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09-01 投稿



detrimentally 发音

英:[[ˌdetrɪ'mentəlɪ]]  美:[[ˌdetrɪ'mentəlɪ]]

英:  美:

detrimentally 中文意思翻译



detrimentally 词性/词形变化,detrimentally变形

副词: detrimentally |

detrimentally 反义词


detrimentally 同义词

detransitivise |intransitivize | intransitivise

detrimentally 相似词语短语

1、experimentally ─── adv.实验上;用实验方法;实验式地

2、detrimentality ─── 有害的人

3、detrimentalness ─── 有害的人

4、regimentally ─── 团的

5、detrimental ─── adj.不利的;有害的;n.有害的人(或物);不受欢迎的求婚者

6、instrumentally ─── adv.仪器地;有助益地;用乐器演奏地

7、departmentally ─── 部门

8、sentimentally ─── adv.富情感地;多情地

9、alimentally ─── 食物

detrimentally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To permit animals to graze(vegetational cover) excessively,to the detriment of the vegetation. ─── 使过度放牧让动物过度地吃(植物丛林),到了有害于植物的程度。

2、Every part of the structure which can be saved without detriment will be saved. ─── 可以节省的部分,如果不因节省而发生后害,将被节省掉。

3、To fill(an area,for example) with excessive population to the detriment of the inhabitants,resources,or environment. ─── 使人口过密使(如一地区)人口过剩,以致有害于居民、资源和环境。

4、As the organizer, Governor Ishihara made the following appeal in his address, saying "If we do nothing it will become a national detriment. ─── 作为组织者,石原知事在他的大会演说中做了如下阐述:“如果我们袖手旁观,它将成为国家的损失。

5、There is a tendency in most students to overemphasize their thumb strokes to the detriment of their finger strokes. ─── 大多数学生都有过分注重的倾向从而破坏了其他手指的弹奏。

6、The fact that they can do everything in synch shouldn't be a detriment to them. ─── 从他们的脸上你会认识到他们无所不能,坚不可摧。

7、Fiber rope must not be used in any area where corrosive materials or heat is likely to detrimentally affect the rope. ─── 纤维绳不得用于腐蚀性物质或热气有可能对其造成损坏性影响的地方。

8、Is Washington afraid he will be too soft on his Wall Street buddies to the detriment of the taxpayer? ─── 华盛顿是不是担心他会对昔日的华尔街同事心软,从而做出损害纳税人的事情?

9、On the other hand, however, peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue under the principle of“ One China” would bring no detriment to US interests, but would rather promote them. ─── 在“一个中国”的原则下,和平解决台湾问题,不仅不会损害美国的利益,而且还会增进美国的利益。

10、Ion beam-based technology,a surface modification without detrimentally affecting bulk properties,has been proved the most successful methods. ─── 各种表面处理的方法受到高度重视,其中离子束表面改性技术,由于其对材料本体无负效应,已被证明是最为成功的一种。

11、you might not smoke and hit the gym regularly, that doesn't mean there's not another sneaky habit that is detrimentally affecting your health without you even knowing. ─── 你可能不吸烟,并定期去健身房,那也并不意味着你没有影响你健康,甚至你都不知道的坏习惯。

12、You work far into the night to the detriment of your health. ─── 你常常工作到深夜,这对你的健康不利。

13、“When you have an economic downdraft like this, that same flexibility can be a severe detriment. ─── “当你遭遇这种规模的经济衰退时,同样的弹性可能就会非常不利。”

14、Smoking is a detriment to people's health. ─── 吸烟有害健康。

15、Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others. ─── 在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。

16、"It is disgraceful that this site was taken down.It is religious discrimination because these actions will protect religious hackers to the detriment of others. ─── “这是可耻的这个网站采取了下来,这是宗教歧视,因为这些行动将保护宗教黑客,从而损害他人。

17、"We are going to make no changes in the U.S. force posture that would be to the detriment of any of our friends and allies," Waskow said. ─── “我们是不会进行任何有害于我们的友邦和盟国的美军调整的。”瓦斯科说。

18、She put in long hours at the OUCA, but never to the detriment of her work. ─── 她在保守党俱乐部花费的时间很长,但决不影响功课。

19、Smoking is a detriment to one's health. ─── 吸烟危害健康。

20、ARIES &CAPRICORN: Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection. You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane. ─── 在你们的关系当中,财政问题是最大的危害。你花钱的速度和努力工作的摩羯座赚钱的速度一样快,这会让节俭的摩羯发疯的。

