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09-10 投稿



divestment 发音

英:[daɪˈvestmənt]  美:[daɪˈvestmənt]

英:  美:

divestment 中文意思翻译



divestment 网络释义

n. 脱衣;剥夺(财产);转让部分投资

divestment 词性/词形变化,divestment变形


divestment 相似词语短语

1、dismastment ─── 拆卸

2、investment ─── n.投资;投入;封锁

3、divestments ─── n.转让部分投资,撤销投资

4、divergement ─── 分歧

5、disinvestment ─── n.收回投资;蚀本

6、reinvestment ─── n.再投资

7、divertimenti ─── n.嬉游曲

8、divertimento ─── n.游戏曲;嬉游地

9、vestment ─── n.(作礼拜时教士的)法衣;官服;祭坛布;礼服;衣服

divestment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To divest of feminine traits, qualities, or characteristics. ─── 使失去女人味使失去女性特征,品质或特色

2、It has hired Morgan Stanley to lead the divestment. ─── 它已聘请摩根士丹利担任此次资产剥离顾问。

3、To help enterprises divest themselves of social functions ─── 帮助企业分离社会职能

4、Excluding the residual impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, as well as divestment and entitlement effects, production increased 2%. ─── 剔除卡特里娜(Katrina)和丽塔(Rita)飓风以及撤资与所有权变更的残余影响,产量增长了2%。

5、The remainder vested subject to partial divestment ─── 可部分取消的既得转归权

6、Which Businesses are candidates for harvest or divestment given their position in the portfolio? ─── 哪些经营单位被看作是收获或剥离单位?

7、The latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring divestment from Iran. ─── 众州议案要求从伊朗撤资的事件成为新的亮点。

8、Excluding the impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, as well as divestment and entitlement effects, production decreased by 1%. ─── 剔除卡特里娜和丽塔飓风以及撤资与所有权变更的影响,产量下降了1%。

9、The trouble is that both Gap and Old Navy would sell at a discount because of their troubles, and the Fishers are unlikely to want to divest Banana Republic, their only healthy brand. ─── 唯一的困难是盖普和老海军因其困境可能折价销售,但费舍尔夫妇不大可能售卖唯一一个状况良好的的香蕉共和国。

10、In 1982 an agreement was announced whereby AT&T would divest itself of its 22 local operating companies, effective January 1, 1984. ─── 1982年宣布了一项协议,美国电话电报公司同意从1984年1月1日起与22家地方公司脱离关系。

11、To divest of a weapon or weapons. ─── 使缴械;使解除武装

12、The skill of divestment boosted from 80" in West Country.Sell-off, as part of this skill, plays an important part in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets and adjusting industrial structure. ─── 公司紧缩技术自80年代起开始在西方兴起,作为该技术之一的资产剥离在提高存量资产效率、实现产业结构调整等方面发挥着极其重要的作用。

13、Have been identified since the divestment of its own will, why the acquisition of Chaohu a plastic? ─── 已经确定,因为它自己将出售,为什么巢湖收购塑料?

14、He can not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife be be unfaithful ─── 他无法消除自己的疑心, 总觉得妻子不忠

15、The opportunities that have come from the ongoing, massive divestment of assets and an industry reshuffling have generated significant investment interest. ─── 上述改革牵涉大量资产的持续强制处置以及电能业界的重整,由之而产生的机遇,正备受国内外投资者注目。

16、To divest oneself of humanity ─── 不顾人情

17、She managed to divest herself of the unwanted property. ─── 她设法处理掉了那件不需要的东西。

18、latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring divestment from Iran. ─── 要求从伊朗撤资的各州议案正成为关注的新亮点。

19、He cannot divest himself of this idea ─── 他不能抛弃他的这个想法。

20、Despite the political appeal of divestment, it is unlikely to change Iran's behaviour. ─── 尽管在政治上呼吁撤资,但这不可能改变伊朗国家的我行我素。

