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09-15 投稿



humic 发音

英:[ˈhjʊmɪk]  美:[ˈhjuːmɪk]

英:  美:

humic 中文意思翻译



humic 常用词组

humic acid ─── 腐殖酸;胡敏酸

humic 短语词组

1、humic acid ─── [化] 腐殖酸; 胡敏酸; 里腐酸humic coal腐殖煤 ─── [医] 黑腐酸

2、humic matter ─── 腐殖质

3、humic coal ─── 腐殖煤

4、original humic acid ─── [化] 原生腐殖酸

5、humic air ─── 腐殖空气

6、chromic humic acid 9233 ─── [化] 铬腐殖酸9233

7、artificial humic acid ─── [化] 合成腐殖酸

8、synthetic humic acid ─── [化] 合成腐殖酸

9、humic substance ─── 腐殖质

10、humic gley soil ─── 腐殖质潜育土

11、humic fertilizer ─── [化] 腐殖酸类肥料

12、humic acids ─── 腐殖酸 ─── 腐植酸

13、humic shale ─── [网络] 腐殖质页岩

humic 词性/词形变化,humic变形

名词复数: humeri |

humic 相似词语短语

1、humite ─── n.[矿物]硅镁石

2、humect ─── 腐殖质

3、humify ─── v.腐殖化;使……成腐殖质

4、humint ─── abbr.人工情报;间谍活动(humanintelligence)

5、huic ─── int.嗨

6、hemic ─── adj.血性的;血的

7、humid ─── adj.潮湿的;湿润的;多湿气的

8、Numic ─── 数字

9、rheumic ─── 湿的

humic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We use the best lignite or peat,activity humic acid sodium manufacturing . ─── 我们生产的活性腐植酸钠是采用中国最好的褐煤或泥炭。

2、The various strength indexes of the different ratio formed coke are determined,The results show that the formed coke exhibits high strength when the addition of humic acid sodium is up to 7%. ─── 对不同配比的焦球作了各种强度指标的测定,结果表明当腐植酸钠的配入量达7%时,焦球的各项强度指标均较高。

3、The features of bacillus and humic acid,the manufacture of slow release bio-compound fertilizer as well as its features and efficiency,are presented. ─── 文中论述芽孢杆菌和腐植酸的特点、肥效与作用机理以及生物缓释复混肥的生产技术、特点及肥效。

4、In order to discuss the influence of sodium humic acid added on feed for goat to the use of mineral element,60 adult guanzhong dairy goats were randomly divided into two groups,30 in each group. ─── 为了探讨山羊饲料中添加腐植酸钠对矿物元素利用的影响,将60只关中奶山羊成年母羊随机分成2组。

5、With higher activity than ordinary mineral humic acid and richness in useful bacterium mixture, BFA presents various functions as a high-graded humic acid. ─── BFA比一般矿物腐植酸有更高的活性,且含丰富的有益菌群,因此表现出优质腐植酸的各种功能。

6、Our activity KHm's Fulvic acad content is the same product twice; humic acid content is 1.5 times that of similar products. ─── 本公司活性腐植酸钾中黄腐酸的含量是同类产品的两倍;腐植酸含量是同类产品的1.5倍。

7、This paper, taking the SHT sandstone-type uranium deposit of Turpan-Hami Basin as an example, tries to ascertain the role of humic acids in concentrating uranium. ─── 在铀矿石中铀与有机质主要以腐殖酸吸附或腐殖酸盐形式存在。

8、The aromaticity of humic acid in Fe / Al-bound complex was higher than in Ca-bound complex, but that of fulvic acid was higher in Ca-boundcomplex.Fe / Al-bound ... ─── 因此钙键复合体和铁铝键复合体在土壤肥力上的作用和意义也不相同。

