evangelism 发音
英: 美:
evangelism 中文意思翻译
evangelism 网络释义
n. 福音传道;福音传道者的工作;福音主义;传道狂般的热情
evangelism 词性/词形变化,evangelism变形
副词: evangelistically |形容词: evan-gelistic |
evangelism 相似词语短语
1、evangelicism ─── 福音主义
2、evangelic ─── adj.福音传道的;福音的
3、evangelise ─── vt.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize);vi.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize)
4、evangelists ─── n.福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者
5、evangelised ─── v.传教;宣讲福音(evangelise的过去式和过去分词,等于evangelize)
6、evangeliar ─── 传福音
7、evangelises ─── vt.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize);vi.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize)
8、evangeliser ─── 传福音
9、evangelist ─── n.福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者
evangelism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Starting this February, the first Sunday of every even month will be Evangelic Sunday. The sermon will be related to evangelism. ─── 今年二月份开始,每个双数月的第一周主日定为福音主日,当天的讲道也会以宣讲福音为重点。
2、The Chinese Pentecostal Church exists to be a caring community where people can be discipled to be followers of Jesus to the Glory of God through teaching, fellowship, worship and evangelism. ─── 卡城基督教华人神召会是一个关怀的群体;藉著教导、团契、敬拜;以建立信徒,传扬福音,领人归主,荣耀上帝为宗旨。
3、The development of the new medicine is an evangel to the mass cardiovascular & cerebrovascular diseases sufferers. ─── 开发此新药是广大心、脑血管病患者的又一福音。
4、Open competition is a boon to religion: American Evangelism has flourished precisely because America has no official church. ─── 开放的竞争是对宗教的一种恩赐:正是因为美国没有官方教会,美国福音教会得以蓬勃发展。
5、In one of the book's most grievous inaccuracies, Bell calls on Luther to support the possibility of postmortem evangelism. ─── 在书的最严重错误不之一,贝尔将支持对路德死后传福音的可能性。
6、Praise God for the life of pioneering evangelist Ding Limei, born in Shandong on Oct. 2,1871, and for those who do itinerant evangelism in China today. Rom. 10:15 ─── 开荒福音传道人丁立美于1871年10月2日出生在山东。为丁立美一生有美好的见证赞美主,也为今日在中国巡迴布道的传道人赞美主。罗10:15
7、Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism ─── 世界华人福音事工联络中心
8、Evangelism is not performing a task, but influencing lives! ─── 传福音不是一件工作,而是生命的影响力!
9、Pray that this widespread evangelism would be followed by Bible-based discipleship and teaching to help people follow Jesus Christ in their lives. ─── 祷告以圣经为基础的门训及教导能接续在广传的宣教行动之后,帮助信徒在生活中跟随主。
10、Evangelism is a command of our Lord.You and I are saved because someone shared with us. ─── 传扬福音是我们主耶稣的命令,你与我得救,皆因为有人与我们分享福音;
11、I hope our efforts serve the aids patient all of the world as their angle and evangel. ─── 愿我们的努力能成为爱滋病人的天使和福音,为世界各国的爱滋病患者服务。
12、In fact it covers all kinds of evangelism wherever the gospel is given out. ─── 事实上,它全面地勾划了福音工作者所面对的各种禾场。
13、He has also taught the Mandarin Pastoral Leadership course in Asia Theological Centre for Evangelism & Missions (ATCEM) his Alma Mater where he obtained his Masters degree in Pastoral Leadership. ─── 最近他也在亚洲布道与神学院当牧者领袖的客座导师。他有受邀请在各宗派的教会和神召会分享和主讲专题的营会。罗牧师的神学学历是牧者领导硕士学位。
14、The American South is still the bastion of conservatism and evangelism, but that doesn't stop them from trying to expound Zombies. ─── 美国南部虽然仍是保守主义和福音传道的堡垒,但这并不影响人们尝试对僵尸进行研究探索。
15、Therefore, the first need in evangelism is much prayer, unceasing prayer. ─── 所以,传福音最需要的,是要多祷告,不断的祷告。
16、Nothing can stop it moving as evangel! ─── 谁也无法阻挡福音的传播!
