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09-13 投稿



redundant 发音

英:[rɪˈdʌndənt]  美:[rɪˈdʌndənt]

英:  美:

redundant 中文意思翻译



redundant 常用词组

redundant information ─── 冗余信息

redundant system ─── [计]冗余系统

redundant code ─── 冗余码

redundant 词性/词形变化,redundant变形

副词: redundantly |

redundant 短语词组

made redundant

1. 【英】被解雇的; 失业的

Seventy men at the factory were made redundant.


2. 过剩的; 多余的

The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance.


1、redundant code ─── [计] 冗余码

2、redundant fault ─── [计] 冗余故障

3、redundant displacement ─── [计] 冗余位移

4、partitioned non-redundant segment ─── [计] 分区非冗余段

5、redundant file ─── [计] 冗余文件

6、redundant expression ─── [计] 冗余表达式

7、redundant colon ─── [医] 过长结肠

8、redundant data ─── [计] 冗余数据

9、redundant check ─── [计] 冗余校验

10、redundant digit ─── [计] 冗余数字

11、redundant distributed data base ─── [计] 冗余分布式数据库

12、redundant expression elimination ─── [计] 冗余表达式消除

13、redundant gate ─── [计] 冗余门, 冗余门电路

14、redundant check bit ─── [计] 冗余检查位

15、redundant information ─── [计] 多余信息, 冗余信息

16、redundant character ─── [计] 冗余字符

17、redundant equation ─── [化] 冗余方程

18、redundant bit ─── [计] 冗余位

19、redundant circuit ─── [计] 冗余电路

redundant 相似词语短语

1、redundancy ─── n.[计][数]冗余(等于redundance);裁员;人浮于事

2、pretendant ─── 假装的

3、redcurrant ─── n.红醋栗;红醋栗灌木

4、redundantly ─── adv.多余地

5、redundance ─── n.冗余;过多;重复

6、redounding ─── v.有助于,提高,改进(印象,声誉);产生反作用,报应;增添,累积,上升

7、redundances ─── n.冗余;过多;重复

8、reductant ─── n.[助剂]还原剂

9、nonredundant ─── 无余度的;不重复的

redundant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Support for redundant power supplies and other features can be hard to find. ─── 对于冗余电源和其他特性的支持可能很难找到。

2、Divides your information into subject-based tables to reduce redundant data. ─── 将信息划分到基于主题的表中,以减少冗余数据。

3、The active adapter in a redundant NIC quick-failover pair has encountered an error and has closed. ─── 在冗余NIC快速故障转移对中的活动适配器遇到错误并已关闭。

4、PRs have to be redundant in order to avoid a PR to become a Single Point of Failure (SPoF). ─── 为了避免一个PR成为一个失败的单点(Single Point of Failure-SPoF),PRs必须由多个PR组成。

5、It must be on the list of redundant servers of the clustered mailbox server. ─── 它必须位于群集邮箱服务器的冗余服务器列表中。

6、In a relational database, relationships enable you to prevent redundant data. ─── 在关系数据库中,关系使您可以防止冗余数据。

7、When adding redundant features, you are generally trying to improve the perceived security of the system. ─── 当添加冗余特性时,通常您正要尝试改进感觉的系统安全性。

8、Finish after wrapping operation, to save stuff, can you be duped redundant wrapping turtleneck cap? ─── 做完包皮手术后,为了节省材料,能把多余的包皮套头上当帽子么?

