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09-16 投稿



involvement 发音

英:[[ɪnˈvɒlvmənt]]  美:[[ɪnˈvɑːlvmənt]]

英:  美:

involvement 中文意思翻译



involvement 词性/词形变化,involvement变形

副词: involvedly |

involvement 同义词

affaire | concern | liaison | enthusiasm | association | preoccupation | attachment | intimacy | commitment | amour | connection | immersion | affair | envelopment | involution | complexity | engagement |interest | engrossment | contribution | participation

involvement 反义词


involvement 相似词语短语

1、devolvement ─── 移交

2、involvements ─── n.参与;牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难

3、evolvement ─── n.演变;发展;演化;进化

4、invitement ─── 邀请

5、noninvolvement ─── 拒绝介入

6、inclement ─── adj.天气恶劣的;气候严酷的;狂风暴雨的;潮湿的;寒冷的

7、disinvolvement ─── 去介入

8、convolvement ─── 卷积

9、deny involvement ─── 否认参与

involvement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation. ─── 他因卷入丑闻,在名誉上留下污点。

2、The company says its involvement is part of a stepped-up commitment to developing wirelessly connected intelligent vehicles. ─── 该公司表示,它加入此项合作,是它深化其无线连接的智能车战略的一部分。

3、But he rejects UN involvement in forming a new government in Baghdad. ─── 但是他反对联合国介入到在巴格达成立新政府的问题中。

4、His family's involvement and support was one of the major influences in his success. ─── 他家人的参与与支持是让他成功的主要影响。

5、The pathologist insisted on anonymity, he said, due to fear of damaging his reputation with involvement in such a high-profile case. ─── 病理学家坚持匿名,他说,由于害怕因卷入此类高度关注的案例中损害他的名誉。

6、It's difficult to deal with involvement in trouble. ─── 卷入纠纷,很难处理。

7、One of the main themes of TQM is employee involvement. ─── 全员质量管理的一个主要原则之一是雇员参与。

8、Involvement of the small bowel by primary or metastic neoplasms may occasionally be followed by perforation. ─── 原发性或转移性肿瘤累及小肠也偶可继发穿孔。

9、He was convinced that government involvement would ruin the company. ─── 他确信政府的干预会把公司毁掉。

10、Involvement of enterprises in course programming, teaching and career tutorial. ─── 企业参与学校的课程规划、教学和职业规划辅导等。

11、The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement. ─── 外交部已断然否认与此有任何牵连。

12、He avoids involvement in politics. ─── 他避免卷入政治。

13、His information comes first-hand from his personal involvement at senior levels of Al Qaida. ─── 他讲述的是他参与基地组织高层行动的第一手材料。

14、She denies any involvement in the robbery. ─── 她否认与抢案有任何关联。

15、How can different points of contact work together for greater overall involvement? ─── 不同的接触点如何共同作用,让整体品牌投入度最大化?

16、To become detached from social or emotional involvement. ─── 冷淡在社交场合或感情方面变得冷漠

17、It is desirable, therefore, to minimize any additional variation due to operator involvement. ─── 因此,较为理想的是尽可能减小操作员产生的变量。

18、The direct involvement of the U. S. saved the Philippines from a military dictatorship, but it did not spare them from authoritarianism. ─── 美国的直接干预虽然让菲律宾免受军事独裁的长期压制,但是维权政府还是难以避免。

19、Her husband's involvement with another woman led to their divorce. ─── 她丈夫与另一女人有染道致他们离婚。

20、He issued a very strongly worded statement denying any involvement in the plot. ─── 他发表了一项措辞强烈的声明,否认这一阴谋。

21、He encourages parental involvement in the running of school. ─── 他鼓励学生家长参与学校的管理。

22、To increase one's commitment or involvement. ─── 增加困难,增加义务增加某人的义务或财政困难

23、The tumors are frequently multicentric, and a thyroid scan does not always reflect areas of involvement. ─── 肿瘤呈多中心,甲状腺扫描并不总能显示病变部位。

24、Another option is to ensure an active involvement in processing the information. ─── 另一选择是在处理信息的过程中确保行动实践。

