spikelet 发音
英:[['spaɪklet]] 美:[['spaɪklet]]
英: 美:
spikelet 中文意思翻译
spikelet 短语词组
1、differentiated spikelet ─── 分化小穗
2、degenerated spikelet ─── 退化小穗
spikelet 相似词语短语
1、spikelets ─── n.小穗;小穗状花
2、spiderlet ─── 蜘蛛
3、spirelet ─── n.小尖塔
4、pikelet ─── n.小圆饼;小型的圆面包
5、pikelets ─── 泡菜
6、spieled ─── n.流利夸张的讲话,招揽生意的言辞;v.喋喋不休地高谈阔论;演奏音乐;n.(Spiel)(美、巴、匈)施皮尔(人名)
7、spieler ─── n.招揽顾客的人;专事欺诈的人;商业宣传员;n.(Spieler)人名;(瑞典)斯皮勒;(德、匈)施皮勒
8、spirelets ─── n.小尖塔
9、spiceless ─── adj.无香料的
spikelet 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next. ─── 变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。
2、Murayama (1967) pointed out that efficiency of spikelet formation (evaluated by spikelet number per nitrogen unit absorbed before heading) is high in cooler climates than in warmer regions. ─── 年指出小穗生长效率(由抽穗前吸收的氮单位形成的小穗数计算),在较冷气候下比较暖地区为高。
3、Characteristics: Perennial herb; ca. 10-40 cm tall. Leaves simple, radical; 3-6 corymbs, each corymb with 3-10 spikelets, spikelet linear, 1-3 cm long; style long; fruit a achene, brown. ─── 形态:多年生草本,约10-40公分高。单叶基生;3-6个伞状花序,每个花序3-10小穗,小穗线形,1-3公分长;花柱长;瘦果褐色。
4、The results indicated that improving the kernel number per spike should be focused on increasing the spikelet number, floret differentiation rate and grain set rate. ─── 因此,小麦穗粒数的改良应在增加结实小穗数的基础上提高小花的分化速率和小花的结实率。
5、The 1RS/1BL increased the spikelet number per spike, however, it decreased the grain number per spikelet. ─── 抽穗期、穗粒数和穗粒重几个性状间差异不显著。
6、There was significant positive correlation between the first internodes length below spikelet and the longitude(P01). ─── 经度仅与穗下第1节间长呈显著正相关(P0.01);
7、The soft, crinkled hairs around the spikelet and the deciduous upper floret are clear-cut characters for recognition. ─── 在小穗和落叶的上面小花周围的柔软,皱曲的毛是承认的明确的特征。
8、1 Lower glume of sessile spikelet smooth. ─── 无梗小穗的更低的颖片平滑。
9、Branch and spikelet ─── 枝梗和颖花
10、A few specimens from China have the long spikelet spines of this species, which is otherwise known only from Sri Lanka. ─── 来自中国的一些标本有本种的长小穗刺,这是只从斯里兰卡知道的否则。
11、oblique spikelet ─── 斜生小穗
12、Spikelet position ─── 小穗位
13、Each individual floret of the spikelet is also subtended by two bracts, the lower being called the lemma and the upper the palea. ─── 每一朵能发育的花的外面又有两片鳞片状的薄片包住,称为稃片,外面的一片称外稃,是花基部的苞片,里面的一片称内稃。
14、This may indicate that spikelet development before heading limits grain size. ─── 这可能表明抽穗前的小穗发育限制籽粒大小。
15、Structure of the spikelet ─── 小穗结构
16、The order of the seed yield components to its yield is weight per seed >seed numbers per spikelet >florets per spikelet >spikelets per shoot >shoots. ─── 6个模型中,5个种子产量因子每提高1个单位对其种子产量的提高大小排序为单粒种子重>每小穗种子粒数>每小穗小花数>每生殖枝小穗数>生殖枝数。
17、These results show that the spikelet number is regulated by GA, IAA, ZT and ABA, especially the value of ZT/IAA. ─── 据此认为,GA、IAA、ZT和ABA均参与了对小穗数目的调控,其中ZT/IAA值对小穗数目的调控作用尤为重要。
18、lower glume vestigial or a narrow triangular scale up to 1/2 spikelet length or more; ─── 更低的颖片残迹的或一狭窄的三角形的鳞片可达1/2的小穗长度或更多;
19、spikelet number ─── 小穗数目
20、lower glume lanceolate, 1/2 spikelet length, veinless; ─── 披针形的下部颖片,1/2小穗长度,无脉;
21、Upper glume subequaling spikelet; only branch or branchlet tips extending into a bristle, rarely a solitary bristle below a few spikelets. ─── 近相等的上面颖片小穗;只分枝或小枝端部延长成为一刚毛,很少在一些小穗下面的一单生刚毛。
22、Genotypes, with significant more rachis nodes, thus more spikelet number per spike than CS (Common Spike) in wheat, are named MRN (Multiple-Rachis-Node) wheat. ─── 多穗轴节类(MRN)小麦系指通过增加小穗着生部位(穗轴节)来提高每穗小穗数的遗传类型。
