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09-13 投稿



intermezzo 发音

英:[ˌɪntərˈmetsoʊ]  美:[ˌɪntəˈmetsəʊ]

英:  美:

intermezzo 中文意思翻译



intermezzo 网络释义

n. 间奏曲;插曲;幕间剧;芭蕾舞表演

intermezzo 词性/词形变化,intermezzo变形


intermezzo 相似词语短语

1、interments ─── n.葬礼;埋葬

2、intermedia ─── n.媒介物,中间物;adj.综合使用多种艺术表现手段的;综合媒介的

3、intermeddle ─── v.干预,插手(等于meddle)

4、interment ─── n.葬礼;埋葬

5、intermezzos ─── 插曲;幕间剧;芭蕾舞表演(intermezzo的复数)

6、intermedial ─── adj.中间的(等于intermediate);n.媒介

7、intermezzi ─── n.间奏曲;幕间剧

8、intermedin ─── n.[生化][生理]促黑激素

9、intermesh ─── v.(使)互相啮合;(使)互相结合

intermezzo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A fairly popular attempt at writing a new distributed file system is the InterMezzo distributed file system. ─── intermezzo分布式文件系统是一个相当流行的新的分布式文件系统。

2、At last this intermezzo came to an end, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall. ─── 这段小插曲后来终于结束了,我也就不知不觉地力突然来到了宏伟的市政大楼前。

3、Richter: It was a lovely scene. A nice, effective intermezzo. ─── 李希特:这是很有意思的一幕。一段很棒的小插曲。

4、Five octaves above the intermezzo's end note, a fortissimo tirade pounces out of the sky, written in four-four-time but played in seven-eight (one-two-three-four-one-two-three etc.). ─── 在间奏曲结束音的五个八度以上的地方,一段激烈的最强音腾空而起,它被记录在四四拍的谱上,但却以七八拍(一二三四一二三)弹奏。

5、For content demand of business man, Intermezzo will promote two kinds of lunch buffet ( light buffet RMB68/person net, full buffet RMB108/person net ). ─── 为了迎合各阶层商务人士的需求,西餐将推出轻式自助餐68元每位净价和全自助餐108元每位净价。

6、2)This intermezzo over,he found himself surrounded by several stunning, porcelain-faced Japanese women in kimonos. ─── (这曲子过后,他发现自己身处几位穿着和服并且有着娇好面容的日本女人的包围之中。

7、Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30。Intermezzo: Adagio ─── 06拉赫曼尼诺夫:D小调第3号钢琴协奏曲,作品30。终曲:二分之二拍

8、middle movement, called Intermezzo, is an Andante grazioso with light staccatos and melodic grace. ─── 中段的间奏曲是有轻巧顿促音和优雅旋律的行板。

9、Don't worry, everything that you will learn does not apply only to the Intermezzo Giocoso, but to any level of playing. ─── 不必担心,你们要学习的东西并不是仅仅用于“Gisoco间奏曲”,而是任意水平的演奏。

10、These works seem as if the epitome of his life.One of the most distinctive is Intermezzo. ─── 这些作品仿佛是他一生的浓缩,其中以间奏曲最为有特色。

11、Our bar "Intermezzo" is the perfect place for relaxing with an Antares beer or a glass of wine. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。

12、In the opposite of this, 'Intermezzo', designed by INDEX Architecture, seeks to adopt a language of continuity with its context. ─── 而与此相反,由INDEX递交的这个设计方案则采用一种流通的语言,一种融入的语言,从而实现建筑与景观及场地之间的互动。

13、At last this intermezzo came to an end , and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall . ─── 这段小插曲后来终于结束了,我也就不知不觉地力突然来到了宏伟的市政大楼前。

14、Gates Rubber Company Intermezzo Systems, Inc. Intermezzo Systems, Inc. ─── 美国盖茨橡胶公司。

15、Unrealistically, you may try to play the Intermezzo Giocoso by practising 30 minutes every day. ─── 你可能会每天练习30分钟,然后不切实际的尝试着去演奏“Gisoco间奏曲”。

16、This can be easily explained: in order to master a difficult passage in the Intermezzo Giocoso, you will need, say, 10 days practising two hours a day. ─── 这很容易解释:为了掌握“Gisoco间奏曲”中的,你需要10天每天2小时的练习。

17、Don't worry, everything that you will learn does not apply only to the Intermezzo Giocoso, but to any level of playing. ─── 不必担心,你们要学习的东西并不是仅仅用于“Gisoco间奏曲”,而是任意水平的演奏。

18、A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo. ─── 块茎没有开始或结束、它总是在中间,在事物中间,存在中间,在高低音中间。

19、This intermezzo over, he found himself surrounded by several stunning, porcelain-faced Japanese women in kimonos. ─── 这曲子过后,他发现自己身处几位穿着和服并且有着娇好面容的日本女人的包围之中。

20、Intermezzo: Andantino grazioso - III. ─── 2:第二乐章:间奏曲:优美的小行板;第三乐章:活泼的快板II.

21、P.Russ)Fennimore and Gerda: Intermezzo (arr.E. ─── 创世纪组曲: VI. 圣约 (彩虹) (recon.

22、A fairly popular attempt at writing a new distributed file system is the InterMezzo distributed file system. ─── InterMezzo分布式文件系统是一个相当流行的新的分布式文件系统。

23、Writing Methods of Composing Prelude, Intermezzo, Epilogue and Their Artistic Manifestations ─── 歌曲创作前奏、间奏、尾声的写法及其艺术表现

24、Oriental - Theme with Variations, Intermezzo, Finale. ─── 东方-主题变奏曲,间奏曲,终曲。

25、The performed selection, "The Wide Opened Door" is a musical intermezzo often performed during cantonese opera performances... ─── 其曲目“大开门”是一个经常在粤剧演出当中使用的小曲牌。

26、In the intermezzo, Mascagni’s clever use of a serene tuneful melody to add suspense to the drama illustrates his talent as a master composer of operatic music. ─── 马斯卡尼巧妙地在高潮前加插这首旋律优美,安祥恬静的间奏曲,充分表现出歌剧大师的风范。

27、These works seem as if the epitome of his life. One of the most distinctive is Intermezzo. ─── 这些作品仿佛是他一生的浓缩,其中以间奏曲最为有特色。

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