egotism 发音
英:[ˈiːɡətɪzəm] 美:[ˈegətɪz(ə)m; ˈiː-]
英: 美:
egotism 中文意思翻译
egotism 相似词语短语
1、egotheism ─── 自我主义
2、egotise ─── 自私的
3、egotised ─── 自给自足的
4、ergotism ─── n.[内科]麦角中毒
5、egotises ─── 自负的
6、egoism ─── n.利己主义,自我主义
7、egotist ─── n.自高自大者;言必称“我”者(形容词egotistic,副词egotistically)
8、erotism ─── n.性欲;性冲动;色情过旺
9、exotism ─── 异国情趣
egotism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、What Jeanie least liked in the tone of the letter was a smothered degree of egotism. ─── 珍妮最不高兴的是信中隐约可见的唯我独尊的口吻。
2、Their thinking of egotism has an impact on cognition of themselves and others as well, and the relations between them and others. ─── 自我中心思维会影响幼儿对自己、对他人的认识,影响幼儿与他人的友好关系。
3、But I am not writing to flatter parental egotism, to echo cant, or prop up humbug. ─── 可是我写作并不是为了迎合父亲的自私心理,并不是为了人云亦云地作违心之论,也不是为了支持骗人的空话。
4、The Effects of Implicit Egotism on Interpersonal Attractiveness ─── 中国文化中内隐自大对人际吸引力的影响
5、Under his good-nature, his facility, his knowledge of life, his egotism lay hidden like a serpent in a bank of flowers ─── 在他的温和仪表,他的老成练达,他的生活阅历下,都隐藏着他的自私自利,就象在遍地鲜花中隐藏着一条毒蛇。
6、Egotism is a strange disease which makes the patient feels well But his company feels sick. ─── 自私是一种使病人感觉良好而使他的同伴感到难受的奇怪的
7、Chapter two focuses on another mode of man-nature relationship in the colored light of Ahab's egotism. ─── 第二章集中分析了在船长亚哈的自尊自大的光环下的人与自然的关系型。
8、Since egotism is a leftover of time, it diminishes the quality of our interactions. ─── 因为自我是时间的剩余物,它削弱了我们互动的品质。
9、Egotism: Speech Conflict Factors At School ─── 利己主义校园话语冲突的因素
10、Love is an egotism of two. ─── 爱情是以两个人为本位的自私情感。
11、I believe that we could, without any degree of egotism, single-handedly lick any nation in the world. ─── 不是自我吹嘘,我相信我们可以单枪匹马地打败任何 国家。
12、In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted in this it will be retained that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference. ─── 在大多数书本中,“我”,或者说“第一人称”,往往是被省略掉的;但在此书中它将被保留;过多地谈论自己成为本书的主要特征。
13、Of all things banish the egotism out of your conversation, and never think of entertaining people with your own personal concerns or private affairs ─── 在交谈中,首先就要摈弃以自我为中心的癖好,决不试图让别人对自己的私事或者自己关注的事产生兴趣。
14、implicit egotism ─── 内隐自大
15、JH: Frankly I think a lot of it is just terminological confusion of ego with egotism. ─── 坦白地说,我认为这样观点大多数是定义上对自我和自我主义的混淆。
16、Caring and egotism are two ethical climate aspects most positively correlated to healthcare provider-patient relation. ─── 关怀和自我导向的伦理气候和医病关系最为正相关。
17、I was a egotism missy..I need anybody , he love me, fancy ,backme up do every thing... ─── 唯独我喜欢令类的空间。。在我的世界里没有爱。只有恨。。
18、arrogance and egotism betrayed by a glance; ─── 一眼就能看出的傲慢和自负;
19、He was an egotistical person.Some rare people are so filled with egotism that they imagine that they speak for all mankind. ─── 一些杰出人物都相当自负,他们觉得自己是全人类的代言人。
20、The uncultivated mind harbors a vast diversity of unrealized possibilities, ranging from the depths of selfishness, egotism and aggressivity to the heights of wisdom, self-sacrifice and compassion. ─── 未修之心具有广泛多样的潜在可能性,低至自私、自我中心、侵略性,高至智慧、奉献与慈悲。
21、Mary Shelley resents the negative sides of idealism: the excessive elevation of individual leads to self-aggrandizement/self-deification and egotism; ─── 她既反对由于过度的个人提升而导致的个人欲望膨胀和自我中心主义,也批判人因为对荣誉和权力的无限追求而忽视责任并被异化成魔的最终结果。
22、The mortal does not remember the Lord in meditation; he wanders around intoxicated by egotism; he is engrossed in corruption like a dog. ─── 凡人是不记得神的,到处閒晃,沈醉于个人主义中,专注于腐败中,就像是只狗