9、Furthermore, the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method to reduce redundant relations. ─── 实验表明,该方法有效的约简了融合本体中的冗语关系。

10、In the sentence "She lives alone by herself", the word "alone" is redundant. ─── 在“她独自一人单独生活中”这个句子中,"单独”是多余的。

11、Light Reflection: reflect the redundant light and heat by aluminum foil, in order to sufficing greenhouses. ─── 反射阳光:通过铝箔反射掉多余的光和热量,满足温室使用要求。

12、Internally, the phenomenon of redundant construction intensified. ─── 在内部,重复建设现象愈演愈烈。

13、Load sharing redundant: Two or more systems loaded with no more than 50 percent of the total load. ─── 负载共享冗余:负载不超过总负载50%的两个或两个以上的系统。

14、After my husband was made redundant, we had to live from hand to mouth until he found another job. ─── 在我丈夫失业后还没有找到另外工作之前,我们的生活很困苦,仅足糊口。

15、We have make some staff redundant to reduce overman. ─── 为了削减过多的人员,我们精简了一些职员。

16、The best way to protect Active Directory is by making it as redundant as possible. ─── 保护Active Directory的最佳方法是使其尽可能冗余。

17、Redundant links that are not part of the shortest path tree are blocked. ─── 不是最短路径的备援连结将被阻隔。

18、The dynamic state dichotomy vectorization insures precision of drawings but has redundant data. ─── 动态二分矢量化方法可以确保图形的点位精度,但存在大量冗余数据。

19、In the sentence'She lives alone by herself',the word'alone'is redundant. ─── 在“她独自一人单独生活中”这个句子中,‘单独’是多余的。

20、If you want to make some individuals redundant, you must consult with both the persons and the trade union. ─── 如果要解雇员工,你必须和该员工以及工会协商。

21、The set phrase "lian pian lei du" means lengthy and redundant sentences or page after page of longwinded writing. ─── “连篇累牍”这则成语的意思是:指文字又长又累赘,形容篇幅多文辞冗长。

22、How many people are affected during the reform of state-owned enterprises,Where will the redundant employees go? ─── 在国企改革中,有多少人受到影响?富余人员怎么办?

23、The algorithm searches for equivalent routing items and deletes redundant ones. ─── 冗馀裁减算法寻找路由表中的等价路由并删除冗馀表项;

24、To decide how many redundant instances of a given task are needed. ─── 以决定一项特定的任务需要多少事例。

25、It was a bit of a shock to be declared redundant, but since I had a tidy sum of money saved I was. ─── 被宣布解雇颇令人震惊,但是由于我存了相当大的一笔钱,我并不为立即另找工作而忧心忡忡。

26、The Chinese pays attention to live pattern must upright and foursquare, often cut redundant corner. ─── 中国人讲究住家格局必须方正,经常将多余的角落切去。

27、Also began school, also is the redundant 3.1 -like lives, melancholy! ─── 又开学了,又是重复的三点一线式的生活,郁闷啊!

28、But the crayfish tail circuit, more redundant than it perhaps needed to be, was error free. ─── 但是,小龙虾的尾部回路,尽管也许比它真正需要的要繁冗,可却是没有错误的。

29、Primary adapter of a redundant NIC pair failed during initialization. ─── 在初始化期间,重复NIC对的主要适配器出现故障。

30、Power supplies like to fail, so get a server with redundant power supplies. ─── 供电电源也爱坏掉,那就让一个服务器拥有多个供电电源。

31、Secondary adapter of a redundant NIC pair failed during initialization. ─── 在初始化期间,重复NIC对的次要适配器出现故障。

32、Don't possess redundant property (2 and more houses for yourself, 2 and more cars for yourself. Etc. ─── 不要拥有过多的财产(为你自己2处以上房子,为你自己2辆以上的汽车···等等)

33、Keyword: TRM( triple module redundant); SIFT( solftware implemented fault tolerance); controller. ─── 关键词:三冗余;软件容错;控制器。

34、All government departments have completed the work to fix, the duties, size number of posts, and the work to redirect redundant staff is underway. ─── 各部门“三定”(定职能、定机构、定编制)方案已经完成,人员定岗和分流工作正在进行。

35、Over 600 workers were made compulsorily redundant. ─── 600 多名工人遭到强制性裁员。

36、The name suffix that you typed is a child of an existing excluded name suffix. This condition is redundant and is not allowed. ─── 您输入的名称后缀是一个被排除在外的名称后缀的子。此情况是重复的,不允许。

