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Edmund 发音

英:[ˈedmənd]  美:[ˈedmənd]

英:  美:

Edmund 中文意思翻译



Edmund 短语词组

1、Sir Edmund Hillary ─── [网络] 希拉里爵士;希拉瑞爵士;希拉蕊爵士

2、Sir Edmund Percival Hillary ─── [网络] 希拉里爵士

3、Edmund Spenser ─── 埃德蒙·斯宾塞(人名)

4、Edmund Cartwright ─── 埃德蒙德·卡特赖特

5、edmund kemper ─── 埃德蒙·坎珀

6、Edmund Malone ─── [网络] 学者马隆

7、Edmund John Millington Synge ─── [网络] 埃德蒙·约翰·米宁顿

8、Edmund II un. ─── 爱德蒙二世 [网络] 埃德蒙二世

9、Edmund Ironside ─── [网络] 艾恩赛德;爱德蒙·伊伦塞德;埃德蒙二世

10、Edmund Burke ─── 伯克

11、James Edmund Scripps ─── [网络] 詹姆斯·埃德蒙·斯克里普斯

12、earthiness in edmund ─── 埃德蒙的朴实

13、Edmund Wilson ─── 爱德蒙·威尔逊

14、Edmund Halley ─── [网络] 哈雷;天文学家哈雷;英国天文学家哈雷

15、Edmund I ─── [网络] 埃德蒙一世;艾德蒙一世

16、Edmund Hillary ─── 埃德蒙·希拉里 (人名)

17、Edmund Husserl ─── 埃德蒙德·胡塞尔(德国哲学家)

18、Edmund Kean ─── [网络] 基恩

Edmund 相似词语短语

1、Sigmund ─── n.西格蒙德(男子名)

2、enround ─── 圆

3、redound ─── v.有助于,提高,改进(印象,声誉);产生反作用,报应;增添,累积,上升

4、Edmunda ─── n.爱德蒙达

5、Siegmund ─── n.(Siegmund)人名;(德)西格蒙德

6、osmund ─── n.薇的一种;n.(Osmund)人名;(英)奥斯蒙德;(挪)奥斯蒙

7、embound ─── 充实的

8、Edmund ─── n.艾德蒙(男子名)

9、Edmund I ─── 爱德蒙一世

Edmund 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tom walked out of the room as he said it, and Edmund was left to sit down and stir the fire in thoughtful vexation. ─── 汤姆没等他说完就走出屋去,埃德蒙只好坐下来,忧心忡忡地拨动炉火。

2、Edmund Cartwright's power loom in 1784; ─── 1784年爱德蒙卡特莱特发明的力织机;

3、"To execute laws is a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king" (Edmund Burke). ─── “执行法律是项神圣的工作;执行命令不能成为国王”(埃蒙德·伯克)。

4、Former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. led a labor march through lower Manhattan, asserting that his anti-establishment appeal would carry the day. ─── 前[加州]州长布朗率领劳工游行经过曼哈顿南部,断言他以反抗既得势力做号召将会赢得胜利。

5、Traditional Puzzle of Epistemology and the Answer of Edmund Husserl ─── 传统认识之谜与胡塞尔的解答

6、A week was gone since Edmund might be supposed in town, and Fanny had heard nothing of him. ─── 从估计埃德蒙已到伦敦的那天起,一个星期已经过去了,而范妮还没听到他的消息。

7、Edmund Ho Hau Wah of the Macao Special Administrative Region is also the Land Fund Investment Committee, the convener. ─── 何厚铧也是中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区土地基金投资委员会的召集人。

8、Phyllis plays a reporter who rushes to the scene, oblivious that her boyfriend Edmund is in there. ─── 唯有一位陌生人郑各评冒着生命危险留下来救她。

9、"My bread shall be the anguish of my mind" (Edmund Spenser) ─── “我的滋养物应是我内心的痛苦”(埃德蒙·斯潘塞)