21、The station came with the Fort Worth paper that Capital Cities was buying, and under the “cross-ownership” rules Murph had to divest it. ─── 如果还能伴随着快速的有机的增长,那就太棒了。但即使没有有机增长,这样的企业仍会提供丰厚回报。

22、The Department wanted Bell to divest Western Electric, and to separate regulated monopoly services and unregulated equipment supply, among other actions. ─── 司法部希望贝尔电话公司与西部电子公司脱离。同时,终止垄断业务和设备供应以及其他一些垄断行为。

23、"They do not understand the operation of the industry, always require the sooner the better, some funds invested in the half when the results did not immediately see the divestment. ─── “他们不了解这个行业的运作规律,总是要求越快越好,有的在资金投到一半时看到没成效就马上撤资。”

24、Figure 2-4 illustrates the product life cycle starting with the business plan, through idea, to product, ongoing operations and product divestment. ─── 图2-4是一个例子,说明产品生命期开始于经营计划,经过构思,到产品,再到日常经营和产品退出市场。

25、divest a queen of her robes ─── 为女王脱去王袍.

26、In perhaps the most symbolic divestment, JAL will retire its entire fleet of Boeing 747-400 wide-body jets, ageing and fuel-thirsty aircraft that have become too expensive to fly. ─── 其中最具象征意义的资产剥离计划或许是,日航将淘汰旗下所有的波音747-400宽体客机,这些耗油且日益老化飞机的飞行成本,已变得过于高昂。

27、To divest of material existence or substance. ─── 使脱离实体;使脱离现实

28、The company has installed a compliance officer in charge of overseeing divestment to meet Cfius demands. ─── 为满足外国投资委员会的要求,华为任命了一名合规官,负责监督剥离3Leaf资产的过程。

29、She managed to divest herself of responsibility. ─── 她企图推卸自己的责任。

30、The Pfizer deal is believed to be the first in which China required divestment of a local business. ─── 中国政府要求辉瑞在交易中剥离本地业务据信在中国还是第一次。

31、He also noted the recent announcement to divest the company's two automotive glass businesses, and said that the divestiture is proceeding on a schedule to close by year-end. ─── 他还提到最近所宣布的对两个汽车玻璃业务部门的剥离,并表示剥离工作正在按计划进行,预计将于年底完成。

32、Mitsubishi and Lucite also agreed to operate independently until the completion of the capacity divestment and to a five-year restriction on further mainland purchases. ─── 三菱丽阳与璐彩特还同意,在完成产能剥离之前,双方将独立运营,并且在未来五年内不在中国大陆进行其它收购。

33、In the context of the announced divestment programme, HeidelbergCement has sold its asphalt operating line in Australia. ─── 在宣布剥离业务的声明中,海德堡水泥宣布已将其澳大利亚沥青混合料业务出售。

34、Probe into the Problems of Divestment in International Direct Investment ─── 国际直接投资中的撤资问题探讨

35、In his famous letter to the U.S.Government, AT&T agrees to divest its holdings of Western Union, stop acquisition of other telcos, and permit other telcos to interconnect. ─── 在他那封致美国政府的著名信件中,AT&T同意交出其拥有的西部联合电报公司的全部资产,停止吞并其他电信公司并同意其他电信公司互连。

36、He simply cannot divest himself of the idea ─── 他硬是不能放弃这个想法。

37、“Infineon had a tough year as its memory subsidiary, Qimonda, which it is looking to divest, is becoming marginalized within the DRAM industry” Norwood said. ─── “英飞凌了艰难的一年源于其存储器子公司奇梦达业务惨淡,它正在寻求剥离,他也正在被DRAM产业边缘化。”诺伍德说。

38、Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's governor, will soon sign a bill that will divest California's two main public pension funds (for civil servants and teachers) from all such companies. ─── 加州州长很快将签署一项议案,从所有类似公司抽回加州的两大公共养老基金(公务员和教师基金)。

39、divest (of) ─── v. 卸下盛装, 剥夺

40、“And do certain those he divides the investments with you in advance so those he can't divest you when you divorce him! ─── “确定要他事先把投入资金的财产在你们之间分割清楚,那样,与他离婚时,他就无所不能剥夺你那份了。

