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09-11 投稿



governance 发音

英:[ˈɡʌvərnəns]  美:[ˈɡʌvənəns]

英:  美:

governance 中文意思翻译



governance 同义词

administer | conduct | determine | lead | influence | over | regularise | preside over | boss | supervise | regularize | order | regulate | control | manage | oversee | reign | curb | direct | guide | command | run | handle | restrain | head |rule | minister | administrate | preside | inhibit | prevail | dominate

governance 常用词组

corporate governance ─── 公司治理;企业管治,企业治理;公司管治

governance structure ─── 治理结构;统治结构;规制结构

governance 反义词

misgovern |misrule

governance 短语词组

1、corporate governance rating ─── 公司治理评级

2、governance issues ─── 治理问题

3、governance system ─── 治理体系

4、governance department ─── 治理部门

5、actionless governance ─── 无行动的治理

6、grassroots governance ─── 基层治理

7、better governance ─── 更好的治理

8、governance mode ─── 治理模式

9、conducting global governance ─── 实施全球治理

10、governance of china ─── 中国的治理

11、governance principle ─── 治理原则

12、self-governance n. ─── 自治

13、governance mechanism ─── 治理机制

14、governance framework ─── 治理框架

15、county governance in china ─── 中国的县治理

16、issue of governance ─── 治理问题

17、domestic governance ─── 国内治理

18、institution and governance ─── 机构和治理

19、elections and governance ─── 选举和治理

governance 词性/词形变化,governance变形

动词现在分词: governing |动词过去分词: governed |动词第三人称单数: governs |形容词: governable |动词过去式: governed |

governance 相似词语短语

1、governable ─── adj.可控制的;可支配的;可统治的

2、gouvernantes ─── 家庭教师

3、sovenance ─── 睡觉

4、gouvernante ─── 家庭教师

5、misgovernance ─── 管理不善

6、misgovernaunce ─── 管理不善

7、governante ─── 调速器

8、governantes ─── 州长

9、conversance ─── n.精通;熟悉

governance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Corporate governance is the core of modern enterprises system. ─── 公司治理是现代企业制度的核心内容。

2、Listed companies shall act in the spirit of the Code in their efforts to improve corporate governance. ─── 上市公司改善公司治理,应当贯彻本准则所阐述的精神。

3、One can't completely govern one's thoughts at all times. ─── 人不能始终控制得住自己的思想。

4、Development of the company's corporate governance policies and practices? ? ─── 中国跨国企业公司治理制度和规范的制定

5、Cooperation costs, governance choice and alliance evolution By: White, Steven. ─── 合作成本、治理选择与联盟的演进。

6、Man is so weak and inadequate that he is unable to govern himself. ─── 人如此微弱与渺小,不能自治。

7、Governance is one of those terms which "everyone knows" until you try to reduce it to a few simple sentences. ─── 在您试图将治理的概念减少到几句简单的话之前,它是“众所周知”的那些术语中的一个。

8、He said he told the court this case should be decided speedily is it affects the governance of the country. ─── 他说,他告诉宪法法庭说,这个案子应该迅速裁决,因为这影响到国家的治理。

9、An automatic device that uses feedback to govern the physical position of an element. ─── 一种使用反馈方法来调节一个机件的物理位置的自动装置。

10、The implication of governance conception emerged that referred to a new change notion of administration reform in public sector. ─── 概念的出现,意味著政府部门从事改革思维的一种演变。

11、Why by three Furies would you want me to govern Macedonia? ─── |以三个复仇女神的名义 为什么你要我管理马其顿?

12、Includes pages about governance, solutions, news, and investment. (NYSE: FDC). ─── 否则,对不起人民。

13、Reform and improve the Party's style of leadership and governance. ─── (三)改革和完善党的领导方式和执政方式。

14、Most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German. ─── 在德语中,许多及物动词左右着宾格。

15、Nanotech does, however, pose new challenges to risk governance as well. ─── 但是,奈米科技也在风险管理上,带来了新的挑战。

16、GRC means Governance,Risk,and Compliance. ─── GRC亦即Governance,Risk &Compliance(治理、风险和遵循)。

17、The first question can be summed up in an imbalance of governance. ─── 对于第一个问题,可以用治理的失衡来概括。

18、In Britain the Queen reigns, but elected representatives of the people govern the country. ─── 在英国,女王是君主而治理国家的却是民选的代表。

19、Govern by supply and demand, price is the invisible hand in economics. ─── 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供给与需求关系。