10、In 1919 northern Persia was occupied by the British General Edmund Ironside to enforce the Turkish Armistice conditions and assist General Malleson contain Boshevik influences in the north. ─── 1919年,波斯北部被英国将军艾恩赛德占领,作为强迫土耳其停战的条件,协助马里逊将军牵制布尔什维克对北部的影响。

11、asking you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie and nuncle Edmund," Stephen answered, "I feel I am asking too much perhaps." ─── 我曾请你们记住那两位高贵的亲族——里奇叔叔和爱德蒙叔叔,”斯蒂芬回答说,“我觉得我也许要求得过多了。”

12、"The President's outward demeanor was genial and relaxed" (Edmund S. Muskie). ─── “总统仪态总是和蔼的,轻松的” (埃德蒙S·马斯基)。

13、So I hope next year if Edmund Chen is being nominated as best actor, he would win, so TPH still lose to someone older than him, it's like he has put a curse on himself, haha. ─── 不过,未来郑斌辉还有很多东西需要提高哦,另外海外市场也很重要啊,可以经常参加新加坡以外的制作,拓展自己的演艺圈。

14、Meanwhile, the English troops reach Dover, and the English, led by Edmund, defeat the Cordelia-led French.Lear and Cordelia are captured. ─── 同时,英国军队抵达都佛,在艾德蒙亲自率领之下,击溃可多利雅所带领的法国军队,李尔王和可多利雅都沦为浮虏。

15、"It is . . . well stored with pious frauds, and . . . much better calculated for the private advantage of the preacher than the edification of the hearers" (Edmund Burke). ─── “这充满了虚假的虔诚,主要是为了讲道者的个人利益考虑的,而不是为了启发和熏陶倾听布道者” (埃德蒙德·博克)。

16、Edmund had greatly the advantage of her in this respect. ─── 在这方面,埃德蒙的情况比她有利得多。

17、Edmund: just a trim is fine. ─── 埃德蒙:修一下就可以了。

18、"I am not ambitious of ridicule" (Edmund Burke) ─── “我并不想受人嘲弄”(埃德蒙·伯克)

19、"For a wise man, he seemed to me . . . to be governed too much by general maxims" (Edmund Burke). ─── “在我看来,一个明智的人似乎过于被普遍公理束缚了” (埃德蒙·伯克)。

20、The religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principles of resistance:it is the dissidence of dissent(Edmund Burke. ─── 北方殖民地普遍的宗教是对拒绝原则的巧妙的改进:它是对持不同意见人的异议(爱德蒙德·伯克)。

21、"We are likely to be disconcerted by . . . hiatuses of thought" (Edmund Wilson) ─── “我们很可能因思绪的中断而感到困窘”(埃德蒙·威尔逊)

22、ONCE there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. ─── 从前,有这么四个孩子,他们的名字分别叫彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露茜。

23、As many as 500 climbers are jostling to reach the summit by Thursday, largely using the southeast ridge that took Sir Edmund Hillary and a Sherpa, Tenzing Norgay, to the top on May 29, 1953. ─── 到星期四为止,有500多位登山者拥挤着尝试登顶珠峰,大部分人是从南坡,也就是在1953年5月29日希拉里爵士和夏尔巴人丹增诺吉登顶时的那条线路。

24、"The religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principles of resistance: it is the dissidence of dissent" (Edmund Burke). ─── “北方殖民地普遍的宗教是对拒绝原则的巧妙的改进:它是对持不同意见人的异议” (爱德蒙德·伯克)。

25、the devout effusions of sacred eloquence(Edmund Burke) ─── 圣语倾泻而出(埃德蒙 伯克)

26、Edmund crept up to the arch and looked inside into the courtyard, and there he saw a sight that nearly made his heart stop beating. ─── 爱德蒙蹑手蹑脚走进拱门,朝院子里张望,看见的那副情景差点使他的心都停止跳动了。

27、"consequences odious to those you govern" (Edmund Burke). ─── “对你统治的那些人来说的一种可憎的结局” (埃德蒙得·伯克)。

28、The work of Edmund Phelps has deepened our understanding of the relation between short-run and long-run effects of economic policy. ─── 埃德蒙 •费尔普斯的工作加深了我们对经济政策的短期和长期效果之间关系的理解。

