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09-15 投稿



inbreaking 发音


英:  美:

inbreaking 中文意思翻译



inbreaking 短语词组

1、inbreaking protection ─── 入侵防护

inbreaking 相似词语短语

1、-breaking ─── n.破坏;阻断;v.破坏(break的ing形式)

2、inbreathing ─── vt.吸入;激励

3、inbreeding ─── n.近亲交配;同系繁殖;v.近亲交配(inbreed的ing形式)

4、icebreaking ─── adj.在冰面上航行的

5、visbreaking ─── n.减粘裂化

6、unbraking ─── 不间断

7、breaking ─── n.破坏;阻断;v.破坏(break的ing形式)

8、upbreaking ─── 破坏者

9、jailbreaking ─── 越狱

inbreaking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To inbreaking as a result of Chinese user sexual application invites patient degree taller, gregarious network application of place had reached the level that super virus sex spreads. ─── 由于中国用户对入侵性的应用邀请容忍度更高,当地的社交网络应用已经达到了超级病毒性传播的阶段。

2、Limit equilibrium cove method is used in this paper to illustrate the relationship among lithology, excavation span and inbreak height.And advisable suggestions are put forward for ... ─── 并用极限平衡拱法阐明了不同地层、不同开挖跨度与冒落高度的关系,据此提出了地面塌陷的防治措施。

3、Conversely, if epithelial have secrete the ability that sticks albumen, inbreak bacterium cannot the union accepting put oneself in another's position with epithelial surface. ─── 反之,若上皮细胞有分泌粘蛋白的能力,入侵细菌不能与上皮细胞表面的受体结合。

4、Colonialism person the friendly intercouse suffocate suffocate of two countries of the horse in although make,inbreaking, but civilian business dealings never is interrupted. ─── 殖民主义者的入侵虽使中马两国的友好往来受阻,但民间商业往来从未中断。

5、The seawater inbreak is an environmental problem due to economical development, it brings inconvenience to industry and agriculture and people"s life. ─── 海水入侵是由于经济发展引起的环境问题,给沿海地区的工农业生产和人民生活带来不便。

6、Be in procurable later, wei Mou adopts similar measure to inbreak again this lottery website, filch amended the bank account of the person such as Sun Mou and code. ─── 在得手以后,韦某又采取同样手段入侵该彩票网站,窃取并修改了孙某等人的银行账户和密码。

7、l:LANG="EN-US">The remedy seems to lie inbreaking the vicious circle and restoring the confidence of thepeople of Europe in the economic future of their own countries andof Europe as a whole. ─── 看来挽救的办法在于打破上述恶性循环,恢复欧洲人民对于自己国家乃至整个欧洲的经济前景的信心。

8、The hacker uses the server flaw of website of the horse that be hanged and insecure setting to undertake inbreaking. ─── 黑客利用被挂马网站的服务器漏洞和不安全设置进行入侵。

9、We object changing all daily life media, then advertisement is changed, we object not by defend oneself inbreak. ─── 我们反对将一切日常生活媒体化,进而广告化,我们反对不由分说的入侵。

10、ocean exotic inbreak biology ─── 海洋外来入侵生物

11、there is a discourse upon progress in nosogenesis of the rice blast fungus including mechanism of inbreak of rice blast fungus, avirulence genes and biology study on rice blast fungus. ─── 论述了稻瘟病菌致病机理的研究进展,主要包括稻瘟病菌侵染机制、无毒基因及稻瘟病菌的生物学研究。

12、Network security guard mainly involves such technology as fireproofing, security auditing, identification, data encrypting and inbreak supervision. ─── 网络安全防范在技术层次上主要有防火墙技术、安全审计技术、身份验证技术、数据加密技术、入侵监测技术等手段。

13、McAfee Entercept4.1 edition and McAfee IntruShield1200 inbreak the requirement that defends the solution accords with active defense strategy. ─── McAfee Entercept4.1版和 McAfee IntruShield1200入侵防护解决方案都符合主动防御战略的要求。

14、The hacker uses the server flaw of website of the horse that be hanged to inbreak, after the user visits these pages, can contract many trojan virus. ─── 黑客利用被挂马网站的服务器漏洞入侵,当用户访问这些页面后,会感染大量木马病毒。

