hakim 发音
英:[hæˈkiːm] 美:[hæˈkiːm]
英: 美:
hakim 中文意思翻译
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hakim 短语词组
1、Al-hakim ─── [网络] 哈基姆;哈金;阿尔哈金
hakim 相似词语短语
1、hakamim ─── 哈卡米姆
2、hakims ─── n.(伊斯兰教国家的)医师;学者;n.(Hakim)人名;(吉尔、阿拉伯)哈基姆
3、Anakim ─── 安纳吉姆
4、hakam ─── n.(Hakam)人名;(阿拉伯)哈卡姆
5、Hakim ─── n.(伊斯兰教国家的)医师;学者;n.(Hakim)人名;(吉尔、阿拉伯)哈基姆
6、hakeem ─── n.大学者;医生;n.(Hakeem)人名;(巴基、捷、英)哈基姆
7、Yakima ─── n.雅吉瓦人(住在美国的印第安部族人)
8、hakham ─── 哈克姆
9、hakams ─── 剁碎的
hakim 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Hakim's syndrome ─── 哈奇姆(氏)综合征:同normal-pressure hydrocephalus
2、Hakim Warrick stuck around after practice one day to help me.Kyle Lowry hasn't yet, but he will soon. ─── 瓦里克站在那里帮我,罗里没到,但马上就来。
3、Hakim Warrick: Just my outside shot more.More consistently get arc on my outside shot. ─── 所谓的“老猫阴谋论”,内幕是怎样大家都不清楚,但可以确定他很想回火箭,这就是一个优秀的射手。
4、And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. Pada waktu itu Debora, seorang nabiah, isteri Lapidot, memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel. ─── 有一位女申言者底波拉,是拉比多的妻子,当时作以色列的士师。
5、The Hakim sisters' saga is one of powerful love and deadly deceit played out in three languages and across three generations. ─── 1942年出生于埃及亚历山卓港的三胞胎姊妹罗丝、佛罗拉与雅丝敏,拥有被赐福之名,但他们的晚年生活却不顺遂,失去了丈夫与孩子依靠的她们在一起生活;
6、Hakim suggests that women have more erotic capital than men to start with, mainly because they have had to work at it for centuries. ─── 哈基姆女士表明,一开始女性就比男性拥有更多的性资本,主要是一位她们已经付诸好几个世纪的努力了。
7、Hakim Warrick: They like my athleticism, my length. ─── 火箭的合同选择不多了,底薪、老将、中产、总值1800W的死水合同。
8、's not what Hakim wants, as she noted in an academic paper published last year. ─── 她在去年发表的一篇学术论文中指出,她并不希望读者如此这般解读她的新书。
9、And after him Abdon the son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, judged Israel. Sesudah dia, maka Abdon bin Hilel, orang Piraton, memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel. ─── 以伦之后,有比拉顿人希列的儿子押顿作以色列的士师。
10、17.Kenny on, "said Hakim (Olajuwon) less than your butt kicked is because you Cou too close, so I think you can be pro-his buttocks. ─── 17.对肯尼说,“哈基姆(奥拉朱旺)踢不到你的屁股是因为你凑得太近了,所以我想你可以亲他的屁股。”
11、Hakim said: " The results are similiar except these ex-socilist countries where men traditionally share no housework for women. " ─── 哈金姆说:“全欧洲的调查结果基本相似,除了前社会主义国家,那里没有男性帮助分担家务的传统。”
12、Hakim's shield amplifiers have been increased to 30% resistance. ─── “哈科姆氏”护盾放大器抵抗性增加到30%。
13、And after him Ibzan of Bethlehem judged Israel. Sesudah dia, maka Ebzan dari Betlehem memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel. ─── 耶弗他以后,有伯利恒的以比赞作以色列的士师。
14、Feminists who want women to throw away their femininity are overlooking a powerful asset, Ms Hakim argues. ─── 那些想让女性抛弃女性气质的女性主义者忽视了这一项力量强大的资本,哈基姆女士认为。
15、The Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur will have 23 such high-tech, self-cleaning toilets, Mayor Hakim Borhan said. ─── 该市最终将会建成23座这种充满高科技手段且具备自我清洁功能的洗手间。
16、And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. Setelah Samuel menjadi tua, diangkatnyalah anak-anaknya laki-laki menjadi hakim atas orang Israel. ─── 撒母耳年老的时候,立了他的儿子作以色列的士师。
17、The white team consisted of Rudy Gay, OJ Mayo, Marc Gasol, Darko Milicic, Hakim Warrick, Mike Conley and Marko Jaric. ─── 白队由盖伊黄疸梅奥,马克加索尔,米利,瓦里克,康利和贾里奇。
18、Hakim Warrick had 26 points and eight rebounds, and Kyle Lowry added 16 points and five assists, but the Grizzlies had 24 turnovers and were outscored 30-16 at the free-throw line. ─── 瓦里克得到26分和8个篮板,罗里得到16分和5次助攻,不过灰熊有24次失误,而且在罚球线上以16-30输给对方。
19、Ayatollah Hakim was the leader of the main Iraqi Shiite group opposed to Saddam Hussein. He was 64 years old at the time of his death. ─── 哈基姆生前领导反对萨达姆的主要伊拉克什叶派穆斯林组织。他逝世的时候64岁。
20、Hakim Warrick ─── 哈基姆·瓦里克
21、Ms Hakim suggests that women have more erotic capital than men to start with, mainly because they have had to work at it for centuries. ─── 哈金女士之所以认为女人一开始比男人有更多的魅力资本,是因为在过去几个世纪里,她们已经在这方面作出了巨大努力。
22、Can anybody else score on a consistent basis besides Michael Redd and Hakim Warrick? ─── 密尔沃基雄鹿:除了迈克-里德和哈基姆-瓦里克还有谁能担负起稳固的得分责任?