37、The company has paid off some redundant employees. ─── 公司在发放工资后解雇了一些多余的雇员。

38、The cryptosystem must be able to borrow multiple, if not redundant, paths, just as with the Internet protocol. ─── 这个密码系统一定要可以重复借用,如果不麻烦,路径要与互联网协议一致。


40、His wife left him and then his firm put the boot in by making him redundant. ─── 他妻子抛弃了他,接着他的公司落井下石,裁减了他。

41、SAP has also beefed up its tools for attacking redundant and inconsistent business data. ─── SAP已经针对大量重复和不一致的商业数据, 加强了其相关工具.

42、In this way, Adaptive Server Anywhere avoids many repetitious and redundant computations. ─── 如此一来,Adaptive Server Anywhere就可以避免许多重复和多余的计算。

43、A triply redundant navigational system. ─── 一个三度冗长的航海系统

44、In the sentence "She lives alone by herself" the word "alone" is redundant. ─── 在句子“她自己独自生活”中,“独自”是多余的词。

45、However, on Thursday, Tenon took the decision to make 50 members of the 78-strong staff redundant. ─── 但是,星期四,榫决定让50名成员的78强的工作人员是多余的。

46、If they lose track of this, the potential increases for much greater mischief than just redundant entity escaping. ─── 如果不跟踪这些问题,就可能造成更大的损害,而不仅仅是多余的实体转义。

47、Morale among branch staff, after years of watching colleagues being made redundant, is low. ─── 多年来日睹同事被裁的分行员工士气低落。

48、Superstar: A Mobile China Town is MAD's response to the redundant and increasingly out-of-date nature of the contemporary Chinatown. ─── “超级明星---未来中国城”是MAD对这种过时并过剩的中国城所做出的回应。

49、Then, conflict evidences are reduced by using the attribute weightiness of Rough Sets to eliminate redundant sensors. ─── 利用粗糙集中属性的重要性消除冗余传感器,减少了证据组合的冲突现象。

50、He differentiated the value of any redundant. ─── 他对任一赘余值进行微分。

51、Is OPT Better than GLT in Fault Diagnosis of Redundant Sensor System? ─── 冗余传感器故障诊断的最优奇偶向量法与广义似然比检验法的等效性?

52、There will be no question of anyone being made redundant. ─── 决不可能裁掉任何人。

53、Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking. ─── 口号过多容易使人思想僵化。

54、Or it can be further stated as there exists a redundant proton or electron. ─── 也就是说,平均在19100个中子当中,要夹带一个过剩质子或电子(反质子)。

55、Dual redundant systems shall be considered where high reliability is required. ─── 在要求高可靠性的地方应考虑双重冗余系统。

56、This word is redundant, it can be left out. ─── 这个字是多余的, 可以去掉。

57、If two academics have the same idea, one of them is redundant! ─── 如果二个学者有相同的观念,他们之一是多馀的!

58、In this world I really want to care about you, but your indifference I feel I was redundant. ─── 在这个世界上我真的很想关心你,可是对你的冷漠我感觉我是多余的。

59、But listen to your words, I now feel is redundant, shouldn't disturb your life. ─── 可是听着你的话语,感觉我现在是多余的,不该去打扰你的生活。

60、The redundant servers and equipment are also outside of United States jurisdiction. ─── 冗余服务器和设备也在美国管辖区之外。

61、It was indicated earlier that primitive flow tables could be formed with redundant stable states. ─── 前面已经指出,构成原始流通表时会出现冗余的稳定状态。

62、"The door is ornamental symbol nevertheless, handle is more redundant. ─── “门不过是装饰性的符号,把手更是多余的。”

63、The use of backup module in a redundant system during degraded operation. ─── 冗余系统降级运行期间使用备份模块的情况。

64、Only use your risers to get out of a spin if your brakes become redundant. ─── 假如你的煞车失灵了,只好使用你的吊组绳来脱离旋转。