23、Effects of Spikelet and Grain Positions on Grain Number, Weight and Protein Content of Wheat Spike ─── 小麦穗籽粒数、单粒重及单粒蛋白质含量的小穗位和粒位效应
24、spikelets 1-flowered, purplish brown, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 4-5(-6) mm long, 1-1.5mm wide;bilateral appressed,spikelet stalk toward 2 mm long; ─── 小穗紫褐色,披针形,长4-5(-6)毫米,宽1-1.5毫米,两侧压扁,小穗柄长达2毫米,成熟后整个小穗脱落;
25、upper lemma slightly shorter than spikelet, thinly cartilaginous, smooth, margins flat below middle, apex acute. ─── 上面外稃稍短于小穗,稀疏软骨质,平滑,边缘平的中间以下,先端锐尖。
26、Identification of the Mutant of Split Rice Spikelet (SRS) ─── 水稻颖花开裂SRS突变体的鉴定
27、Plant height, ear length, spikelet numbers, effective tillers, grain numbers per plant and TKW of T0 transgenic plants were examined. ─── 然后观察和记录经过分子鉴定为转化植株的T0代植株的株高、茎粗、穗长、节数、分蘖数、株籽粒数、平均穗籽粒数及千粒重等形态表型和性状表现。
28、In a panicle, the frequencies in the stronger spikelet were higher,but in the weaker ones lower. ─── 在同一稻穗中的多卵和多胚苗频率,强势颖花要明显地高于弱势颖花。
29、Temperature within extremely low and high levels, affected spikelet formation, ripening, and final grain yield. ─── 极低、极高范围内的温度影响小穗生成、成熟和最终籽粒产量。
30、The effect of removing middle spikelet on set ting kernels was greater, kernels per ear was less, its single grain weight increase compensated partly the loss which resulted from kernels decreasing. ─── 去除中部小穗对结实粒数影响较大,穗粒数最少,其穗粒重因剩余籽粒单粒重增加而得到一定程度补偿。
31、S3307 treatments lengthen the duration from floret differentiation stage to yaoge stage, increase the spikelet number and grain number per ear. ─── 本文着重研究了这些方面并探讨了生育期的变化对增粒的作用,以期更加全面地了解生长调节剂调节的内容,为农业生产新技术提供理论依据。
32、spikelet fertility ─── 单株结实率
33、basal spikelet ─── 基部小穗
34、Sessile spikelet longer than rachis internode; ─── 无梗小穗长于轴节间;
35、Culms up to 1.5 m; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose. ─── 秆可达1.5米;稀疏的无梗小穗的上面颖片具柔毛。
36、sterile spikelet ─── 不结实的小穗
37、spikelet flowering rate before noon ─── 午前花率
38、Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins. ─── 在脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。
39、Chromosomal location of genes for spikelet number of the giant spike wheat germplasm ─── 巨穗小麦种质小穗数的染色体定位研究
40、Lower glume of sessile spikelet lanceolate or elliptic, strongly 6- or 7-veined with deep grooves between. ─── 披针形的更下部的颖片的无梗小穗或椭圆形,强烈6或7脉具深具凹槽在之间。
41、lower lemma usually equal to spikelet, 5-veined, nearly straight on the back, its palea small or absent; ─── 更低的外稃通常等于小穗,5脉,差不多直接在背面,它的内稃小的或无上;
42、Characteristics: Perennial herb; ca. 10-40 cm tall. Leaves simple, radical; 3-6 corymbs, each corymb with 3-10 spikelets, spikelet linear, 1-3 cm long; style long; fruit a achene, brown. ─── 形态:多年生草本,约10-40公分高。单叶基生;3-6个伞状花序,每个花序3-10小穗,小穗线形,1-3公分长;花柱长;瘦果褐色。
43、The average spikelet flowering time of 3 CMS(D23A,G46A,Jin23A)was shorter than that of Zhenshan97A. ─── D62A、D63A、D64A等3个细胞质雄性不育系的平均张颖时间均比对照珍汕97A长,其余三个短于珍汕97A。
44、Lower glume of sessile spikelet oblanceolate, winged; awn absent or imperfect, included within spikelet. ─── 无梗小穗的更低的颖片倒披针形,具翅;芒缺席或者不完全,在小穗内包括。
45、lemma 2/3 spikelet length, back smooth or scaberulous, awned from just above middle, apex truncate-denticulate; ─── 外稃2/3的小穗长度,从只不过在中部以上,先端截形具小齿光滑或者微糙,具芒的背面;
46、supernumerary spikelet ─── 复小穗
