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09-11 投稿



despotism 发音

英:['despətɪz(ə)m]  美:['dɛspətɪzəm]

英:  美:

despotism 中文意思翻译



despotism 短语词组

1、state despotism ─── [法] 国家专制主义

2、absolutism despotism ─── 专制 ─── 专制

despotism 相似词语短语

1、Jesuitism ─── n.耶稣会教义;阴谋

2、defeatism ─── n.失败主义

3、despotic ─── adj.暴虐的,暴君的;专横的

4、bespots ─── vt.附以斑点,(使)有斑点

5、despise ─── vt.轻视,鄙视

6、nepotism ─── n.裙带关系;起用亲戚

7、despots ─── n.专制君主,暴君;独裁者;n.(Despot)人名;(塞、罗)德斯波特

8、despotical ─── 专制的

9、despites ─── 脱衣服

despotism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A boy worked his way through a psychology quiz, and a teacher monitored an online discussion with students from around the state: Was Napoleon the last enlightened despot or the first modern dictator? ─── 一个男孩认真地做着心理测试,一个教师在线监督着来自全州各地的学生进行的讨论“拿破仑是最后一个开明的君主,还是第一个现代独裁者?”

2、The people resist despotism. ─── 人民反对专制。

3、Belonged to a local despot. ─── 俨然是一个土皇帝。

4、But as a senior counsel Q.He said that the claim amount is not the purpose of his lawsuit, he asked banks ultimate aim of abolishing unreasonable "despot clause. ─── 但作为资深律师的贺先生表示,索赔款项并不是他打官司的目的,他最终目的是要求银行废除不合理的“霸王条款”。

5、"Provincial Council right -- is the real estate provisions despot! ─── “省消委会说得没错,购房定金就是霸王条款!”

6、The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence. ─── 专制者声称自己是上天选定的统治工具。

7、The rule of a minority, as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible;so that, rejecting the majority principle, anarchy or despotism in some form is all that is left... ─── 少数人的统治,作为一项永久性的安排,是完全不能接受的。

8、North Korea's cruel but cunning despot, Kim Jong Il, exploits China's fear that, if his vile regime collapses, China might have a strong, American-allied democratic Korea on its border. ─── 北韩残暴狡诈的金正日充分利用了中国的担忧:即一旦他的统治垮台,中国边界上就会出现一个强大的、国支持的民主韩国。

9、His opinions of the Chinese rite controversy and enlightened despotism, and his admiration for Chinese culture were largely from Louis Le Comte's book. ─── 在伏尔泰关于中国礼仪之争的态度、开明君主专制思想及对中国文化的崇拜方面都受到李明此书的影响。

10、China is an agricultural country, so the land is very important in ancient China. through the point of land ,we can recognize the problem of “despotism”. ─── 中国古代很早就有了编制户籍的传统,原因就在于这一制度具有全方位的功能。它不仅具有人身控制的功能,专制王权还可以通过它征收赋税、强化治安、教化乡里。

11、They all ran out to the front porch and saw the tall grizzled old despot of Aunt Pitty's house climbing down from a rat-tailed nag on which a section of quilting had been strapped. ─── 他们一起向前面走廊上奔去,看见皮蒂姑妈家那那个头发花白的高个子老暴君,正在从一匹尾巴细长的老马背上爬下来,老马背上还捆着一块皮褥当马鞍呢。

12、Based on the agreed subscription book commercial housing is a multi-year trading practices, why take it that the commercial housing for an advance on a book "despot" clauses? ─── 商品房认购书关于定金的约定,是多年形成的交易习惯,为何就认为商品房认购书中约定定金就属于“霸王条款”呢?

