multiplicity 发音
英:[,mʌltɪ'plɪsɪtɪ] 美:[,mʌltɪ'plɪsəti]
英: 美:
multiplicity 中文意思翻译
multiplicity 短语词组
1、multiplicity of infection ─── [病毒]感染复数
2、multiplicity reactivation ─── [医]多重复能,多重再活化,复感染复活作用,复合活化作用(病毒)
3、multiplicity of suits ─── [法] 重复诉讼
4、multiplicity of testing ─── 测试的多样性
5、multiplicity of actions ─── [法] 重复诉讼, 缠讼
6、principle of maximum multiplicity ─── [化] 最大多重性原理
7、multiplicity detector ─── 多重检测器
8、multiplicity factor ─── [化] 多重性因子
9、multiplicity cutting ─── 多次切割
10、term multiplicity ─── [化] 多重性
11、multiplicity function ─── 重度函数
multiplicity 词性/词形变化,multiplicity变形
名词复数: multiplicities |
multiplicity 相似词语短语
1、multiplication ─── n.[数]乘法;增加
2、multiutility ─── 多用途
3、multiplicand ─── n.[数]被乘数
4、multiplicator ─── n.[数]乘数;倍率器;放大器
5、multiplicate ─── adj.多种的;多重的
6、multiparity ─── n.经产;多胎产
7、multiplicities ─── n.多样性;多数(multiplicity的复数)
8、multipolarity ─── n.多极性
9、multicity ─── 多城市
multiplicity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Although advertising cost is multiplicity, the manner of investing advertising lead to a belief, reasonably, that the very cost can be considered as a part of fixed cost in company. ─── 尽管广告成本具有多重性质,但广告的投入方式使我们完全有理由把广告成本视为企业固定成本的一部分。
2、Multiplicity analysis showed that individuals with the MTHFR 677TT and 677CT genotypes had a significantly higher risk for developing ESCC (OR=2.36, OR=1.76) and GCA (OR=1.34, OR=1.23) compared to the 677CC genotypes. ─── 多因素分析发现,携带677TT基因型和677CT基因型的个体发生食管癌的风险分别是677CC基因型的2.36倍和1.76倍,发生贲门癌的风险分别是1.34倍和1.23倍。
3、It has characteristics of development, integrity, multiplicity, diversity as well as internal tendency. ─── 其特点是:发展性、主体性、全面性、多样性以及内部导向性;
4、A pagan, too, with his multiplicity of gods, would think it odd that the Christian and the Mohammedan should disagree. ─── 一个信奉多神的异教徒也会认为,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒意见不一是古怪的。
5、multiresolution analysis of multiplicity r ─── 多重多尺度分析
6、Job scope: - Be responsible for managing the execution of paper and board machine delivery projects in a multipl...... ... ─── 公司名称:南京商周企业顾问有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-21
7、The increasing requirements on textile wearability make textiles developing along the line of multipl... ─── 人类对纺织品服用性能要求的不断提高,使得纺织品趋于多功能化和智能化.
8、Moreover,many clinicians,especially cardiovascular internists do not know of the complexity and multiplicity of the disease,and therefore misdiagnose. ─── 但许多临床医生尤其是心血管内科医生对其临床表现的复杂性和多样性没有充分认识,以至于误诊和漏诊。
9、Its characteristics are mainly embodied in three aspects: the expanding of names, multiplicity of intension, handing down and dispelling of explanation. ─── 古代诗格论的特征则主要体现在称名的扩张性、内涵的多样性、阐说的传承与消解性三个方面。
10、Pierre was for the first time at this meeting impressed by the endless multiplicity of men's minds, which leads to no truth being ever seen by two persons alike. ─── 在这次会上,使皮埃尔初次感到惊讶的是,人的智慧无穷无尽,各不相同,这就会导致,两个人对任何真理似乎都有不同的见解。
11、Retro of the knitted garment of history show us the trends from simple to complexity, from singularity to multiplicity, form functionality to popularity. ─── 回顾其发展历程,表现出由简单向复杂、由单一向多样化、由功能性向流行化发展的大势;
12、Age, sex and multiplicity are three main signs to distinguish a panic attack form a heart attack. ─── 年龄,性别及多种症状时区别恐慌症发作与心绞痛发作的三大要素.