47、Inflorescence composed of several slender, loosely spiculate racemes spaced along a central axis, spikelets paired but the sessile spikelet often reduced. ─── 由纤细,松弛细刺总状花序沿着主轴线隔开的数个组成的花序,除了这退化的无梗小穗通常配对。
48、A few specimens from China have the long spikelet spines of this species, which is otherwise known only from Sri Lanka. ─── 来自中国的一些标本有本种的长小穗刺,这是只从斯里兰卡知道的否则。
49、Abstract The frequency of polyeggs and polyembryo-seedlings of APIV are to certain extent related to both the developmental season and the site of the spikelet in a panicle. ─── 摘要 APIV的多卵和多胚苗频率与其颖花和种子的发育季节以及颖花的着生部位有一定关系。
50、The barbed awns catch in the fur of passing animals, effecting dispersal of the spikelet. ─── 具倒刺的芒在通过动物,影响小穗的驱散的毛皮里卡住。
51、Upper glume clearly mucronate, shorter than spikelet; spikelets planoconvex, acuminate; back of upper lemma lying against rachis. ─── 明显短尖的上面颖片,短于小穗;小穗平凸,渐尖;在对轴躺的上面外稃后面。
52、Panicle number, spikelet number per panicle, spikelet fertility,hundred grain weight, grain yield and panicle length were surveyed at mature stage. ─── 百粒重对氮肥比较敏感,总的趋势是施氮量增加,粒重下降;
53、It is sometimes subdivided into more narrowly defined species or infraspecific taxa based on variations in leaf indumentum and spikelet size. ─── 基生叶1/2段秆;叶鞘短于节间,青春期或下半部分;丝状,旋卷的叶片,外表面无毛到密被柔毛;
54、big spikelet ─── 大穗
55、When grows in Nanjing in summer, the development stage of 6311S is 84 day and spikelet number of stem ear is 270; ─── 6311S生育期82天; 南京正季作不育系主穗达270粒;
56、the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next. ─── 变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。
57、Correlation analysis revealed that flag leave angle increased grain yield by increasing spikelet fertility. ─── 相关性分析表明,较小的剑叶角度可通过提高结实率进而显著增加产量。
58、The effect of removing base spikelet on setting kernels and grain weight was slighter, kernels and grain weight per ear decreased less. ─── 去除基部小穗对结实粒数和粒重的影响较小穗粒数和粒重下降较少;
59、A Breeding Method for Increasing Spikelet and Studies on Creation of New Germplasm Resource in Wheat ─── 小麦增小穗育种方法与新种质资源拓宽研究
60、The relationship between spikelet fertility and the green leaves area, the dry matter dynamic of leaf sheath and culm of different cultivars was analyzed. ─── 对不同品种绿叶面积和茎鞘干物质的动态变化及其与子粒结实的关系进行了分析。
61、Few QTLs were detected under both water stress and non-stress condition, implying that drought had severe impact on the genetic behaviors of both spikelet number and stigma exsertion. ─── 几乎没有在水分胁迫和非胁迫两种条件下都检测到的QTL,暗示着干旱对颖花数和柱头外露率有严重的影响。
62、1 Lower glume of sessile spikelet obovate, broadly winged; awn present, geniculate, exserted from spikelet. ─── 倒卵形的无梗小穗,具宽翅的下部颖片;从小穗存在,膝曲,外露的芒。
63、fzp and dro are mutants of two key genes that control the differentiations and developments of spikelet and sexual organs (pistil and stamen) in rice, respectively. ─── fzp和dro分别是水稻花发育两个阶段的关键基因的突变体。
64、Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins. ─── 脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。
65、High ability of spikelet formation of short-duration varieties could be attributable to high nitrogen content in leaf sheath at panicle initiation stage. ─── 可将小日月品种小穗形成能力高归因于小穗分化初期叶鞘中的氮含量高。
66、The ratio of deficiency is 20%-100% in the first floret stamen of stem spikelet and the largest deficiency is Caoshang yellow-soil (100%). ─── 有柄小穗雄蕊缺失的变化范围为20%-100%,其中,漕上黄壤的变化最大(100%)。
67、Researches on evolution of spikelet morphology and the genetic relationships of tribe Stipeae in China. ─── 我国针茅族小穗的形态演化及其属间亲缘关系的探讨.
