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08-29 投稿



Galician 发音

英:[ɡəˈlɪʃn]  美:[ɡəˈlɪʃɪən]

英:  美:

Galician 中文意思翻译




Galician 词性/词形变化,Galician变形


Galician 短语词组

1、Galician Portuguese lyric ─── 加利西亚葡萄牙抒情诗

2、Galician sausage ─── 加利西亚香肠(猪肉和碎牛肉的热熏香肠)

3、Galician language ─── 加利西亚语

Galician 相似词语短语

1、galactan ─── n.半乳糖体

2、apician ─── 顶端的

3、Galicians ─── n.加利西亚人(galician复数)

4、Galicia ─── n.加利西亚(西班牙西北部)

5、Cilician ─── 纤毛

6、magician ─── n.魔术师,变戏法的人

7、salicin ─── n.[生化]水杨苷

8、Galician ─── adj.西班牙加利西亚的;加利西亚人的;加利西亚语的;n.西班牙加利西亚人;加利西亚语

9、Galicias ─── 加利西亚

Galician 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ma also enlists help from friends who are less mainstream such as the green-haired Galician bagpiper Cristina Pato and mandolin player Chris Thiele. ─── 马也得到了一些不是很主流的朋友的帮助,如绿发的加利西亚风笛手斯蒂娜·帕托和曼陀林琴手克里·斯蒂勒。

2、Morocco has offered the use of its rich fishing grounds to Spanish fishermen whose activities have been seriously affected by the Prestige oil spill off the Galician coast. ─── 摩洛哥把其资源丰富的水域让给那些在加里西亚沿岸,严重受到威望号油轮泄油事件影响的西班牙渔民作业。

3、Many Galician emigrants live in the United States and there are several American based fanclubs of Deportivo. ─── 许多加利西亚侨民生活在美国并且美国有许多拉科的球迷俱乐部。

4、Involving the Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Manx, Cornish, Breton, Asturian and Galician peoples, it aims to maintain, promote and celebrate the rich Celtic heritage. ─── 无论如何,威尔士自主和反抗的意愿仍在人们之间广泛流传,就在1404年由波厄斯郡君主的后代欧文被他的拥护者封为威尔士亲王。

5、The Galician coast is on red alert because of the massive 8-metre high waves, with other provinces in the country on yelow alert for snow, cold, and rough seas. ─── 西班牙西北部的加利西亚近日发布大浪警报,最高风浪可达8米。其他几个省份也遭遇了风雪、寒潮和大风大浪而发布黄色预警。

6、Galician sausage ─── 加利西亚香肠

7、Galician Center for Contemporary Art, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, ─── 在设计加里西安当代艺术中心,

8、Passed: 8 out of 20, didn't pass Dutch, Vietnamese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani, Slovenian, Macedonian, Tagalog, Greek, Galician, Czech and belorussian. ─── 通过:20个中的8个,没有通过德文、越南文、土耳其文、乌克兰文、阿塞拜疆文、斯洛文尼亚文、马其顿文、菲律宾文、希腊文、加利西亚文、捷克文和白俄罗斯文。

9、The Galician coach returned in 1987 and saved the squad from the relegation to Segunda B. ─── 加利西亚教练在1987年重新出山,并帮助球队避免了降到丙级联赛。

10、This last change was important since the Galician squad won more presence upfront. ─── 在中场,Juan Rodriguez和Duscher阻挡住了对手所有的进攻。

11、Nationalist parties did badly in the Basque and Galician elections in Spain. ─── 西班牙巴斯克民族主义党在巴斯克和加利西亚地区的大选中遭遇滑铁卢。

12、The main argument employed was the one always heard - if we allow the Catalans to do it, where will it end - the Basques, the Galician's will all want the Same treatment. ─── 我们所听到的最多的争论是:如果我们答应的要求,那么巴斯克人,加利西亚人,怎么办?他们都想被同等对待,什么时候是个尽头?

13、He gives us a fascinating journal of his Galician wanderings, from village carnivals in the pouring rain to a hippy commune in the back of beyond via the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. ─── 他为我们呈现了他在加西亚的放逐之旅,沿着通往圣地亚哥大教堂的圣途,从滂沱大雨中的乡村嘉年华到地处偏远的嬉皮公社,真是让人心驰神往!

14、For example, only two weeks after the start of the Russian campaign, the Wiking Division massacred 600 Galician Jews in "reprisal for Soviet cruelties". ─── 比如,俄国作战开始两周后,维京师在“报复苏军残酷行为”的行动中屠杀了600名加利西亚犹太人。

15、Nationalist parties did badly in the Basque and Galician elections in Spain . ─── 西班牙民族主义党在巴斯克和加里西亚地区的选举中遭遇滑铁卢。

16、A house in the Galician country. _ Casa en el campo Gallego. ─── 房子对开高架铁道在中图片 casa en el campo_house in the.