41、And then anon she doth herself divest ─── 不久,便卸去了周身璀璨的盛装,

42、"Most secretive of men, let him at last divest himself of secrets, both his and ours" (Brendan Gill) ─── “最守口如瓶的人,让他最终摆脱自己和我们的秘密”(布伦丹·吉尔)

43、To deprive of honors, rank, office, privileges, or possessions;divest. ─── 剥夺:剥夺荣誉、军衔、官职、特权或财产;

44、Excluding entitlement and divestment effects, liquids production increased by 10%. ─── 剔除撤资与所有权影响,原油产量增长了10%。

45、To divest of interest. ─── 使兴味索然,使不关注

46、divest a man of his rank and honours ─── 剥夺某人的官阶及勋衔

47、No one familiar with the laws governing in the mental world would think of attempting to dominate the will of another, for by so doing, he will gradually (but surely) divest himself of his own power. ─── 任何一个了解精神法则的人,都不会愚蠢到想要控制他人的意志,因为如果这样做,施术者将逐渐地(但却必然地)丧失他自己的力量。

48、at the end of the ceremony, they were glad to divest themselves of the heavy robes ─── 仪式结束时,他们高兴地脱去沉重的长袍。

49、Body parts blocked the storm-drains, the beggars and children of the gutters quick to divest them of expensive jewellry and rich fabrics. ─── 尸体残块塞满了风干箱,水沟边的乞丐和孩子们飞快的拨去他们昂贵的手势和衣物碎片。

50、Disarm: to divest of a weapon or weapons. ─── 使缴械,使解除武装。

51、Gang also raised questions: "National Chiao Tung University to divest assets reflected LP's business carding process, but after asset stripping何树立新such as the growth point is still a threshold. ─── 张刚也提出疑问:“交大昂立剥离资产体现旗下业务梳理的过程,但资产剥离后如何树立新的增长点仍然是一道门槛。”

52、"divestiture; divestment: Disposition of an asset or investment by outright sale, employee purchase, liquidation, etc." ─── 售让资产;处置资产: 通过直接出售、员工认购、清算等方式处置一项资产或投资。

53、I cannot divest myself offear. ─── 我无法摆脱恐惧。

54、Mr Loporchio would not comment on whether the managers decided to sell for reasons relating to the divestment campaign. ─── 至于这些经理的抛售决策是否出于跟撤资运动有关的原因,洛波尔基奥不愿置评。

55、I cannot divest myself of the idea ─── 我无法消除那个念头。

56、But most have rallied strongly from their lows of the year, making them good candidates to divest now, in my view. ─── 但相比今年的低位,多数银行股都已经强劲上涨,所以在我看来,它们是不错的了结对象。

57、boomlet in state laws requiring divestment from Iran. ─── 州议案要求从伊朗撤资的事件成为新的亮点。

58、The French group is to divest non-core or loss-making assets worth around 1 billion euros. ─── 它将剥离一些非核心业务和不良资产,总价值达10亿欧元。

59、An Option Pricing Model of the Decision-making of Enterprises'Asset Divestment ─── 企业资产剥离决策的期权定价模型

60、The remainder vested subject to total divestment ─── 可完全取消的既得转归权

61、divest sb. of power ─── 剥夺某人权力

62、It is an Interesting question how far men will retain their relative rank If they are divest of their clothes . ─── 假使剥去了人们的衣服的话,到底彼此的阶级能够维持到什么程度,倒是一则有趣的问题。

63、You will need to divest yourself of all stocks that might suggest any conflict of interest. ─── 你必须放弃所有可能导致利益冲突的股份。

64、Divestment was the name of the game, in every way. ─── 剥离的名字是游戏,在各方面。

65、The main business concept definition, Huayang Technology said that the basic, including two points, one is not to divest assets, are two changes in personnel do not. ─── 对于主营业务的概念界定,华阳科技表示,基本包括两点,一是资产不剥离,二是人员不变动。