17、Evangel University Athletics - Official site of the Crusaders with news items, game schedules, past results, coach biographies and season summaries. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
18、Honest establishes credibility so that evangelism can be effective ─── 正直建立诚信,以致向他人传福音更为有效
19、Sunday school should arrange at least one course per semester to equip or educate our congregation on Evangelism and Mission from a Biblical, Theological and Practical perspective. ─── 成人主日学应当尽可能在每学期从圣经、神学和实践角度的一个方面,安排一门与主题或焦点传福音和宣教有关的课程。
20、Well-known Cantonese opera Mr. Ye Shaode Writers, of liver cancer on April 4 at Evangel Hospital, Kowloon death at the age of 80-year-old. ─── 著名粤剧编剧家叶绍德先生,因肝癌于四月四日在九龙播道医院逝世,享年八十岁。
21、Rev.David Lee graduated from Evangel Free College (HK), Denver Seminary and Fuller Seminary. ─── 李伟强牧师毕业于香港播道神学院、美国丹弗神学院及富乐神学院。
22、Let's ask the Lord to help us organize more of these kind of friendship evangelism outings. ─── 求主帮助我们能规划更多类似这样的户外活动,以便我们藉著这样的机会向人传福音。
23、So let me preface my evaluation of the view by emphatically stating: Evangelism should be a priority! ─── 因此,我将强调“福音应该具有第一优先性!”作为我评估临时演讲台观点的序言。
24、Though it ranks number 39 on the 2009 Watch List for persecution, the nation is relatively open in terms of evangelism, the population is hungry for more of the Bread of Life. ─── 虽然在2009年受迫害的国家守望名单中排名第39,他们对于宣教相对地来说,也算是开放的,人们对于生命的灵粮有更多的饥渴。
25、One who practices evangelism, especially a Protestant preacher or missionary. ─── 福音传道者,尤指新教传教士。
26、MISSION: English Gospel Camp with Primary and Junior High students, Adult English Class, House Visiting, Street Evangelism, Community Services and Special Topics Seminars. ─── 事工:国小及国中双语福音营,成人英语教学,家庭探访,街头布道,社区生活讲座等
27、What is Evangelism? ─── 什么是传福音?
28、Festivals and hot smell evangelism "and" bullfighting scene. ─── 节日里还有热闻的斗牛场面和“游方”活动。
29、Let us pray especially for Muslim converts and the very difficult work of evangelism and church work among them. ─── 让我们特别为成为基督徒的回民以及在他们当中的宣教士祷告,恳求神为艰难的回民事工开路。
30、The tragedy of freedom is the evangel for its enemy. ─── 自由的灾难是自由敌人的莫大喜讯。
31、At last, the expanding of cloningman has some rationality.Because it can not only bring evangel to sterilepeople, but also promote the development of science and technology. ─── 再次,本文认为克隆人技术的发展具有一定的合理性,它不仅能给不孕患者带来福音,而且还能促进科学技术的发展。
32、born-again evangelism. ─── 再生的福音派教义
33、.. correct, he should be chistian coz he consult people at evangel hospital too. ─── 另外,他用的药很劲,食到人很易眼瞓,系个只到...
