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09-15 投稿



endorsement 发音

英:[ɪnˈdɔːsmənt]  美:[ɪn'dɔrsmənt]

英:  美:

endorsement 中文意思翻译



endorsement 短语词组

1、endorsement confirmed ─── [经] 已确认的背书

2、endorsement for collection ─── [经] 委托代收款项的背书, 托收背书

3、endorsement for credit ─── [法] 信托背书

4、blank endorsement ─── [经] 空白背书, 不记名背书

5、direct endorsement ─── [经] 直接背书

6、endorsement for collections ─── [法] 托收背书, 委任取款背书

7、double endorsement ─── [经] 双背书

8、conditional endorsement ─── [经] 有条件的背书

9、endorsement for transfer ─── [法] 转让背书

10、endorsement by procuration ─── [经] 委任取款背书

11、endorsement commission ─── [经] 背书手续费

12、beneficiary endorsement ─── [经] 受益背书

13、endorsement after maturity ─── [经] 到期后的背书

14、absolute endorsement ─── [经] 绝对背书

15、endorsement "value as security" ─── [经] 背书"作为担保价值"

16、endorsement after protest ─── [经] 拒绝承兑后的背书

17、accommodation endorsement ─── [经] 通融背书

18、agency endorsement ─── [经] 代理背书

19、endorsement by stamp ─── [经] 亲收图章背书

endorsement 词性/词形变化,endorsement变形


endorsement 相似词语短语

1、endorsees ─── n.被背书人,受让人;承受背书票据者

2、encasement ─── n.[交]装箱;套;包装

3、endorsee ─── n.被背书人,受让人;承受背书票据者

4、endorsements ─── n.[金融]背书(endorsement的复数);推荐,批单

5、endowment ─── n.捐赠;捐助;捐款;天资

6、indorsement ─── n.[金融]背书;认可;担保(等于endorsement)

7、renversements ─── 翻车

8、indorsements ─── n.[金融]背书;认可;担保(等于endorsement)

9、renversement ─── 翻转,翻转

endorsement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The original endorsement that is: not endless desire to seize their own heart, "good enough" attitude towards life is good. ─── 原文的批注是:不让无穷的欲念攫取己心,“够用就好”也是不错的生活态度。

2、Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. ─── 作为一个工作草案发布不意味着受到W3C成员资格的认可。

3、However, the endorsee may not negotiate the rights on the bill by endorsement. ─── 但是,被背书人不得再以背书转让汇票权利。

4、Other coverages could be added by endorsement, such as the broad form comprehensive liability endorsement and the products hazard endorsement. ─── 其他保障可以通过背书(批单)增加,如概述式保单综合责任背书和产品危险背书。

5、If he was able to get their endorsement, it would make a difference to the boys and give him the necessary boost. ─── 如果他能获得这些人的支持,那们对那些孩子们来说就会起到作用,并给自己那必须的一次鼓励。

6、Sanlu milk powder incident, the original formula has the endorsement stars also pushed to the air waves. ─── 三鹿奶粉事件爆发后,当初曾为奶粉代言的明星们也被推到了风口浪尖。

7、Blank endorsement n. An endorsement on a check or negotiable note that names no payee, making it payable to the bearer. ─── 不记名背书:一种支票或流通票据的背书,没有收款人名字,可支付给持票人。

8、This made it easy for Mr Brown to shrug off Mr Clinton's endorsement of Mr Newsom this week. ─── 因此他完全能够无视上周克林顿对纽色姆的保证。

9、Upon endorsement of the IOF, the bank will make a copy of these documents available to the local Intertek Office in Malawi. ─── 银行签署IOF后,会把这些文件的副本递交给Intertek驻马拉维办事处。

10、A small Rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor. ─── 一些叛军渗透防护罩并落在因多月球

11、His presidential campaign won endorsement from several celebrities. ─── 他参加总统竞选得到一些社会名流的支持。

12、Sorry, we can't accept it without endorsement. ─── 对不起?没有转让背书的机票我们不接受。

13、The stern gravelly-voiced tacticians led the fleet as it engaged the Empire at the critical Battle of Endor. ─── 在安铎之役当中,这群声音沙哑又生性严肃的战术家们带领著舰队迎击帝国军队。

14、They took the vendor endorsement fee, we should bear social responsibility. ─── 他们拿了厂商的代言费,就要承担社会责任。”

15、MFF's action is a public endorsement of the massacre of the ordinary Chinese people. ─── 墨尔本的动作就是对屠杀的肯定!