21、To permit animals to graze(vegetational cover) excessively, to the detriment of the vegetation. ─── 使过度放牧让动物过度地吃(植物丛林),到了有害于植物的程度

22、He always works far into the night which is a detriment of his health. ─── 他常常工作到深夜,这对他的健康不利。

23、to the detriment of the eyes ─── 对眼睛有害

24、Caution: Altering or manipulating the data in data dictionary tables can permanently and detrimentally affect the operation of a database. ─── 修改或操作数据字典表中的数据可能会给数据库的运行带来不可恢复的损害。

25、He works long hours, to the detriment of his health. ─── 他长时间地工作, 有损健康.

26、On the other hand, if the com-position deviates to MoO_3 rich region, partial supercooling of the melt takes place cau-sing severe detriment to the quality of crystals. ─── 向MoO_3偏离时影响更为严重,使熔体产生组分过冷。

27、But two years ago Mr Mustafa broke away, saying that a KDP-PUK stranglehold over every aspect of life had bred corruption, cronyism and nepotism to the detriment of ordinary Kurds. ─── 他在两年前离开并指责库尔迪斯民主党及库尔迪斯爱国联盟到处充斥着腐败、贪污及迫害普通的库尔德人的行为。

28、Has, to the detriment of good workmanship, or in defiance of the Engineer's instructions to the contrary, sub-let any part of the Contract, ─── 不顾工作质量,或无视工程师的指示,转包任何合同部分

29、Sometimes, this works to the detriment of students as they are unable to keep up with all their coursework. ─── 但是,这么做的弊端是,学生可能会跟不上课程进度。

30、Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of the Dedicator 's heirs and successors. ─── 奉献者为全体的公众并且到奉献者的继承人和继承人的损害的利益做这奉献。

31、He was not prepared to repudiate his obligation merely because the law had worked to his detriment in the case at hand. ─── 他不准备只因为法律将在该案中起到对他不利的作用而放弃自己的义务。

32、Andrew had watched other doctors, too, become obsessed with their profession to the exclusion of all else , to the detriment of themselves and their families. ─── 安德鲁也看到其他一些医生,完全被职业缠住,其它什么都顾不上,而这对他们自己和家庭都是有害无益的。

33、He works long hour, to the detriment of his health. ─── 他长时间地工作,有损健康。

34、(a) a gain, advantage, or benefit to the promisor or a loss, disadvantage, or detriment to the promisee; ─── or诺言人有所得、优势或利益,或者受诺人有所失、劣势或损害;

35、Be careful not to neglect this matter. Why let this threat grow, to the detriment of the royal interests? ─── 你们当谨慎,不可迟延,为何容害加重,使王受亏损呢?

36、In essence, this means that the promisor should receive a benefit for the promise he makes and the promisee, while gaining the benefit of the promise, should relinquish something or incur a detriment. ─── 实质上,这就意味着作出承诺者应该因他所作的承诺而得到好处,而接受承诺者在得到承诺好处的同时,也应该有所舍弃或吃一点儿亏。

37、Caution: Altering or manipulating the data in data dictionary tables can permanently and detrimentally affect the operation of a database. ─── 修改或操作数据字典表中的数据可能会给数据库的运行带来不可恢复的损害。

38、Foreign banks, began to locate major branches in London to the detriment of the clearing banks ─── 外国银行为了与英国清算银行竞争,开始在伦敦设置主要分行。

39、The reason is that a handful of die-hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest. ─── 察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为。

40、Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others. ─── 伤害:对他人抱有既成恶感的人所造成的损害或伤害。

41、If the product specifications or the training required for your job will change, that could be a detriment to your profits. ─── 如果产品规格或培训所需的工作岗位,将改变,那可以是你的利润受损。

42、A Breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract. ─── 一方当事人违反合同的结果,如使另一方当事人蒙受损害,以致于实际上剥夺了他根据合同规定有权期待得到的东西,即为根本违反合同。

43、Detriment and cancelation of the franklinic electricity of chemical industry ─── 化工生产中静电危害的消除

44、Hopes of a musical career were shattered by the Civil War, in which he was taken prisoner, to the detriment of his already poor health. ─── 在内战中被俘,损及原已很坏的健康。从事音乐事业的志愿因而破灭。