13、The Chinese people were in almost open revolt against the despot who had ruled them for twenty-two years. ─── 中国人民揭竿而起,反对这个统治他们二十二年之久的暴君了。

14、I cannot know all the factors that go into the continuing success of my despotism. ─── 我无法知道,能够成功的维持统治的所有因素。

15、The crowd chanted ' Down with the Despot'. ─── 人群有节奏地不断呼喊'打倒暴君'。

16、The Indus civilization appears to contradict the hydraulic despotism hypothesis of the origin of urban civilization and the state. ─── 印度文明显然是与城市文明与国家的水利专制假说相抵触。

17、In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot . ─── 在政治上也是如此,改革者可能与暴君有着同样强烈的权欲,

18、The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed. ─── 土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。

19、Military despotism,unfortunately,is too likely in its nature to be permanent,and it is not true that it depends on the life of the first usurper. ─── 令人遗憾的是,军事专制从本质上讲,似乎是能长期存在的,但是,说它取决于第一个篡位者的寿命是不对的。

20、a design to reduce them under aBsolute despotism ─── 一个使他们沦落到极其专制统治下的计划

21、Which has Jin Shan poison the despot traffic permit? ─── 哪有金山毒霸通行证?

22、Hearing that the despot Li had died, all the villagers were very happy. ─── 听说李霸天已经吹灯拔蜡了,乡亲们心里都很高兴。

23、a study in despotism,by Cecilia M.Ady. ─── 书名/作者 The Bentivoglio of Bologna;

24、One of these forces was dictatorship or despotism. ─── 其中有一个因素既是专制独裁制度。

25、If it does not mean bourgeois despotism, then there is no sense to it at all. ─── 不是资产阶级的专制主义,就是毫无常识了。

26、A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism. ─── 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。

27、The culture aggression was mostly embodied by culture despotism and monopolization of culturepropagandism in northeast of China. ─── 其中对我国东北的文化侵略主要体现在对文化的专制统治及对文化宣传事业的高度集中与垄断上。

28、Does the country exist, government exist; does government exist, despotism exist;does despotism exist, democracy exist.Politics just like a people, could be complicator, contradictor, dualist. ─── 只要有国家,就会有统治,只要有统治,就会有独裁,只要有独裁,就会有民主。政治如同一个人,本身就是循环著、矛盾著、并存著、斗争著。

29、The contract of rational despotism with free reason ─── 对自主理性公开而自由的运

30、When "People" is our God, freedom becomes only an illusion and nightmare of despotism a norm. ─── 假如人民就是上帝,自由就只能成为一个幻觉,专制的噩梦将永远主宰人的生存。

31、In the late1980 s a series called“ River Elegy” explored the weaknesses of Chinese culture, including, it argued, a tendency to despotism. ─── 在80年代后期一个叫做“河殇”的系列节目探索了中国文化的衰落,包括滑向独裁的趋势。

32、He was a despot with a heart of granite . ─── 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。

33、To the Chinese people, the most important fact about Chiang Kai-shek was just the fact that he was a despot. ─── 对中国人民来说,最重要的恰恰就在于蒋介石是一个暴君。

34、As Despot of the Morea, Constantine had been one of the few Byzantine generals to meet some success against the Turks. ─── 在摩里亚的君主时,君士坦丁就已经率领拜占庭将军进行抗击土耳其人的斗争,并取得了一些胜利。

35、A powerful ruler or despot. ─── 强权的统治者,暴君

36、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile . ─── 他像个暴君节制着室庐里的每小我、每件事。

37、Tsao Chun-chang, a landlord despot who headed a reactionary local armed band of over a hundred men, had long entrenched himself in this village. ─── 当地地主豪绅兼民团团总曹俊章率反动武装百余人,长期盘据该寨。

38、Commerce between master and slave is despotism. ─── 奴隶主与奴隶的关系就是占有和奴役。

39、Despotism was at its height toward the end of his reign. ─── 在他统治的最後阶段专制达到了顶峰。

40、They did not believe in democracy but instead considered enlightened despotism the proper means to govern China. ─── 他们不相信民主,却相信开明专制是管理中国的适当手段。

41、She rules her family like a real despot. ─── 她治家简直像个暴君。

42、Consumer Council conference room at the provincial, several banks have consumer representatives "despot contract" and "stupid and dangerous" challenge. ─── 在省消委会会议室,几名消费者代表纷纷对银行的“霸王合同”和“傻瓜险”提出质疑。

43、What is "despot" clauses? ─── 什么是"霸王条款"?