16、Beijing Fairview Park Investment Company chairman Shenda strong endorsement. ─── 北京锦绣花园投资公司董事长沈大强对此表示赞同。

17、In earshot, however, she did announce: 'This is not an endorsement deal. ─── 不过,我仍能听到她说,这不是个赞助协议,我们不会销售印有我本人面部特写的相机。

18、If a blank endorsement is made, the holder of the B/L has the right to take delivery of the goods. ─── 假如作了空白背书,提单持有人就有权提货。

19、He even devoted his forces in the final battle against the Empire on Endor. ─── 他甚至义无反顾的加入了恩铎星对抗帝国军的最终决战。

20、Kaink is an Ewok priestess living deep in the forests of the moon of Endor. ─── 卡茵克是一位伊渥克女祭司,深居恩多卫星的森林。

21、Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth. ─── 他们在隐多珥灭亡,成了地上的粪土。

22、As a Cuban-American, Mr Martinez's endorsement could help swing a powerful block of Republican voters Mr McCain's way. ─── 作为具有古巴血源的美国人,马丁尼兹的支持将会为麦凯恩带来强有保障的共和党支持票。

23、Barring any unexpected developments, an endorsement is considered a formality and will trigger a 30-day process to transfer the company's assets. ─── 如不发生意外,法庭对交易的批准不过是例行公事,从而将启动为期30天的公司资产交接过程。

24、The Maruader threat dispersed, and a working starship at the ready, Cindel agreed to leave Endor with Noa and return to the civilized galaxy. ─── 劫掠者们的威胁解除了,诺亚的飞船也一切准备就绪,辛德尔愿意与诺亚一起离开恩多,回到文明的星系。

25、The cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement. ─── 出纳员不会给未获批准的支票兑付现金。

26、It logically follows, therefore, that any endorsement on a bearer bill, even if the endorsement is fraudulent, can be ignored. ─── 因此从逻辑上其结果必然是无记名汇票上的任何背书,即使背书是欺诈性的,也可以置之不理。

27、Recognizing and responding to different styles will earn you the endorsement of others who will find you to be tactful and reasonable. ─── 如果您反应只您自己的舒适和需要, 其他人将找到您困难, 坚定, 和争论。

28、Luke and Ben voyaged to the Forest Moon of Endor, where the Jedi Council established a hidden base of operations. ─── 卢克和本飞回恩多的森林卫星,那里有绝地委员会设立的秘密作战基地。

29、On the evening of the AFL-CIO endorsement session, I noticed a number of my labor friends averting their eyes as I walked through the room. ─── 在美国劳工联合会及美国产业工会联合会召开此类会议时,我注意到当我走进会议厅时,许多我的工人朋友们都避开了我的目光。

30、Strategies vary from innovative bottle design and unusual ingredients through to the fulsome use of celebrity endorsement. ─── 其策略各有不同,从创新性的包装设计和独特成分到大量使用名人签名。

31、Four of Yao's teammates -- Artest, Battier, Scola and Dikembe Mutombo -- have shoe endorsement deals with Chinese brands Peak and Anta. ─── 姚明的四个队友:阿泰斯特、巴蒂尔、斯科拉和迪肯贝穆托姆博,都为中国品牌匹克和安踏的鞋子代言。

32、These Linked Sites are provided solely as a convenience to You and not as an endorsement by UPS of the content of such Linked Sites. ─── 提供这些被链结的网站,仅为您的方便而已,并不表示UPS认可这些被链结网站的内容。

33、An endorsement indicating that it is made for or on behalf of the shipper is acceptable. ─── 代理人或代表托运人所做的背书是可以接受。

34、Chen,Z Yan.Unified description of endor eversible cycles.Phys.Rev.A,1989,39():4140. ─── 严子浚,陈金灿.线性唯象律下太阳能热泵中集热器工作温度的优化.太阳能学报,1993,14():68.

35、Afterwards, the senator from Arizona paid a visit to the White House to receive an endorsement from his former nemesis, George Bush. ─── 我应该觉得这么翻为好:之后,来自亚利桑那州的这位参议员拜访了白宫,得到了他以前的强劲对手乔治•布什的支持。

36、VI Biller bank endorsement: The said cashier's cheque issued from our bank is genuine , effective and 100% converted from our bank after matured. ─── 六.出票行回函内容:该本票是我行开出,真实、有效、到期由我行负责100%保兑。

37、Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. . ─── 作为“草案”发布并不意味着已经得到W3C成员的背书(支持)。.