45、Detriment and Treatment Method of Wastewater Containing Phenols ─── 含酚废水的危害及处理方法的应用特点

46、Block to release the lock, to the great detriment of your program. ─── 块释放锁,这对程序非常有害。

47、In every modern country that is Christian or post-Christian, women are the beautiful sex --- to the detriment of the notion of beauty as well as of women. ─── 在每一个基督教或者后基督教的现代国家之中,女性始终是美丽的性别,这对于美的观念和女性来说都是有害的。

48、He work long hour , to the detriment of his health ─── 他长时间地工作, 有损健康

49、Sales and decoration will be artificially separated, can only lead to disorderly decline in the quality of management and, to the detriment of developers, or to purchase. ─── 人为地将销售和装修剥离,只能导致无序管理和质量的下降,不利于开发商,也不利于购房者。

50、We just keep trying to find "better" versions of ourselves, to our own detriment. ─── 以使我们受到伤害的方式,我们还在不停地寻找更优秀的“我们自己”。

51、Within the single-ply market, there is a clear trend to switch to more environmentally membranes to the detriment of membranes like PVC. ─── 在单层屋顶系统市场中,发展趋势显而易见,即具有环境危害性的卷材,如:PVC,向更加环保的卷材材料转变。

52、Yet there have been many such Congressional excesses in this arena - in the form of repeated extension of the copyright term at the behest of corporations who hold copyrights, and to the detriment of the public domain. ─── 国会在这一领域曾经作出过许多这样超限的行为-以多次延长著作权保护期的方式维护拥有版权的公司的利益,侵害公众的利益。

53、He sits up very late to the detriment of his health ─── 他常常熬夜, 这对他的健康不利。

54、He works long hours to the detriment of his health. ─── 他长时间的工作,有损健康。

55、He smoked a lot, to the detriment of his health. ─── 他抽烟很多,对健康造成损害。

56、And take care not to be negligent in this. Why should damage grow to the detriment of the kings? ─── 22你们当谨慎,在这事上不可疏忽;为何容害加重,使王受亏损呢?

57、They become obsessed with their profession to the exclusion of all else, to the detriment of themselves and their families. ─── 完全被职业所缠住,他们什么都顾不上,而这对他们自己和家庭都是有害无益的。

58、Otherwise, the united front cannot be consolidated, and we shall isolate ourselves, find it hard to perform our work well and increase resistance to the revolution--all to the detriment of the people's cause. ─── 不这样,统一战线就不能巩固,就会使自己孤立起来,就会做不好工作,就会增加对革命的抵抗力,这对人民的事业非常不利。

59、is free to do as she wishes without detriment; ─── 可任意做她想做的而无任何损害;

60、To permit animals to graze(vegetational cover)excessively,to the detriment of the vegetation. ─── 使过度放牧让动物过度地吃(植物丛林),到了有害于植物的程度

61、In the form of repeated extension of the copyright term at the behest of corporations who hold copyrights, and to the detriment of the public domain. ─── 以多次延长著作权保护期的方式维护拥有版权的公司的利益,侵害公众的利益。

62、His lack of education be a serious detriment to his career . ─── 他的未受教育对他的事业是一种严重的妨碍。

63、Canadian genetics study has shown that smoking may damage a man's sperm, which can be detrimentally passed along to offspring. ─── 加拿大一项遗传学研究表明,吸烟可能损害男性精子,不利于其后代。

64、it can keep the formation water wetting property and the production of oil and gas would not he detrimentally affected; ─── 多氢酸体系可以保持地层的水湿性质,不会时储层的油气渗流产生不利影响;

65、Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived,unfavorable conviction of another or others. ─── 伤害对他人抱有既成恶感的人所造成的损害或伤害

66、Such teachers are rarely likely to use multicultural mate-rials or are likely to use them detrimentally. ─── 这样的老师很少会使用多元文化mate-rials或者有可能使用其造成损坏性。

67、Canadian genetics study has shown that smoking may damage a man's sperm, which can be detrimentally passed along to offspring. ─── 加拿大一项遗传学研究表明,吸烟可能损害男性精子,不利于其后代。

68、Valuable consideration A right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party or some forebearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other. ─── 因为一方产生的权利、利益、利润或权益,或由另一方所承担的忍耐、伤害、损失或责任。

69、To fill(an area, for example) with excessive population to the detriment of the inhabitants, resources, or environment. ─── 使人口过密使(如一地区)人口过剩,以致有害于居民、资源和环境