65、But this time, young Kean is not Daglish, what redundant history is Ximang. ─── 但这次,小基恩不是达格利什,重复历史的是西芒。

66、A redundant data storage service which replicates the data in 3 seperate locations. ─── 可将数据复制到三个独立位置的冗余数据存储服务。

67、A test suite may contain redundant test cases. ─── 一个测试用例集可能含有冗余的测试用例。

68、A new bumper houses LED driving lights, while new mirrors feature redundant indicators. ─── 一种新的保险杠房屋LED驱动灯,而新的镜像功能多余的指标。

69、What about those who were made redundant? ─── 剩下的人怎么办?

70、Redundant characters often work as checking devices, as in parity and other checks. ─── 冗余字符通常用作校验手段,如奇偶校验或其它校验。

71、Shows each of the two existing Web services sending a redundant Web request to create a new Web service. ─── 展示了两个现有的Web服务各自发送了一个冗余的Web请求来创建新的Web服务。

72、The summaries of videos can provide users previews and reduce the burdens of downloading redundant videos. ─── 下载影片前若能够先大致浏览影片的摘要将减少使用者下载到非所需影片的机会。

73、Jinying High-tech Company merges with Jinying Kechuang Company, resulting in redundant employees. ─── 因金鹰高科技公司与金鹰科创公司合并办公,人员冗余

74、Is the redundant prepuce used perform an operation? ─── 包皮过长用不用做手术?

75、Redundant memory provides the system with a failover memory bank when a memory bank fails. ─── 冗余内存在某个内存块故障时为系统提供一个故障转移的内存块。

76、Unless we win some new orders in the next few months, some people will have to be made redundant. ─── 四、听力综合练习

77、He found being made redundant a very bitter pill to swallow. ─── 他认为被辞退是一件伤体面的事。

78、Multiple instances of first strike and trample are redundant. ─── 同一个生物上的数个先攻与践踏异能并无意义。

79、For a truss with more than one redundant bar, more than one release will be required to obtain the primary frame. ─── 对于有一个以上多余杆的桁架要得到基本体系,就要放松一个以上的约束。

80、The addition of “gui lai” is redundant. ─── 后面再加个“归来”岂不是重复了。

81、maintaining the now redundant leaves throughout the winter, the tree saves its precious resources and discards them. ─── 这棵树并没有在整个冬天都保留现在多余的叶子,而是储存了宝贵的资源并抛弃了多余的树叶。

82、Garbage: Redundant programs or data. ─── 垃圾:没用的程式或数据。

83、Use nested constructors to eliminate redundant code. ─── 使用嵌套构造函数来消除冗余代码。

84、It is not always necessary to implement redundant components in every level of your design. ─── 不必总是在设计的每个级别上都实现冗余组件。

85、You also can suck the redundant grease on eyelid to stop in case with oil absorption paper dizzy catch. ─── 你也可以用吸油纸来吸去眼睑上多余的油脂以防止晕染。

86、Nearly all the redundant worker have been absorbed into other departments. ─── 几乎所有冗员,都已调往其他部门任职。

87、Changes in technology may mean that once-valued skills are now redundant. ─── 技术的变化可能意味着从前受重视的技巧现在变得多余了。

88、Reduce redundant information to increase the speed of updates and improve concurrency. ─── 减少冗余信息,以加快更新速度并改善并发性。

89、We should resolutely guard against redundant low-level development. ─── 坚决防止低水平重复建设。


磁盘矩阵又叫RAID,RAID是英文Redundant Array of Independent Disks的缩写,翻译成中文意思是"独立磁盘冗余阵列",有时也简称磁盘阵列(Disk Array)。 简单的说,RAID是一种把多块独立的硬盘(物理硬盘)按不同的方式组合起来形成一个硬盘组(逻辑硬盘),从而提供比单个硬盘更高的存储性能和提供数据备份技术。组成磁盘阵列的不同方式成为RAID级别(RAID Levels)。



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