17、Galician Center for Contemporary Art, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, ─── 在设计加里西安当代艺术中心

18、In Spain, Generalissimo Franco suppressed the Basque, Catalan, and Galician languages. ─── 在西班牙,佛朗哥将军镇压巴斯克,加泰罗尼亚语,加利西亚语和语言。

19、A far more impressive unit was the 14th Galician Division, which was recruited from Catholic Ukrainians in 1943. ─── 人更让人印象深刻的则是第14“加利西亚”师。这个师是在1943年由加利西亚乌克兰人组成的。

20、Arsenio archieved a mayor event in Galicia: The first title won by a Galician team. ─── 阿塞尼奥的成就被载入史册:这是加利西亚地区球队得到的第一个冠军头衔。

21、That would be a blow to the PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, himself a Galician. ─── 对身为加利西亚人的PP领袖马里亚诺。拉霍伊来说,这自然是当头一棒。

22、That would be a blow to the PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, himself a Galician. ─── 对身为加利西亚人的PP领袖马里亚诺.拉霍伊来说,这自然是当头一棒。

23、Fran then put the home side further ahead as Carlo Ancelotti's side suffered under the constant pressure, spirit and the great determination from the Galician outfit. ─── 最后弗兰锁定胜局的进球彻底摧毁了安切洛蒂的信心。拉科的强大压力充分展示了加利西亚人的精神和伟大的决心!

24、The latest version now includes the ability to search files and documents stored on shared drives, and support for six more languages - Basque, Catalan, Galician, Greek, Hungarian, and Polish. ─── 最新版本现在包括能力,以搜索文件和文件存储在共享驱动器,并且支持6更多的语言-巴斯克,加泰罗尼亚语,加利西亚语,希腊语,匈牙利语,波兰语。

25、The 21-year-old boy gave good sensations and continued to be in the line-ups of the Galician squad. ─── 这个21岁的男孩开始出彩并且继续留在首发阵容中。

26、Since that remote night in which three galician boys.. ─── 那是个遥远的夜晚有三个加力西亚男孩。

27、Since his death in 1975, Basque, Catalan, and Galician have flourished. ─── 自从他去世于1975年,巴斯克,加泰罗尼亚语,加利西亚语和有蓬勃发展。

28、Nationalist parties did badly in the Basque and Galician elections in Spain . In the Basque country, non-nationalists won a majority of seats for the first time in 30 years. ─── 西班牙民族主义党在巴斯克和加里西亚地区的选举中遭遇滑铁卢。这是非民族主义党派三十年来第一次在巴斯克地区赢得多数席位。

29、There are several varieties of Fennel fruit known in commerce- sweet or Roman Fennel, German or Saxon Fennel, wild or bitter Fennel, Galician Russian and Roumanian Fennel, Indian, Persian and Japanese. ─── 商务上已知的不同茴香果子的品种-甜茴香(罗马茴香)德国茴香(萨克逊茴香)野生茴香(苦茴香)加利西亚俄国茴香和罗马尼亚茴香、地安、斯和日本等茴香品种。

30、The hotel offers a coffee shop and a restaurant called "Armeria", which gives you the possibility to enjoy the typical Galician cuisine combined with the best gastronomy. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

31、Yesterday after the game, Li Zhe was "soft" quite satisfactory in a row in Mexico Amateur Galician 2, Netherlands 4, the Coast Amateur. ─── 昨天比赛开始后,李喆还算“温柔”,中规中矩地连胜墨西哥加里西亚业余2段、荷兰的科斯特业余4段。

32、Translations continue as well, with the most improved coverage coming from the Galician translation team. ─── 翻译方面的工作也进展顺利,这次主要是加利西亚语翻译团队的努力。

33、He started his professional career as a player in Depor during the 50's, after his retirement he coached the Galician club in several occasions. ─── 上世纪50年代,他作为球员在拉科开始了职业生涯,退役之后又多次执教这支加利西亚的球队。

34、Galician Battles ─── 加利西亚战役

35、After thirteen years with Brazilians in the squad, Deportivo is now facing the season without any players from that country. What image do you have of the Galician club? ─── 十三年来拉科首次没有巴西球员在队中,你对这个加利西亚俱乐部有什么印象?

36、Despite being a regular for Depor, the Galician outfit could well be persuaded to part with their midfielder - who is under contract at The Riazor until June 2006 - if a sizeable offer comes in. ─── 虽然会损失一名主力中场,拉科鲁尼亚还是很有可能放人,因为维克托的合同将到2006年6月份到期,但前提条件是有俱乐部愿意支付一比不菲的转会费。

37、Many in Spain are lobbying for the regional tongues of Catalan, Basque and Galician to get official EU status too. ─── 语言种类多了,对翻译的需求也在增加,但欧盟丝毫没有降低对翻译人员的要求。

38、Ma also enlists help from friends who are less mainstream such as the green-haired Galician bagpiper Cristina Pato and mandolin player Chris Thiele. ─── 马也得到了一些不是很主流的朋友的帮助,如绿发的加利西亚风笛手斯蒂娜帕托和曼陀林琴手克里斯蒂勒。

39、The Galician coach returned in 1987 and saved the squad from the relegation to Segunda B. ─── 加利西亚教练在1987年重新出山,并帮助球队避免了降到丙级联赛。

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