29、When bad men combine, the good must associate (Edmund Burke). ─── 在坏人勾结起来时,好人必须联合起来(爱德蒙 伯克)。

30、Stanley and Edmund are not related. ─── 何鸿?龊秃魏耦?挥星灼莨叵怠

31、A fortnight later, when Edmund had not returned, the king's second son eagerly set out for the Enchanted Wood. ─── 两星期过去了,埃德蒙还没有回来,国王的二儿子迫不及待地出发前往迷失之林。

32、"This is a merry shipmate you've brought us, Brother," whispered Caspian to Edmund with a chuckle; but before he could say anything more Eustace burst out again. ─── “兄弟,你给我们带来了一个有意思的伙伴,”凯斯宾笑着对爱德蒙悄悄说道。他还没来得及多说,尤斯达斯又开始哭闹起来。

33、Narnia...the land beyond the wardrobe, the secret country known only to Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy...the place where the adventure begins. ─── 在壁橱另一边的拉尼亚,是只有皮特,苏珊,埃德蒙德,和露西知道的秘密国家,是开始历险的地方。

34、"It'll be worse if it does," said Edmund, "because then we shan't know where it is. ─── “那样的话,事情会更糟,”爱德蒙回道,“因为那样一来,我们就不知道它飞到何处去了。

35、Below are just a few of the publications stories interviews and some of the periodicals that have featured Dr. Edmund Chein and the Palm Springs Life Extension &Skin Rejuvenation Institute. ─── 下列这些出版物,故事,访谈和一些期刊都体现了陈博士和棕榈泉生命延长中心和肌肤再生研究所的特色。

36、"He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill.Our antagonist is our helper" (Edmund Burke). ─── “和我们搏斗的对手使我们士气大增,而且提高了技巧。我们的对手是我们的救星” (埃德蒙·伯克)。

37、Lucas Robert and Phelps Edmund developed this review in their successive researches.Keynesianism started their economic adjustment theory from analyzing the stickiness of nominal wages and prices. ─── 他们认为,由于工资和价格刚性的存在,价格对总需求变动的调整是一个渐进的过程,名义冲击能够对经济产生持续的影响。

38、In 903 the remains of King Edmund were interred in the town`s monastery (founded c.'30), which became a famous shrine and Benedictine abbey.Population, 28,94. ─── 903年埃德蒙国王的遗体被埋葬在镇上的男修道院(约建于'30年)中,使之成为一个著名的圣地和本笃会修道院。

39、I have felt her forehead, no problem.] But Edmund Leung said Ah Mui had slight fever. ─── 但梁汉文则证实阿梅确实有少许发烧。

40、rather degage after the nervousness he had shown at dinner- Edmund Wilson ─── 他在宴会中神经过敏之后又显示出相当的从容-埃德蒙.威尔逊

41、Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay: Climb Mt. Everest ─── 埃德蒙·希拉里和丹增·诺尔盖:成功攀登珠穆朗玛峰

42、So in 1620 mathematician Edmund Gunter of London marked a ruler with logarithms, which let his calculating colleagues find logs without a trip to the library. ─── 因此到了1620年,伦敦数学家甘特(EdmundGunter)在尺上标出对数,方便负责计算的同事不用再为了查找对数跑图书馆。

43、"We that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper"(Edmund Burke). ─── “和我们搏斗的对手使我们士气大增,而且提高了技巧。我们的对手是我们的救星”(埃德蒙·伯克)

44、"Obstinacy, Sir, is certainly a great vice" (Edmund Burke). ─── “先生,顽固当然是一个大缺点” (爱德蒙·伯克)。

45、Spalding, Edmund P. ─── 作者: Mark D.