44、A strong whiff of realpolitik certainly hangs in the air when diplomats in Brussels explain why nothing can be done to punish some despot or other. ─── 当布鲁塞尔的外交官们解释为什么欧盟为何无法采取措施来惩罚某些独裁者时,各国权力政治的浓烈气息仍然随处可见。

45、There, Solo was in pursuit of an ancient treasure belonging to Xim the Despot. ─── 在那儿,索洛正在寻找一样属于暴君齐姆的古代宝物。

46、He is every inch a local despot . ─── 他彻头彻尾是个土皇帝。

47、Paradoxically, Athens was on the threshold of her "age of despotism". ─── 但与这种民主精神相悖的是,此时的雅典在向“专制统治时代”迈进。

48、He is a local despot. ─── 他是地方一霸。

49、Flower rules her family like a real despot. ─── 就是说花夫人像暴君一样治理她的族群。

50、Freedom under despotism and tyranny, or willing slavery from a free man is only an illusion. ─── 奴役下的自由与自由人的被奴役是根本就不存在的幻觉。

51、Once upon a time, there lived a despicable king who was known for his despotism . ─── 从前,有一个卑鄙的国王,以其暴政二臭名昭著。

52、This will be important to try and understand the French revolution, "La Revolution Francaise", that there's a difference between absolutism and despotism. ─── 这对于尝试理解法国大革命很重要,“La Revolution Francaise”,即绝对主义和专制主义是有区别的。

53、On the other hand, he is a real despot. ─── 在另一方面,他是个不择不扣的暴君。

54、He attempted to create capitalism through feudalism, Christianity through Confucianism, democracy through despotism, nationalism through chauvinism. ─── 他企图通过封建主义实行资本主义,通过儒家学说实行基督教义,通过专制独裁实行民主,通过沙文主义实行民族主义。

55、He acted like a despot with dominion over eVery abundanceone and eVery abundancething within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每一自己、每件事。

56、EVEN if I granted all that I have been refuting, the friends of despotism would be no better off. ─── 即使我接受我所反驳的所有观点,专制主义拥护者的日子也好不到哪里去。

57、Alongside such ancient species as the Klatooinians and the Vodrans, the Nikto joined in battle under the Hutt banner, defeating the pre-Republic tyrant Xim the Despot at the Third Battle of Vontor. ─── 尼克托人同古老的克拉图因人(Klatooinian)和沃德兰人(Vodran)一道,以赫特人的名义参战,在“第三次冯托战役(theThirdBattleofVontor)”中击败了前共和国时期的暴君西姆。

58、In fact, it depends on the contract "despot clause. ─── 原来,它靠的是合同里的“霸王条款”。

59、And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed. ─── 假如那是个你们所要废黜的暴君,先看他的建立在你心中的宝座是否毁坏。

60、Despotism be at Its height toward the end of his reign ─── 在他统治的最後阶段专制达到了顶峰

61、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每个人、每件事。

62、He is a local despot, stopping at nothing in doing evil. ─── 他是个恶霸,无恶不作。

63、a local despot; a local tyrant; a local chieftai ─── 土皇帝

64、He was a local despot, who committed all kinds of crimes. ─── 他独霸一方,为非作歹。

65、This Gongjian think this is the new director of favourable and unfavourable to the buyers "despot" clauses. ─── 对此,龚建新认为这显然是对房产商有利而对买家不利的“霸王”条款。

66、Mankind has only to submit; the hour of despotism has struck. ─── 人类只能催眉折腰,独裁的钟声已经敲响。

67、Deeply enraged, Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town. ─── 关羽一怒之下,把虎员外杀了,逃亡他乡。