20、They demand the right to govern themselves. ─── 他们要求自治权。

21、Wrong laws make short governance. ─── 不健全的法律统治时间不会长。

22、The day when Iraqis govern themselves must come quickly. ─── 伊拉克人民自己管理自己的那一天必须尽快到来。

23、The law of supply and demand govern the price of goods. ─── 供求规律决定商品的价格。

24、Corporate governance is the basis of the modern enterprise system. ─── 公司治理结构是现代企业制度的基础。

25、Humanity also lost their spiritual leadership and governance as a result. ─── 人类因而也丧失了他们灵性的领导层和统辖。

26、In a wide-ranging discussion with me in 2006, Whitworth articulated some of his views on governance. ─── 惠特沃思2006年曾与我进行了一次广泛深入的讨论,详细阐述了他对公司治理持有的一些观点。

27、From that day on, King zhuang dedicated himself to the governance of his realm. ─── 从那天开始,楚庄王振作起来,认真治理国家,楚国也渐渐强大起来。

28、Ms Ostrom has concentrated on a different aspect of economic governance. ─── 奥斯特罗姆女士则专注于经济治理的另一方面。

29、In a parallel manner, there has been a secret governance of your Universe. ─── 以类似的方式,你们宇宙也有一个秘密的政府。

30、On the developed stock markets, external company governance is of importance. ─── 在比较发达的资本市场上,外部治理占据比较重要的位置。

31、They demanded the right to govern themselves. ─── 他们要求自治的权利。

32、Govern by supply and demand,price is the invisible hand in economics. ─── 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决于供给与需求关系。

33、But China's market clout is not matched by its governance prowess. ─── 但是,中国对市场的影响,与其治理能力并不相符。

34、Corporate governance was often weak, with cronyism in abundance. ─── 公司治理乏善可陈,裙带主义泛滥成灾。

35、Rural governance has a certain social basis and background of social mood. ─── 乡村治理有一定的社会情绪基础和背景。

36、Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. ─── 一人独处慎于思,与人相处。

37、They described him as unfit to govern. ─── 他们认为他这个人不适合做管治工作。

38、You should govern your temper. ─── 你应该控制你的情绪。

39、But many want better governance and a legal system that protects them. ─── 但许多人希望得到改善的统治和保护他们的司法体制。

40、Code on Corporate Governance Practices: impact on boardroom behaviour. ─── 企业管治常规守则>对董事行为之影响。

41、Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when incompany. ─── 一人独处慎于思,与人相处慎于言.

42、So we have reams of publications on governance, structures and strategies. ─── 因此,我们拥有大量关于治理、结构和战略方面的出版物。

43、He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern. ─── 他指责反对党无力治理国事。

44、Espinoza said.“You can’t govern if you can’t win. ─── “如果你不能获胜,你就不能统治国家”。

45、Can the Patterns of Corporate Governance Converge Globally? ─── 公司治理模式会趋同吗?

46、Corporate governance as complex system, is provided with general characteristics of complexity. ─── 公司治理作为复杂系统,具有复杂性的众多特征。

47、Tool forces govern selection of the workholding device. ─── 刀具的压力决定了工件夹具的选择。

48、The needs of the business and the role of IT evolve; these unintentional governance solutions do not. ─── 商业的需求和IT的角色在演进,而这些无意识的治理解决方案没有演进。

49、Democratic and participatory governance based on the will of the people best assures these rights. ─── 以民心为本的参与性民主施政是这些权利的最佳保障。

50、China should also improve its governance of science and innovation policy. ─── 中国也需要提高它的政府的科学和创新政策。

51、General Richards sums up the need as reconstruction, development, governance and relations with Pakistan, all wrapped up in a environment of growing security. ─── 理查兹将军总括了要做的事,诸如重建、发展、治理及与巴基斯坦的关系,所有这些都亟需愈加安全的环境。

52、In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern. ─── 在英国,君主称王,但不治理国家。

53、I don't like quotas either; they run counter to my belief in meritocracy, governance by the capable. ─── 我也不喜欢定额;它们与我信奉的英才统治、能者治理的理念背道而驰。

54、Students of corporate governance view them less benignly. ─── 企业治理学的学生可能对此并不那么青睐。

55、This outraged many shareholders, notably those seeking improvements in Home Depot's governance. ─── 他的这种行为使很多股东怒不可遏,特别是那些寻求改善家得宝管理的股东。

56、Traditionally, dragons are considered to govern rainfall. ─── 人们通常认为龙是主管降雨的神。

57、He couldn't govern his temper. ─── 他无法控制自己的脾气。

58、On Property Right Structure and Private Corporate Governance Structures. ─── 产权结构与我国民营企业治理。