23、Memphis Grizzlies: Chris Mihm, Darius Miles, Juan Carlos Navarro (R), Quinton Ross, Hakim Warrick (R), Mike Wilks. ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队:克里斯-米姆,迈尔斯,胡安卡洛斯纳瓦罗 ,罗斯,瓦里克(注册商标) ,麦克威尔克斯。
24、Hakim Warrick: 2003 NCAA championship member; ─── 哈基姆-瓦里克: 2003年NCAA冠军成员;
25、Ayatollah Hakim was the leader of the main Iraqi Shi'ite group opposed to Saddam Hussein. ─── 哈基姆生前领导反对萨达姆的主要伊拉克什叶派穆斯林组织。
26、The terminal, east Baghdad’s main bus garage, takes travelers to and from southern cities of Iraq.Most of the deaths occurred there, Iraqi army captain Ibaa Abdul Hakim said. ─── 又台南地检署检察长在记者会上公然表示,如果陈义雄还在世,检方也会将他提起公诉,并有信心法院会判他有罪。
27、"It's a leel playing field," Hakim said. ─── Hakim说:“这些因素水平作用很重要。
28、It might be accelerating now but as Hakim points out in one example, high-status women have never been afraid of using their sex appeal. ─── 它或许正在加速,正如哈金举的例子:社会地位高的女人从不惧怕动用性感。
29、YM: When I was young, I watched a lot of Hakim Olajuwon play, Charles Barkley, of course Michael Jordan. ─── 明明:当我还是年轻的时候,我看了很多奥拉朱旺,巴胖子,当然还有乔丹的比赛。
30、s accountable for taking care of his younger brother Drew (played by Tequan Richmond), and his younger sister Tonya (played by Imani Hakim) while his parents are working; ─── 学校里克里斯立刻成为其他孩子的欺侮对象,但他凭借天生的魅力和急智与另一个聪明却不能打架的男孩格雷戈交上朋友。
31、Whereas some NBA players see their teammates as business associates and nothing more, Lowry counts Grizzlies forwards Rudy Gay and Hakim Warrick as two of the best friends that he’s ever had. ─── 鉴于一些NBA球员看到自己的队友作为商业伙伴,仅此而已,劳瑞罪状灰熊前锋盖伊和瓦里克的两个最好的朋友,他过。
32、And the Lord said, Hear what the unrighteous judge says. Kata Tuhan: ""Camkanlah apa yang dikatakan hakim yang lalim itu! ─── 主说,你们听这不义的审判官所说的。
33、Despite his ball handling skills, Hakim is still very raw. ─── 劣势:所有的能力都要以他超强的身体为基础。
34、Hakim can tell me what not to do, I think he had the lowest score in dunk history back in 2006, ha. ─── 瓦里克告诉我别多想,我想这应该是自从06年扣篮大赛最低的得分吧。
35、The Sufi poet, Hakim Sanai, said the same thing 750 years earlier: "Take your place in the presence of the wordless. " ─── 在那之前七百五十年,苏菲诗人西奈说过同样的话:「在无言的当下佔据一席之地。」
36、and he judged Israel ten years. Sesudah dia, maka Elon orang Zebulon memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel. Ia memerintah atas orang Israel sepuluh tahun lamanya. ─── 以比赞之后,有西布伦人以伦,作以色列的士师十年。
37、Kenny on, "said Hakim (Olajuwon) less than your butt kicked is because you Cou too close, so I think you can be pro-his buttocks. " ─── 对肯尼说,“哈基姆(奥拉朱旺)踢不到你的屁股是因为你凑得太近了,所以我想你可以亲他的屁股。”
38、Memphis rookie Hakim Warrick and defending champion Josh Smith of Atlanta were eliminated in the first round with two-dunk totals of 86 and 81 points, respectively. ─── 灰雄队新秀沃里克和卫冕冠军约什-史密斯在第一论比赛中就被淘汰出局,得分分别为86分和81分.
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