46、Edmund Spenser is the most outstanding poet who lived between the age of Chaucer and that of Shakespeare. ─── 埃得蒙·斯宾塞是生活在乔叟时代和莎士比亚时代之间的英国最杰出的诗人。

47、the cold neutrality of an impartial judge (Edmund Burke). ─── 不偏不倚的法官保持冷漠的中立(埃德蒙 布尔克)。

48、Soon Edmund could think only about "trying to shovel down as much Turkish Delight as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted. " ─── 要不了多久,爱德蒙满脑子里就只剩下「嘴里塞满土耳其软糖」的念头,而且他愈吃愈想吃。

49、"The Declaration of Right upheld the principle of hereditary monarchy" (Edmund Burke). ─── “权利宣言坚持继承主权原则” (爱德蒙·伯克)。

50、His illegitimate son, Edmund, tricks him into believing that his legitimate son, Edgar, is trying to kill him. ─── 他的私生子艾德蒙欺骗他,使他相信他合法的儿子爱德加企图杀害他。

51、Among these pillars of English literature were Jonathan Swift, William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Edmund Burke. ─── 在这些英语文学的巨擘中有乔纳森?斯威夫特、威廉?巴特勒?叶芝、詹姆士?乔伊斯、塞缪尔?贝克特、奥斯卡?王尔德、乔治?萧伯纳以及埃德蒙?伯克。

52、"Our patience will achieve more than our force" (Edmund Burke). ─── “我们的耐力会远胜于我们的力量所能达到的”(埃德蒙德·伯克)。

53、Edmund: Hi! I want a haircut and a shampoo. ─── 埃德蒙:你好!我想洗个头,再剪一下头发。

54、Edmund: Yes, let's... Er... Well... You start the ball rolling. ─── 国王:好吧,让我们把你的巧计立刻付诸行动!

55、Edmund: Sir Thomas More, for instance: A great, generous man to the last. ─── 国王;谢谢你。我因为这个感到很大的安慰。

56、Translated from the French by Edmund Doland and Chaninah Maschler.With an introductory essay by Stanley L.Jaki. ─── 书名/作者 To save the phenomena, an essay on the idea of physical theory from Plato to Galileo.

57、"An ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame" (Edmund Burke). ─── “一种对名望的热烈、充沛、也许是无节制的热望”(埃德蒙·伯克)。

58、Euclid and Shelley, Edmund Spenser and Herbert Spencer, King David Hume, are all followers of the art of letters. ─── 事实上,不论欧几里德与雪莱,魂德蒙·斯宾塞与赫伯特·斯宾塞,大卫王与大卫·休漠,他们都是语言文字这门艺术的追逐者。

59、Only after the second helping of goat did Edmund say, "Where's that blighter Eustace? ─── 一直到爱德蒙吃完第二份山羊肉时,他突然想起来,“那个讨厌的尤斯达斯在哪儿?”

60、Take Jamling Tenzing Norgay for example.He is the son of Tenzig Norgay Sherpa, who helped Sir Edmund Hillary successfully mount the mighty Everest in 1953. ─── 在探险家首次征服该峰五十年后的今天,国家地理频道带领观众经历一趟超棒的登峰之旅。

61、Edmund's first object the next morning was to see his father alone and give him a fair statement of the whole acting scheme. ─── 埃德蒙第二天早晨的第一件事就是去和父亲单独谈话,清清楚楚地把整个演剧计划告诉他。

62、But soon Edmund and then Peter and Susan discover the Magic and meet Aslan, the Great Lion, for themselves. ─── 但是随后埃德蒙德,然后皮特和苏珊也发现了这块有魔力的地方,并遇见了伟大的狮子阿斯兰。

63、a movement based on this study,originated about1905 by Edmund Husserl ─── 一场基于上述学说的运动,1905年由埃德蒙德·哈色尔发起

64、Other types of imprinting can happen as a result of environmental influences, such as parental nurturing or abuse. [For more on epigenetics, see “The New Genetics of Mental Illness,” by Edmund S. ─── 其他种类的印迹可能由环境影响引发,比如双亲的养育或者虐待。

65、"I am sensible that a good deal more is still to be done" (Edmund Burke) ─── “我认识到还有许多事情要做”(埃德蒙·伯克)。

66、He looked with inquiring earnestness at his two daughters and Edmund, dwelling particularly on the latter. ─── 他以急切询问的目光看着他的两女儿和埃德蒙,尤其是注视着埃德蒙。