38、The Ewok and human adventures journeyed across the Endor landscape. ─── 伊渥克和人类的联合历险队在恩多的茫茫原野上穿行。

39、I am happy to say that at the end of the consultative exercise, unanimous endorsement of the Model Documents was received. ─── 于谘询结束后,标准按揭文件得到各方一致认可,本人实在感到欣慰。

40、Nick: Yes. Dean Bishop. His sister is involved, too. They somehow made a phony tape. His sister gave me fifty thousand dollars for a fake endorsement. ─── 尼克:是的。迪安·毕舍普。他的妹妹也有干系。他们不知以什么方式制作了一盘假录音带。他妹妹给了我5万美元来签下一份虚假合约。

41、Russian Olympic champion Yelena Isinbayeva (see photo) signed a 5-year endorsement deal worth $7.5m with China's sportswear company Li Ning Monday. ─── 俄罗斯奥运冠军伊辛巴耶娃(见图)2日正式签约代言中国体育品牌李宁,据称这份合同长达5年,总额750万美元。

42、The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor. ─── 伊渥克人是原生于安铎卫星、有智慧、毛绒绒的两足种族。

43、Doole was in charge of the complex seven years after the Battle of Endor, when Imperial forces finally emerged from the Maw to battle the New Republic. ─── Doole掌控此地到安铎战役七年后,帝国部队终于从Maw现身与新共和交战,让凯索成为帝国试验科技释出的战场。

44、What would be your dream endorsement? ─── 你最想代言什么?

45、Milk powder incident was a wake-up call star endorsement, it indicates that those stars "milk is the mother" of the end of the era. ─── 奶粉事件为明星代言敲响了警钟,它预示着那些明星“有奶便是娘”的时代的结束。

46、The candidates competed for the union's endorsement. ─── 候选者们为获得联盟的赞同而竞争

47、They were destroyed at Endor; They became dung for the earth. ─── 10他们在隐多珥灭亡,成了地上的粪土。

48、He had constructed a second mightier Death Star, near the forest moon of ENDOR. ─── 他在一个月圆之日,构筑了又一个强烈的死亡之星。

49、To give formal standing or endorsement to; make official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedure. ─── 使正式,使有效给予正式的认同;通过奉行正常的手续使成为法定的或合法的

50、You can also ghost write the endorsement letter for your j/v partner and then have him sign it. ─── 你也可以写批注信鬼你十/五伙伴,然后他签字.

51、The Illinois senator is also picking up the endorsement of former President Jimmy Carter. ─── 同时这位伊利诺斯州参议员正寻求前总统卡特的支持。

52、The emergence of RF MEMS and the FCC endorsement combine to push for greater spectrum sharing in days to come. ─── RF微机电系统的出现加上联邦通讯委员会的支持,可在未来促进更大规模的频谱共享。

53、And there is still bad blood between Mr Obama and Bill Clinton, who this week issued a half-hearted endorsement of his wife's nemesis. ─── 尽管克林顿本周表达了他对奥巴马半冷不热的支持态度,但奥巴马和比尔·克林顿之间仍存在着相互的厌恶感。

54、The endorsement which transfers part or all the amount on the draft to two or more persons is invalid. ─── 将汇票金额的一部分转让的背书或者将汇票金额分别转让给二人以上的背书无效。

55、Their endorsement of our product eliminated the need to apply for that government grant. ─── 他们对我们产品的认可消除了我们申请政府准许的必要。

56、His counsel was valued by Chirpa, and his insights served the Ewoks well in the Battle of Endor. ─── 他的意见得到彻帕的重视,他的情报在恩多战役中令伊渥克人获益匪浅。

57、The election victory is a clear endorsement of their policies. ─── 竞选成功显然是对他们政策的支持。

58、Report with recommendations and action plan is submitted to relevant Standing Committee and Executive Committee for endorsement. ─── 向相关常设委员会及执行委员会提交调查报告及建议。

59、An endorsement you need in your passport if you are in New Zealand and wish to travel overseas and return to New Zealand for the purpose of study. ─── 在你的护照里面你需要有被允许入学所显示的背书,如果你是在里面纽西兰和愿望到旅行海外和回来到纽西兰为这目的的学习.

60、Oh. Uh, Number 3... -We are tirelessly working to get the endorsement of Kentucky Derby favorite Colonel John. ─── 哦。嗯,第3....-我们在不懈地努力得到肯塔基州赛马场中最受欢迎的约翰上校(赛马)的支持。

61、Michael Carrick's ability to succeed with United and England has been given the endorsement of a Geordie legend. ─── 卡里克在曼联和英格兰队的成功可能让热刺的预备条款大赚一笔。

62、After the endorsement was announced, I got an angry late-night call from two of our stalwarts in Trumbull with whom I'd worked in the Duffey campaign. ─── 在他们支持麦戈文的消息被公布后,我在夜深人静的时候接到了一个怒气冲冲的电话。电话是特兰伯尔的两个坚定支持者打来的,我在组织达菲的竞选时曾经和他们一块共事。

63、The Ewoks of Endor sometimes hunt these massive creatures, using traps and poisoned spears to kill the dangerous predator. ─── 安铎的伊渥克人有时会猎捕这些巨大的动物,用陷阱和有毒的长矛来杀死这种危险的动物。

64、Their silent endorsement was a marked change from the zeal with which many councillors defended the payments during the last council term. ─── 他们无声的背书是来自热情与许多议员在上届理事会辩护词支付明显的变化。

