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09-13 投稿



hallucinating 发音

英:[həˈluːsɪneɪtɪŋ]  美:[həˈluːsɪneɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

hallucinating 中文意思翻译



hallucinating 词性/词形变化,hallucinating变形

动词现在分词: hallucinating |动词过去分词: hallucinated |动词第三人称单数: hallucinates |动词过去式: hallucinated |名词: hallucinator |

hallucinating 相似词语短语

1、hallucinates ─── vt.使产生幻觉;vi.出现幻觉

2、hallucinative ─── 幻觉的

3、hallucination ─── n.幻觉,幻想;错觉

4、hallucinations ─── [心理]幻觉

5、hallucinant ─── n.引起幻觉的事物

6、hallucinate ─── vt.使产生幻觉;vi.出现幻觉

7、hallucinated ─── vt.使产生幻觉;vi.出现幻觉

8、hallucinational ─── 幻觉的

9、hallucinator ─── n.有幻觉的人

hallucinating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Aleardo’s journey becomes a hallucinating descent into hell. ─── 好奇于主人铺张奢侈的招待以及年轻女仆的悲惨命运,阿勒朵上住了一天一夜,渐渐陷入了迷思:伊瓜纳如岛上居民所认为的是恶魔的化身吗,亦或她也是一个无辜的受害者?

2、"I was dizzy and confused," Yuan said. "I was hallucinating." ─── “我是头昏眼花的,并且迷茫”,元说。“我出现幻觉”。

3、He is living in an imaginary world - he is hallucinating. ─── 它活在一个虚幻的世界--它在幻想。

4、Still, the college presidents signing the Amethyst statement aren't hallucinating about the American version of the problem: There are more binge drinkers on campuses today. ─── 尽管如此,高唱着紫水晶宣言的大学校长们仍然不会对这个问 题的美国版产生幻觉:今天的校园里有更多的酗酒者。

5、some say he would have been hallucinating due to loss of oxygen to the brain. ─── 有人说也许是因为脑子缺氧而产生了幻觉。

6、Take the drive of that incredible Karbarran vessel, for example.Hunter hadn't been hallucinating: it was powered by furnaces that consumed a substance analogous to peat or lignite. ─── 拿那艘神奇的卡巴拉飞船的驱动器做例子,卡特没有在做梦,驱动器依靠燃烧一种类似泥炭和褐煤的物质来产生动力。

7、4.I think you're hallucinating! ─── 我想你产生幻觉了。

8、A year later Ms Harris has her first manic attack, not sleeping for days, hallucinating, on relentless overdrive. ─── 一年之后Harris女士的狂躁症便第一次发作,她好几天都睡不着觉,产生幻觉并持续工作过度。

9、Many believe he was simply hallucinating, as the skooma was rampant even in the town guard at that time. ─── 但许多人都认为那个守卫只是看花了眼,因为当时甚至连城镇守卫都在大量的使用斯库玛。

10、"Well, you see, I've got this problem," the man continued."I keep hallucinating that I'm a dog.A large, white, hairy Pyrenees mountain dog.It's crazy. ─── “唉,你看,我这毛病,”那个男子接着说,“我总是幻想自己就是一只狗,一只又大又白的长毛比利斯山脉狗。

11、Aguirre is now the ruler of a group of slowly starving, hallucinating men. ─── 阿基尔现在成了一群饱受饥饿与幻觉困扰者的首领。

12、Ben finally stopped hallucinating after about three days and a conversation with a mercifully sympathetic police officer. ─── Ben在和一个仁慈且富有同情心的警官谈过一番后才停止了异想天开。

13、Denise: I think you're hallucinating! What are you talking about? ─── 狄妮丝:我想你产生幻觉了!你在胡扯啥啊?

14、nah you ain't seeing things, or hallucinating, i brings that levity, take me for a ride. ─── 不你不是在看东西或者产生了幻觉一切变幻无常都是我带来的带我去兜兜风吧

15、Mike: Carol you were clearly hallucinating. ─── 迈克:你真会使人产生幻觉?

16、I know I shouldn't be hallucinating that much, but the fear inside me distracts my brain from the reality. ─── 所以无论是战争或是比赛,我都很讨厌。因为一定会有人赢,也就会一定会有人输。

17、Having intensely vivid colours,sounds,etc like those experienced while hallucinating ─── (色彩、声音等)产生迷幻效果的

18、She's been hallucinating with a 7-year-old boy who keeps saying she's killing him. ─── 这就使爱莉更迷茫了。爱莉产生幻觉有一个7岁的男孩不断的说她正在杀他。

19、No,you're not hallucinating; ─── 不,你不是幻觉;

20、Aguirre is now the ruler of a group of slowly starving, hallucinating men. ─── 阿基尔现在成了一群饱受饥饿与幻觉困扰者的首领。

21、, and his friend said: “The sun must have (fried your brain) 3 and you’re hallucinating 4 .That’s a saggy 6 grandma 7 (in string bikinis) 5 you are looking at. ─── 他的朋友说: “太阳一定是(炙坏你的脑袋) 3 你在(产生幻觉) 4 , 你是在看着一个(穿着细绳比基尼) 5 (肌肉松弛) 6 的(祖母) 7 .