25、She wanted no involvement with men in a romantic way. ─── 她不想浪漫地卷入与男人的纠缠。

26、He didn't have any direct involvement in this affair. ─── 他未直接卷入这个事件中。

27、Employee involvement and consultation arrangements shall be documented and interested parties informed. ─── 员工参与和协商的安排应形成文件,并向相关方通报。

28、Swissworld. Org is looking for blog writers with a personal involvement with Switzerland. ─── swissworld.org网站寻找和瑞士有关联的博客作者。

29、There is no involvement of a third party in the marriage filled up with harmony and warmth. ─── 充满和谐与温馨的婚姻不会有第三者插足。

30、Many would pay respects to Robin Cook for his resignation in protest over Britain's involvement in Iraq. ─── 坚守信念,反对入侵伊拉克。

31、Peace and stability in the world need the active involvement of China. ─── 世界和平和稳定需有中国的积极参与。

32、Your involvement with children will be most rewarding. ─── 双鱼座:和孩子在一起是最有意义的事情。

33、What best describes your primary involvement with the Web? ─── 你从事的主要职业类型?

34、Detachment, as from social or emotional involvement. ─── 冷淡对于社交场合或感情方面冷漠

35、The whole body bone scan revealed multiple bone involvement. ─── 全身骨骼扫描显示多部位骨骼侵犯。

36、Gav Thorpe takes a closer look at their history from their early beginnings to their involvement on the war-ravaged world of Armageddon. ─── 塔夫特洛浦从这个善恶分明的世界上开始了对他们历史的记述。

37、Conscientiousness is positively related to job involvement. ─── 二、审慎性人格倾向会对工作投入产生正向影响;

38、Encourage team members involvement in management decisions. ─── 作出管理决定时,鼓励同组人员参与。

39、Increasing the involvement of affected groups. ─── 增加包括组织疾病小组。

40、He was cited for suspected involvement in this law case. ─── 他因涉嫌此案而被传讯。

41、The extent of Chinese women's involvement in the management of state and social affairs has markedly increased. ─── 妇女参与国家和社会管理的程度明显提高。

42、Learn more about the University Library of Lausanne's involvement in the project [in French]. ─── 了解关于洛桑大学图书馆参与该计划的更多信息[法语]。

43、A good harmony creation and its effective involvement in accompaniment often serve as supplements and foils to songs. ─── 好的和声设计并有效地运用在伴奏上,将对歌曲的表现起到补充和衬托的作用。

44、Just mindfully watch the mud swirl, without any involvement in the process. ─── 只是觉知的观察整个涡流而不要牵涉其中。

45、Promote the individual's sense of responsibility and involvement in recovery and treatment. ─── 增强患者责任感,鼓励其参与恢复及治疗活动。

46、He has denied his involvement [role] on the distribution of the profits. ─── 他在利润分配问题上把自己说得很超脱。

47、No involvement of heavy technology investment. ─── 不涉及庞大的技术投资。

48、Preserved largely intact, according to Jane's involvement in the length of their burial into a long and Jane in the short Jane in the next. ─── 保存基本完好,依简的长短各自成卷入葬,长简在上,短简在下。

49、How much government involvement is too much? ─── 多少的投入才算是超支的?

50、Although Lee has become something of a hero since publicizing his involvement with the Open Kinect contest, he is reticent. ─── 尽管自从李公开他在开源Kinect竞赛的参与,他成为了某种意义上的英雄,他依旧沉默如初。

51、Learn more about Princeton University Library's involvement in the project. ─── 了解关于普林斯顿大学图书馆参与该计划的更多信息[英语]。

52、They are entertaining companions and are more intrigued by the idea of love than the actual day to day involvement. ─── 他们是娱乐、更迷上了同伴的想法每天爱比实际参与。

53、There was a growing unease about their involvement in the war. ─── 他们对卷入战争感到日益不安。

54、Parental involvement is encouraged in all aspects of their education. ─── 在教育的各个方面,父母亲的介入都是被鼓励的。

55、She shied from new involvement in the deal. ─── 她不想再卷入那笔交易。

56、But we couldn't guarantee Ryan would get the involvement he wanted. ─── 但是我们不能保证他能得到他想要的。

57、LCIS with pagetoid involvement of duct. ─── LCIS伴Paget样累犯导管。

58、Facilitating people's involvement in the Olympic Games? ─── 为人民群众积极广泛参与奥运会创造良好条件。

59、Both lungs will have innumerable metastatic foci and lymphangitic involvement. ─── 双侧肺内出现无数的转移病灶和淋巴管性播散。

60、growing unease about their involvement in the war. ─── 他们对卷入战争感到日益不安。

61、SW: What is your involvement with Akira Kurosawa on his new samurai film? ─── 在黑泽明最新的武士电影里,你担任什么样的角色?