65、Though he spent most of his life stranded on the wild forest moon of Endor, Yavid's family belonged to what passed for aristocracy back on Sanyassa IV. ─── 亚维德大半生都被迫滞留在恩多的森林卫星上,但他的家在桑亚萨四号行星上一个贵族统治的国家。

66、A material monetary loan, endorsement, or provision of guarantee. ─── 五、重大之资金贷与、背书或提供保证。

67、He trounced Mrs Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary and secured the endorsement of Edward Kennedy, the lion of the party's liberal wing. ─── 他打了南卡罗莱那的克林顿太太民主的提名候选人的预选会而且保护了爱德华肯尼迪的支持,宴会的自由主义的翼狮子。

68、All applicable restrictions conditions must be coded in the ticket endorsement box. ─── a必须将航班限制条件在机票签转栏中注明。

69、It's a dramatic endorsement for a technology most people think about only when their smartphone goes dark. ─── 对于一项大多数人只有在他们的智能手机变暗时才会想到的技术来说,这是一个戏剧性的认可。

70、In particular, the views, comments and opinions expressed in the SME Forum do not represent the views of or any endorsement by TDC. ─── 尤其是,中小企业论坛上表达的意见、评论及看法并不代表贸发局的意见或经贸发局认可。

71、They can really sense when its just an endorsement and when somebody really means it. ─── 他们心里都很清楚谁是真心实意,谁只是做做样子。

72、The fact that Xinhua used that information in a photo caption appeared to be an official endorsement of that view. ─── 新华社在照片说明中透露了这样的信息,这似乎是对于这种看法的官方认可。

73、EPR and ENDOR had been suggested that the dominant acceptor and donor in ZnGeP_2 were V_(Zn)~- and Ge_(Zn)~+, respectively. ─── ZnGeP_2晶体主要存在的受主缺陷和施主缺陷分别是V_(Zn)~ -和Ge_(Zn)~ +。

74、Without government's endorsement, this plan cannot be implemented. ─── 如果政府不赞成,该计划无法实施。

75、Former Finance Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda also gave his endorsement to banking-reform programs planned by the United States and G-20 nations. ─── 尼曼哈明达支持美国和20国集团所采取的银行业改革的计划。

76、Five years after the Battle of Endor, the Empire was a quarter of its former size. ─── 安铎之役五年后,帝国只剩下原本四分之一大小,并被驱离核心地区。

77、Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun has signed an endorsement deal with Coca-cola Company. Soon she will appear in Coca-cola's new advertisements. ─── 中国流行歌手李宇春与可口可乐公司签署了一项协议。不久,她将出现在可口可乐的新的广告中。

78、"Cottage star" is the debut of "genuine" high price-Star endorsement fee of a challenge! Many businesses this way. ─── “山寨明星”闪亮登场是对”正版“明星天价代言费的一个挑战!许多商家乐此不疲。

79、Following the Battles of Endor and Bakura, Wedge's missions became increasingly political. ─── 安铎战役与巴库拉战役过后,魏奇的任务变的越来越政治。

80、As brave as the native Ewoks of Endor are, the thundering ground-shaking presence of a Gorax giant is enough to frighten even the greatest warrior. ─── 尽管恩多土著的伊渥克很勇敢,但看到走起路来地动山摇、如雷声滚滚的哥拉克斯巨人时,最勇敢的武士有也难免心生恐惧。

81、He also has endorsement deal worth at least $20 million. ─── 另外他还有至少2千万美元的广告合同。

82、This is a powerful endorsement for his softer style of government. ─── 这是对他的更温和的执政风格的强有力认可。

83、The Chinese subtitle, however, mistranslated her remarks such that the endorsement was removed. ─── 中文字幕却错译,删去她认同的字句。

84、He parted company with Salla, never seeing her again until well after the deafeat of the Empire at Endor. ─── 他离开了萨拉,后来一直没有见过她,直到恩多一战帝国失利之后。

85、They are now seeking endorsement for their ideas. ─── 他们正在为他们的构想寻求支持。

86、To give formal standing or endorsement to,make official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedure. ─── 使正式,使有效给予正式的认同,通过奉行正常的手续使成为法定的或合法的。

87、After the fall of Palpatine at Endor, Thrawn returned to Nirauan. ─── 帕尔帕廷在恩多驾崩后,索龙返回尼劳安。

88、Supplier will provide Certificates of Insurance with respect to General Liat Additional Insured Requirement and Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement. ─── 供应商必须提供C.G.L商业综合责任保险单证明,批单内容需记载买主为本保单附加之被保险人且本保单放弃对买方之代位求偿权.

89、Well, McG has stated the endorsement as fact in numerous interviews, including in this E! ─── 其实,麦克已经在多次访问(包括此次的国际动漫展会录像)中宣明他赞同神化的真实性。

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