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09-10 投稿



hopscotch 发音

英:[ˈhɑːpskɑːtʃ]  美:[ˈhɒpskɒtʃ]

英:  美:

hopscotch 中文意思翻译




hopscotch 网络释义

n. 跳房子游戏vi. 像玩跳房子游戏那样跳

hopscotch 短语词组

1、hopscotch method ─── [计] 跳点方法, 跳踢法

hopscotch 词性/词形变化,hopscotch变形

动词过去式: hopscotched |动词现在分词: hopscotching |动词第三人称单数: hopscotches |动词过去分词: hopscotched |

hopscotch 相似词语短语

1、to scotch ─── 苏格兰威士忌

2、hootch ─── n.私酒,烈酒;私运入的酒

3、to scrootch ─── 偷东西

4、top-notch ─── 大腕;拔尖的,出众的

5、hotchpotch ─── n.杂烩

6、scotch ─── v.结束,破除;暂时遏制(危险物);楔入,用楔子楔住;切割……的表皮;弄伤;n.刻痕,切口

7、topstitch ─── v.(在衣服等上面)装饰性地加缝一道针迹

8、top notch ─── 大腕;拔尖的,出众的

9、topnotch ─── adj.最高质量的;第一流的;n.最高度

hopscotch 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“I used to play hopscotch with other children when I was young. ─── ” 我小的时候,常常与其他小孩们玩跳房子的游戏。

2、Geez, this sucks. I feel like I'm playing hopscotch. ─── 呸,这真恶心。我感觉自己好像在玩跳房子一样。

3、The children squared off the footpath to play hopscotch. ─── 孩子们在人行道上划方格玩“跳方”游戏。

4、to play hopscotch ─── 跳房子

5、With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone. ─── 他小心翼翼地踱过“跳房子”游戏的场地,上面还有遗忘下的跳石子儿。

6、Todd: To be honest, I don't think you could even win a gold in hopscotch! ─── 托德:老实说,我觉得你连玩跳房子都拿不到金牌!

7、Hopscotch : Use some sidewalk chalk and make a hopscotch grid.Number the squares from one to nine.Pick a rock that is good for tossing. ─── 一位物理学家声称解决了物理学中一个存在了很久的难题:为什么时间沿着一个方向流动。

8、Rather than flying straight up the middle of the Atlantic, the birds hopscotch from Antarctica to Africa to South America to the Arctic. ─── 燕鸥从南极洲到非洲到南美洲到北极,而不是笔直的穿过大西洋中间回到北极。

9、How do you remember how to spell "hopscotch"? ─── 如何记得跳房子、跳飞机在英语叫 ...

10、The children squared off the footpath to play hopscotch. ─── 孩子们在人行道上划方格玩跳房子游戏。

11、Ed: Say are you still crazy about hopscotch. ─── 艾德:你还是喜欢造房子游戏。

12、Kids' games such as kicking shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. ─── 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。

13、Bike riding and hopscotch have given way to video games and text messaging. ─── 骑自行车和跳房子这些被电脑游戏和短信所取代。

14、Hopscotch takes balance, climbing the jungle gym takes strength, and team sports involve coordination. ─── 跳房子采取平衡,攀登密林体操采取力量,并且队体育介入协调。

15、Does she want to play hopscotch? Does it want to eat a bone? ─── 她是否想玩跳房子游戏吗?它是否要吃骨头吗?

16、Liz:We're playing hopscotch. ─── 莉兹:我们在玩跳房子.

17、At times the princess would open the window of her playroom and look down into the streets below.There she saw other kids playing hopscotch or tag, laughing, chattering, and singing. ─── 有时,公主会打开游戏室的窗户,望向下面的街道,看着那些孩子玩跳房子,涂鸦,欢笑,聊天,歌唱。

18、But they all like playing hopscotch. ─── 但是他们都喜欢玩跳格子。

19、He went and came, sang, played at hopscotch, scraped the gutters, stole a little. ─── 他去去、来来、唱唱、玩跳房子游戏、掏水沟、偶尔偷点小东西。