66、International Corporate Divestment Theory and its Latest Development ─── 当代跨国公司撤资理论及其新发展

67、To divest(a coin, for example) of monetary value. ─── 使失去货币资格剥夺(如,硬币)作为货币的价值

68、He attempted to divest himself of all responsibilities for the decision. ─── 他力图摆脱掉作出该项决定的一切责任。

69、Divestiture; divestment Disposition of an asset or investment by outright sale, employee purchase, liquidation, etc. ─── 售让资产;处置资产通过直接出售、员工认购、清算等方式处置一项资产或投资。

70、The maid helped to divest the old lady of her overcoat. ─── 女佣帮那老太太脱下大衣。

71、divest of ─── vt. 脱去(剥夺, 放弃)

72、divest oneself of ─── v. 脱衣, 放弃, 抛弃

73、Developing multi-body market with focus on the second industry Making most ofthe lavational and trtansportation advantages with break-through in file divestment oftertiary industry; ─── 主攻第二产业,发展市场多元主体;

74、Leaving aside the concern that Beijing did not whittle back state ownership in order to be replaced by Whitehall or Washington, there are other good reasons for foreign banks to divest their stakes. ─── 且不提中国政府没有削减即将为英国或美国政府所取代的国家所有制,外国银行剥离其股权还有其它的充分理由。

75、She was compelled to divest herself of her holdings ─── 她不得不放弃她自己的财物。

76、Divestiture ; divestment Disposition of an asset or investment by outright sale , employee purchase , liquidation, etc. ─── 售让资产;处置资产通过直接出售、员工认购、清算等方式处置一项资产或投资。

77、936. I shall never be able entirely to divest myself of this feeling. ─── 我将永远无法完全放弃这些感觉的。

78、Many investors had been looking to the budget to outline a program of economic overhauls to attract foreign investment and the divestment of government stakes in state-owned companies to raise funds. ─── 很多投资者一直指望预算中能提出经济改革计划,吸引外国投资和减少政府在国有企业中的持股以筹集资金。

79、Where should we invest or divest in production capacity? ─── 在生产能力方面我们应该投资在哪里?

80、He can not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife is unfaithful. ─── 他无法消除自己的疑心,总觉得妻子不忠。

81、In the case of the banks that required state rescues, European competition rules are requiring divestment and downsizing. ─── 至于已经申请国家救助的那些银行,根据欧盟的竞争法规,要对他们进行撤资和瘦身。

82、He is in America to urge state and local pension funds to divest from foreign companies that do business in Iran (U. ─── 在美国期间,他敦促州和地方的保险基金从那些作伊朗生意的外国公司中撤资。

83、In the P-S Decision, there were two Designated Divestitures.Firstly, Sanyo was required to divest all of its existing Button-type Rechargeable Lithium Battery business; ─── 在松下-三洋决定中,采用了两项指定业务剥离的措施:首先,三洋应剥离其现有的硬币型锂二次电池业务;

84、As a result, they have moved to divest themselves of losing acquisitions. ─── 于是他们采取措施来摆脱那些使他们得不偿失的企业。

85、Involved in a spin-off non-performing assets of those who said that the Agricultural Bank's bad assets of state-owned banks to divest non-performing assets in the most stringent procedures. ─── 一位参与不良资产剥离的人士说,农行此次的不良资产剥离是国有银行不良资产剥离中程序最为严格的。

86、They arranged two meetings.In the first meeting, they agreed to divest their U-disk business, and we are currently in preparation of samples; ─── 对方安排了两场会议,首先,对方“U盘”业务已经答应切换给我们,我们正准备样品中;

87、I shall never Be aBle entirely to divest myself of this feeling. ─── 我将永远无法完全放弃这些感觉。

88、Divestment was the name of the game, in every way. ─── 剥离的名字是游戏,在各方面。

89、But U.K.-based entertainment lawyer Ambi Sitham said it made sense for Madonna to divest herself of her British property. ─── 但是英国娱乐业律师安比说,麦当娜用这笔费用换取自由合情合理。

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