23、Compelling ambition and egotism. ─── 令人信服的志气和自负
24、Marriage is the operation by which a woman's vanity and a man's egotism are extracted without an anesthetic. ─── 婚姻是不用麻药,提取女人虚荣男人自大的手术。
25、We live in a culture that encourages egotism. ─── 我们生活在鼓励实现自我价值的文化里。
26、He had never thought of her but in the chill of his egotism and the light of her use. ─── 他却从来不想到她,除了在他那冷冰冰的沾沾自喜里,或者是考虑到她的用处时。
27、He was kindly and good-natured for all his egotism. ─── 他尽管一心想着自己,但是他和气,善良,心眼好。
28、If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to all others, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism. ─── 如果谁只爱一个人,而对其他所有人都冷漠,那他的哎不是爱,而是一种共生的依附关系,或者一种放大了的自恋。
29、Egotism: The art of seeing in yourself what others cannot see. ─── 自负:用与他人不同的方式来看待自己的艺术。
30、Standing on the bare ground,-- my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space,--all mean egotism vanishs.I become a transparent eye ball. ─── 站在林中空地,我的思绪沐浴在清风之中,宛若飘入无限太空,所有卑劣的傲慢张狂顷刻间不复存在。
31、You can define egotism as "thinking only of yourself". ─── 你可以把利己主义定义为只为自己着想。
32、Egotism produces disrespectful attitudes toward others. ─── 自我中心会产生对别人不尊重的态度。
33、He had never thought of her but in the chill of his egotism and the light of her use. ─── 他却从来不想到她,除了在他那冷冰冰的沾沾自喜里,或者是考虑到她的用处时。
34、" The vampire looked at the boy." I think perhaps it was vicious egotism. ─── 吸血鬼看着男孩,“我想这也许也是我的自私心理在作怪。
35、Speech conflict is an inevitable social-cultural phenomenon at school and its nature is egotism. ─── 摘要言语冲突是校园中不可回避的一种社会文化现象,其实质是利己主义。
36、It would be the height of arrogance, egotism to trust my doubts more than the faith of Jesus. ─── 我不可能作个不信者,相信我的疑惑多过相信耶稣的信实。
37、How to define “egotism”? ─── 怎么给“利己主义”下定义?
38、But even then, the forces of egotism won't be understood. ─── 但是即使这样,自我的力量还是无法被理解。
39、We recognize that, in many instances, to suppress different customs in the name of morality is an expression of an outworn puritanism or a presumptuous egotism. ─── 我们发现,在许多情况下以道德的名义压抑不同的行为习惯是陈腐的清教主义或傲慢的自我主义的表现。
40、Cunning egotism:if I cannot brag of knowing something,then I brag of not knowing it;at any rate,brag. ─── 狡猾的自吹自擂:倘使我不能自夸知道一些事情,那我就自夸毫不知情;总之,自吹自擂就是了。
41、Egotism, Rationalism and Moralism in Enterprise Behavior---On the Development and the System Structure of Enterprise in Social Responsibility ─── 企业行为中的利己主义、理性主义及伦理主义--企业社会责任的发展路径及系统结构探微
42、Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart. ─── 不知什么东西在使他从陈腐的学说里摄取精神食粮,仿佛他那壮硕的体格的唯我主义已经不再能滋养他那颗唯我独尊的心了。
43、"It is an interesting question," said Lord Henry, who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad's unconscious egotism ─── “这是个有趣的问题,”享利勋爵说,他觉得嘲弄这孩子不自觉的自负能获得极大的乐趣。
44、I believe that we could,without any degree of egotism,single-handedly lick any nation in the world. ─── 不是自我吹嘘,我相信我们可以单枪匹马地打败任何国家。
45、He felt, even in the very roots of his hair, the immense reawakening of egotism, and the _I_ in this man's abyss howled. ─── 他从头发根里也感到他从前的那种强烈的唯我主义思想已在苏醒活动。
46、He was an egotistical person. Some rare people are so filled with egotism that they imagine that they speak for all mankind. ─── 一些杰出人物都相当自负,他们觉得自己是全人类的代言人。
47、This egotism or vanity, which causes great hurt to the soul, is a deadly enemy of man. ─── 自负与虚荣将对灵魂造成极大的伤害,是人类致命的敌人。
48、Cunning egotism:if I cannot brag of knowing something, then I brag of not knowing it;at any rate, brag. ─── 狡猾的自吹自擂:倘使我不能自夸知道一些事情,那我就自夸毫不知情;总之,自吹自擂就是了。
