intellective 发音
英:[ˌɪntəˈlektɪv] 美:[ˌɪntɪˈlektɪv]
英: 美:
intellective 中文意思翻译
intellective 词性/词形变化,intellective变形
副词: intellectively |
intellective 反义词
intellective 同义词
brain power | mentality | wit | brainpower | consciousness | intellectuality | intellectual | genius | braininess | aptitude | wisdom | comprehension | apprehension | reason | giant | perception | judgement | rationality | cerebrum | mind | agility | cognition | mental | sense | thinker | percipience | intuition | common | brain | insight | thought | power | brains | mastermind | understanding | common sense | mental giant |intelligence
intellective 相似词语短语
1、ineffective ─── adj.无效的,失效的;不起作用的
2、intellect ─── n.智力,理解力;思维逻辑领悟力;智力高的人
3、intellects ─── n.智力,理解力;思维逻辑领悟力;智力高的人
4、intellection ─── n.思考;理解;观念
5、intellected ─── 聪明的
6、inflective ─── adj.屈折的;抑扬的
7、intellections ─── n.思考;理解;观念
8、intellectively ─── 理智地
9、intellectual ─── adj.智力的;聪明的;理智的;n.知识分子;凭理智做事者
intellective 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A rapid intellect and ready eloquence may carry off a little impudence. ─── 头脑敏捷,口才流利,就能减少冒失。
2、Use: Increases Intellect and Spirit by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir. ─── 使用:智力和精神提高30点,持续1小时。守护药剂。
3、The measures to improve the editors' intellective structure and recompose a rational structure are presented. ─── 为此,现代科技编辑应根据时代的发展,不断优化自己的知能结构。
4、The state of being preoccupied; absorption of the attention or intellect. ─── 入神全神贯注的状态;注意力或心智的专注
5、She had humor; she had intellect. ─── 她幽默,有才华。
6、Capable of being apprehended by the intellect alone. ─── 只能为知识分子所领悟的
7、Good conduct, physically healthy, and of normal intellect. ─── 品行端正、身体健康、智商正常。
8、You can play a heartless game using your keen intellect, charm and sex appeal to your advantage. ─── 你可能会利用你的才智、魅力和性吸引来玩一场无情的感情游戏。
9、Thomas But on the other side, intellective obstacle brother often give Thomas Charlie has brought great trouble. ─── 但另一边,有智力障碍的哥哥查理却时常给托马斯带来莫大的烦恼。
10、She is short on intellect, but long on shape. ─── 她短于理智而长于姿态。
11、The automation and intellective level of urban traffic manage is raised by employing this system. ─── 该系统的使用提高了城市交通管理的自动化和智能化水平。
12、Bilingual old person and only sign old person can show the advantage of intellective respect more quite. ─── 双语老人和单语老人比较更能显示智力方面的优势。
13、Because werewolves are both beasts and men, they must balance instinct carefully with intellect. ─── 因为狼人既是野兽又是人,他们必须巧妙而谨慎地维持平衡。
14、School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted. ─── 学校仍然是才智不受信任的地方。
15、Moreover, research on GSS has generally focused on idea generation, intellective and preference task. ─── 另一方面决策任务的类型多集中在观点产生、智力任务和偏好任务上,缺少群体决策中利益冲突对决策过程的影响研究。
16、So it is necessary to design the mining to use the intellective methods. ─── 因此,进行矿山智能优化设计是非常必要的。
17、She was short on intellect,but long on shape. ─── 她短于理智而长于恣态。
18、They don't remember how he was before the war. The looks, the vitality, the intellect. ─── 他们忘记了他战前的情况--仪表堂堂、精神抖擞、才华横溢。
19、Of or belonging to the intellect eg: has made a lot of intellectual efforts. ─── 他已做了大量智力方面的努力。
20、She was conscious of her superiority in intellect . ─── 她觉察到自己智力的优势。
21、The use of electronics to extend man's intellect. ─── 利用电子学扩展人类才智的一门科学。
22、Man's intellect is considered as a flow of energy. ─── 人类的智能是被视为一种储力之流的。
23、Of less than normal intellect. ─── 低能的低于正常智力的
24、Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. ─── 人类与禽兽之别就在于具有思维能力。
25、He didn't just fight back, he dominated, using skill and intellect. ─── 他不是单纯地同自然作斗争,而是用技巧和智慧来主宰它。
26、He is a child of great intellect. ─── 他是个极具聪明才智的男孩。
27、Speaking baldly, the lowest types men mostly are the common intellect. ─── 不客气的说,所谓下士者绝大部分是指一般的知识份子。
28、Increases spell damage by up to 7% of your total Intellect. ─── 套装:使你的法术伤害提高,其数值相当于你当前智力值的7%。
29、She had worshiped intellect (Charles Kingsley). ─── 她具有令人敬慕的智力(查理斯 金斯利)。
30、He thought college would develop his intellect. ─── 他认为上大学会发展他的才智。
31、A man takes an intellective girl for his wife, is there anything wrong? ─── 娶一个高智商的妻子,有什么不好呢?
