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09-07 投稿



hubbub 发音

英:[ˈhʌbʌb]  美:[ˈhʌbʌb]

英:  美:

hubbub 中文意思翻译



hubbub 词性/词形变化,hubbub变形


hubbub 相似词语短语

1、Bubba ─── n.布巴(男子名)

2、hubble ─── n.(Hubble)哈勃(美国天文学家);n.(Hubble)(美、英、加)哈布尔(人名)

3、hubbly ─── adj.(表面)不平坦的

4、Chubb ─── n.丘伯保险锁(商标名称)

5、rhubarb ─── n.大黄的叶柄,大黄;喧哗

6、hubby ─── n.丈夫,老公

7、hubbies ─── n.丈夫,老公

8、hubba-hubba ─── (表示赞叹,高兴的感叹词)好极了!没的说!;胡扯,大吹大擂

9、hubbubs ─── n.喧哗;骚动

hubbub 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、105% of premium rates, little access to land for auction Beijing reporters hubbub. ─── 105%的溢价率,令很少接触土地拍卖的北京记者们为之喧哗。

2、The whole country was in a hubBub ─── 举国骚然

3、The sound of the city hubbub is not exciting for me, but with a little touch of gloom! ─── 城市的喧哗声对我来说不是热闹,而是带着一点淡淡的忧愁!

4、A hubbub of argument and angry words was coming from the neighbours in the next hut-girls working in the same factory as Chu Kuei-ying. ─── 左右邻的草棚人家,也就是朱桂英同厂小姊妹的住所,嘈杂地在争论,在痛骂。

5、" His attitude, has caused a hubbub around for the words "a tax levy" and "curb speculative Real" equal to the practice immediately heat reduction. ─── 他的这一表态,让各地一度沸沸扬扬的将“个税征收”与“抑制投机炒房”划等号的做法立时热度大减。

6、Even so, her back or let the hubbub "spy gate" incident to an end. ─── 即便如此,她的复出还是让沸沸扬扬的“间谍门”事件告一段落。

7、Be prepared for change, too, because nothing's set in stone starting Wednesday afternoon, when weird switcheroos and general hubbub are the rule rather than the exception. ─── 也要为变化作准备,因为从周三下午开始不是一切都那么平和的,超出常理的突变和一般的吵闹会出现。

8、The little five-year-old boy, on hearing this hubbub overhead, and chilled with terror, jogged his brother's elbow; ─── 五岁的那个孩子,听到他头上的这一阵骚扰,吓得出了冷汗,他用胳膊肘推推他的哥,但是他的哥已照伽弗洛什的指示睡了。

9、Perhaps in Alibaba slightly arrogant corporate culture, this is the lack of a hubbub after the calm and dignity. ─── 或许在阿里巴巴略显嚣张的企业文化中,缺少的正是这一份历经喧哗后的从容和尊严。

10、Quiet is the night in the woods among the mountains. Only fowls that perceive the night and the tree frogs in the dell, still, persist in their daytime hubbub[1] . ─── 山林的夜晚是安静的,只有看得懂黑夜的山鸟和溪谷的树蛙依然守著白天的嘈杂。

11、Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards, many people in America take time to help others. ─── 在采购礼物及寄送圣诞卡片的一阵忙乱当中,很多美国人仍会拨出时间去帮助别人。

12、In all the hubbub over the election, one might be excused for missing yesterday's announcement. ─── 在选举造成的一片混乱中,没有听到昨天的公告也是情有可原的。

13、a hubbub of voices; loud confused voices ─── 人声喧嚷

14、There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people. ─── 有一千多人在兴高采烈地大声谈话,场面无比喧闹。

15、But the hubbub around pay also oversimplifies things, especially by conflating the level of pay with its structure. ─── 但是由工资引起的骚动也过分简化了事情,尤其是当把工资等级与它的结构混合在一起时。

16、A loud outcry; a hubbub. ─── 大的叫喊声;嘈杂声

17、Shouting in his abandon, he felt as if he had dissolved into the hubbub, with the surface of the river to be swept through the long gorge. ─── 他痛快地大声叫嚷着,是感到自己已经完全融化在这喧腾声里,融化在河面上生起的、掠过大河长峡的凉风中了。