20、Since he won a National Book Award for his translation of Cortazar's Hopscotch in 1967, Rabassa has juggled two careers. ─── 1967年,拉巴萨因翻译何特扎尔的《跳石于》获国家图书奖。此后他一直身兼二职。

21、Also, skipping, jumping rope, and playing hopscotch are aerobic activities, too! ─── 其他像骑自行车,划桨,游泳,越野滑雪等,也都是有氧运动

22、Practise the game “hopscotch” with your Mum and Dad at home. ─── 在家跟爸爸妈妈玩跳格子的游戏。

23、Children's games such as shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. ─── 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。

24、Everywhere groups of boys were gathered together. Some played at marbles, at hopscotch, at ball. Others rode on bicycles or on wooden horses. ─── 到处一群群的,有的玩球,有的玩捉迷藏,有的骑木马。

25、There she saw other kids playing hopscotch or tag, laughing, chattering, and singing. ─── 当然,作为公主,她拥有一切她所能梦想到的东西。

26、He went and came, sang, played at hopscotch, scraped the gutters, stole a little, but, like cats and sparrows, gayly laughed when he was called a rogue, and got angry when called a thief. ─── 他去去,来来,唱唱,作掷钱游戏,掏水沟,偶尔偷点小东西,不过只是和小猫小雀那样,偷着玩儿,人家叫他小淘气,他便笑,叫他流氓,便生气。

27、Yi-style hopscotch ─── 跳大海

28、The children squared off the footpath to play hopscotch ─── 孩子们在人行道上划方格玩“跳方”游戏。

29、Tom:Look at Billy!He's playing hopscotch with the girls! ─── 汤姆:你们看比利!他同女孩子一起玩跳房子.

30、Sandy:Hopscotch is a girls game,Billy.; ─── 桑迪:比利,跳房子是女 孩子玩的游戏.

31、You're not to hopscotch down memory lane. ─── 而不是让你们感怀往事。

32、He's playing hopscotch with the girls!; ─── 他同 女孩子一起玩跳房子.

33、The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch . ─── 孩子们在人行道上划出方格,做“造房子”的游戏。

34、Playing hopscotch with clouds, the [replica of a World War I-era Vickers Vimy bomber] probes a wall of rain in southern France, searching for blue sky. ─── 一架仿制一战时期的维美轰炸机的飞机巡航在法国南部的上空,穿梭于蓝天白云和彩虹之间。

35、Hop over the rock and hop with a single foot or both feet (to follow the hopscotch pattern) all the way to the end. ─── 就物理学而言,没有理由能解释为什么我们所体验的时间有个方向。

36、Who Wants to Play Hopscotch? ─── 谁想要玩跳房子?

37、hopscotch method ─── 跳点法

38、The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch ─── 孩子们在人行道上划出方格,做"造房子"的游戏。

39、But I can't run and swim.I always cook the breakfast for my master.My master is Sally.She is a pretty girl.She plays hopscotch very well. ─── 但凡是经营和游泳.我一直为我煮早餐的主人.我的师父是萨利.她是一个漂亮的女孩.她蹒跚着很好.

40、After school, children are involved in many of the same activities that American children enjoy: reading, skateboarding, hopscotch, and playing ball. ─── 现代奥林匹克运动会提倡在世界青年中发展和平、友谊和健康的体育竞技精神。希腊雅典被选为第一届现代奥林匹克运动会的主办城市。

41、You don't have to tell me about 6A. I've played hopscotch on its parquet floors. ─── 你不必告诉我6A的情形,我在那里的木地板上玩过跳房子。

42、Sandy:Hopscotch is a girls game,Billy. ─── 桑迪:比利,跳房子是女孩子玩的游戏.

43、You could say, we play ball, hopscotch, jax and so on. ─── 你可能说, 我们演奏球,跳房子, jax等等。

44、Since "Hopscotch" was the first label I knew about her,and I loved this name,years ago I used it as my first blog name. ─── "这棵绿融融的古树,就发出了新芽,生得很青春。

45、Vancouver's Hopscotch festival will have more than 200 products available to taste, sample and discover. ─── 温哥华的节将有200多个产品来品尝,样品。

46、a game of hopscotch ─── “跳房子”游戏





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