13、And thus, the government's strong interference and the supplier's multiplicity are the effective ways to solve this puzzle. ─── 因此,政府的强力介入和供给主体的异化是解决困境的有效途径。
14、The photographer as magician is acutely aware of the multiplicity of associations submerged in the appearance of the objective world. ─── 作为魔术师的摄影家,敏锐地感受到了隐藏在海面冰峰下面的多样化的可能关联。”
15、The Christian Church, even in its multiplicity of discordant forms, is first and foremost a mystical church, despite the efforts of many who would rather have it otherwise. ─── 任何基督教会,包括那些好战的教会,首先必是神秘主义的教会,尽管总有人努力想让它变成别的样子。
16、"The body as a large rationality, a unified multiplicity, " Neitzsche uses "large rationality" and "self" to open up the topic of the body. ─── “身体作为一个大理性,一个统一的多元体”,尼采以“大理性”和“自体”来拓展身体这个论题。
17、He believed that the best way to understand the contempory world was to view it as a story of continual constitution and reconstituion of a multiplicity of cultural programs. ─── 他认为理解当代世界最好的方法是将它视为文化方案多样性不断解释、选择、重释、构建和重构的一个过程。
18、At either end of the line, you place a role name and a multiplicity value. ─── 在线的任一端,你放置一个角色名和多重值。
19、This situation can be influenced by a multiplicity of different factors. ─── 当前的形势可能受到各种不同因素的影响。
20、Multiplicity: You can designate the multiplicity of a relationship between two entities - for instance, each basket-weaving class must have between 20 and 30 students. ─── 多重性:您可以指派两个实体之间的关系具有多重性。例如,每一节篮子编织课程上必须有20到30名学生。
21、Zhejiang China is a extraversion company of abundant in fund and stregth,style multiplicity of product.Company come into existence in 1998,hold 14000 sq.m ground. ─── 公司成立于1998年,占地面积15亩,建筑面积约10000平方米,注册资金为100万元,目前公司共有员工100多人。
22、Although the stars are still among the heaviest known, the mass limit has not been broken due to the multiplicity of the system. ─── 虽然它们仍然是已知最重的恒星,但是在这个多星系统内,恒星的质量上限就不会被突破了。
23、But as this first overview shows, we are dealing less with a discourse on sex than with a multiplicity of discourses produced by a whole series of mechanisms operating in different institutions. ─── 但是,这一初步的观察显示,与其说我们研究的是性话语,不如说我们研究的是由一整套不同机构的不同机制所运作出来的各种不同的话语。
24、They will mean an increased interplay of cultures, greater use of both English and Chinese, greater multiplicity of perspectives, and denser interaction of peoples. ─── 它们意味着更多的文化交流、更多人使用英文和华文、更多观点的出现、和不同国家人民更紧密的交往。
25、To strike at hegemonic ideology imposed on minorities. Broaden the space for multiplicity. ─── 冲击打压弱势的意识形态,扩阔社业~元性生活空间。
26、Its exterior concordance enables psychological life to contain the multiplicity of logically opposite "possibilities" in a single duplicate. ─── 其表面的一致,使得心理生活能在一个单一的复本中包容逻辑上不相兼容的“可能性”的多样性。
27、It can be used to investigate the multiplicity, the particle type, and the distribution offour-momentum of the final states of electron-positron collision, and also the responseof the BES to these final states. ─── 它可以研究正负电子对撞终态的多重数、粒子种类和四动量的分布,并考察北京谱仪对这些终态的响应。
28、A more basic problem is that even in states with no political freedom, no official imprimatur can drown the multiplicity of voices vying to influence Muslim hearts and souls. ─── 一个更为基本的问题在于,即便是在那些没有政治自由的国家,也没有官方的许可能够将竞相影响穆斯林精神与灵魂的多样化声音淹没。
29、But how are those different media combined to create that multiplicity of responses? ─── 如此,可探讨的是,当代艺术的跨媒材发展,何以渗入上述所列的数位传播内容?