18、noise and excitement; bustle; a racket; noise from a crowd; a hubbub; a clamour ─── 喧闹

19、No longer do we join in the hubbub of the community ? flying strains our frozen wings, and we are afraid that the blizzarding snow will crush our fragile selves. ─── 我俩却难以参与-已冻结的翅膀不易飞翔,又怕刮不停的飞雪压死我们脆弱的小身体。

20、Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice. ─── 突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。

21、He concentrated on the work in hand, and the hubbub outside the room simply flowed over him. ─── 他埋头于手头的工作,室外的吵闹声他简直象没有听见一般。

22、In the fictitious world on the network, without the hardship of real life, without the sort of actual cruelty, also do not need to face all sorts of complex society problems, be far from hubbub. ─── 在网络上的虚拟世界里,没有现实生活的艰难,没有现实的那种残酷,也不需要面对各种复杂的社会问题,远离尘嚣。

23、clamor; hubbub; din; racket ─── 喧嚷

24、The hubbub of voices drowned out the host's voice. ─── 嘈杂的声音淹没了主人的声音。

25、In the hubbub it was just possible to hear Dimitrov say: ─── 在喧嚣的人声中,只听到季米特洛夫说道:

26、The sound of the city hubbub is not exciting for me, but with a little touch of gloom! ─── 城市的喧哗声对我来说不是热闹,而是带着一点淡淡的忧愁!

27、I bet all that hubbub isn't very good for eggs either. So do penguins lose more eggs than other species? ─── 我敢打赌那些吵闹声对于企鹅蛋来说不是一件好事。那相比于其他的物种,企鹅要损失更多的蛋吗?

28、"They were incredibly apologetic for asking people to let them past and there was no hubbub or fuss about it all. ─── “对于要求人们给他们让路,他们令人无法置信地道歉,完全没有喧闹和惊扰。”

29、for he had not the shadow of a doubt that all this hubbub was about him. ─── 因为他一点也不怀疑,所有这一切狂风骤雨都是冲着他来的。

30、a hubbub of voices; a babel of voices ─── 人声鼎沸

31、Pockets of hapless enemy soldiers are caught up here and there in the hubbub and excitement, huddling fearfully amid a scene of indescribable horror. ─── 无论原因是什么,正在发生的事情一点也沾不上仁慈的边。

32、There was a hubbub from the crowd outside the garden gate. "This woman's gone crazy with grief, " someone yelled from outside. ─── 门口的人群一阵骚动。“这女人伤心得疯了,”某人从外面叫喊着说。

33、Only occasionally a hubbub of altercation rises to the skies ─── 只是偶然发生口角,大声地吵闹。

34、The hubbub of the "door-hand", the television network reported that the boiling point is the recent phenomenon of YinengJing, Harlem Yu both husband and wife still hold the attitude of silence. ─── 对于沸沸扬扬的“牵手门”事件,沸点网络电视报道的现象都是近期的伊能静、庾澄庆夫妻俩人依旧持缄默态度。

35、Mt. Hongling, a Retreat Away from Hubbub ─── 尘嚣之上品红灵

36、In the hubbub of city life, it is hard for us to imagine the people and the things of the past, and how indeed these people felt about the world. ─── 天天生活在城市里的我们很难想像过去的人,过去的事,过去的年代与感觉。

37、China's digital map market is a hubbub. ─── 中国数字地图市场已经是一片喧哗。

38、We were disturbed by the hubbub from the outside. ─── 外面的吵闹声打扰了我们。

39、Compared with the surrounding downtown hubbub here was particularly quiet serene. ─── 与周围的繁华喧闹相比,这里显得特别幽静安祥。

40、Disciplined and calm, to await the appearance of disorder and hubbub amongst the enemy:--this is the art of retaining self-possession. ─── 以治待乱,以静待哗,此治心者也。

41、Amid the hubbub of an American election campaign, the loudest voices discussing Iraq are rarely the most constructive. ─── 在美国选举活动的喧闹声中,在讨论伊拉克时声音最大的,很少是最有建设性的。

42、Cecilia Cheung and Faye Wong pre-abortion message is the noisy hubbub. ─── 前期王菲和张柏芝流产的消息更是吵的沸沸扬扬。