15、For example aggressor can inbreak through this one flaw first the systematic server of specific target, cause attack again, perhaps create the opportunity of attack 2 times for aggressor. ─── 例如攻击者可以先通过这一漏洞入侵特定目标的系统服务器,再引发攻击,或者是为攻击者制造二次攻击的机会。

16、This virus is not at that time in order to download implement for the purpose, oneself also has more BUG, after inbreaking cause dead engine of systematic blue screen easily. ─── 当时这个病毒并非以下载器为目的,自身也有较多BUG,入侵后轻易引起系统蓝屏死机。

17、So, to the integral construction of Chinese dress brand, the negative effect of market environment already exceeded foreign enemy inbreak minatory. ─── 所以,对于中国服装品牌的整体建设而言,市场环境的负面影响已超过外敌的入侵威胁。

18、The paper mostly expounded the characteristic of network safety production,the characteristic and method which for computer information network attack and inbreak,and the method of safety defence. ─── 文章主要阐述了网络安全产品的特点,计算机信息网络攻击和入侵的特点、方法及其安全防范手段。

19、The system carries out some basic functions there are detecting inbreak in real time alarming through sound and light in time starting and closing alertness forbidding moving car by engine and so on. ─── 系统实现了实时监测非法入侵,及时声光报警、启动/解除警戒和禁止非法使用发动机移动车辆等基本功能。

20、According to statistic, inbreak at present the ab extra species of our country has 400 a variety of, endanger among them bigger have 100 a variety of. ─── 据统计,目前入侵我国的外来物种有400多种,其中危害较大的有100多种。

21、The security system is one of the important functions for the intelligent building,which can efficiently protect inhabitant's life and property,prevent illegal inbreaking. ─── 安防系统是智能建筑的重要功能之一,它能有效保证住户生命财产的安全和防止没有授权的非法入侵.

22、These symbols not only bring vigor to the script but help the heroine Blanche to appear vividly as the inbreaking, the escapee and the raped. ─── 象征物给传统的现实主义戏剧增添了活力,不但生动展现人物形象,尤其是布兰奇这一女主角的多重身份,更是威廉斯造型戏剧的制胜法宝。

23、inbreak quantity ─── 侵入量

24、After analyzin g the assi gnment mechanism of TCP/IP and discussing the basal inbreak methods within netwo rks, some improvements and methods of enhancing TCP/IP security are expounded. ─── 本文通过分析TCP/IP的工作机制,讨论了网络入侵的基本途径,并阐述了一些改进和提高TCP/IP协议安全性的方法。

25、Enter other computer system without accredit, or identity of use other account and password, the behavior of system of pry other computer, belong to a hacker to inbreak behavior. ─── 未经授权而闯入他人电脑系统,或使用他人账户身份及密码,窥探他人电脑系统的行为,都属于黑客入侵行为。

26、In war of first time bay, US-led multilateral force ever with " desert sabre " the action is driven away inbreak the Iraq of Kuwait is legionary, this one incident puts a history already. ─── 在第一次海湾战争中,以美国为首的多国部队曾以“沙漠军刀”行动赶走入侵科威特的伊拉克军队,这一事件早已存封历史。

27、If your MP3 player did not keep protective switch, also kill poisonous software without mobile edition at the same time, so still a relatively simple way comes to those who prevent virus inbreak. ─── 假如你的MP3播放器没有写保护开关,同时也没有移动版杀毒软件,那么还有一个较为简单的办法来防止病毒的入侵。

28、All the allergic rhinitis,nasosinusitis and many chronic inflammatory diseases of otorhinolaryngology are the immune response that body immune mechanism aims at inbreaking heterogeneous ingredient. ─── 过敏性鼻、鼻窦炎和诸多耳鼻咽喉慢性炎症疾病,都是机体免疫机制对入侵异己成份的应答表征。

29、Final, they pass argy-bargy, reached every to inbreak a website 8000 yuan agreement. ─── 最终,他们经过讨价还价,达成了每入侵一个网站8000元的协议。

30、The case among makes I remembered in ancient time fall south Hun inbreak Central Plains. ─── 中间的情形使我想起了古时候的匈奴南下入侵中原。

31、The flesh in Paul represents the old age and who human beings are in Adam, whereas the Spirit signifies the inbreaking of the age to come. ─── 保罗所谓的肉体代表旧的世代,那些在亚当里的人,而圣灵则标示出那将要到来的世代的闯入(inbreaking)。

