens. ─── 奎师那啊,我无法振作起来,我心神不安,看到了种种不祥的凶兆。

80、This glimpse is all I see of your smile some nights, as we strive against unsteady broadband cables, intermittent signals from satellites. ─── 这是我所看到的一瞥你的微笑有些晚上,我们在努力对不稳定的宽带电缆,从卫星的间歇性信号。

81、M: How can an unsteady mind make itself steady? ─── 一个不安定的头脑如何令自己安定?

82、Colonel Qaddafi came to be referred to as the Leader or the Guide, the oracle for an unsteady revolution. ─── 卡扎菲开始被称为“领袖”或“舵手”,口吐无常革命之神谕。

83、She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation. ─── 手术以后她还有点站不稳。

84、It is seen that the time-averaged unsteady isentropic efficiency is lower than that from steady analysis. ─── 在此基础上详细分析了流场特性随时间的变化,发现时均非定常等熵效率小于相应的定常等熵效率;

85、His hands are unsteady and he drops the bottle, it shatters. ─── 他的手哆哆嗦嗦,酒瓶从手里掉了下来,摔成碎片。

86、His pulse was unsteady. ─── 他的脉搏不规则。

87、With some assumptions,the problem can be predigested to one-dimension unsteady state heat conduction. ─── 在做出一定的假设后,问题可简化为一维非稳态导热。

88、Later the MFS was applied to solve unsteady Stokes' first and second problems. ─── 其次,求解半无穷域之史托克斯第一问题及第二问题。

89、His heartbeat/pulse was unsteady. ─── 他的心跳[脉搏]不规则.

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