43、2. I repeat, brothers, I repeat, no zeal, no hubbub, no excess,even in witticisms, gayety, jollities, or plays on words. ─── 我的弟兄们,我再说一遍,即使是在说俏皮话、诙谐、笑谑和隐语时,也不可过于热心,不可嚣张,不可过分。

44、Seeing the mountain scenery from the city gate tower, I suddenly heard a hubbub in the city. ─── 我正在城楼上观山景, 忽然听见城下乱纷纷。

45、It was difficult to hear what he was saying over the hubbub. ─── 声音太嘈杂,难以听清楚他的讲话。

46、In work near cities the hubbub of traffic and industry produces additional ground vibrations. ─── 在城镇附近工作时,交通和工业的骚扰增加了大地的振动。

47、Invigorated hubbub has long did not read the landscape in mind. ─── 在跌跌撞撞的喧哗中早已没有读风景的心情。

48、"For Life" in the Hubbub--Differences on the Concepts of Writers of the Early Literary Research Society ─── 众声喧哗中的"为人生"--前期文学研究会作家文学观念的差异

49、Then a hubbub ensued, Archie picking her up, India running to the kitchen for water, Pitty and Scarlett fanning her and slapping her wrists, while Hugh Elsing shouted over and over: "Now you've done it! ─── 接着就是一阵忙乱,阿尔奇把她从地上抱起来,英迪亚急忙到厨房去拿水,皮蒂姑妈和思嘉一面给她扇风,一面给拍打她的手腕,休 - 埃尔辛则不停地喊:"你怎么全给抖搂出来了!

50、A general hubbub arose. ─── 大家沸沸扬扬地嚷起来。

51、Recently, the poverty-stricken students and the financing of disputes between the have created a hubbub. ─── 最近一段时间,贫困学子和资助者之间的纠葛闹得沸沸扬扬。

52、At lunchtime, a pleasant hubbub of voices fills the museum 's cafeteria. ─── 午餐时刻,博物馆的餐厅里洋溢着一片愉快的嘈杂声。

53、She jerked her chin up and turned away from him and suddenly she heard her own name called-- called in an unmistakable Charleston voice that rang out above the hubbub of other names. ─── 她翘着下巴扭过头不理他,这时忽然听见有人喊她的名字----用明显的查尔顿斯口音喊她的名字,声音凌驾于所有其他名字之上。

54、the hubbub of a subway station ─── 地铁车站的嘈杂声。

55、difficult to hear what he was saying over the hubbub. ─── 嘈杂,难以听清楚他的讲话。

56、She had soon accustomed herself to the hubbub and busyness of urban life. ─── 她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。

57、1.noise and excitement; a hubbub; an uproar; 2.fast and furious ─── 喧腾

58、Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards, a lot human in America get time to help otITs. ─── 在采购礼物及寄送圣诞卡片的一阵忙乱当中,很多北美人仍会拨出时间去帮助更多有联系人。

59、Shouting in his abandon, he felt as if he had dissolved into the hubbub, with the surface of the river to be swept through the long gorge. ─── 他痛快地大声叫嚷着,是感到自己已经完全融化在这喧腾声里,融化在河面上生起的、掠过大河长峡的凉风中了。

60、Therefore, from now on, we should resolutely reject all kinds of us out of uncivilized behavior, to develop good habits, do not throw beverage cans, back to the classroom is not loud hubbub; ─── 因此,从现在起,我们应该坚决摒弃掉我们身上种种的不文明行为,养成良好的行为习惯,不乱扔饮料罐、糖纸、纸屑;上操、回教室时不高声喧哗;

61、We watch, we listen, or whether the hubbub is versatile. ─── 我们注视,我们聆听,无论喧闹或是空灵。

62、After a few minutes, rang a hubbub. ─── 几分钟之后,响起了一阵吵闹声。

63、AMID the hubbub over a few less-bad-than-expected statistics, America's economic debate has turned to the nature of the recovery. ─── 在针对好于预期的经济数据的一片争论声中,对美国经济的讨论已经转向了复苏方面。

64、A hubbub filled the square. ─── 广场上一片喧腾。

65、Silence in the hubbub of voices--On the relation of literary writing, reader and criticism in the current literature ─── 喧哗中的寂静--当前文学的创作和批评与读者的关系

66、But I can elaborate on it here, some twenty years later, now that all that parade hubbub has died down. ─── 而在大约20年后,既然游行的喧闹已经消失殆尽,我便可以在这里详细地说明,。

67、Have you been tired of the hubbub city life? ─── 你是否厌倦了尘嚣的都市生活呢?

