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09-12 投稿



dabbled 发音

英:[ˈdæbld]  美:[ˈdæbld]

英:  美:

dabbled 中文意思翻译




dabbled 常用词组

dabble in ─── v. 涉猎

dabbled 短语词组

1、dabbled def ─── 涉猎def

2、dabbled means ─── 涉猎手段

3、dabbled with ─── 篡改

4、dabbled meaning ─── 涉猎意义

5、dabbled synonym ─── 涉猎同义词

6、be dabbled with ─── 溅满…

7、dabbled antonym ─── 涉猎反义词

8、dabbled syn ─── 涉猎syn

dabbled 词性/词形变化,dabbled变形

动词过去式: dabbled |动词现在分词: dabbling |动词过去分词: dabbled |动词第三人称单数: dabbles |

dabbled 相似词语短语

1、drabbled ─── v.在泥水中拖脏(或拖湿);(使)潮湿,弄脏;n.(Drabble)(美)德拉布尔(人名)

2、dabbler ─── n.戏水者;业余家;浅尝者

3、gabbled ─── v.急促而含混不清地说(gabble的过去式和过去分词)

4、dibbled ─── n.挖洞器;警察;v.垂钓(等于dib);用挖洞器在土里挖(洞);(用挖洞器)挖洞播种;n.(Dibble)(美)迪布尔(人名)

5、dabbles ─── vt.溅湿;浸入水中;vi.涉猎;涉足;玩水

6、babbled ─── v.喋喋不休;含糊不清地说;呀呀学语;(不自觉地)泄露;(溪水)作潺潺声(babble的过去式和过去分词)

7、jabbled ─── 喋喋不休

8、dabbed ─── n.轻拍;少量;熟手;比目鱼;v.轻拍;涂;轻擦;轻敷(过去式dabbed,过去分词dabbed,现在分词dabbing,第三人称单数dabs);n.(Dab)人名;(法)达布

9、dabble ─── vt.溅湿;浸入水中;vi.涉猎;涉足;玩水

dabbled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anyone who's ever dabbled in marketing to any level at all is familiar with the Four Ps - product, price, place and promotion. ─── 任何一位曾经涉足营销的人,不论涉足深浅,都该对四样东西非常熟悉:产品,价格,地点和推广。

2、His vesture was dabbled in blood. ─── 他穿的衣服上溅满了鲜血。

3、After graduation he dabbled at politics for some time and then quitted it in disgust. ─── 毕业后,他有一段时间涉足政界,但终于抱著厌恶的心情离去.

4、Norman, who dabbled with spiritualism, apparently informed a colleague that he could walk through walls. ─── 涉猎降灵之术的诺曼,据传曾向一位同事声称自己身负穿墙绝技。

5、He'd dabbled in nonlinear dynamics throughout his career, then chaos and complexity theory in the 1980s and ‘90s. ─── 在职业生涯中,他涉足了非线性动力学,然后在80年代和90年代接触到混沌与复杂性理论。

6、She dabbled her toes in the stream. ─── 她把脚趾浸在小河里嬉水。

7、Sure, you might have dabbled back then, but you were just a dabbler. ─── 当时,你也许会玩一下,但你只是业余爱好者。

8、He is dabbled in blood. ─── 他身上溅满了血。

9、At that time I had a very narrow reading, and seldom dabbled in other valuable books except my textbooks and reference books. ─── 那时的我阅读面很狭窄,除了教科书和参考书之外就很少涉猎有价值的书籍,精神世界没有高高飘扬的旗帜。

10、1. She dabbled her fingers in the fountain. ─── 她用手指在喷泉中玩水.

