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09-15 投稿



iamb 发音

英:['aɪæm(b)]  美:[aɪ'æmbəs]

英:  美:

iamb 中文意思翻译



iamb 网络释义

iamb 词性/词形变化,iamb变形

名词复数: iambs |异体字: iambus |

iamb 相似词语短语

1、jamb ─── n.[矿业]矿柱,侧柱;门窗侧壁

2、gamb ─── n.(尤指绘在盾形纹章上的)腿;胫

3、iambs ─── n.抑扬格,短长格

4、Lamb ─── n.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉;vt.生小羊,产羔羊;vi.生小羊,产羔羊;n.(Lamb)人名;(英)兰姆;(德)兰布

5、-ami ─── abbr.高级材料情报(AdvancedMaterialInformation);美国食用肉类研究所(AmericanMeatInstitute);航空英里指示器(AirMileageIndicator);n.(Ami)人名;(匈)奥米;(法、西、以、德)阿米

6、Amb ─── 高级内存缓冲器(AdvancedMemoryBuffer);n.(Amb)人名;(尼日利)安布

7、Camb ─── n.综眼

8、-ama ─── abbr.美国医学协会(AmericanMedicalAssociation);美国经营管理协会(AmericanManagementAssociation);美国飞机制造商协会(AircraftManufacturersAssociation);n.(Ama)人名;(西)阿马

9、iambi ─── n.短长格(iambus的复数)

iamb 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abel carried into the presence of God the Iamb which was to die in his place. ─── 亚伯把羔羊带到神的面前,宰杀牠来赎自己的罪。

2、A metrical foot consisting of a trochee followed by an iamb, much used in Greek and Latin poetry. ─── 长短短长格由长短格音步在前、短长格随后而构成的一种有韵律的音步,多用于希腊和拉丁语的诗文中

3、foreshadowed in so many ways in the Old Testament - Abraham's Iamb which replaced Isaac on Mt. ─── 旧约出现许多类似的预表,包括神为亚伯拉罕预备了一只羊羔,让牠替代以撒作为祭牲献上;

4、Thee iamb is a simple pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. ─── 抑扬格是一种简单的无重音的音节,后面跟着一个有重音的音节。 缻。

5、Iamb: It is the most commonly used foot in English poetry, in which an unstressed syllable comes first, followed by a stressed syllable. ─── 抑扬格:在英语诗歌中使用最广泛的一种音步,抑扬格往往是一个非重度音节后跟一个重度音节。

6、Moriah, the Passover Iamb in Egypt, the endless procession of innocent animals on the altar. ─── 以色列民在逾越节的晚上,宰杀羔羊来替代长子被杀;

7、A Iamb had to be purchased and roasted together with unleavened bread, bitter herbs and other items. ─── 他们要买一只羊,然后烤了,与无酵饼和苦菜同吃。那个男人究竟是谁?

8、The same truth is foreshadowed in so many ways in the Old Testament - Abraham's Iamb which replaced Isaac on Mt. ─── 旧约出现许多类似的预表,包括神为亚伯拉罕预备了一只羊羔,让它替代以撒作为祭牲献上;

9、Just as a Iamb does not fight back so he quietly faced death without any cry or complaint.He said he was laying down his life. ─── 正如羔羊不会反抗主人,基督也是在没有呼救和抱怨的情况下面对死亡。

10、The most standard of these is the iamb. ─── 最标准的就是抑扬格。

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