32、While there is one untrodden tract for intellect or will, And men are free to think and act, Life is worth living. ─── 只要还有一块知识和意志尚未征服的领域,只要人们能自由思考和行动,生命就是有价值的。
33、HFC is a one of the most prospect high speed broadband network of intellective district. ─── 是智能小区高速宽带网络的一种最有前途的宽带接入网络之一。
34、You will need to use energy and all of your intellect. ─── 你还需要利用你所有的智慧和精力去做。
35、She had the vivid intellect and the healthy human passion. ─── 她有生气勃勃的智慧,有健康正常的感情。
36、Restless, with an active imagination and a keen intellect, life must be lived to the fullest for Gemini. ─── 不宁,想象力和敏锐的心智活跃,生活要住到最高为双子。
37、You estimate his intellect too high(ly). ─── 你对他的才智评价太高了.
38、Being work of judging, property appraisal is accord with intellective activity of significant individual liability. ─── 资产评估作为一种中介鉴证工作,其开展伴随着重大个人责任的智力作业。
39、WwW. zIdiR. coM At the age of intellective economy, the knowledge is "the core production factor" . ─── 在知识经济时代,知识是“核心生产要素”。
40、You should marry intellect with sensibility in dealing with it. ─── 处理这件事时你应把理智与情感融合在一起。
41、That's to say, the villas of RoyalGardenis intellect enough, not only in its surroundings, but also its architecture. ─── 可以说,御花苑的别墅够理性,除了别墅应有的环境,别墅的建筑功底的确理智。
42、He was unique in the sweep of his imagination, the nimbleness of his intellect. ─── 唯独他视野广阔,思想敏捷。
43、That "something illogical" had stirred her feelings more than her intellect to revolt. ─── “某些不合逻辑的地方”激励着她的理智起来反抗。
44、the international trade area, however, have an intensive current of intellective content. ─── 国际贸易中知识和知识产权含量不断增加,知识化趋势不断加强。
45、Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. ─── 学识是精神世界中的批评、创造和沉思的一面。
46、He is a vastly superior intellect. ─── 他是个智慧超群的人。
47、"She had worshiped intellect" (Charles Kingsley). ─── “她具有令人敬慕的智力” (查理斯·金斯利)。
48、Too much intellect must be inhibition; but such inhibition may not be intellect. ─── 太多的理智,就是压抑。太多的压抑,并非理智。
49、Why can't a man put his intellect onto things that's some value? ─── 为什么一个人不能把聪明用在有些价值的东西上头呢?