11、These market including packaging and digital business card printing and membership card making geratebau, gaobao company may also dabbled in solar energy and water treatment, etc. ─── 这些市场不仅包括包装和数码制卡和会员卡制作设备制造,高宝公司也可能涉足太阳能利用和水处理等领域。

12、Frank Pohlmann dabbled in the history of Middle Eastern religions before various funding committees decided that research in the history of religious polemics was quite irrelevant to the modern world. ─── Frank Pohlmann以前从事的是中东宗教历史的研究,后来各个基金会认为研究宗教辩证法历史与当代社会相去甚远。

13、She dabbled her fingers in the fountain. ─── 她用手指在喷泉中玩水。

14、He dabbled in business. ─── 他曾涉足商界。

15、He had dabbled in Homer, but had never yet worked much at the New Testament in the Greek. ─── 他曾涉猎过荷马,但是却从来没对希腊文《新约全书》下过功夫。

16、Have you dabbled into Web services? ─── 你已经涉足Web服务了吗?

17、His boots were dabbled with mud. ─── 他的靴子溅满污泥。

18、he dabbled his fingers in ropes of tripe; he dipped them in pans of frying fish; he dodged in and out among the crowds. ─── 他用手指去抓一串串的牛肚,或伸手去捞锅里正在炸着的鱼,他在人群中神出鬼没地来回穿梭。

19、Chien-Ming Wang, who dabbled more with his secondary pitches in his last start, looks to get his entire repertoire in sync against the Angels on Saturday at Yankee Stadium. ─── 王建民在上次先发出赛时投了很多第二种球路,他星期日在洋基球场先发出赛面对天使队也可能如此。

20、Walter Molony, NAR spokesman, says Realtors traditionally dabbled in appraisals, commercial real-estate insurance and title insurance to carry them through slow months. ─── 全国地产经纪商协会发言人莫洛尼(WalterMolony)说,经纪商在淡季时的传统做法是涉足评估、商业房地产保险和产权保证保险。

21、Vietnam has hesitantly dabbled in credit-guarantee funds in the past, primarily at the provincial level, with scant success. ─── 越南曾经也迟疑地涉及过信贷担保基金,主要是各省提供担保,收效甚微。

22、2. She dabbled her hands in the fountain. ─── 她把手伸到喷泉中玩水。

23、"Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water" (John Steinbeck) ─── “赖尼把他粗笨的手浸到水里”(约翰·斯坦贝克)

24、She dabbled her toes in the river. ─── 她把脚趾伸在河中嬉水。

25、We have dabbled in this a bit and think we have a solution, but want to make that a separate effort from making yellowsn0w work with as many SIMs as possible. ─── 我们已经作了小小的尝试,并有了一个方法,但是我们想做更多的努力来使yellowsn0w能够在尽可能多的SIM卡上工作。

26、Although he may have dabbled in guitar making earlier, his first professional instruments start to appear in the 1850s, when he was in his mid thirties. ─── 虽然他可能已经在早地制造的吉他中玩水, 但是,他的第一个专业的器具开始在 1850 年代出现, 当他在他的中部三十中的时候。

27、She dabbled her toes in the stream. ─── 她把脚指浸在小河里嬉水。

28、He first dabbled in politics when he was still in college. ─── 他在大学的时候就涉足政治。

29、The country being woody they were daily dabbled with the fall of snow from the tree. ─── 乡间树木繁茂。每天,他们身上都溅满从树上掉落的雪。

30、After leaving school, Mr.Cameron dabbled in theology before moving on to horticulture, botany and ecology and then environmental science. ─── 从学校毕业以后,卡梅伦先是涉猎了神学,然后转攻园艺、植物、生态和环境科学。

31、Our company confirm the quantity and credit in every field we dabbled with. ─── 在各类贸易经营中,我公司确保质量可靠、交货及时、价格合理、服务周到。

32、Ikey dabbled discreetly in water, donned coat, hat and collar with its frazzled tie and chalcedony pin, and set forth in pursuit of his ideals. ─── 艾奇小心地在水里浸了一下,穿上外衣,戴上帽子和硬领,硬领上系着一条磨损了的领带,领带上夹着一个玉髓领带夹,动身追逐他的愿望去了。