67、"fret thy soul with crosses and with cares" (Edmund Spenser) ─── “用欺骗和忧虑来烦扰你的灵魂”(埃德蒙·斯潘塞)

68、Edmund Phelps earns the economics profession's highest accolade ─── 埃德蒙·菲尔普斯获得了经济学界最高荣誉

69、In Zelda, Robert plays the part of Edmund "Bunny" Wilson. ─── 在传说,罗伯特扮演的一部分埃德蒙“兔子”威尔逊。

70、"Such girls are ill brought up," said the less courteous Edmund. ─── “这些女孩子没受到良好的教育”,不那么注重礼貌的埃德蒙说。

71、His amBition led him to rival the career of Edmund Burke ─── 他的抱负致使他超越了爱德蒙·伯克的事业

72、"the devout effusions of sacred eloquence" (Edmund Burke) ─── “圣语倾泻而出”(埃德蒙·伯克)

73、"the cold neutrality of an impartial judge" (Edmund Burke). ─── “不偏不倚的法官保持冷漠的中立” (埃德蒙·布尔克)。

74、"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear" (Edmund Burke). ─── “没有一种感情能象恐惧一样可剥夺头脑的所有行为和思考能力” (埃德蒙·伯克)。

75、"When bad men combine, the good must associate" (Edmund Burke). ─── “在坏人勾结起来时,好人必须联合起来” (爱德蒙·伯克)。

76、Clerihews were invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley. ─── 嵌名打油诗是埃德蒙·宾利创造的。

77、Macao's Chief Executive ,Edmund Ho,has meet top mainland officials for a progress report in a lead up to the territory's handover anniversary on Wednesday . ─── 在澳门回归一周年前夕,澳门行政长官何厚铧于星期三向中国高层官员作述职报告。

78、His choice for vice president, Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine, breezed through shortly afterward. ─── 他提名的副总统人选、缅因州的埃德蒙.马斯基参议员很快也顺利通过。

79、Everyone wants to be there, says Edmund Ko. ─── 每个人都想去那里,Edmund Ko 说。

80、They were receiving frequent accounts from Edmund. ─── 他们不断收到埃德蒙的报导。

81、The picture shows then Chinese Vice Premier Bo Yibo shaking hands with President Carter after signing the agreements, Secretary of State Edmund Muskie standing in between. ─── 图为时任中国副总理薄一波和美国总统卡特在签署协议后握手。中立者是美国国务卿马斯基。

82、In that version, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were staying with a professor in Los Angeles to keep safe from earthquakes. ─── 在那个版本里,皮特,苏珊、埃得蒙和露西仍然和教授生活在洛杉矶免遭地震。

83、Among which, Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology is the most important theory background, which makes it displays the clear characters of phenomenological literary criticism. ─── 其中,胡塞尔的现象学哲学是它最主要的理论背景,这使它显示出明显的现象学文学批评特征。

84、edited by Michael Schroter ;translated by Edmund Jephcott. ─── 书名/作者 The society of individuals /Norbert Elias ;

85、In 1953, Edmund Hillary from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal, finally reached the top of Mount Qomolangma. ─── 1953年,来自新西兰的埃德蒙·希拉里和尼泊尔人邓金·诺吉,终于登上了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。

86、The ceremony was chaired by the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah. ─── 升旗仪式由澳门特别行政区长官何厚铧主持。

87、"This study [of law] renders men acute, inquisitive, dexterous, prompt in attack, ready in defense, full of resources" (Edmund Burke). ─── “这项研究指出男人敏锐,机警,进攻果断,随时准备防御、充满机智”(埃德蒙·柏克)。

88、Edmund Husserl who created phenomenology attained a breakthrough on the research. ─── 在现代西方哲学中,真正对该问题有所突破的是胡塞尔所创立的现象学。

89、Former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. led a labor march through lower Manhattan,asserting that his anti-establishment appeal would carry the day. ─── 前州长布朗率领劳工游行经过曼哈顿南部,断言他以反抗既得势力做号召将会赢得胜利。

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