9、A New Sulfonated Humic Acid Mud Additive ─── 新型磺化腐植酸钻井液添加剂的研究

10、Effects of application of sesame cake, humic acid and ploughing back of alfalfa and rye grass on the growth and quality of tobacco were studied in the field experiment. ─── 摘要通过田间试验研究了施用芝麻饼肥、腐殖酸和翻压苜蓿、黑麦草对烤烟生长发育和烟叶品质的影响。

11、But the oil fields whose major contributing components are undisputedly humic coal have not been discovered so far. ─── 但是,迄今为止,还没有发现没有争议的以腐殖煤为主要贡献组分而形成的油田。

12、Because the suspended granule concentration changes with seasons,the influence of the kaoline dosage on the humic acid removal process was studied. ─── 同时由于原水中悬浮颗粒随季节变化,模拟了不同量的高岭土对腐殖酸去除过程的影响,发现高岭土的存在能在一定程度上降低剩余腐殖酸和残留铝的浓度。

13、This paper introduced the producing process and method of granular humic acid organic fertilizer usingweathered coal contained brown-black humic acid and peat contained fulvic acid. ─── 介绍了用含一定量棕黑腐植酸的风化煤和含一定量黄腐酸的草炭,生产具有一定颗粒强度的腐植酸有机肥的生产工艺流程和方法。

14、Extraction of humic substances from sediments is often the first task that confronts the investigator. ─── 从沉积物中萃取腐植物是研究工作者遇到的第一个问题。

15、The humic acid (HA) was used as the precursors of trihalomethanes(THM), the overall reaction order is second-order. ─── 以腐殖酸为三卤甲烷形成的前驱物质,确定THM生成的反应级数为二级。

16、The Tarim Basin is a typical composite superimposed basin with nine petroleum systems, which are divided into humic class in foreland area and sapropelic class in carton area. ─── 塔里木盆地是典型的复合叠合盆地,共有9个油气系统,可分为前陆区的腐殖型和克拉通区的腐泥型两类。

17、And sodium humic acid was used as flocculant agent mixed with iron trichloride or aluminium sulfate to treat aqueous suspension of kaolin. ─── 并且用腐植酸钠配合三氯化铁或硫酸铝作絮凝剂,处理高岭土悬浊液,实验表明,其除浊效果比单独用三氯化铁或硫酸铝处理该悬浊液时更好。

18、In the presence of humic substances the photodecomposition slowed down to a certain extent.These results are valuable in using UV irradiation for elimination microcystins from raw water. ─── 为今后发展无毒、高效、经济实用的饮用水处理技术做了有益的探索。

19、I also industrial production, medicine, animal husbandry and humic acid, oil additives, boiler cleaning Anti colourings, humic acid sodium feed additives and other products. ─── 我公司还生产工业、医药、畜牧腐植酸、石油助剂、锅炉除垢防垢染色剂、腐植酸钠饲料添加剂等产品。

20、The new methods mainly contain the adsorption of natural materials, modification materials, humic acids, biosorption, quod of silicon micro encapsulization and nanotechnology. ─── 主要包括天然材料、改性材料的吸附,生物吸附,硅微囊技术和纳米技术等。

21、CCSA HA is of the Rp type of humic acids. ─── 其类型属于Rp型胡敏酸。

22、In the immense and vast global biosphere, there exists a kind of noteless melanocratic organic matter which is humic substances. ─── 在浩瀚广袤的地球生物圈里,蕴藏着一种不引人注目的暗色有机物,这就是腐植酸类物质。

23、As a result, the method of using airslake-coal to produce potassium fertilizer including humic acid was varied with different crops. ─── 因此,在利用风化煤生产含腐植酸钾肥时,应根据作物类型选择工艺路线。

24、Humic acid is a kind of organic matter with high molecular quantity and satisfactory biological activity, and there are abundant humic acid in airslake-coal. ─── 摘要腐植酸是一种有良好生物活性的有机高分子物质,风化煤中含有丰富的腐植酸。

