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09-13 投稿



deism 发音

英:['deɪɪz(ə)m; 'diːɪ-]  美:['deɪzəm]

英:  美:

deism 中文意思翻译



deism 网络释义

n. 自然神论

deism 词性/词形变化,deism变形

名词: deist |形容词: deistic |副词: deistically |

deism 短语词组

1、deism symbol ─── 自然神论符号

2、deism beliefs ─── 自然神论信仰

3、deism today ─── 今天的自然神论

4、theism vs deism ─── 有神论与自然神论

5、doctrinaire deism ─── 教义自然神论

6、theistic deism ─── 有神论自然神论

7、deism dictionary ─── 字典自然神论

8、deism definition ─── 自然神论定义

9、disproving deism ─── 否定自然神论

10、deism 18th century 18 ─── 世纪

11、deism vs theism ─── 自然神论与有神论

deism 相似词语短语

1、fideism ─── n.僧侣主义(一种认为知识取决于信仰的学说);信仰主义

2、Mazdeism ─── 马自达

3、deist ─── n.自然神论者;自然神论信仰者;n.(Deist)人名;(德)戴斯特

4、ageism ─── n.对老年人的歧视

5、seism ─── n.地震

6、dereism ─── n.自闭性;空想癖

7、obeism ─── 肥胖

8、theism ─── n.有神论;一神论;茶中毒

9、deists ─── n.自然神论者;自然神论信仰者;n.(Deist)人名;(德)戴斯特

deism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"deism:The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation." ─── "自然神论:以理性为基础的神学理论,认为上帝创造了世界后就抛弃了它,不再支配生命,不再向自然现象施加影响力,也不再给超凡的启示."

2、9.This ignores the distinction between theism, which usually considers God as an active agent in world history, and deism, which does not. ─── 这忽略了有神论和自然神论之间的明显差异,前者通常把上帝当作世界历史的一个积极参与者,而后者则不这样认为。

3、Deism is generally believed: God creates the universe and its pre-existing rules, but after that its no longer right to influence the development of this world. ─── 自然神论一般认为:上帝虽然创造了宇宙和它存在的规则,但是在此之后其并不再对这个世界的发展施加影响。

4、Deism teaches that God created the cosmos and then backed off, allowing it to operate on its own through impersonal natural laws. ─── 自然神论认为某位上帝创造了宇宙,然后退出历史舞台而让自然按照非人格的自然法则自己运行。

5、Deism against obscurantism and mysticism, superstition and all kinds of unnatural denial of the "miracle" ; ─── 自然神论反对蒙昧主义和神秘主义,否定迷信和各种违反自然规律的“奇迹”;

6、Influenced by the Deism and the Neoplatonism, Shaftesbury surpasses the 18th century aesthetics based on empiricism and neoclassicism and starts a new trend of aesthetics in Britain. ─── 舍夫茨别利受自然神论和新柏拉图主义影响,他超越了英国经验主义和新古典主义美学,在18世纪的英国开创了一股新的美学思潮。

7、8.Furthermore, some scholars deny that Locke was a Deist or that the Declaration of Independence draws its inspiration from Deism or rationalism. ─── 此外,一些学者否定洛克是一个自然神论者,也否定独立宣言受自然神论或理性主义的启发。

8、Nevertheless, much more has to be done to turn over the simplification of deism and this work is therefore an initial attempt to call attention to and deepen the related research work. ─── 但是,要扭转对自然神论的认识,还需要进一步的专门研究,本文是这方面的一个尝试。

9、the worship of deism ─── 自然神崇拜

10、We must realize, however, that European Deism never took root in America. ─── 然而,我们必须了解,欧洲的自然神论从未在美国生根。

11、Deism, in its every manifestation was opposed to the current and traditional teaching of revealed religion. ─── 自然神论,在其每一表现是反对现行的与传统教学的启示宗教。

12、The fourth part mainly discusses the deism of Smith and explains the meaning of Smith’s “invisible hand” and summarizes the whole structure of Smith’s moral theory. ─── 第四部分主要讨论斯密的自然神论思想,阐述斯密“看不见的手”的含义,并对斯密道德理论的整体结构加以总结。

13、Deism serves as a media bridging the transition from religious absolutism to scientific rationality and as a conceptual preparation for Spinoza's pantheism and the French atheism in the 18th Century. ─── 它构成了从宗教专制向科学理性过渡的重要中介,并且成为斯宾诺莎的泛神论和18世纪法国无神论的思想前提。

14、Deism: Transformation from The Immanent God to The Transcendent ─── 造神运动:显性上帝向隐性上帝的转换

15、in support of philosophical Deism, to recognize the existence of the natural world and its objectivity. ─── 富兰克林在哲学上拥护自然神论,承认自然界的存在及其客观性。

16、An Approach to British Deism ─── 英国自然神论初探

17、Gradually, some aspects of the movement known as Deism gained influence among a few American intellectuals. ─── 渐渐地,自然神论的某些方面在美国知识分子之中产生了影响力。

18、Deism teaches that God created the cosmos and then backed off, allowing it to operate on its own through impersonal natural laws. ─── 自然神论认为某位上帝创造了宇宙,然后退出历史舞台而让自然按照非人格的自然法则自己运行。

19、Hume's Criticism of Deism and Traditional Rational Theology ─── 休谟对自然神论和传统理性神学的批判

20、Distancing himself from deism, Rawls emphasizes that natural religion or reason alone can tell us very little about God, and that community with God requires that he reveal himself to us in person. ─── 罗尔斯自己与自然神论保持距离,强调自然宗教或理性单独所能告知我们有关上帝的东西甚少,具有上帝的共同体要求他亲自向我们显示他自身。

21、Hume rational basis for critique of traditional religions, primarily reflected in the design of deism that with the traditional theory of rational argument on the theology of the revealed religions. ─── 休谟对传统宗教理性基础的批判,主要是体现在对自然神论的设计论证明与传统理性神学的天启宗教论证上。

22、Hume's Criticism of Deism and Traditional Rational Theology ─── 休谟对自然神论和传统理性神学的批判

23、Deism, with its objective truth, did not satisfy the Transcendentalists, who replaced external truth with internal intuition and individual choice. ─── 具有外在真理的自然神论(Deism)并不能满足先验哲学论者,他们以内在直觉和个人选择取代外在真理。

24、The tendency was rather towards Deism. ─── 他们总体趋向于是自然神论者:宇宙生生不息,自律自动,但是上帝是自然运动的第一推动力。

25、An Analysis on the Theological Root of Deism ─── 自然神论的神学根源

26、I believe in Deism. ─── 我相信自然神论。

27、All of these concerned are the deism. ─── 而这些就构成了自然神论。

28、Voltaire"s deism and the thought of tolerance are agreed with the Fatality and Benevolence of Confucius respectively. ─── 而他的自然神论和宗教宽容思想分别与孔子的天命和仁学学说有相契合的地方。

29、We must realize, however, that European Deism never took root in America. ─── 然而,我们必须了解,欧洲的自然神论从未在美国生根。

30、Voltaire"s religion thoughts were a trinity of anti-church, deism and tolerant of religious. ─── 因此,信仰是出于内心的情感还是出于理性的思考就造成了卢梭与伏尔泰宗教思想的最大分歧。

31、This form of naturalism stands in close relation with Rationalism and Deism. ─── 这种形式的自然主义主张的密切关系,理性主义和自然神论。

32、An Analysis on the Theological Root of Deism ─── 自然神论的神学根源

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