30、HNC theory thinks that abstract concepts have complicated multiplicity, which was generalized as Quintuple. ─── HNC理论认为,抽象概念具有复杂的多元性表现,可以概括为五元性,用五元组表示.
31、Young Iranians find a multiplicity of ways to rebel against the regime's control: with alcohol fuelled parties, painted nails or flirtatious behaviour on the street. ─── 伊朗的年轻人用了许多方式来对政府的控制进行反抗:醉酒派对,指甲涂的花花绿绿或者在大街上做一些调情的举动。
32、On the other hand, postmodernism advocates multiplicity and innovation and IVF-ET technology is a remarkable advancement to traditional medicine and has contributed greatly to medical science. ─── 另一方面,后现代主义崇尚多元、创新,试管婴儿技术实现了医学的跨越式进步,对于科学发展起到了非常大的促进作用。
33、The protectorate establishment to improves the ecological environment,protects the biology multiplicity has the vital significance. ─── 保护区的建立对改善生态环境,保护生物多样性有着重要的意义。
34、But too much empasis on multiplicity will cause the teaching of Chinese to go shallow and aimless,in which case the farget of teaching can’t be fulfilled. ─── 但片面强调阅读的“多元”往往致使语文教学走向育目化、浅薄化,既不能全面落实语文教学的目标,也不符合语文教学的实际。
35、Young lovers seek perfection. Old ones learn the art of sewing shreds together& of seeing beauty in a multiplicity of patches. ─── 年轻的爱人追寻完美。上了年纪的爱人则学会把碎片缝补起来,并且在一块接一块的补缀中看到一种完美。
36、Moreover, I elaborate the factor (namely disseminator, messages, acceptor, medium, feedback) and the characteristic (namely communication, multiplicity, uniqueness, coordination) of publication brand. ─── 同时,还对出版品牌的传播要素(即传播者、讯息、受传者、媒介、反馈)与特性(即沟通性、多样性、唯一性、协同性)进行了系统分析。
37、multiplicity corresponding to one ─── 多对一
38、P599, Multiplicities, “ One of the most prevalent strategies psychologists use to handle multiplicity is to follow an ANOVA with pairwise multiple-comparison tests. ─── “处理多样性问题最常用的是配对的多重比较方差分析方法。
39、Northeast is low-angle slope, develop constructive potamic-lake delta, The delta from headstream to lake, extend very long, sediment complex and Microfacies multiplicity. ─── 三角洲从物源到湖泊区,延伸距离远,沉积复杂、微相多样。
40、The experimental results show that the average multiplicity of black, grey and heavily ionized track particle increases with the increase of impact centrality and target size. ─── 实验结果表明,黑径迹粒子、灰径迹粒子和重电离粒子平均多重数随碰撞中心度及靶核大小的增加而增加;
41、Egyptian art depicts a highly organized people dependent upon a life-giving river and the supreme wisdom of a divine king backed by a multiplicity of deities. ─── 埃及的艺术描绘出了一个组织严密的民族,他们的生活完全依赖一条孕育了其生命的河流和受到众神庇佑的神圣国王的智慧。
42、In It there is no time, no space, no causality, no multiplicity. ─── 它里面没有时间,没有空间,没有因果关系,没有多样性。
43、In this paper the author discusses the multiplicity of quadratic forms over fields of characteristic 2 and gives the complete results for both local and globel fields of characteristic 2. ─── 作者讨论了特征2的域上的二次型的可乘性,并且给出了判别特征为2的局部域和整体域上的二次型可乘的充分必要条件。
44、chitosan-collagen multiplicity carrier ─── 壳聚糖-胶原复合载体
45、a computer with a multiplicity of uses ─── 多用途计算机.
