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08-30 投稿



endlessness 发音

英:[['endləsnəs]]  美:[['endləsnəs]]

英:  美:

endlessness 中文意思翻译



endlessness 词性/词形变化,endlessness变形

名词: endlessness |副词: endlessly |

endlessness 短语词组

1、endlessness lyrics ─── 无休止的歌词

2、endlessness crossword ─── 无限填字游戏

3、endlessness movie ─── 无穷 ─── 无尽的电影

4、endlessness synonym ─── 无穷 ─── 无尽同义词

5、endlessness syn ─── 永无止境综合征

6、endlessness def ─── 无尽的定义

7、endlessness nightwish ─── 无尽的夜愿

endlessness 相似词语短语

1、headlessness ─── 无头

2、windlessness ─── 无风

3、landlessness ─── 无土地;无陆地

4、godlessness ─── 无神论;不信上帝

5、heedlessness ─── n.不注意

6、beardlessness ─── 无须

7、mindlessness ─── n.不在乎,不用心;没头脑,精神缺失

8、friendlessness ─── 友好

9、needlessness ─── [n.不必要;多余

endlessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His mind kept turning in an endless loop. ─── 他思绪万千。

2、Her prayers and confessions are endless. ─── 她没完没了的祷告,忏悔。

3、The endless lea will purify your thought. ─── 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。

4、An endless vista of tedious day and nights stretched before us. ─── 一个无止境冗长乏味的白天与夜晚的景像在我们眼前展开。

5、What an endless and tedious talk! ─── 多么无休无止、沉闷的讲话!

6、I was bored by her endless bragging. ─── 她不停地吹嘘,我烦透了。

7、He is eloquent, and has endless witty remarks. ─── 他口才很好,说出话来妙语连珠。

8、How she wearies me with her endless complaints! ─── 她没完没了的抱怨真让我烦透了!

9、He closed his eyes in endless night. ─── 他的眼睛永远瞎了。

10、Your endless talking hinders me from my work. ─── 你们谈话没完没了,都妨碍我工作了。

11、This has usually been conceived as liberation from and endlessness cycle of reincarnations or rebirths in different bodies. ─── 一般人们认为这就是以各种身体永无休止的再生或转生的循环中的解脱。

12、You're a endless painfulness in my heart. ─── 妳是我一生中难以愈合的伤口.

13、They are torn by endless internal quarrels. ─── 他们内部有没完没了的争吵。

14、The responsibilities that come along with parenthood are endless. ─── 为人父母所带来的责任是没完没了。

15、We don't have an endless supply of money, you know. ─── 你要知道,我们没有取之不尽的资金供给。

16、It seemed as if this night was endless. ─── 似乎这一夜永远过不完.

17、Their endless talking hinders me from my work. ─── 他们的谈话没完没了,妨碍了我的工作。

18、Can the mind-heart know and profoundly appreciate this state of endlessness, this ceaseless becoming? ─── 心意是否能够认识和透彻了解这种无限的状态,这种永不停止的转变?

19、History is much like an endless waltz. ─── 历史就像是曲无尽的华尔兹,战争、和平、变革,周而复始。

20、He bores me with his endless tales. ─── 他那讲不完的故事使我厌烦。

21、Otherwise, wait for your remorse would be endless. ─── 否则,等待你的将是无尽的悔恨。

22、And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless. ─── 如果说我们缺点不断出现,那么上帝的恩爱却定会永无止境。

23、She saw the endless succession of grey days. ─── 她看到了一连串无穷无尽的阴暗的日子。

24、Keren, the total seems to have endless trouble. ─── 可人,总好像有无穷无尽的烦恼。

25、The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour. ─── 不尽长江滚滚来。

26、Do not drive him frantic by worrying him with endless questions . ─── 不要以无穷尽的问题困扰他而使他狂乱。

27、Ask: If "landscape" can be translated as "endlessness" then "landscape" is a pretty serious and endless topic to be examined. ─── 答:如果“landscape”意味着无止无尽,那么这将是一个永远重要的命题。

28、My patience is almost worn away by her endless complaints. ─── 她抱怨个不停,几乎使我的耐性消耗殆尽。

29、Her endless carping is indeed a nuisance. ─── 她不断的吹毛求实在讨厌。

30、The bogey "times New Roman" endless. ─── 二忌唠叨不休。

31、Heidegger and Kierkegaard both see that the more the human being is conscious of his own endlessness , the more he can surmount himself. ─── 海德格与齐克果则皆以为主体愈体察其自己的有限性,却愈有自我提升的可能。

32、Why are we calling out into the endlessness? ─── 为什么我们要求到无穷 ?

33、Our life is an endless process for pursueing. ─── 人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。

34、I'm sick to death of your endless criticism. ─── 你这无休止的指责真让我烦死了。

35、this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel. ─── 这清明明亮、极冷的客栈房间,以及那无尽的空虚感慨。

36、Things are to be done out rather than to be bragged out. Glory lies in prosaicness. Hardship in endlessness. ─── 玩意不是说出来的,是做出来的,光荣在于平淡,艰巨在于漫长。

37、An endless flow of word stream from the same orifice. ─── 一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。

38、Good, then you wait to eat the endless vinegar! ─── 好,那你就等着吃没完没了的醋吧!