49、On the eve of departure I carry my egotism so far AS to say, 'Do not forget me, my kind friends, for probably you will never see me again. ' ─── 现在我要走了,请允许我自负地对你们说,别忘记我,我的朋友们,因为你们大概永远再也见不到我了。
50、Egotism is a strange disase which makes the patient feels well but his company feels sick ─── 自私是一种使病人感觉良好而使他的同伴感到难受的奇怪的病
51、The values of egotism caused by market economy would lead to tension between human and nature, between human and nature, and among people. ─── 市场经济孳生的利己主义的价值观,导致人与自然、人与社会人和人与人关系紧张。
52、rational egotism ─── 合理利己主义
53、Her problem is rather that she confuses her own Promethean egotism with an ambition for her daughters. ─── 她的问题是,她把自己普罗米修斯式的自我中心与她对女儿的期望混为一谈。
54、Due to being big size, wide spread and strong the Banyan tree developed vanity and egotism at heart.So it became proud. ─── 由于榕树长得枝繁叶茂,十分茂盛,因此心生虚荣自负之情,并变得越来越傲慢。
55、Standing on the bare ground,--my head bathed by the blite air and uplifted into infinite space,--all mean egotism vanishes.I become a transparent eyeball; ─── 接下来是他最为精彩的一段话:“我站在空地上,头沐浴在和煦的空气里,仰望着涉邈无垠的太空,小我的一切都消失了,我变成一只透明的眼球;
56、Combat money worship and extreme individualism (egotism) ─── 反对拜金主义和极端个人主义
57、whatever our egotism and our rancor may be, a mysterious respect springs from events in which we are sensible of the collaboration of some one who is working above man. ─── 不管我们的私心和宿怨是多么重,从种种事态中却出现了一种神秘的敬意,人们从这里感到一种高出于人力之上的力量在进行合作。
58、about a puppy-dog innocence verging on vacuity, prey to vulgarity and vacuum-packed with egotism. ─── 是近乎愚蠢的小狗般的无知,是充满自高自大的粗鲁和空虚行为的猎物。
59、Egotism is exactly like that. ─── 自我主义确实就是这样。
60、What is the chief task of philisophy? To break away from egotism, because one can never engage himself to learn things that he thinks he has known. ─── 1哲学的首要任务是什么?是同自负决裂。因为任何人都不可能着手去学自以为已经掌握的东西。
61、absolute egotism ─── 绝对利己主义
62、Is He not strong egot milknough? ─── 是他不够坚强吗?
63、Personal utterance was only egotism. ─── 个人言语的表达不过是自我中心主义罢了。
64、I confess, too, that I was irritated by the egotism which seemed to demand that every line of my pamphlet should be devoted to his own special doings. ─── 我承认,正是他的自负激怒了我,他的要求似乎是:我的著作必须完全用来描写他个人的行为。
65、He took her hand, feeling in his good-natured egotism that it was probably lack of his presence which had made her lonely. ─── 他握着她的手,从他的自我主义出发,好心肠地认为她之所以哭,也许是因为他不在家她感到孤单的缘故。
66、Unhappily for France and the world a man arose who embodied in its intensest form this national egotism of the French. ─── 对法国和全世界来说,不幸的是有一个人冒了出来,他的身上最充分地体现了法兰西民族狂妄自大的特性。
67、Marriage is the operation by which a woman's vanity and a man's egotism are extracted without an anesthetic. ----Helen Rowland ─── 婚姻是一次手术,不用麻醉,就能取出女人的虚荣和男人的自大。
68、Inflated sense of self superiority is most prone to cause threatened egotism and hence aggressive behavior. The mechanism involves directing anger outward as a way of avoiding a downward revision of self concept. ─── 名不副实的自我优越观念最易产生自我危机而导致攻击,其机制是愤怒外导,旨在避免降低自我概念
69、His egotism had never taken the crude form of desiring a dull wife. ─── 他的利己主义从来没有表现为一种粗俗的形式,满足于得到一个百依百顺的妻子。
70、On the Dilemma of Modern Art from the End of Private Language and Egotism ─── 从维特根斯坦私人语言及唯我论的破灭看当代艺术的困境
71、From the egotism of the man who suffers he passes to the compassion of the man who meditates. ─── 他从受苦人的自私心转到了深思者的同情心。
72、Baumeister R,Smart L,Boden J.Relation of threatened egotism to violence and aggression:The dark side of high self-esteem.Psychological Review,1996,103:5-33. ─── 王渭玲汪勇.276名医科大学生应对方式、人格与心理健康调查[J].中国心理卫生杂志,:.