46、They found a multiplicity of errors in the article. ─── 他们在文章中发现了许多错误。
47、The term "nation-state", Hill and Spicer argue, blurs the internal cultural and linguistic multiplicity of states that could more precisely be called "conquest states". ─── 希尔和斯派塞认为,“民族国家”一词模糊了国家内部文化和语言的多样性,更确切地说,这些国家可以被称为“征服国家”。
48、The multiplicity of Pre-Socratic theories concerning the nature of the world had become embarrassing by the middle of the fifth century BC, and many reasonable men began to despair of finding a way of settling the questions they dealt with. ─── 到公元前5世纪中叶,苏格拉底之前的人们对世界本质的看法实在太多了,以致让人不知所从,许多明智之士开始对如何解决这些问题感到绝望。
49、multiplicity of positive solutions ─── 多解
50、It should be noted that you can change the multiplicity as well as the role names of the EJB relationship from within the diagram. ─── 应当注意到您可以在图表中改变多样性及EJB关联角色的名称。
51、Mt. 6:7 And in praying do not babble empty words as the Gentiles do; for they suppose that in their multiplicity of words they will be heard. ─── 太六7你们祷告,不可唠唠叨叨,像外邦人一样;他们以为话说多了,就必蒙垂听。
52、Add the multiplicity controller into the system as the velocity controller. The method contains both the merit of fuzzy control and the one of single nerve unit control. ─── 将模糊PID控制器与单神经元PID控制器相结合,作为速度控制器加入系统之中,结合模糊技术和神经元技术的特点,提出一种基于神经元动态补偿的模糊控制方法。
53、Mg-Ti multiplicity deoxidizing steel ─── Mg-Ti复合脱氧钢
54、Popular films such as Multiplicity feed these nightmares by obscuring the fact that cloning cannot instantaneously yield a copy of an existing adult human being. ─── 像“多样性”这样的通俗电影通过模糊一个事实来强化这些梦魔,这个事实就是克隆技术不可能马上制造出一个成年人。
55、It also has a multiplicity of languages. ─── 同时印度也是一个多语言的国家。
56、multiplicity; diversity; variety; variousness ─── 多样性
57、The multiplicity of development goals is mirrored by a variety of development measurements. ─── 各种不同的发展目标,是通过各种不同的发展尺度来反映的。
58、Five modes of clinical reasoning in occupational therapy have been identified to deal with the multiplicity of the problems the patient faces with. ─── 国外研究提出职能治疗师为因应病人的多层次问题而有多种临床推理模式,可略分为五种:科学推理、叙事推理、情境推理、交互推理、与实际推理。
59、An example of an anti-pattern is an unlimited bound for the upper multiplicity of an association end (typically denoted by an asterisk). ─── 反模式的一个实例是关联端上面的多重性的无限边界(一般由星号表示)。
60、The very multiplicity of responses to exogenous chemical growth regulators p oints to the essential contrast with animal hormones. ─── 对外源化学生长调节剂的十分多样化的反应,表明了与动物激素的主要差别。
61、Western-style buildings filled with exotic civilizations are unfolding to the whole world the cultural magnanimity and multiplicity of Tianjin. ─── 充溢着异域文明的西洋建筑,向世界展示着一个文化多元的天津。
62、Return-Stroke Multiplicity of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes. ─── 地闪电回击的多样性。
63、major difficulty, however, with the findings of critics such as de Jongh is that it is not easy to assess the multiplicity of levels in which Dutch viewers interpreted these pictures. ─── 然而,根据德荣这样的批评家的发现,主要的困难在于,要评估荷兰观众对这些图片的解读的多重性并不容易。
64、How could he cope with a multiplicity of duties. ─── 他怎能应付这繁多的职责?