33、I also dabbled in jazz styles now and then. ─── 我也时不时涉猎一些爵士风格的乐曲。

34、You are sure to be dabbled ─── 您肯定被溅湿

35、the child dabbled his dangling feet in the water; fuchsias in hanging pots; pendent bunches of grapes; a suspended fireplace ─── 小孩在水中摇晃着脚;悬挂的灯笼海棠;悬挂着的葡萄;悬挂的壁炉

36、waves dabbled with moonlight; a blood-spattered room; gardens splashed with color; kitchen walls splattered with grease ─── 撒满月光的海面;血溅的房间;五颜六色的花园;溅有油污的厨房墙壁

37、As further evidence of his dispicable character, Sebulba has dabbled in the slave trade, hiring Abyssin and Sakiyan henchmen to round up children to be sold in the Outer Rim. ─── 作为萨布巴卑劣人格的另一例证,他还涉足奴隶贸易,雇佣阿比辛和萨基扬的走狗来拐骗小孩,在外环出售。

38、Her shoes were dabbled with mud. ─── 她鞋上溅满泥浆。

39、Dabbled with yellow pollen---red as red ─── 黄色花粉的火红--红,红似

40、He has dabbled for years in everything from participating in engine buildups to being the head mechanic for the infamous RS*R S2000 drift car piloted by Tyler McQuarrie. ─── 他用了多年时间把玩关于日本车的每一方面,从参与引擎的制作到成为泰勒,麦考利驾驶的RS*R改S2000的首席机械师。

41、In the past, I occasionally dabbled in painting for only a hobby; but now, working at being a full-time artist is my bag. ─── 过去我偶尔涉猎绘画,当做嗜好;现在却把做全天候的艺术家当成兴趣。

42、In addition to writing and producing his own music, Wang has also dabbled in movie projects around Asia. ─── 除了写歌、自己制作音乐,王力宏也在亚洲各地涉足电影拍摄。

43、be dabbled with mud ─── 被泥浆溅湿

44、the child dabbled his dangling feet in the water; fuchsias in hanging pots; pendent bunches of grapes; a suspended fireplace. ─── 小孩在水中摇晃着脚;悬挂的灯笼海棠;悬挂着的葡萄;悬挂的壁炉。

45、* IMHO I've dabbled with putting both in games and tools. ─── * imho我已经涉足与把无论是在游戏和工具。

46、He says he always loved music and dabbled in it a bit, but it was the formation of The Police in 1977 that changed his life forever. ─── 他说他向来热爱音乐,并且略有涉猎,但一九七七年警察合唱团的成立才彻底改变了他的一生。

47、But Bonnie Lu Nettles,who dabbled in astrology,believed it (their relationship)was fated in stars. ─── 但对占星术有所涉猎的内托斯深信,他们的关系在星象中早已注定。

48、Every country has dabbled in exploitation at one time or another, but Italy’s contributions cover the entire spectrum that the term “exploitation” covers and contain many of the genre’s highpoints. ─── 在电影活动之余,葵经常帮助智也排解恋爱上的烦恼,两人成了无话不谈的好朋友。而不知不觉间,葵与智也的关系超越了友谊变得微妙起来。

49、She sank down on the low bank, and stripping off the remnants of her slippers and stockings, dabbled her burning feet in the cool water. ─── 她在低低的河岸上坐下来,脱掉破鞋烂袜,把一双发烫的脚浸在清凉的河水里。

50、the child dabbled his dangling feet in the water; ─── 小孩在水中摇晃着脚;

51、Despite his lack of formal learning,he nevertheless inherited his father's artistic talent and wrote well with the brush pen. Guanghe also dabbled in composing poems. ─── 光河五舅虽然未受高深教育,但继承了外祖父的好手艺,还写得一手好字。