34、Our Church has followed the Biblical pattern in adopting the following as her purpose of existence: worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and service (Acts 2:42-47; ─── 我们的教会,学效圣经的模式,以敬拜、团契、门徒培训、传播福音、及服务事奉作为教会存在的目的 (参考徒 32:42-47;
35、The Rise of Evangelism in the United States and the American Unipolarity Strategy ─── 美国基督教福音派的崛起和美国的单极化战略
36、Years ago, in a personal evangelism course I taught, I asked the students to write out their story of how they came to faith in Christ. ─── 几年前,我在教授一门个人布道的课程中,请同学们写下他们信主的过程。
37、The Thessalonian Christians probably had very little training in evangelism. ─── 帖撒罗尼迦教会的信徒,可能并未受过多少传福音的训练。
38、I thank God for the way He has shown me about the importance of evangelism over medical therapy. ─── 我感谢上帝,祂用祂的方式让我看到福音的重要性超越医疗技术。
39、Pray for the ALPHA launch on April 21.Pray that God will use this to equip us for evangelism as well as instil in us a heart for reaching out.We praise God for the >100 who have registered. ─── 启发课程:感谢父神,3月28日第一次启发训练,共有卅位弟兄姊妹参与;请为其馀两次训练祷告,亦请继续为邀约未信主家人,亲友参加而祷告。
40、No evangelism to Muslims is allowed. ─── 当地禁止向回教徒传福音。
41、The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。
42、The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals asks all Christians to give consideration to implementing this Declaration in the church's worship, ministry, policies, life and evangelism. ─── 公认福音派联盟呼吁所有基督徒郑重的考虑把这宣言里所讨论的命题上引用在教会的崇拜,行政,生活及布道上。
43、Demonstrates a burden for evangelism and participates in evangelistic activities. ─── 有传福音的心志并参加福音性的活动。
44、This not only is evangel to mankind, but also is great for our nation and people. ─── 这不啻是人类的福音,更是吾国吾民之幸。
45、While a lecturer at the Evangel Seminary, she was devoted to teaching and translating religious texts, winning acclaim for her work. ─── 她曾于播道神学院任讲师,醉心教学及翻译宗教书籍之工作,取得卓越成就。
46、Workers are need to be sent there more often and to stay there for a longer period of time to assist in Evangelism and Pastoral &Training of workers. ─── 我们需要更多次地差派工人并更长时间地待在那里以协助布道、牧养和训练工人的工作。
47、Barbara Leslie Epstein, The Politics of Domesticity: Women, Evangelism, and Temperance in Nineteenth-Century America ─── 巴巴拉·莱斯利·爱泼斯坦。家内政治:十九世纪美国的妇女、福音主义和禁酒运动
48、Picasa Web Albums - Child Evangelism ... ─── - 圣公会麦理浩夫人中心学童课...
49、Today, We started evangelism meeting in Miaoli. ─── 今天我们开始了我们的苗栗布道会.
50、evangel, Evangel ─── 福音,《福音书》
51、In the Bible, election and evangelism meet with joined hands, not clenched fists. ─── 在圣经里,拣选与布道彼此握手言欢而不是老拳相向。
52、Debates rarely convert the other side to adopt your opinions;rather they further polarize the opposing sides, defeating the purpose of evangelism. ─── 因为很少有人能通过辩论说服对方,而且争辩会让双方的意见进一步对立,使福音的传播以失败告终。
53、Power Evangelism ─── 权能布道
54、To grow in grace means to grow in understanding and appreciation of what the grace of Christ is and its implications, not only in terms of personal faith, but evangelism. ─── 在恩典上长进,就是说要去了解并感激耶稣的恩典,并加以应用;不只个人的信心要增长,也要与人分享。
55、Evangelism is not primarily a matter of method. It is a channel of the Word. ─── 最后分析所得说明...布道只有一个途径:就是基督的福音,清楚解释及确实应用。
56、We are praying earnestly that our Lord will guide us on how to encourage them to take this golden opportunity for evangelism. ─── 我们正切切祷告,策划如何鼓励会众把握黄金机会,投身教牧或宣教事奉行列。
57、Evangel For Small Businesses in Las Vegas ─── 拉斯维加斯小企业的福音
58、"Evangelism is important, but far less than God important. ─── 传福音是重要的,但远远不及认识神重要。
59、Nevertheless, according to the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelism, there are still thousands of people groups in the world who have never heard the message. ─── 不过,根据洛桑世界福音会议的报告,世界上还有好几千个族群从没有听过福音。
60、believer in imminent approach of the millennium; practitioner of active evangelism. ─── 相信即将到来的太平盛世正在接近的人;积极福音主义的实践者。
61、The distinctives of Reformed theology and practice are useful only to the degree that they undergird and clarify the gospel, the evangel. ─── 改革宗神学与实践的特点是很有用的,但也只在一个程度上,即加强并澄清福音与福音要点。