68、This dissertation tries to study the public law culture of ancient China through the point of "despotism". ─── 本文试图以“王权主义”为切入点对中国古代的公法文化进行研究。

69、Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. ─── 专制如同或被专制者统治; 绝对权力或权威

70、He was a tyrant, a despot. ─── 他是暴君,一个专制的皇帝。

71、Rule by or as if by a despot;absolute power or authority. ─── 专制如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威

72、Therefore this cultural despotism, too, had better be "folded up". ─── 因此,这种文化专制主义,也还是“收起”为妙。

73、Charlotte always arranges everything in our house and rules us like a despot. ─── 在我们家里,件件事总是由夏洛特去安排,她象个专制君主那样统治着我们。

74、Protesting against the corruption and the despotism he had seen in Chungking, Kao angrily burst out: "You may find the Three People's Principles on a wall or in a bookstore, but not among the people. ─── 他对陈诚气忿地说:“你们这里,三民主义只是写在墙上和在书店里卖,就是不在人民中间实行。

75、The Master of Offices and his organization is the important arm for Byzantine despotism in the early Byzantine period. ─── 在早期拜占庭时期,执事官及其机构是拜占庭专制皇权统治的重要膀臂。

76、The classic 419 scam asks the victim to help some hapless relative of a deposed despot get millions of dollars out of the con artist's country. ─── 一个典型的419诡计就是要求受害人帮助某个与废除了的暴君有关的不幸的人从这个诈骗国家得到数百万美元。

77、The Ch'in despotism tore the peasants from their farms and families and sent hundreds of thousands of them to build the Great Wall and to construct new military roads. ─── 在秦朝的专制统治之下,大批农民被抓去服劳役,他们远离家乡和亲人去修筑万里长城,建造新的军用道路。

78、If it represents the peak of our intelligence, then the steady march of despotism will not receive any considerable setback at our shores. ─── 如果说这代表了我们的智力之巅峰,那么,稳步进军的独裁者,将会在我国海岸所向披靡。

79、TO SEE an Arab country shaking off the shackles of despotism is a rare and unalloyed joy. ─── 目睹一个阿拉伯国家摆脱独裁统治,这种稀罕事着实让人高兴。

80、Her defeat had proven the woman passively with submitted to the status at that time the society, as well as is restrained the father despotism fact. ─── 她的失败证明了妇女在当时社会中的被动与屈从地位,以及受制于父性专权的事实。

81、The local despot trenched on the temple rs property. ─── 当地恶霸侵占了寺庙的庙产。

82、Beside Cosette he felt himself beside his own property, his own thing, his own despot and his slave. ─── 他待在珂赛特的身旁,自以为是在他财产的旁边,在他所有物的旁边,在他的暴君和奴隶的旁边。

83、There was nothing to fear from the Egyptians, accustomed as they were to despotism since the Pharaonic age. ─── 关于埃及人,没有什么好恐惧的,因为他们自法老时期就已经习惯于专制了。

84、Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie. ─── 他们的出发点是资产阶级专制主义,在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义。

85、Also: the title is a bad idea, "education" and "despotism" is a antonym? To learn English, Chinese is more to learn, because she is our mother tongue. ─── 另外:题目出的就不好,“教育”和“专制”是反义词?英语要学,汉语更要学,因为她是我们的母语。

86、Russia's Peter the Great was a cruel despot. ─── 俄国的彼得大帝就是一个残酷无情的暴君。

87、The Hutts recruited the Klatooinians, along with the Nikto and the Vodrans, species from neighboring worlds, to wage war against Xim the Despot at the Third Battle of Vontor. ─── 在“第三次冯托战役”(theThirdBattleofVontor)期间,赫特人招募克拉图因人和邻近星球的尼克托人(Nikto)、沃德兰人(Vodran),向暴君西姆(Xim)发动战争。

88、Nero was a despot. ─── 尼禄是个暴君

89、Units such as Caravans now give full plunder bonus when Despot is nearby. ─── 当专制者在附近时,杀死补给单位能够得到完全的掠夺.

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