52、I...I dabbled in it once or twice. ─── 弄湿,溅湿蘸,浸,沾灌注,喷洒不经意地做某事

53、Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water(John Steinbeck) ─── 赖尼把他粗笨的手浸到水里(约翰 斯坦贝克)

54、My dad dabbled in different businesses.He had a thriving furniture business.Then he was into transportation and had tempos and trucks in Gurgaon. ─── 父亲涉足过不同的生意,他的家具生意红火过,他经营过运输生意,在Gurgaon还有tempo和卡车。

55、I’ve dabbled with all of them quite a bit.Not surprisingly I didn’t get much of the important stuff done. ─── 如果你继续这样思考就只会使自己陷的越来越深,从而使采取行动变得越来越难。

56、He dabbled at painting but soon gave it up. ─── 他搞过一点绘画,但很快又放弃。

57、Unsatisfied with the existing software, I dabbled on the research of digital painting technology from 1999 to 2007. ─── 就在这情况下,我萌生了将来自己开发虚拟毛笔的想法。九九到零七年,我在科大进行毛笔及水墨模拟技术的研究。

58、He says he always loved music and dabbled in it a bit, but it was the formation of The Police in 1977 that changed his life forever. ─── 他说他向来热爱音乐,并且略有涉猎,但一九七七年警察合唱团的成立才彻底改变了他的一生。

59、BF: Ok, but you have dabbled with special tunings, weird stuff. ─── 记者:好的,听说您也曾经特殊调琴?

60、when I was in my senior high school ,I've dabbled in the tourist industry. ─── 在我高中的时候,我开始接触到旅游这个行业.

61、For more than a decade he took itinerant jobs, had failed relationships and dabbled in drugs. ─── 十年过去了,他做过了不同的职业,有了失败的感情经理并且沉迷于毒品。

62、He had never dabbled in these investments, but he and his 10-person team did some research and judged them attractive, with some seemingly safe debt trading at yields above 15%. ─── 他从来没有涉足这些投资,但他和他的10人团队做了一些研究,认为这项投资具有吸引力,其中一些债券交易看来很安全,并能获得15%以上的收益。

63、His vesture was dabbled in blood --and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror. ─── 他的罩袍上染着鲜血,他宽阔的前额和五官上,可怕的猩红斑斑点点。

64、It has made little headway.And the NYMEX has dabbled in Brent contracts before, without success. ─── 纽约商品交易所以前也曾涉足布伦特原油期货交易,但无功而返。

65、waves dabbled with moonlight; a blood-spattered room; gardens splashed with color; kitchen walls splattered with grease. ─── 撒满月光的海面;血溅的房间;五颜六色的花园;溅有油污的厨房墙壁。

66、I don't know much about love.I dabbled in it once or twice But it always seemed more trouble than it was worth. I told meself I wasn't missing much. ─── 我对爱情懂得不多。我浅尝过一两次。但是痛苦比快乐多。我告诉自己并不怀念。

67、He had dabbled in Charke's Homer, but had never yet worked much at the New Testament in the Greek. ─── 他曾涉猎过荷马,但是却从来没对希腊文《新约全书》下过功夫。

68、He traveled incognito, not wanting to let the glittering Coruscanti celebrity world know he dabbled in such seedy ventures. ─── 他这次旅行是秘密的,因为他不希望光鲜亮丽的科洛桑上流社会知道他涉足如此肮脏的投机活动。

69、Of course, we have always dabbled in this area. ─── 毫无疑问,我们一直在这个领域里做着偿试。

70、He thought he'd heard it was a rich dentist, which was plausible since doctors often dabbled in trading. ─── 他听说是有钱的牙科医生,但不太可能啊,医生一般很少做交易。

71、As he got older, Burick dabbled with the low-level microcontrollers, servos and sensors used these days by amateur robot builders, but he finally gave up in frustration. ─── 再长大一些,布瑞克开始涉猎低阶微控制器、伺服电动机与感应器。

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