62、Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God ─── 传福音与神的主权
63、This was the result of some good collaboration between our team, the Developer Platform Evangelism Team at Microsoft and our partners. ─── 这些成果都来自于我们的开发团队、微软开发和平台合作部以及我们的合作伙伴之间的良好合作。
64、Experienced in personal evangelism. ─── 对个人布道有经验。
65、I keep participating in a sports evangelism in the final year for training the leaders to reach the unreached through sports and link to a church. ─── 在毕业的一年,小占仍然保持布道的实践与训练,培育事奉人员透过康体去接触新朋友并联结至教会。
66、Keep the equipoise,bruit the evangel。The other power,the system of interior. ─── 维持着平衡,散播着福音。这是另一种力量,一种内政的秩序。
67、Mishkan - International Forum on Jewish Evangelism ─── 国际犹太人福音工作论坛
68、The English program for evangelism was not continued after Corlis Germo returned to Canada. ─── 在柯小姐任满返回加拿大后,英语教学的事工即告终止。
69、Open competition is a boon to religion: American Evangelism has flourished precisely because America has no official church. ─── 开放的竞争是对宗教的一种恩赐:正是因为美国没有官方教会,美国福音教会得以蓬勃发展。
70、Mobilizing American Chinese Church for Joint Evangelism and Global Mission. ─── 美国华福-发动美国华人教会同心协力,完成神所赐的福音使命。
71、Pray that God will use this to equip us for evangelism as well as instil in us a heart for reaching out. ─── 请继续为扩建的模式及经济需要祷告。
72、EVANGELISM - Definition and Aim ─── 布道-定义及目标
73、To co-operate with Christian Churches and societies whose doctrinal positions agree with our Doctrinal Basis in order to foster mission and evangelism both in Australia and overseas. ─── 为加强在澳洲及外地的宣教和传福音事工,本会乐于凡与本会信仰信条相符合的基督教会及机构合作。
74、The great need in the church is for a spirit of evangelism, not just a spurt of evangelism. ─── 教会的最大需要是传福音的精神,而不是传福音的冲动。
75、In response, his heart broke.This is where all effective evangelism begins.It starts with the heart--a heart that is broken over the brokenness we see in others. ─── 所有有效的传福音方法,都是从这里开始的,就是从心里开始---因为看见别人困苦的生活而感到痛心。
76、Thank God, all of us learn a lot of precious experience especially in personal evangelism. ─── 感谢神,我们都学了许多宝贵的经验,特别是个人布道。
77、She is also the decon, Sunday school teacher and principal in the Evangel Free Church. ─── 她亦有志善用自己的信仰资源及辅导经验,促进受辅者及活动参与者的个人成长。
78、Really not bad design and technic.It's the evangel of long Dao without fittings. ─── 很不错的设计与工艺,是没了刀装长刀们的福音.
79、A missionary who worked with Underground Evangelism told a story about a believer in Russia before the collapse of communism. ─── 有位曾参与地下宣教的传教士,讲过这样一个故事。
80、TV Evangelism: Send more shit. ─── 电视上的宣教家:再寄来一些。
81、The great need in the church is for a spirit of evangelism, not just a spurt of evangelism. ─── 教会的最大需要是传福音的精神,而不是传福音的冲动。
82、Evangelism is properly defined as the public, official, proclamation of the Gospel. ─── 传福音适当的定义是公开、正式的福音宣讲。
83、Law of Germany in 1848 to Hong Kong Evangelism, in 1853 to become Hong Kong's Chinese Evangelical Missionary Society of the principal responsible persons. ─── 罗存德在1848年到香港传福音,于1853年成为香港的中国福音传道会的主要负责人。
84、Here is one of the response on this issue. Interesting enough, it is from Southern Methodist University who agreed that evangelism shouldn't be considered as filling the community service requirement. ─── 还是那一句,学校不承认宗教活动为合乎有关资格的工作,不代表学校不容许学生进行宗教活动,更非如安达臣所说的"镇压宗教自由及个人自由"了.
85、We also look for spiritual gifts that are essential in starting new congregations: leadership, evangelism, and faith. ─── 我们也要物色开设新堂所需的属灵恩赐:领导、传福音、和信心。
86、believer in imminent approach of the millennium; practitioner of active evangelism ─── 相信即将到来的太平盛世正在接近的人;积极福音主义的实践者
87、Evangelism is the vital nerve of missionary effort and the lifeblood of the Church. ─── 福音是传道士工作的中心,并且是教会的生命之血。
88、You can ask God to make your home a centre of prayer, of fellowship and evangelism. ─── 或是接待未信主的朋友,让你的家成为一个传福音的基地?
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