25、In this paper, the influence of humic acid on the quantity and conformation of products and the action pattern between products and soil particle are investigated to make clear the influence mechanism of humic acid. ─── 本文主要通过研究有机质的主要成分(腐殖酸)对固化生成物的量、形态以及生成物与土颗粒作用方式的影响规律,来探索腐殖酸对淤泥固化效果的影响机理。

26、This paper describes the principles and methods of extracting humic acid product from lignite. ─── 摘要论述了褐煤中提取腐殖酸产品的方法及原理。

27、This product combines the active water-soluble humic acid, beneficial bacteria, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, chelated metal trace elements, have the benefits of bio-enzyme. ─── 本产品集水溶活性腐植酸、有益菌、氮磷钾肥料、螯合金属微量元素、有益生物酶为一体。

28、Coal rock can be classified as humic and sapropelic coal. ─── 在煤岩的分类中,有腐殖煤和腐泥煤之分。

29、Thebinder of humic acid sodium obtained from wethering coal is used for briquetting fine coke producing on the vertical oven. ─── 本文介绍了从风化煤中提取腐植酸钠作粘结剂用于直立炉粉焦成型制气。

30、Application humic acid from solid mineral fuel ─── 固体可燃矿物腐植酸的应用

31、potassium fertilizer including humic acid ─── 含腐植酸钾肥

32、This article presents the production of the foliage fertilizers of humic acid from weathered coals and its application. ─── 介绍以贵州风化煤为原料,生产腐植酸多元复合肥的生产方法及应用前景。

33、The paper researched the influence of humic acids on the existing form of heavy metals in Yongzhou copper mine and Chejiang copper mine contaminated tailing soils. ─── 实验研究了腐殖酸对永州铜矿山和衡阳车江铜矿中重金属存在形态的影响。

34、Humic acid was extracted from swampy soil in Zhongdian at Yunnan and characterized. ─── 从云南中甸沼泽土中提取了腐殖酸样品,并对样品的性质进行了测定。

35、However, humin has been the least studied of all humic fractions, mainly because of its insolubility, inhomogeneity, and structural complexity. ─── 提出近期的研究重点主要包括:(1)比较不同分离方法获得的土壤胡敏素的差异,以达到方法上的可比性和统一性,同时提出更适宜的分离方法;

36、For treatments of combing organic fertilizer with NPK and PK, NPK and abandoned land, the rate of humic acid carbon to humus acid carbon increased and opposite to rate of fulvic acid carbon to humus acid carbon. ─── 有机肥配施NPK、磷钾及氮磷钾化肥和撂荒土壤:胡敏酸碳/腐殖酸碳比值上升,富里酸碳/腐殖酸碳比值下降;

37、Kerogen type is mainly humic,and terrestrial higher plants are the petrologen. ─── 干酪根类型以腐殖型为主,成烃母质为陆地高等植物;

38、Activity humic acid or sodium is mixed with a variety of fertilizer used per hectare using the activity sodium humate 150 kg, and can obtain the same result. ─── 或者将活性腐植酸钠与各种肥料现场同时使用,每公顷使用活性腐植酸钠150公斤,效果一样。

39、This paper Introduces a method for determining Boron in humic acid fertilizer by the pretreatment technique of oxygen bomb combustion and the analytic method of acid-base titration. ─── 介绍了一种用氧弹燃烧灰化技术和酸碱滴定法测定腐植酸硼肥中硼的方法。

40、Extracting of Humic Acid from Swampy Soil by Dilute Base ─── 云南沼泽土中提取腐殖酸的研究

41、The compared research on remediations of oily soil in gas station by using humic acid, biosurfactant (rhamnolipid) and synthetic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfonate, SDS) respectively was made. ─── 摘要对比研究了腐殖酸、生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂和阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)溶液对联加油站地下油污土壤的修复。

42、Abstract : The application of organic matter spectroscopies to characterization researches of soil humic substances have promoted the structural study achieves more development. ─── 摘要 : 有机质光谱分析法在土壤腐殖质结构研究中的应用,已使土壤腐殖质的研究取得了相当大的进展。