70、When victory in the Second World War was in sight the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union signed in Yalta a secret agreement dividing up spheres of influence among them, greatly to the detriment of China's interests. ─── 主要的是第二次世界大战接近胜利时,美、英、苏三国在雅尔塔签订秘密协定,划分势力范围,极大地损害了中国的利益。

71、Yet there have been many such Congressional excesses in this arena - in the form of repeated extension of the copyright term at the behest of corporations who hold copyrights,and to the detriment of the public domain. ─── 国会在这一领域曾经作出过许多这样超限的行为,以多次延长著作权保护期的方式维护拥有版权的公司的利益,侵害公众的利益。

72、Engaging in activities within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation,to the detriment of the environs. ─── 在气象探测环境保护范围内从事危害气象探测环境活动的。

73、Adequate consideration is a benefit or detriment which a party receives which reasonably and fairly induces them to make the promise/contract . ─── 合理的对价是指作出诺言的一方应当得到的合理、公平的利益。

74、If not, the tendency is waste time or to create a mediocre or unsatisfactory design to the detriment of the sites. ─── 如果不是这样的话,那么网站设计的趋势便是创建了普普通通的网站或者是做了有损网站的设计。

75、It also complained about the incentive programmes Batsa had offered to retailers, believing this was to the detriment of competitors. ─── 它还控告英美烟草南非公司给零售商提供的奖励计划,认为这种做法有损竞争对手。

76、What can you do to present your age in a way that elevates your personal brand instead of being a detriment? ─── 在表达自己的年龄的时候,你可以做哪些事情来提升个人品牌而非成为不利因素呢?

77、He was engrossed in his job to the detriment of his health. ─── 他全身心地投入工作结果损害了他的健康。

78、A particularly difficult set of well conditions that may detrimentally affect steel, elastomers, mud additives, electronics, or tools and tool components. ─── 特别困难的井眼条件,可能会有害地影响钢材、合成橡胶、泥浆添加剂、电子产品、或者工具和工具部件。

79、Such an advantage, an immunity, or a right held as a prerogative of status or rank, and exercised to the exclusion or detriment of others. ─── 如果你想在那家公司找工作,上层阶级和特权的标记要比你的能力更重要。

80、He sits up very late, to the detriment of his health. ─── 他经常熬夜, 损害健康。

81、Efficient: The collection of performance data does not detrimentally influence the target of the monitoring. ─── 高效:收集性能数据不能对监控目标有不利影响。

82、Detriment of Neutral Conductor Harmonic Wave Current in Low-Pressure Hydropower Generator and its Prevention ─── 低压水轮发电机中性线谐波电流的危害及防止

83、These verbs mean to affect detrimentally. ─── 这些动词都表示不利地影响。

84、Conclusion Metabolic acidosis as a result of higher protein intake does not detrimentally affect nutritional status. ─── 结论由于高蛋白膳食摄入增加导致的代谢性酸中毒在中短期对患者综合营养状态无明显负性影响。

85、He sits up very late to the detriment of his health. ─── 他常常熬夜,这对他的健康不利。

86、But if you aren't a good lifeguard, your connection pools can become a detriment instead of a benefit. ─── 但如果您不是一个出色的救生员,您的连接池会成为一个危害而不是一个优点。

87、One of those ways, associated with higher crop yields, is to be sure that limitations of some other nutrient do not detrimentally affect N uptake and use. ─── 其中一个与高产有关的方法是保证一些其它养分的限制不对氮的吸收利用造成有害影响。

88、To the larger work I think you are only a detriment now. ─── 对更大规模的工作来说,你现在已是一个有害的东西了。

89、However, part of the development of enterprises and property buyers use their information asymmetries advantage or detriment of consumers spreading false information, misleading the house. ─── 但是,部分开发企业利用其与购房者信息不对称的优势,提供或散布不利于消费者的虚假信息,误导购房者。



1、detrimental 的定义是 tending to cause harm ,即 “对...有造成伤害倾向”,“对...有害”。detrimental 通常用于 detrimental to sth 的形式。

2、adverse 的定义是 preventing success, unfavorable,即 “有碍成功”,“不利的”,“逆向的”。adverse 用于 adverse consequence/effect/repercussion 的结构。


1、先将单词分组,10-20个一组,如果是高中英语的话,一课可以分2-3组,一 组一组来背。








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