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09-05 投稿



earthliness 发音

英:[['ɜ:θlɪnɪs]]  美:[['ɜ:θlɪnɪs]]

英:  美:

earthliness 中文意思翻译



earthliness 短语词组

1、earthliness meaning ─── 世俗意义

2、earthliness synonym ─── 世俗同义词

3、earthliness definition ─── 尘世的定义

earthliness 相似词语短语

1、earthliest ─── adj.地球的;尘世的;可能的(earthly的变形)

2、earthlings ─── n.世人,俗人;凡人(earthling的复数形式)

3、earthiness ─── n.土质,土性;质朴,粗陋

4、artiness ─── 艺术性

5、beastliness ─── n.淫猥;兽性

6、artsiness ─── 艺术性

7、earliness ─── n.早熟

8、deathliness ─── n.像死一样

9、unearthliness ─── n.怪异;神秘;可怕;异常

earthliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those two hours of church gave Bertha just the touch of earthliness that was necessary to make her realize that life was not entirely spiritual. ─── 教堂的那两个钟头,给伯莎一种世俗的感觉,这对使伯莎认识到生活并非完全超世俗这点来说,是很有必要的。

2、We could notice the earthliness and legend manifested in Zhang's works, which was also manifested in Zhang's individual language and aesthetic interests. ─── 张爱玲作品的通俗性主要表现在内容的世俗化、传奇性上,在语言和审美趣味上也有体现。

3、Because of their selfishness and earthliness, even the disciples of Jesus could not comprehend the spiritual glory which He sought to reveal unto them. ─── 由于自私自利和依恋世俗,连耶稣的门徒也未能领会他所要启示给他们的属灵荣耀。

4、To be in harmony with nature and his enjoyment of landscape and scene and his writings alleviated his bother of earthliness, then he had found an approach of extrication. ─── 融入自然,对自然山水风光的欣赏和描写减轻了他心中尘世的烦恼,获得一条解脱之道。

5、In July 2006, she finished her graduate program in Musicology Department in Art Academy of PLA, and became the first master of Earthliness Singing in China. ─── 她演唱时情真意厚,音质清丽纯正,音色丰富,高亢嘹亮,穿透力强,极富艺术表现力与感染力,被专家、观众誉为“天籁之音”。

6、Both the elegance and the earthliness have their own values, strongpoints and users, and we can’t neglect any of them. ─── 筝乐所走的是俗文化道路:更强调变化及与时俱进,偏爱表现明快、灵动、华丽、活泼等审美情趣,更适应广大群众的审美趣味。

7、while the features of high excitement and low earthliness have both positive and negative effects and needs controlling and adjusting at work. ─── 而人格中的高兴奋性、低世故性等特质在实施心理健康教育中既有积极的一面,也存在消极的一面,需在教育工作中抑制与修正。

8、That is narrative.Although many critics always animadvert on Hardy"s earthliness related to "narration", narrative form is a character.And, it can embody author"s personality. ─── 虽然故事代表的通俗性常常为文人学者所不诟,但以“讲故事”的形式来叙事本身就是一种特征,是作家个性的体现,作家有权选择以何种方式来讲述故事。

9、though defiled by the earthliness of its human channel, it is an outflowing from the fountain of His own redeeming love. ─── 这爱是从基督自己救赎之爱的泉源涌流出来的。他不忍指责他们,却要使他们的爱更加深浓、更加纯洁起来。

10、It is just like dreaming soft & beautiful artistic circumstance and display artistic life of easiness & free of earthliness. ─── 那如梦似幻的柔美意境,体现了从容而脱俗的生活意境。

11、Perhaps it is originally so pure & flawless without earthliness color. ─── 也许本来它就是那纯洁无暇,不带有一丝尘世色彩。

12、'Beginning to believe that life is just a earthliness of fireworks, sometimes bright and sometimes desolate. ─── 开始相信生命只是一场尘世的烟花,时而璀璨时而荒凉.你是我天空划过的烟花?

13、In addition, earthliness novel began to learn from antiroman in the 1920s.As a famous writer of northern group, Liu YunRuo self-conscious accept the influence of modern culture and literature. ─── 另外,20世纪二、三十年代通俗小说明显的开始向新小说学习,作为北派名家的刘云若在文艺思想和创作实践上都自觉地接受了现代文化、文学的影响。

14、Canvases torture her continuously like a passionate dream, comparatively, poems is the only path to get her away out of the earthliness because they are quiet but nice short dreams. ─── 油画就像一个不断地折磨着她的狂热的理想,与之相比,诗就如一些安静而又美丽的短短的梦,是她能从这尘世中抽身而出的惟一途径。

15、Thoughts, passion and joy, all of these which disturb earthliness are surrendered to love, let the holly flame of love blazing forever. ─── 1所有思想、激情和愉悦,扰搅俗世之躯的一切全都向爱情俯首称臣,让神圣的爱的火焰永燃。