43、E4 and E6 values of humic acid increased with single application of chemical fertilizer.In the Paddy red soil but they changed a little in Fluvo-aquic soil and Arid red soil. ─── 单施化肥也能提高红壤性水稻土胡敏酸的E4和E6值,但对潮土和旱地红壤胡敏酸E4和E6值影响不大。

44、In this paper,a general formula applicable for mixing gas source material including sapropel type Kerogen and humic type Kerogen was built up,based on the formulas given by previous scholars. ─── 在前人判别煤型气和油型气母质类型和转化程度公式的基础上 ,建立了既适用于煤型气又适用于油型气母质来源的统一的判别公式。

45、Results show that this means can measures the purity of humic acid easily and accurately . ─── 结果表明:通过该方法可以简便准确地测定出腐殖酸纯度。

46、Manufacturing humic acid from waste resources is an important approach of waste reutilization in agriculture and function-alization. ─── 利用废物资源研制腐植酸是农用资源化和功能化的一个重要渠道,腐植酸可广泛应用于肥料系列产品的生产。

47、Meantime, this paper also introduced the research achievements and applied prospect of peat and humic acid in agriculture, horticulture, industry, environment protection, medicine and so on. ─── 文章还阐述了国内外泥炭和腐植酸在农业、园艺、工业、环境保护和医药等领域的研究成果及其应用前景。

48、As the major fraction of soil organic matter (SOM), humic substances (HS) are particularly important. ─── 作为土壤有机质主体的腐殖物质的研究,一直受到各国学者的普遍重视。

49、Having brownish acidic waters, a high concentration of humic matter, and a small plant population. Used of a lake or pond. ─── 无滋养的带有棕色酸性物质的水域,腐殖物高度集中并有小型植物群的。用来描述湖泊或池塘

50、The author introduce a new type efficient humic acid compound fertilizer with N and K.The fertilizer is synthetized by mixing chemical fertilizer with N and K into weathered coal. ─── 本文介绍了以风化煤为基础掺合料,配以含氮、钾养分的化学肥料,制成新型高效的腐植酸氮、钾复合肥。

51、Humic substances are known to coat membrane filters. ─── 腐殖质是已知能够覆盖滤膜的物质。

52、The experiment was carried out by foliar spray of amino acid, humic acid and potassium sulfate in order to research the effect of nutrition on pineapple aroma. ─── 摘要通过田间叶面喷施氨基酸钙、腐植酸钙和硫酸钾肥料,研究其对菠萝成熟时香气的影响。


54、The liptinite macerals of rich hydrogen are not much,but there are indications that they have made a contribution to the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of stronger reducible type of humic coal. ─── 富氢的稳定组显微组分虽然含量不多,但有迹象表明,它们对较强还原型腐殖煤的生烃排烃做出了应有的贡献。

55、The ammonia volatilization reduction of humic acid urea correlated significantly with its nutrient-release mode and soil ambient. ─── 腐植酸尿素降低氨挥发量与其养分释放模式和形成的土壤环境密切相关。

56、Soil humic substance is an important natural pool of THM precursors in raw waters. ─── 土壤腐殖质是水源三卤甲烷前驱物质的重要天然来源。

57、YANG Min,WANG Hongbin,NING Ping,et al.Extracting of humic acid from swampy soil by dilute base[J].Chemical World,2002,7:351-353(in Chinese). ─── [2]杨敏,王红斌,宁平,等.云南沼泽土中提取腐植酸的研究[J].化学世界,2002,7:351-353.