22、Was I hallucinating? Should I move toward her? Was she like a bubble that would burst? Honestly, at this point, my limbs seemed to belong to someone else. ─── 我是不是在幻觉中?是不是朝母亲那边走去?她会不会像个气泡那么炸开,无影无踪?坦白说,在这个节骨眼上,我的四肢仿佛并不属于我自己了。

23、Upon arriving in Mexico City, Sal develops dysentery, and Dean leaves him behind, feverish and hallucinating. ─── 来到了墨西哥城,萨尔得了痢疾,迪安却离他而去,任他发着高烧,胡言乱语。

24、Damn it, this operation was in a very tight spot, and he couldn't sacrifice more people for the sake of a vanished team member who was possibly hallucinating and quite probably dead. ─── 真该死,这次行动正处于一个非常紧要的关头,他不能为了这个或许正被幻觉缠身的失踪队员牺牲更多人了,而且他也很可能已经死了。

25、After their paths cross, Kitano seems to begin hallucinating about becoming Beat. ─── 一次偶然的机会北野见到了大导演北野武,于是开始了迈向演员的道路,并...

26、I started to worry that either I was hallucinating or I wasn't looking at the faces in the proper way to get a good feel for their definition. ─── 我开始担心要么是我的幻觉,要么那就是看图方法不对而没能看准。

27、If I am not hallucinating, this is a clever idea for Fuji. ─── 如果不是我的幻觉,这是富士的一个聪明之处。

28、House was the best doctor on TV until he began hallucinating last season. ─── 豪斯是电视上最好的医生,直到他上一季开始出现幻觉。

29、Having taken drugs she started hallucinating. ─── : 吸毒以后她开使产生迷幻的感觉.

30、I knew I wanted to live to tell people what had happened. After a few hours on my own, I started hallucinating and caught myself yelling. ─── 我知道我不想死,我要活下去,告诉人们所发生的一切。

31、Carol: Dad, forget my date. Your younger daughter is hallucinating. ─── 卡罗尔:爸爸,先别管我的约会了,你的小女儿正在幻觉中。

32、Jennifer : Dude! You're 4)hallucinating . Those pants are like two inches too short. They should hang a little over your 5)dress shoe. ─── 珍妮花:帅哥啊,你头脑不清楚。这件裤子大概短了两吋有吧,裤脚应稍微盖住皮鞋才对。

33、Their first reaction was shock and a fleeting thought that perhaps they were hallucinating from a Maotai overdose. ─── 这些人的第一反应是惊呆了,有那么一瞬间,他们以为自己可能喝了太多茅台,产生了幻觉。

34、Maybe I was hallucinating, as it was pretty hot. ─── 如此纯正的俄罗斯口音让我当场呆掉了。

35、where?? in your brain?? Told U not to drink San-Lu milk! Now U r hallucinating!! ─── 真好笑,人家是去中国刻字吗???哪像你们特地渡海来台湾破坏咧,脑残的傢伙

36、"Well, you see, I've got this problem," the man continued."I keep hallucinating that I'm a dog.A large, white, hairy Pyrenees mountain dog. ─── “唉,你看,我这毛病,”那个男子接著说,“我总是幻想自己就是一只狗,一只又大又白的长毛比利斯山脉狗。

37、Being disconnected from reality (psychotic), experiencing severe anxiety, or hallucinating that you are being given commands. ─── 和现实脱节(精神),体验嫉妒焦虑,后者有别人给你命令的幻想

38、1.A previously healthy 22 year old suddenly disrupts classes and clearly starts hallucinating. ─── 原来很健康的22岁学生突然干扰上课的进行并且很明显的开始产生幻觉。

39、After a few hours, she was hallucinating , too dizzy and confused to dress herself for a doctor's appointment. ─── 几小时后,她产生了幻觉,晕头转向,连穿上衣服去看医生都不行了;

40、Their first reaction was shock and a fleeting thought that perhaps they were hallucinating from a Maotai overdose. ─── 这些人的第一反应是惊呆了,有那么一瞬间,他们以为自己可能喝了太多茅台,产生了幻觉。

41、Denise: I think you're hallucinating! ─── 狄妮丝:我想你产生幻觉了!

42、keep hallucinating that I'm a dog. A large, white, hairy Pyrenees mountain dog. ─── 那人继续说,“我总是有一种幻觉,觉得自己是条狗,是条巨大的、白色的毛的比利牛斯山脉犬。”

43、After a few hours on my own, I started hallucinating and caught myself yelling. My heart rate got really slow and it was hard to breathe. ─── 独自在海上呆了几小时以后,我开始产生幻觉,大喊大叫,感觉心跳得很慢,呼吸也变得困难起来。



回答:(1)hallucination 英 [hə,luːsɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [hə,lusɪ'neʃən]

n. 幻觉,幻想;错觉

  (2)illusion 英 [ɪ'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n] 美 [ɪ'luʒn]

n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰


(1)hallucination 英 [hə,luːsɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [hə,lusɪ'neʃən]

n. 幻觉,幻想;错觉

  (2)illusion 英 [ɪ'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n] 美 [ɪ'luʒn]

n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰

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