39、An endless turning stairway climbs to a tower of souls. ─── 前往灵魂塔楼的无尽阶梯在旋转。

40、Trading no national boundaries and endlessness is our eternal pursuit. ─── 贸易无国界、贸易无止境是我们永远的追求。

41、But in New York the chances are endless. ─── 可是在纽约,这样的机会无穷无尽。

42、The baby's endless crying jangles on my nerves. ─── 婴儿无休止地哭闹使我烦躁不已。

43、Could you stop this endless quarrel? ─── 你们可以不要再这么无休止的吵下去么?

44、His endless talking hinders me from my study. ─── 他没完没了的谈话妨碍了我的学习。

45、Around me is the endless drawing. ─── 围绕着我的是无尽的图纸。

46、They realise that there is no point to having endless discussions on the issue. ─── 他们知道纠缠不清根本毫无意义。

47、A: I was boredby her endless bragging. ─── 她不停地吹嘘,我烦透了。

48、She was lost in the endless mist of vague sweetness. ─── 她消失在模糊的无边甜柔的云雾之中。

49、I kissed her again and again under the endless sky. ─── 在这无尽的夜空里,我不断地亲吻她。

50、He was tired of the endless homework. ─── 他对那些没完没了的作业感到厌烦。

51、Weaves a Bower in endless Night. ─── 在无限夜晚编织一座凉亭。

52、The baby 's endless crying jarred on my nerves. ─── 婴儿无休止的哭叫声刺激着我的神经。

53、Where I see but the endless River rolling by. ─── 如果我看到,但无休止的流域滚动的。

54、On the seashore of endless worlds children meet. ─── 孩子们在无边的世界的海滨聚会。

55、He bored me with his endless complaints. ─── 他那没完没了地发牢骚真让我厌烦。

56、He thought life was just an endless succession of. ─── 他认为生活只不过是一连串无休止的聚会和筵席。

57、I cannot stand her endless complaining. She's had it as far as I'm concerned. ─── 他总是怨天尤人,我真是受不了。就我而言,她可是让人受够了。

58、He launched into endless anecdotes about Shaw. ─── 他开始滔滔不绝地讲起肖伯纳的轶事。

59、Because of its endlessness, and more importantly, its interactivity. ─── 因为它永无尽头,更重要的是它的互动性。

60、I saw above me that endless skyway. ─── 仰头看见高架公路伸向无边的天际;

61、There were endless squabbles over who should sit where. ─── 为谁该坐哪儿吵得没完没了。

62、With my endless love and thanks. ─── 包含我无尽的爱与感谢。

63、The endless punishment of human sinners is their mission. ─── 他们的任务就是对作奸犯科的人进行无尽的惩罚。

64、He has given me endless love all his life. ─── 他一辈子给了我无尽的爱。

65、In an endless loop seemed more natural. ─── 好像更为自然。

66、I got sick and tired of her endless complaints. ─── 她没完没了的抱怨真把我给烦透了。

67、You can make an endless chain of knots on a single piece of string. ─── 在一根线上你可以做出无尽的结。

68、Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream. ─── 参观展览会的人络绎不绝。

69、The satisfactions of doing what one loves are endless. ─── 做喜欢做的事快乐无穷。

70、In endless flow of absolute truth, there are innumerable relative truths. ─── 在绝对真理的长河中,有无数的相对真理。

71、What's the use of this endless strife? he wondered. ─── 他想,这样不断地跟长辈冲突有什么好处呢?

72、Break through the endless twilight! Akatsuki! ─── 刺破无尽的黎明吧!晓!

73、Moisture, nourishment, so we have endlessness. ─── 滋润、滋养、使我们生生不息。

74、The same sun is newly born in new lands in a ring of endless dawns. ─── 在一串无尽的黎明中,同一个太阳刚刚从新国土里诞生。

75、I kissed him again and again under the endless sky. ─── 在无尽的天空下一遍又一遍地吻他。

76、Possibilities are endless with the choice of rims. ─── 可能性是无穷无尽的轮辋的选择。

77、The possibilities are practically endless. ─── 可能办到事情是无止境的。

78、He tried to be not involving himself in this endless argument. ─── 他尽力使自己不介入这场没完没了的争论。

79、Would They Dry My Endless Tears? ─── 他们会擦干我无尽的泪水么?

80、Everybody is fed up with his endless chatter. ─── 他老是絮叨个没完,所以大家都烦他。

81、There is a endlessness world. ─── 这里有一个无尽的世界。

82、Her endless complaint makes me sick. ─── 她没完没了的抱怨令我厌烦。

83、How she wearies me with her endless complains! ─── 她那无休止的抱怨使我厌烦极了!

84、He has an endless supply of corny jokes. ─── 他有说不完的老掉牙的笑话。

85、To put an end to endless pain. Make donation. ─── 为了结束无休止的痛苦作出捐赠。

86、I'm fed up with this endless talk. ─── 他没完没了地讲啊讲,我都听烦了。

87、Seemingly endless; interminable. ─── 似乎无休止的; 没完没了的

88、The child wearied him with endless questions. ─── 孩子们不断问长问短,使他感到厌烦。

89、Endless setbacks cooled him on the experiment. ─── 不断的挫折让他失去了做实验的热情。

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