73、Egotism is an inevitable phase for the development of the children's forepart self-conscience and a natural process from the infancy to the mature as well. ─── 摘要自我中心是儿童早期自我意识发展的一个必然阶段,也是人类从幼年走向成熟的一个自然必经阶段。
74、On the eve of departure I carry my egotism so far as to say, 'Do not forget me, my kind friends, for probably you will never see me again.' ─── 现在我要走了,请允许我自负地对你们说,别忘记我,我的朋友们,因为你们大概永远再也见不到我了。”
75、Standing on the bare ground, -- my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, -- all mean egotism vanishes. ─── 站立在林中空地,我的思绪沐浴在快乐的空气中,宛如升入无垠的太空,一切卑微自私的想法都随风而去。
76、Marriage is the operation by which a woman's vanity and a man's egotism are extracted without an anesthetic.----Helen Rowland 2.When the blind lead the blind,no wonder they both fall into matrimony. ─── 1.婚姻是由一个女人的虚荣心和一个男人的自尊心所提取的无需麻醉的手术. 2. 当两个人盲目地相爱,毫无疑问他们都会陷入爱情的坟墓.
77、Chapter Two is to illustrate that Scobie is not a saint who sacrifice his life to save people but a weak man with various character flaws, i.e. egotism, pride, pessimism and cowardice. ─── 第二章阐明史柯比并非舍己为人的圣徒而是一个软弱的人有著多项性格弱点:自我中心、骄傲、悲观及懦弱。
78、But my God,all this is egotism; ─── 但是我的上帝,那完全是自私自利!
79、Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity. ─── 自负是为了麻痹因为愚蠢带来痛楚的麻醉剂。
80、Polish charges of EU egotism can grate. ─── 波兰指责欧盟的利己主义,这可能会带来麻烦。
81、A personality of smallness and egotism and petty underhandedness seemed to emanate from the letters themselves ─── 一个狭隘、自私,玩小花头的男人似乎正从那些大字后面露了出来。
82、Even Jung's concept of individuation has been misunderstood as a form of egotism, when in fact it's about humility and submission to one's calling as a person. ─── 即使是容格的个体化概念也时常被误解为自我主义。事实上容格的意思是,谦逊和顺从于那些对成为一个人的呼唤。
83、I've always been a bit confused about self and egotism because I instinctively felt both were barriers to understanding. ─── 对于自我及自负,我总是有些迷惑,因为我直觉上认为它们都会妨碍理解。
84、Liking wasn't in my egotism first, do I still have more busy affair! ─── 好了,先不在这里自我吹嘘了,我还有更忙的事情呢!
85、Egotism resides more in a kind of proud isolation, in a species of contempt for the opinions of others. ─── 自高自大存在于骄傲的孤立中,是一种对他人意见的轻视。
86、She had the kindliest feelings for him in every way. She gave him credit for his good looks, his generous feelings, and even, in fact, failed to recollect his egotism when he was absent; ─── 她对他各方面都怀着最美好的感情,她承认他相貌英俊,为人慷慨大方。 他不在身边时,她甚至不去想他的自我主义。
87、And the benevolence spirits will also put a strong curb on the over-flooding of the egotism, the ultra-individualism ideological trends. ─── 传统文化中的“仁爱”精神可以有效地遏制学生中日益泛滥的利己主义、极端个人主义思潮。
88、This word is just a mask of human egotism to capture others. ─── 华中师范的英美文学研究生我真的是很向往。
89、"The traits of a worldly man endowed with tamas are sleep, lust, anger, egotism, and the like. ─── “激情型态的世人的显著特征是嗜睡、充满欲望、愤怒和自我中心等。”
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