59、These distances, in turn, govern the size of the projected image. ─── 另外,焦距也会掌控投影的大小。

60、The people are free to choose who will govern them. ─── 人民有自由选举领导他们的人。

61、I will make boys their officials; mere children will govern them. ─── 4主说,我必使孩童作他们的首领,使婴孩辖管他们。

62、In Latin, several verbs govern the dative. ─── 在拉丁语中,有些动词要求与格的宾语。

63、The equations defining the zero-order perturbation simply govern the static solution. ─── 定义零级微扰的方程简单地决定了静态解。

64、One was about the availability of ICTs, another was about ICT governance. ─── 事情到了这样的高度,全党全国不能不高度重视了。遗憾的是,这些专家们至今连什么是网瘾都说不清。

65、How to ensure access and openness in public governance? ─── 如何确保政府公共管理信息公开?

66、Sharpe, Inc.Donald C.Menzel.Ethical Governance in the 21st Century. ─── ”21世纪的公共管理:*C遇与挑*稹?**际*W术研讨** - M.

67、Her appointment is in line with the chief executive's motto of strong governance. ─── 她的任命印证了特首强政励治的方针。

68、A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself. ─── 不分青红皂白攻击我们的制度和动机只能使国家丧失管理自己的能力。

69、The perfect of corporate governance is of great importance in SOEs reform. ─── 国有企业公司治理结构的完善一直是改革的重点之一。

70、What is portal governance and why it is so important? ─── 什么是门户管理?为什么门户管理如此重要?

71、He proposed the "law state" as the second best alternative for the governance of man. ─── 他提出“法治国”是统治人类的第二等好的选择。

72、Daughter named Min Xiao-yen, are Jang Geum and Min-ho of the Child governance. ─── 女儿名为闵晓圆,是长今与闵政浩的孩子。”

73、She govern the family and all decisions are made by her. ─── 她家完全由她做主,所有的决定都由她做出.

74、Riches either serve or govern the possessor. ─── 不为财主,定为财奴。

75、You believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves. ─── 你们认为人类不能自己管理自己。

76、Corporate governance principles and the board's fiduciary duties. ─── 企业管治功能及受信职责。

77、Therefore although the Venetian Republic was not a democracy, the Venetians did enjoy good governance. ─── 因此,虽说威尼斯共和国不是民主政体,威尼斯人却享有良好的治绩。

78、In return, they will have to produce evidence of good governance. ─── 作为回报,两国必须提出实行良治的证据。

79、The country has not been seen as ready to take the next step in terms of governance. ─── 看来,印度尼西亚在治理方面尚不具备步入下一阶段的条件。

80、Our strong corporate governance practices go above and beyond industry requirements. ─── 完善的公司治理制度使我们能够超越行业要求。

81、Sound corporate governance system, teacher force strong, well-planned teaching. ─── 公司管理体系完善,师资力量雄厚,教学计划周密。

82、Several aspects may govern the choice of a reattachment technique. ─── 对再附着技术的选择利用取决于多个方面的因素。

83、Rules that govern gymnastics scoring are made by FIG. ─── 体操比赛评分规则由国际体操联合会制订。

84、In Great Britain the king reigns but does not govern. ─── 在大不列颠,君王君临而不统治。

85、Ming Dynasty, which reigned China for 276 years, is described as one of the greatest epochs with orderly governance and social stability in human history. ─── 明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。

86、Familial Contract with The Personal Family Corporate Governance Structures. ─── 家庭契约与家族企业治理。

87、To survive, the first emigrants had to learn to govern themselves. ─── 为了生存,最初的移民不得不学会自我管理。

88、They are fighting for the right to govern their own lives. ─── 他们为拥有支配自己生活的权利而斗争。

89、But more representative governance may make such candour more difficult. ─── 但更多的主管代表很难做到这一点。


GRC是一种综合性管理框架,全称为Governance, Risk Management and Compliance,翻译为“治理、风险管理和合规性”。它是一种将业务流程、规章制度、风险管理和合规性要求结合在一起的方法,旨在确保组织在法律、道德和商业层面上的合规性,同时管理和降低风险。GRC框架包括多个方面,包括企业治理、内部控制、风险评估、合规性管理和审计。通过采用GRC框架,企业可以更加有效地管理风险和合规性问题,从而提高企业的运营效率和稳健性。


GRC是英文Glass fiber Reinforced Concrete的缩写,中文名称是玻璃纤维增强混凝土。



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