58、The effect of different humic acid fertilizers treated with different magnetic intensities on the growth and development of cucumber seedlings was reported in this paper. ─── 对不同腐植酸肥料(简称腐肥)在不同的磁化强度下对黄瓜苗期的生长发育的影响进行了研究。

59、The adsorption of humic acid with gallium and indium was studied. The ideal equation of adsorption isotherm about the experimental data was proposed, and the reaction mechanism was discussed. ─── 对腐植酸与镓、铟的吸附作用作了实验研究,提出了拟合实验数据的理想吸附等温方程,并对作用机理予以推断。

60、But the oil fields whose major contributing components are undisputedly humic coal have not been discovered so far. ─── 但是,迄今为止,还没有发现没有争议的以腐殖煤为主要贡献组分而形成的油田。

61、They believe that the humic materials are leached from decaying plant materials. ─── 他们认为腐植物料是从腐烂的植物体浸沥而来。

62、Abstract: IR, ESR, XRD and some other recent analysis methods have been using in the study of adsorption mechanisms of pesticides on soil humic acids and clays. ─── 文摘:土壤中的粘土矿物和腐植酸是对农药吸附的最主要两类活性组份。

63、The present invention relates to a humic acid type composite spray fertilizer, a real multielement composite fertilizer. ─── 本发明是腐植酸型复合喷淋肥,它是真正的多元素复合肥。

64、Previous research has concluded that biogenic gas of the Sanhu region is generated from Quaternary humic source rock. ─── 在以前的研究中柴达木盆地三湖地区生物气一直被认为是完全由第四系腐殖型有机质所生成的。

65、IR, ESR, XRD and some other recent analysis methods have been using in the study of adsorption mechanisms of pesticides on soil humic acids and clays. ─── 土壤中的粘土矿物和腐植酸是对农药吸附的最主要两类活性组份。

66、In the meantime, chemical promoter 4PU-30、Yield precise, humic acid and IAA can promote single spike weight and growth of regeneration bud, which resulted in high spike numbers and high yield. ─── 同时,化学促芽剂4PU-30、高产精、腐殖酸、IAA能够增加头季中稻单穗重和促进再生芽的萌发生长,提高穗数和产量。

67、Azomethine H Spectrophotometric Method for Determining Boron in Humic Fertilizer is described. ─── 本文介绍了采用甲亚胺-H酸分光光度法分析腐植酸类肥料中元素硼的方法。

68、Improve the accuracy of the evaluation of real experimental data from potentiometric titrations and consider samples ranging from vinegar, wine, and juices to humic acids and acid rain. ─── 可以从恒定滴定导入真实实验的正确评估并且可以考虑从醋酸,酒精和果汁到腐败的酸和酸雨的采样范围。

69、Yellow humic acid(or fulvic acid FA) was an active constituents of humic acid. Its national resources was more amendment. ─── 黄腐酸是腐植酸中最具活力的组成部分,蕴藏量丰富,萃取方法简便。

70、Simultaneously drifts away the humic acid may promote the plant leaf surface pore contraction, reduces the moisture content forfeit. ─── 同时游离的腐植酸可促进植物叶面毛孔的收缩,减少水分的丧失。

71、Coal rock can be classified as humic and sapropelic coal. ─── 煤岩的分类中,有腐殖煤和腐泥煤之分。

72、Studied the effects of nitro humic acid natrium extracted from lignite on growth performance of fattening pig, harmful gas content in shed and digestibility of feedstuff. ─── 摘要研究了褐煤中提取的硝基腐植酸钠对生长育肥猪生长性能、舍内有害气体含量和饲料中营养成分消化率的影响。

73、The hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity fractionized by DAX-8 non-ionic macroporous resins of humic acid on the effects of PAC adsorption and membrane fouling were also investigated. ─── 并且利用非离子巨型多孔树脂DAX-8进行纯化分离,分析亲、疏水性酸对粉末活性碳吸附以及对薄膜表面积垢之影响。

74、The experiments results indicate the gases released in coal photo-oxidation are CO2, CO, CH4 and C2H4, etc. and the humic yield ratio of coal after photo-oxidation increases. ─── 发现了煤低温光氧化气体产物组成为CO2,CO,CH4和C2H4等,煤经光催化氧化后腐植酸产率显著提高。