62、On the other, they have tended to keep aloof from close involvement in international bodies. ─── 另一方面,他们尽量避免卷入国际事务,避免加入国际组织。

63、Effective financial infrastructure, even in a free market economy, needs a degree of government involvement. ─── 即使是自由市场经济,也需要政府某种程度的参与,才能建设有效的金融基础设施。

64、Involvement in Design Review Process with customers, suppliers and CTT UK. ─── 参与和客户,供应商和英国总部的设计回顾。

65、Hypothesis 2 received very marginal support in that job involvement. ─── 假设2在工作态度方面得到了比较模糊的支持。

66、Your involvement in sports or entertainment will lead to new romances. ─── 参加运动或者娱乐活动能够带来新的浪漫史。

67、In 1997,the committee continued to devote much of its attention to the prevention of juvenile involvement in crime. ─── 1997年内,委员会继续关注防止青少年以身试法的问题。

68、The group, which is fighting Indian rule in Kashmir, has denied involvement. ─── 但是这个在克什米尔反抗印度统治的组织否认涉及这一事件。

69、The oligarch, a bitter enemy of Putin, has denied any involvement. ─── 与普京有很大分歧的该政治寡头则否认参与其中。

70、But leaders of the rebel group have denied any involvement. ─── 但这个叛乱集团的首领全盘否认涉入此事。

71、AS: It began earlier, but Tagore's involvement lasted through his seventies. ─── 后来就更清楚了。但是,泰戈尔的涉入,持续了他的七十多岁。

72、Involvement as an accomplice in a questionable act or a crime. ─── 同谋卷入有嫌疑的活动或犯罪的共犯

73、Involvement in market economy has brought about a marked increase in women's income. ─── 参与市场经济引起了妇女收人的显著增加。

74、Raise the stakes To increase one's commitment or involvement. ─── 增加困难,增加义务:增加某人的义务或财政困难语源。

75、If this was true, then nine months of denials of White House involvement were undermined. ─── 如果这是真实的话,那么九个月来白宫一直否认与水门有牵连就算白搭了。

76、But she feels her greatest achievement has been her involvement in the Haitian Health and Education Foundation. ─── 但是她认为她最大的成就是参与了海地健康与教育基金会。

77、Involvement or encasement of great vessels in mediastinum occurred in 21 cases. ─── 21例纵隔大血管被包埋或侵犯。

78、The eligibility of using the logo will be renewed each year to encourage continuous efforts of community involvement. ─── 主办机构亦会每年更新参与公司名单,以鼓励它们对社区持续作出贡献。

79、Both had been dismissed from the Army for involvement in a previous attempt. ─── 因涉嫌卷入先前的一次行动,他们都被军方开除了。

80、His parents warned him to avoid involvement with the street-loafers. ─── 他父母告诫他不要与街头的游手好闲者牵连在一起。

81、He spoke honestly about his involvement in the affair. ─── 他直言不讳地说了他与该事件有牵连。

82、In large organizations it requires the involvement of many departments and multiple company locations. ─── 在大型组织中,它需要得到许多部门的支持,并在企业的多个场所进行。

83、To begin a venture with great energy, involvement, and competence. ─── 倾力投入而开始以极大的精力、投入或才能开始一项新事业

84、Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character. ─── 她卷入了这次欺诈案,在她的品格上留下了一个很大的污点。

85、Who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider. ─── 他以数不清的伪装呈现:所谓局外人,其实已介入局内,这是意外,却也是必然。

86、Promote client involvement if possible. ─── 可能时鼓励病人参与。

87、He has tried to play down his involvement in the affair. ─── 他极力淡化与该事的瓜葛。

88、He spoke openly about his involvement with the actress. ─── 他公开讲述了他和那位女演员的恋情。

89、His involvement in the scandal is a blot on his reputation. ─── 他因卷入丑闻,在名誉上留下污点。

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