16、Spatial, was short many earthliness hindrances, the artistic soul started by the camouflage to enter clearly; ─── 空,便少了许多俗世的挂碍,艺术灵魂由遮蔽开始进入澄明;

17、An earthliness way of the relative motion and inertia force ─── 相对运动及惯性力的通俗引入方法

18、On the Cultural Mechanism between the Refinement and the Earthliness in the Chivalry Novels ─── 武侠小说与文学雅俗之分的文化机制

19、Its earthliness and simpleness, clearness and amiableness are also an important mean to win the attention of the audiences. ─── 它的通俗浅显、明白畅晓、平易近人的平民化特质也是赢取受众的重要手段。

20、Those two hours of church gave Bertha just the touch of earthliness that was necessary to make her realize that life was not entirely spiritual ─── 在教堂的那两个钟头,给伯莎一种世俗的感觉,这对使伯莎认识到生活并非完全超世俗这点来说,是很有必要的。

21、In the earthliness novel produce of Ming Qing, there are many motifs copying phenomena. ─── 在清代通俗小说创作中,更出现不少此类母题互相抄袭的小说史现象。

22、It has an dialectical expression of between accuracy and blur,between elligence and earthliness , between preciseness and vividness, between normativity and artistry. ─── 而这些特点又是在确切与模糊、庄重文雅与平易通俗、繁复周密与简洁明快、规范质朴与艺术审美等对立统一体中辨证体现出来的。

23、He pursued earthliness but refused ogling snobishness and kept aloof from literary event on his own. ─── 他在文学中寻根,且引发了寻根文学的热潮,却主张寻根“首先是现在的”;

24、Spatial, was short many earthliness hindrances, the artistic soul started by the camouflage to enter clearly; ─── 空,便少了许多俗世的挂碍,艺术灵魂由遮蔽开始进入澄明;

25、In the earthliness novel produce of Ming Qing, there are many motifs copying phenomena. ─── 在清代通俗小说创作中,更出现不少此类母题互相抄袭的小说史现象。

26、On the Cultural Mechanism between the Refinement and the Earthliness in the Chivalry Novels ─── 武侠小说与文学雅俗之分的文化机制

27、Is earthliness always like this? ─── 世间事不也都可以作如是观吗?

28、Rural living two days, temporary scholar earthliness trouble hearts without access to family happiness ideas. ─── 两天住郊区,暂时抛却尘世烦恼,心无杂念地享受天伦之乐。

29、a journey that goes through earthliness; ─── 是穿越人间俗世的路途。

30、The Cultural Meaning of "Becoming King By Reflecting Image In The Water" In Ancient China's Earthliness Novels ─── 佛经文献与古代小说“照影称王”母题

31、Finally, poesy works should be depict earthliness life . ─── 三、向民歌学习使他的作品富有世俗气息和民歌风味。

32、my brightsome pearl, having long been in the shadow of earthliness, once burnished into renascence, sheds the sheen over the land! ─── 我掉过两辆车了,但是不哀痛,因为我知道我没买一辆车必然有一个人就掉了辆车,所以是:黑吃黑!

33、the elegallce and the earthliness ─── 雅俗

34、From a study of these it seems that there is a trend downward, from early incarnations, toward greater earthliness and less mentality. ─── 从这些解读可以看出早期的转世有一种向下的趋势,更多地球化、更少精神化。

35、Rural living two days, temporary scholar earthliness trouble hearts without access to family happiness ideas. ─── 两天住郊区,暂时抛却尘世烦恼,心无杂念地享受天伦之乐。

36、Earthliness perhaps too heavy, perhaps too fierce competition, the GDP increased by 14% annually to the speed of development in Beijing city, it is more for the natural life. ─── 也许是尘世过于纷杂,也许是竞争过于激烈,每年以GDP上升14%的速度发展的北京城里,人们更加向往回归自然的生活。

37、he published a earthliness novel , he can afford a new house and a car. ─── 他出版了一本通俗小说,赚了很多钱,所以他有能力买心房和轿车。

38、When the lofty fine arts skill uses in outlining in the earthliness people's life hundred condition, elegant vulgar can unify. ─── 当高雅的美术技巧被用于勾勒出俗世中人们的生活百态之时,雅俗得以结合。

39、The friendship between Red and Andy, especially inside the high walls, is more pure and clean than ours which is in the numerous and complicated earthliness. ─── 然而我知道我有多需要这样的虚伪与自欺,因为你可以说我在做梦,但我不会是仅有的一个。

40、When the lofty fine arts skill uses in outlining in the earthliness people's life hundred condition, elegant vulgar can unify. ─── 当高雅的美术技巧被用于勾勒出俗世中人们的生活百态之时,雅俗得以结合。

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