32、Police discovers know clearly plum in some computer a few about inbreaking the data of fast thunder, copy belt goes back. ─── 警方发现了了李某电脑里的一些关于入侵迅雷的资料,拷贝带回去。

33、Take a step-by-step approach inbreaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to lookingat things more positively. ─── 一步步逼近和摧毁你的恐惧,看周围有没有更积极地看待事物的更好的方式。

34、Equipment of this IP series has following characteristic: Comprehensive and integrated safe gateway function, include firewall, VPN among them, inbreak defense system (IPS) and UTM function; ─── 该IP系列设备具备下列特点:全面且整合的安全网关功能,其中包括防火墙、VPN、入侵防御系统(IPS) 以及UTM性能;

35、inbreak forecast ─── 入侵预测

36、At present he is faced with inbreak illegally 5 accusation such as Cisco company network and password of filch operating system. ─── 目前他面临非法入侵思科公司网络以及窃取操作系统密码等5项指控。

37、Relationship between height of inbreak zone and fracture zone and dip angle of steeply dipping coal seam has been discussed. ─── 急倾斜煤层中冒落带和裂隙带高度随煤层倾角变化的规律已被褐示[7]。

38、Keywords land surface collapse;limit equilibrium cove;inbreak height; ─── 地面塌陷;极限平衡拱;冒落高度;

39、In the meantime, it is searched and destroy at present the relatively popular firewall product on market, make a hacker OK inbreak easily user computer. ─── 同时,它搜索并破坏目前市面上较为流行的防火墙产品,让黑客可以很轻易地入侵用户电脑。

40、Individual information by illegal business, the right that manages alone by inurbane inbreak, and the public normally thought fors the time being nowhere, it is an among them respect only. ─── 个人信息被非法买卖,独处的权利被无礼入侵,而公众通常维权无处,只是其中的一个方面。

41、After Germen's inbreak,my teacher not taught for anything. ─── 德国人入侵后,我的老师死也不肯再教德文了。

42、Analysis of Current Situation of China's Inbreaking Species of Animal ─── 对我国动物入侵种及其危害的现状分析

43、inbreaking of Trojan horse ─── 木马入侵

44、Because computer is right,this may be of the study " inbreak " , make the bounds of study and office increasingly ambiguous. ─── 这可能是因为电脑对书房的“入侵”,使得书房和办公室的界限日益模糊。

45、Analysis of Current Situation of China's Inbreaking Species of Animal ─── 对我国动物入侵种及其危害的现状分析

46、This essay has analyzed the high-speed network inbreaking detection technique, and has proposed the developmental direction of inbreaking detection technique. ─── 本文分析了高速网络入侵检测技术,提出了入侵检测技术发展方向。

47、code to clear the thread of inbreaking! ─── 个擦除入侵后线索的代码!

48、The hacker uses the server flaw of website of the horse that be hanged and insecure setting to undertake inbreaking . ─── 黑客利用被挂马网站的服务器漏洞和不安全设置进行入侵。

49、Or outside cold inbreak, guest at afterbirth palace, blood is cold coagulate, all can bring about blood cold for disease. ─── 或外寒入侵,客于胞宫,血为寒凝,均可导致血寒为病。

50、-The code to clear the thread of inbreaking! ─── 一个擦除入侵后线索的代码!

51、SenilePerson, haemorrhage amount is large, inbreak especially the haemorrhage in gel state vitreous body, it is more difficult to be absorbed. ─── 老年人,出血量大,尤其是入侵凝胶状玻璃体中的出血,则吸收较难。

52、The department of defense is in system of close monitoring network, investigate all inbreaking incident and purpose. ─── 国防部正在密切监控网络系统,调查所有入侵事件和企图。

53、This method can prevent most and elementary virus inbreak, but if encounter the virus that advanced hacker writes, apply other method to gas defence. ─── 该方法可以防止多数低级病毒的入侵,但假如碰到高级黑客编写的病毒,则应用其他方法防毒。

54、Right now you need to add a lid 10 thousand with the bucket, lid of mobile type bucket can conceal rubbish bag appropriate, avoid hydrosphere to inbreak. ─── 此时您需要附盖万用桶,活动式桶盖可将垃圾袋妥善隐藏起来,避免水气入侵。

55、Japanese police statistic is network crime cent inbreak illegally, violate the electromagnetism record, crime that uses a network 3 kinds big. ─── 日本警方统计将网络犯罪分为非法入侵、侵犯电磁记录、利用网络的犯罪三大类。