68、Few months, Microsoft tried to buy Yahoo's incident much hubbub, but Yahoo in the Web search market share has not declined Affected by this, it has increased. ─── 数月以来,微软公司试图收购雅虎的事件闹得沸沸扬扬,但雅虎公司在网络搜索市场的占有率没有受此影响而下降,反而有所上升。

69、At lunchtime, a pleasant hubbub of voices fills the museum's cafeteria. ─── 午餐时间,博物馆的餐厅里洋溢着一片愉快的嘈杂声。

70、We couldn't hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors, speculators, tipsters, and touts. ─── 在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。

71、and is the squeaky urheen in the depth of life, with no way of getting rid of hubbub and maze. ─── 是拉响在生命深处的咿咿呀呀的胡琴,挥不去嘈杂与迷惘。

72、"Hearing the hubbub at his gate, Feng Su hurried out so see what the messengers wanted." ─── "却说封肃因听见公差传唤,忙出来陪笑启问."

73、The words were lost in the hubbub and I was thrown back by the sudden surge of bodies. ─── 在那乱糟糟的喧嚷声中,我的话没人听见,而我却被涌上来的人们推到后面去了。

74、An uproar; a hubbub. ─── 喧闹声;骚动

75、Tseng Tsang-hai gripped the pipe harder and sucked away at it as if nothing had happened, when a shrill accusation caught his ear above the hubbub of cursing and shouting: ─── 曾沧海好像完全没有听得,郑重地捧着烟枪,用足劲儿就抽,不料里边沸沸扬扬的嚷骂声中却跳出一句又尖又响的话,直钻进了曾沧海的耳朵:

76、Holidays approaching, Jane ambitiously ready to warm hubbub of New York to realize their dreams. ─── 假期来临之际,踌躇满志的简准备到喧哗热烈的纽约去实现自己的梦想。

77、There arose a hubbub among them. ─── 他们发出了一阵喧哗。

78、The palace lantern of bedside cooperates the golden wallpaper that design contains on the wall, let dimensional hubbub again rise. ─── 床边的宫灯配合墙上带有图案的金黄壁纸,又让空间喧腾了起来。

79、Hubbub's the night, winter nights I miss you, ─── 嘈杂的夜晚,在一个冬天的夜晚我想念你

80、hubbub of traffic ─── 来往车辆行人的喧闹声

81、a hubbub of voices ─── 人声嘈杂

82、1.a din (or turmoil) of human voice; confused noise; a hubbub; an uproar 2.to clamour ─── 喧哗

83、The competition hasn't begun, but you can already hear the hubbub from the auditorium. ─── 比赛还没开始,观众席上已经人声鼎沸了。

84、The hubbub stop here,and here sublimation. ─── 喧闹在这里停止,思想在这里升华。(教学楼广告)

85、The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up. ─── 广场上人山人海,人声鼎沸。

86、as you step inside donald yacktman's downtown chicago investment firm,it's easy to forget about the hubbub of activity taking place on wall street less than 800 miles away. ─── 当你踏进位于芝加哥乡下的唐纳德-雅克门的投资企业时,你很容易忘记相距800里远发生在华尔街的喧嚣声。

87、All Hail to the Hubbub! ─── 向喧闹致敬!

88、Earlier this month, has declared to set up base in Zhengzhou aviation "Spring Airlines" folder wrapped in a hubbub of "99 yuan, 199 yuan special ticket" storm grounded dejected Xinzheng Airport route. ─── 本月初,也曾宣称来郑州建立基地航空的“春秋航空”,夹裹着沸沸扬扬的“99元、199元特价机票”风波黯然停飞新郑机场的航线。

89、Small failures are lost in the hubbub. ─── 小故障被掩盖在喧哗之中。

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