68、There is a simple ovary, which is unicarpellous, unilocular, and uniovulate, in one spikelet. ─── 巨龙竹为一心皮组成的单室单子房,子房内具有一个胚珠,倒生、双珠被、厚珠心。
69、branches up to 20 cm, in distant whorls, loosely ascending, bare in lower part, spikelet pairs spaced, spikelets not overlapping; ─── 分枝可达20厘米,在远的轮生,松弛上升,最低限度的在下部里,小穗对隔开,小穗不重叠;
70、The number of vascular bundles of each floret in spikelet decrease with the rising of floret position. ─── 小穗上各位小花维管束数目随小花位上升而递减。
71、This species is used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are reminiscent of those of bamboos. The barbed awns catch in the fur of passing animals, effecting dispersal of the spikelet. ─── 本种用于药用的目的。叶使人想起竹子的。具倒刺的芒在通过动物,影响小穗的驱散的毛皮里卡住。
72、hair development and rachis of spikelet ─── 小穗轴生毛
73、Vernalization, a Switch in Initiation of Flowering, Promotes Differentiation and Development of Spikelet in Winter Wheat ─── 春化处理控制冬小麦的小穗发育
74、the outer or lower of the two bracts that enclose the flower in a grass spikelet ─── 外稃,在草的小穗状花序中,包围花朵的两瓣苞片中外面或下面的那一片
75、Culms up to 1. 5 m; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose. ─── 秆可达1。5米;稀疏的无梗小穗的上面颖片具柔毛。
76、an individual flower within a dense cluster, as a grass flower in a spikelet, or a flower of the Compositae (Asteraceae) in an involucrate head. ─── 密集花簇中的单个花,如禾草小穗中的一朵花,或者菊科头状花序中的一朵花。
77、lemma 2/3 spikelet length, awned from near base to slightly below middle of back, lateral veins minutely exserted, apex obtuse-denticulate; ─── 外稃2/3小穗长度,从近基部到背面,精确外露的侧脉的中间以下的稍微具芒,先端钝具小齿;
78、Spikelet fertility was controlled by embryosac fertility, pollen fertility and anther dehiscence. The latter two determined the number of germinating pollen on stigma and affected indirectly the fertilization of spikelets. ─── 杂种的小穗育性主要受胚囊育性、粉育性及花药开裂特性所控制,后两者通过影响柱头上花粉的萌发量而决定小穗的受精。
79、Halving Spikelet ─── 减库
80、Effects of Halving Spikelet on the Wheat Grain Quality under Short Period of Heat Shock at the middle Stage of Grain Filling ─── 灌浆期短暂高温下减库对小麦籽粒品质的影响
81、A particularly vigorous form from Yunnan, N Myanmar, and N Thailand has been separated as Eulalia birmanica.This has long, straight rachis internodes subequaling the spikelet. ─── 上发生来自云南的特别有力的形式,这近相等有长,直的轴节间小穗。
82、upper glume as long as spikelet; ─── 上面颖片倍于小穗;
84、A diminutive axis of a spikelet that bears the florets, as in grasses and sedges. ─── 叶轴带复叶小叶的叶柄的轴的延长,如草类和蒿类的叶轴
85、Genetic affininity among 3 Asian rice ecotypcs(bulu, aus and upland)was studied on the basis of pollen and spikelet fertility in 146 F_1 hybrids involving 13 parents. ─── 根据13个亲本146个F_1的花粉育性和小穗育性,研究了亚洲栽培稻三个生态型(布鲁、奥斯及陆稻)的遗传亲和性。
86、Specific Spikelet Fertility as Indicator of Cold Tolerance at Booting Stage in Rice ─── 水稻特定位颖花结实率作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定指标
87、The frequency of polyeggs and polyembryo_seedlings of APIV are to certain extent related to both the developmental season and the site of the spikelet in a panicle. ─── APIV的多卵和多胚苗频率与其颖花和种子的发育季节以及颖花的着生部位有一定关系。
88、The maximal spike position for individual grain weight of spikelet was lower than the maximal spike position for grain weight of spikelet. ─── 平均单粒重随氮肥水平的增加先增加后减少,小穗单粒重最大的穗位低于小穗粒重最大的穗位。
89、Pan J, Jiang D, Cao W X, Sun C F.Effects of spikelet and grain positions on grain number, weight and protein content of wheat spike. ─── 潘洁,姜东,曹卫星,孙传范.小麦穗籽粒数,单粒重及单粒蛋白质含量的小穗位和粒位效应.作物学报,2005,31(4):431-437.
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