65、Age, sex and multiplicity of symptoms are three main factors to differ panic attacks from heart attacks. ─── 年龄、性别及多种症状是区别恐慌症发作与心绞痛发作的三大要素。
66、The very multiplicity of responses to exogenous chemical growth regulators points to the essential contrast with animal hormones. ─── 对外源化学生长调节剂的十分多样化的反应表明了与动物激素的主要差别。
67、Multiplicity is the force base to construct new world order. ─── 多极化是建立世界新秩序的力量基础。
68、The multiplex hologram can make students comprehend the multiplicity of holographic recording and realize the difference of holography and photography. ─── 分别从参考光、物光两个方面入手拍摄多重全息图,使学生加强对全息照相多重性的理解,从而更进一步理解与普通照相的区别。
69、Mr. Putin 'needs there to be a multiplicity of oligarchs for him to keep power, ' said one person close to Rusal. ─── 一位了解UCRusal公司情况的人士说,普京“出于保持权力的考虑,需要各式各样的寡头”。
70、Unlike the last Persian rulers of Egypt, the Greeks did not despise a religion which had a multiplicity of deities. ─── 希腊人不同于最后一批统治埃及的波斯人,并不轻视信奉多神论的埃及宗教。
71、We are all amazed at the multiplicity of the nature. ─── 大自然的多样性令我们大家惊奇。
72、CV multiplicity is multiple CVs at the same location in space. ─── 多重节点是由位置完全相同的若干个编辑点组成。
73、And find other ways to encourage the discussion to be against sort of monolithic, single solutions, and more about a multiplicity of things. ─── 同时寻找其他的方式鼓励更多的讨论来反对单一的方案,我们需要更多关于事物的多样性。
74、MDI Example: Placing controls on multipl - MDI Example: Placing controls on multiple child windows. ─── MDI程序例子:在多个子窗体上放置控件。
75、principle of unity of multiplicity ─── 多样统一
76、It is believed that the multiplicity is only the manifestation of the objective world,whereas the unity is its essence. ─── 多样性只是客观世界的表现形式,统一性才是其本质。
77、Wine-producing raw materials varied according to region difference, and wine types include Xiaoqu wine, wheat wine, red starter wine, millet wine, corn wine and highland barley wine etc.; 2. multiplicity of fermentation. ─── 发酵状态的多样性:发酵状态有固体发酵、固液结合发酵、半固体发酵和液体发酵。
78、The number of times an edge appears in a path is called the multiplicity of the edge. ─── 一条边在一条路上出现的次数,称为该边的相重数。
79、The scabbard did make the bearer proof against a multiplicity of wounds, but it also called to the sword and held it like a lover, refusing to let go. ─── 剑鞘证明了它的确有抵抗外伤的能力,可是它却把剑当成了情人不离不弃,从不愿和剑分开。
80、Mixed gases are further separated to single gas by the multipl e gas hromatograph columns,then they are detected with a new sensitive hot wire gas detector. ─── 带延迟毛细管的复合色谱柱达到了理想的分离度;新型热线型气敏传感器灵敏且对数线性度好;
81、To protect a helicopter in this way would require a multiplicity of specialised external airbags. ─── 为了保护直升机就需要安装多种特制的外部气囊。
83、The people often impute to this some questions in the globalization and thought it makes the architecture tend to homology;the multiplicity vanishes in its form. ─── 人们往往把这其中一些问题归罪于全球化,认为它造成建筑趋同、多样性消失。
84、Age, sex and the multiplicity of symptoms are three main factors to distinguish panic attacks from heart. ─── 年龄、性别及多种症状是区别恐慌症发作与心痛发作的三大要素。
85、Is "Cultural Multiplicity" a real objective for all cultures or merely a signboard held high in Western art? ─── “文化多元”究竟是一个共同趋向的真实目标,或者仅仅就是西方艺术界高举的一块招牌?
86、By deconstructing metanarratives,Pynchon presents the reader a postmodern world of heterogeneity and multiplicity. ─── 另网上有虹专用的德文和赫克雷词典,便于阅读。
87、multi-wavelets with multiplicity r ─── r重小波
88、Shift-invariant subspace with multiplicity r ─── r重平移不变子空间
89、A globalized time, needs the biodiversity with the humanity to be the same, also needs the cultural multiplicity, so that the human culture can develop forward in mutual steeling. ─── 一个全球化时代,跟人类需要生物多样性一样,也需要文化多样性,以便人类文化在相互砥砺中向前发展。
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