50、You estimate his intellect too highly. ─── 你把他的智力评估得太高。
51、You can play a heartless game using your keen intellect, charm and* appeal to your advantage. ─── 你可能会利用你的才智、力和性吸引来玩一场无情的感情游戏。
52、Everyone agreed that the man had a master intellect. ─── 人人都承认这人的头脑顶呱呱。
53、No one is satisfied with his fortune, or dissatisfied with his intellect. ─── 人们对财富和才智都不会满足。
54、Introduced the research and development of an intellective free forging CAPP. ─── 介绍了自由锻造CAPP智能化系统的研究和开发技术。
55、The idea of such a transformation of character would never have occurred to his own unaided intellect. ─── 他自己的脑力不经人点拨,决不会自己想到身份的这样一大变化的。
56、Those include hotel apartment, intellective office building for government department, enterprises, institutions, even performance places. ─── 其中包括酒店式公寓、智能写字楼、也有政府或企事业单位办公楼,更包括文体演出场所。
57、We have our own intellective property right of all our products. ─── 公司的每一项产品都有自己的知识产权。
58、His intellect embraces every field of science. ─── 他的智慧涵盖了科学的所有领域。
59、In fact, one's intellect can be trained and sharpened. ─── 事实上,一个人的才智可以靠培养和磨练而成。
60、Creative industry has the cultural, intellective and industrial connotation. ─── 创意产业具有文化、知识和产业内涵。
61、If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. ─── 如果我们遇到一个人具有罕见的智力,我们应该问问他在读什么书。
62、They can be granted intellectual liberty because they have no intellect. ─── 因为他们没有智力,所以不妨给予学术自由。
63、Could not allay the outreach of human intellect. ─── 不能控制人类才智的发展
64、In her system the intellect could unriddle the mysteries of the universe. ─── 在她的体系中,智慧可以揭开宇宙的秘密。
65、Obviously the final object of education is making us intellective by learning more knowledge. ─── 显然最后的教育对象是让我们智力的通过学习更多的知识。
66、Yueqing Solomon Intellective Electronics Co., Ltd. ─── 乐清市所罗门智能电气有限公司。
67、He believes the great project which combining Christianity and Aristotle Philosophy in Middle Ages ends in the intellective calamity. ─── 他认为,中世纪伟大的工程——合并基督教和亚里士多德哲学,已经在智性的灾难中终结了。
68、His superiority in the interrogation room was not based on intellect or physique. ─── 他在审问室里的优势并不是以智谋和体力为基础建立的。
69、Part of what makes him so enigmatic is the nature of his intellect. ─── 使盖茨神秘莫测的部分原因在于他的智慧特点。
70、He weakens the body, darkens the intellect, and debases the soul. ─── 他摧残人的身体,蒙蔽人的理智,腐化人的灵性。
71、You are impressed with his intellect and how quickly his mind works to solve your problem. ─── 你对他的智慧和解决你问题时灵光的头脑感到很是钦佩。
72、In order to realize the task of automatic test, the intellective interface of rack-and-stuck instrument still adopts GPIB in large quantity. ─── 为了在集成的平台下实现自动测试任务,台式仪器的智能化接口仍大量应用GPIB总线来完成。
73、All of the actions are to make technique preparations for the intellective comprehend facing to engineering drawings. ─── 从而为工程图样智慧理解作好技术准备。
74、Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. ─── 好奇心是构成智慧的一项恒久不变的重要特征。
75、She was short on intellect, but long on shape. ─── 她短於才智,长於曲线。
76、A retired litigator misses the challenge to her pugnacious intellect. ─── 一位退休的诉讼人怀念对其好斗才智的挑战。
77、Affection, and intellect should interrelate, influence and restrict each other. ─── 它们相互联系、影响和制约。
78、With almost 100 workers, We are majored in telecontrol, televox, electronic and intellective toys. ─── 专业生产遥控、声控、电子电动、智力等玩具。
79、You spread ignorance, lies and poison; you stifle thought, freedom and intellect. ─── 你传播愚昧无知,谎言和毒害;你禁锢思想,自由和智慧。
80、Newpaper must be intellective、ideaistic、interesting if it want to be a mass-circulation one. ─── 如果报纸想得以大量发行,则必须具有知识性、思想性和趣味性。
81、Enchant Shield - Intellect : Permanently enchant a shield to give 12 intellect. ─── 使一面盾牌永久的获得智力+12的效果。
82、In the modern intellective economic society, the development of venture capital means a lot to a country. ─── 在知识经济日益受到重视的今天,风险投资业的发展对一国经济的发展意义重大。
83、Exceptional clarity and agility of intellect or invention. ─── 卓越的才华,才智智力或发明的不同寻常的清晰和熟练
84、He never brandishes his intellect. ─── 他从不炫耀自己有多聪明。
85、An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention. ─── 启发能推动智力或情感,或者促进行动或发明的媒介物,如人或艺术品
86、The Refrigeration Acad. of Zhejiang Province appraises our products as " energy saving and environmental protecting intellective products" . ─── 产品被浙江省制冷学会评为“浙江市场节能环保智能型制冷产品”。
87、A person of intellect without energy added to it, is a failure. ─── 如果一个人只有才智而没有精力的话,那他就是失败的。
88、If I am intellective to face challenges, I will have a chance to extend their winning to two matches. ─── 如果我能理智的面对这个挑战,我将有机会在另2场的比赛扩展胜利。
89、None of you should take it as a failure as a denigration of your intellect. ─── 不要觉得失败而诋毁了自己的才华。
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