56、Inbreak in occurrence safety below the circumstance of incident, safe harbor accords with this one standard. ─── 在出现安全入侵事件的情况下,安全港符合这一标准。

57、Great Anxiety Facing Human Beings:Inbreak of Exotic Biology ─── 人类心腹大患:外来生物入侵

58、Thirdly, it can stimulate secondary immune respond efficiently and speedily for the inbreak of similar antigen. ─── 三是能对类似抗原入侵产生迅速高效的二次免疫应答。

59、The box of the cover is prevent from inbreaking of the foreign body of dust etc. ─── 的箱子有效于防止外部灰尘等异物的入侵。

60、It gives the reasons for strengtheningStandardized Education and the right way to understand moral standards declining and the necessity inbreaking the bounds of different subjects. ─── 这里提出了强化规范教育的理由,以及如何正确理解道德失范和要走出学科间的局限的必要性。

61、Actually, use trojan or other technology measure to inbreak personal computer, got illegal profit to had formed the industrial chain with a giant dimensions. ─── 其实,利用木马或其他技术手段入侵个人电脑,获取非法利益已经形成了一条规模庞大的产业链。

62、Gu Ge carries tool column, dog wait for a service to inbreak user desktop, the search changeover is advertisement income. ─── 谷歌通过工具栏、跟踪等服务入侵用户桌面,将搜索转换为广告收入。

63、The skin can divide cuticular, derma and subcutaneous tissue three-layer, the most outside for skin, 0.2 millimeter are only thick, can prevent outside eyewinker to inbreak. ─── 皮肤可分表皮、真皮及皮下组织三层,最外表为表皮,只有0.2公厘厚,可防止外界异物入侵。

64、But sometimes that inbreak your personal space, it can be exactly what you need. ─── 虽然,这种情况故事应该不是主题。但是我真的就在故事里面。我们都是。

65、The simulating study of the binding backfill slurry transfusing in the void of inbreak area ─── 胶结充填料浆在冒落区中渗流的模拟

66、inbreak angle ─── 陷落角

67、It is very useful and necessary to research the ports scan technology for cope with net inbreak effectively. ─── 为了有效地对付网络入侵行为,对端口扫描进行研究是非常有益和必要的。

68、" Early life stability, write more affluent, word of acacia, JinBing inbreak, countries, with more than word attitude. ─── 早年生活安定、优裕,词作多写相思之情;金兵入侵后,遭遇国家巨变,词作多感慨身世飘零。

69、higher inbreak area ─── 高冒区

70、In firewall of most nowadays network, those who depend on is diagnostic library of the static state, with inbreak the system that monitor (IDS, intrusion Detect System) the principle is similar. ─── 在如今大多数网络防火墙中,依靠的是静态的特征库,与入侵监测系统的原理类似。

71、Still not be clear about the identity of the person that inbreak and the specific loss that inbreak to be caused to the project at present. ─── 目前还不清楚入侵者的身份及入侵对项目造成的具体损失。

72、Keywords Dongying depression;Yangxin low-lying billabong volcanic;activity;inbreaking igneous rocks;source rocks;relationship; ─── 关键词东营凹陷;阳信洼陷;岩浆侵入体;二氧化碳;烃源岩;油气藏关系;

73、The department of defense is in system of close monitoring network, investigate all inbreaking incident and purpose. ─── 国防部正在密切监控网络系统,调查所有入侵事件和企图。

74、It has taken vary harms to computers for infections of the computer viruses, inbreak of cockhorse and hackers. ─── 计算机病毒的感染、木马、以及黑客的入侵等,给计算机带来了不同程度的损害。

75、With the internet fast developping, net inbreak action have been serious increasingly. ─── 随着互联网络的飞速发展,网络入侵行为日益严重,

76、Finally, criminal law amendment made clear the behavior that develops trojan software program to also make crime, yi Kuo is used inbreak illegally blame of computer information system is handled. ─── 最后,刑法修正案明确了开发木马软件程序的行为也构成犯罪,亦适用非法入侵计算机信息系统罪处理。

77、For malign and ab extra inbreak fireweed. ─── 为恶性外来入侵杂草。


unbreaking意思是:未破坏的,未阻断的。 breakingn.破坏;阻断。 母义:un-=not不/否定 使用un-时应注意以下几点:





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