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09-04 投稿



invariableness 中文意思翻译



invariableness 反义词


invariableness 同义词

invariance | invariability

invariableness 相似词语短语

1、inerrableness ─── 惰性

2、invaluableness ─── 无效

3、incurableness ─── 不治之症

4、variableness ─── n.可变性

5、inheritableness ─── 继承性

6、insatiableness ─── 贪得无厌

7、inviableness ─── 无助

8、incapableness ─── 无资格;无能力(incapable的变形)

9、enviableness ─── 羡慕

invariableness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、invariableness strain power ─── 恒拉紧力

2、This method enables every object-based storage device only accessed no more than once and guarantees the invariableness of response time on a certain extension of query windows. ─── 该策略保证查询窗口在一定范围内每台基于对象存储设备最多只被访问一次,且响应时间恒定。

3、The operational results of listed companies of China fluctuate over time, but they can be represented in three types, that are improvement, invariableness and aggravation. ─── 上市公司经营业绩随时间推移而变化,但是它必定可表现为三种状态,即改善、不变和恶化。

4、To ensure the invariableness of initial forces of cable elements in the load-relieving system composed of cables,a dummy-strain method was proposed in this paper. ─── 针对由索组成的荷载缓和体系的非线性分析,提出了一种虚拟应变计算法。

5、On invariableness condition, the minimal water to wet dust and let dust dropping, the maximal dust caught by foam are calculated. ─── 在条件一定的情况下,得出了满足粉尘沉降所需最小水量和捕捉粉尘的最大量;

6、Ratio Invariableness Theorem and Its Applications Based on Superposition Theorem ─── 基于叠加定理导出的比值恒定定理及应用计算

7、Ratio invariableness ─── 比值恒定

8、Hydraulic guillotine press paper with high pressure hydraulic drive, and invariableness, hydraulic components, application in two places. ─── 液压切纸机压纸时采用液压驱动,压力大而恒定,对液压元件要求较高,应用逐渐在增多。

9、The experimentation shows that the transformer's temperature keeping relatively invariableness is good to transformer's safety running and prolonging transformer's life and saving energy sources. ─── 试验表明变压器温升在不同负荷、不同环境温度下,保持在一个相对恒定的范围,有利于节能、延长变压器寿命及安全运行。

10、pressure invariableness ─── 压力恒定

11、Ratio Invariableness Theorem and Its Applications Based on Superposition Theorem ─── 基于叠加定理导出的比值恒定定理及应用计算

12、Technique of Audio Digital Watermarking Based on Statistical Invariableness ─── 基于恒定统计特征的数字音频水印技术

13、Technique of Audio Digital Watermarking Based on Statistical Invariableness ─── 基于恒定统计特征的数字音频水印技术

14、To business card printing preparation process speed increased, the quality assurance business card printing caoqun and invariableness, no vendor business card printing factory does not do. ─── 给制卡绸缪历程提速,包管制卡品格轶群而又恒定,操纵一家制卡厂不但愿如此。

15、The system had advantages of the invariableness of light source and long stable working time, which improved the image collecting precision greatly. ─── 该系统光源恒定、处理速度快、图像精度高,能长时间稳定工作,显著提高了图像采集质量。

16、As a result of the Strip is tightly wrapped in a Centre for the imprint on the drum, tensility invariableness, you can not use an automated registration and control system. ─── 由于料带是不松不松笼罩在洋心压印滚筒上的,因此压力恒定,可以不搁置被迫套准把持编制。

17、On invariableness condition, the minimal water to wet dust and let dust dropping, the maximal dust caught by foam are calculated. ─── 在条件一定的情况下,得出了满足粉尘沉降所需最小水量和捕捉粉尘的最大量;

18、Keywords cooling and circulating water system;water pressure invariableness;frequency modulator;energy saving; ─── 冷却水系统;水压恒定;调频器;节能;

19、An invariableness pressure decompression valve is added to common PCM to keep pressure discrepancy invariable approximately. ─── 在原有PCM流量控制阀组中加上一个定差减压阀,使压力差近似保持定值。

20、Tiny deformation will appear in the local of the propeller shaft of certain ship which is endured an invariableness load, although the shaft stress is within the elastic limit range. ─── 某舰的螺旋桨尾轴长期处在恒定载荷作用下,虽然尾轴应力在弹性极限范围内,但是尾轴局部还是很容易发生微量的塑性变形。

21、Filling the packaging must be free from contamination of: each container filling of invariableness, various containers should be closed as required. ─── 充填包装务必在不受浑浊的后提下举行:每个容器的充填度给恒定,百般容器答根据请求举行闭塞。

22、On invariableness condition,the minimal water to wet dust and let dust dropping,the maximal dust caught by foam are calculated. ─── 在条件一定的情况下,得出了满足粉尘沉降所需最小水量和捕捉粉尘的最大量;

23、It should also be noted that the longer the material roll, the more easy stretch, tension values should be corresponding changes in tassion, invariableness stationaring is very important. ─── 我们还答夺纲到,料卷越不幼,越易拉伸,不压力值答相答变不静,恒定安稳的不压力不一不合重给。

24、Notice: 1) keep water temperature invariableness. ─── 注意事项:1)注意保持水温恒定。用药期间亦然。

25、The output current is never influenced by power supply, realizing the invariableness of load current. ─── 输出电流不受供电电压波动的影响,实现了电路的恒流功能。

26、Landsberg P T. Is the temperature of a moving body invari cant [J] . Nature, 1966,212:571. ─── 叶壬癸.狭义相对论中温度变换的讨论[J].厦门大学学报(自然版),1982(3):319.

27、Charging by time or ration, invariableness discharging, simulant charging, invariableness power discharging on simulant environment ─── 定时定量恒流充电、恒流终止电压放电、模拟充电器充电、模拟电动车使用环境恒功率放电

28、With the independent shower, multifunctional massage shower head and invariableness water temperature round the clock, you can bath as you want in the bathroom. ─── 浴室拥有独立淋浴间,多功能按摩淋浴花洒,全天候恒定水温,让您随心所浴(欲)。

29、invariablely invariableness n. ─── 不变,恒定 stigma n。

30、cutting with invariableness cutting force ─── 恒力切削

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