75、The preparation, properties and application of humic acid resin acid are introduced in terms of energy comprehensive utilization. ─── 从能源综合利用的角度介绍了腐植酸树脂的制备、性能及应用。

76、Po Kong Village on the town of Old City West are buried along the Eritrean NIU ancient lake formed by deposition of humic acid, is an excellent crop of organic fertilizers. ─── 岗上镇故城村西一带埋藏有古牛厄湖沉积形成的腐殖酸,是农作物极好的有机肥料。

77、The molecular structure of humic substance in dyke sludge has great specific surface area and active functional groups with strong reducibility and high concentration of radicals. ─── 塘沟污泥中的腐殖质具有大的比表面积,同时还具有许多还原性很强的活性官能团,存在有较高浓度的自由基。

78、Ultimate analysis provides an useful inventory of the distribution of the major elements in humic substances. ─── 元素分析提供腐殖物质中主要元素分布的有用资料。

79、Some problems in development of humic fertilizer ─── 关注腐植酸肥料发展中的几个问题

80、The PES (Polyethersulfone) membranes which were fouled by humic acid were tested for the study.The fouled membranes were cleaned by ultrasonic cleaning method in different environment. ─── 以腐殖酸污染的聚醚砜(PES)超滤膜为研究对象,利用超声波清洗方法,在不同的清洗环境中对污染的超滤膜进行强化恢复研究。

81、The yield of humic acid of the coal residues increased with the increasing of the photooxidation time, coal residues increased.The order of the yield of humic acid of coal residues is D2>D3>D4. ─── 各煤组分的腐殖酸产率随着光氧化时间的增加而增大,腐殖酸产率依次为D2>D3>D4。

82、Gas and light hydrocarbon have humic and over mature feat ure, and condensate has sapropelic and low maturity feature geochemically. ─── 分析认为,天然气主要来自下部的上古生界烃源岩,油主要来自上白垩统泰州组中的少量偏腐泥型干酪根。

83、Abstract: The adsorption of humic acid with gallium and indium was studied. The ideal equation of adsorption isotherm about the experimental data was proposed, and the reaction mechanism was discussed. ─── 文摘:对腐植酸与镓、铟的吸附作用作了实验研究,提出了拟合实验数据的理想吸附等温方程,并对作用机理予以推断。

84、The purpose of this investigation was to observe the influence of peat humic acid on the healing of chronic experimental gastric ulcers in rats. ─── 本工作用雄性大鼠做慢性实验,观察泥炭腐植酸对大鼠慢性实验性胃溃疡愈合的影响。

85、Low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and humic acids have great effects on the availability of cadmium in the soils. ─── 土壤中的低分子有机酸和腐殖酸对镉的有效性有重要作用。

86、The interaction mechanism of pentachlorophenol with humic acid (HA) was investigated by the fluorescent quenching effect in this paper. ─── 摘要通过对五氯苯酚与腐殖酸作用的荧光猝灭效应研究,探讨了五氯苯酚与腐殖酸之间的相互作用机理。

87、The effects of Humic acid and Fulic acid on the photolysis of acetochlor in aqueous solution under the irradiation of high pressure lamp and X enon lamp were studied. ─── 以高压汞灯、氙灯为光源,研究腐殖质对乙草胺在水中的光解动态。

88、Our activity of sodium humate's fulvic acid content is the same product twice; humic acid content is 1.5 times that of similar products. ─── 本公司活性腐植酸钠中黄腐酸的含量是同类产品的两倍;腐植酸含量是同类产品的1.5倍。

89、Be sides, compared with CK, the potassium intensity was decreased after using humic acids, but there was not significant difference in potassium efficiency and CK. ─── 与对照相比,施用腐植酸降低了土壤供钾强度,但土壤钾素有效率差异不显著。

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