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09-16 投稿



hoaxes 发音

英:[ˈhoʊksɪz]  美:[ˈhəʊksɪz]

英:  美:

hoaxes 中文意思翻译



hoaxes 短语词组

1、hoaxes and scams ─── 骗局和 ─── 骗局

2、hoaxes vs withered melodies ─── 恶作剧vs枯萎的旋律

3、hoaxes of mark twain ─── 马克·吐温的恶作剧

4、hoaxes that fooled the world ─── 愚弄世界的恶作剧

hoaxes 词性/词形变化,hoaxes变形

名词: hoaxer |动词第三人称单数: hoaxes |动词过去式: hoaxed |动词过去分词: hoaxed |动词现在分词: hoaxing |

hoaxes 相似词语短语

1、boraxes ─── n.硼砂;n.(Borax)人名;(法)博拉

2、thoraxes ─── n.[解剖]胸,胸膛;胸腔

3、hoagies ─── n.何奇三明治(Hoagy的复数)

4、hapaxes ─── 半轴

5、hoaxed ─── n.恶作剧;骗局;谎报;vt.捉弄,欺骗

6、coaxes ─── vt.哄;哄诱;慢慢将…弄好;vi.哄骗;劝诱

7、hoxes ─── 今天

8、hoaxers ─── n.骗子;欺骗者

9、hoaxer ─── n.骗子;欺骗者

hoaxes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、P.T. Barnum's successive hoaxes only brought him greater popularity, so long as he altered them often enough. ─── 巴纳姆骗人的玩意,使他越来越受人欢迎;只要他经常变换花样就行。

2、That the promises of freedom and unity were "empty promises" and the ideal of the American Dream was a complete hoax. ─── 他认为所承诺的自由和联合都是些“空头支票”,美国梦的理想也不过是个彻底的骗局。

3、The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. ─── 奥巴马的现象就是一个精心策划的骗局, 用以建立新的世界资本秩序。

4、Officials realized the calls were a hoax after Department of Children and Family Services staffers grilled the caller. ─── 儿童与家庭服务部的工作人员对打来电话的人进行盘问后,有关官员意识到这是场恶作剧。

5、In 2008 alone, 16 hoaxes are created by Google worldwide. ─── 单是在2008年,谷歌就在全世界范围内创造出16个恶作剧。

6、Barnum's successive hoaxes only brought him greater popularity, so long as he altered them often enough. ─── 巴纳姆骗人的玩意,使他越来越受人欢迎;只要他经常变换花样就行。

7、Ironically, many of the most common hoax viruses claim to contain information about other viruses.One recent example bears a dire warning about the nonexistent.A.I.D. ─── 可笑的是,许多最常见的欺骗性病毒中还声称它包含有关其它病毒的信息。

8、Some posters on Chinese bulletin boards and blogs have argued that Mr Zhou was perhaps merely a hapless tool in a hoax perpetrated mainly by bureaucrats. ─── 一些中文的贴子和博客提出,周也许不过是官方欺骗闹剧中的一个不幸的工具而已。

9、The origins of the circles have been disputed by many.The explanations have ranged from geological anomalies to man-made hoaxes or even UFOs. ─── 人们对这些怪圈的起源各持己见,从地质异常到人为玩笑,甚至还猜测与不明飞行物有关。

10、If you receive an email titled [email virus hoax name here], do not open it! ─── 如果收到标题为[在此指定电子邮件病毒恶作剧]的电子邮件,不要打开它!

11、The victim of a hoax, practical joke,conspiracy,etc ─── 在骗局、恶作剧、阴谋等中上当的人.

12、Do hoax me as much as much as you like ─── 尽情愚弄我吧

13、go ex-directory because of hoax telephone calls ─── 因有电话骚扰而不将电话号码列入电话簿中.

14、play a joke on or subject to a hoax ─── 开某人的玩笑或使遭受欺骗

15、Secondly, this kind is only that hoax of wanting the money is too obvious. ─── 其次,这种只是要钱的骗术实在是太明显了。

16、He said the allegations of Russia still attacking Georgia are "a hoax. ─── 他说,指责俄罗斯仍然对格鲁吉亚袭击是“一个愚弄”。

17、10.Google has a tradition of perpetrating April Fools’ Day hoaxes. ─── 10. 谷歌有个在愚人节捉弄人的传统。

18、The striker revealed he was approached by Liverpool coach and fellow Spaniard Rafael Benitez just after that match, but he had trouble believing it was not a hoax call. ─── 他透露在那场比赛后,他就收到了利物浦主帅的邀请,但他当时甚至不敢相信自己的耳朵。

19、Authorities call the apparent hoax reprehensible, but even with just five feet. ─── 官方称这是明显的愚弄行为,应该遭受斥责,但是仍然还有五只断脚。

20、Bronstein said, "It's some sort of hoax. ─── 布朗斯坦说道:“这是个骗局。

21、2.play a joke on or subject to a hoax. ─── 开某人的玩笑或使遭受欺骗。

22、After Sokals hoax, a vehement "science debate" broke out in the global academic community between postmodernists and science warriors. ─── “索卡尔事件”后,在全球学术界掀起了一场激烈的后现代思想家与科学卫士之间的“科学大论战”。

23、He calls the Western press "irresponsible" and says that the hoax was designed "to give foreign media a lesson that Chinese affairs are not always the way you think. ─── 他称西方媒体是“不负责任的”,而设计实施这次恶作剧是为了让外国媒体一点教训:中国的事并不总是你们想的那样。

24、“In the absence of competition, differential pricing is a hoax,” scoffs Yusuf Hamied, chairman of Cipla, an Indian generics firm. ─── 一些转移可能会发生,是是已经有一些采取差别定价的公司找到了减少这种现象的有效办法。

25、So far all the responses have been hoaxes, but asking for a shout-out never really hurts. ─── 迄今为止所有回应都是恶作剧,但邀请外星人发一次言没什么坏处。

26、These animals, known as "cryptids" , are often the stuff of legends, written off as myths or elaborate hoaxes. ─── 这些动物被称为“传说中的动物”,通常是传奇的素材,常用于神话或精心设计的恶作剧。

27、Off across the whole country. By the time the authorities revealed that the story was a hoax, ─── 一片惊慌。待到权威机构揭露这个故事是个骗局时

28、An MIT student is facing charges of possessing a hoax device and disturbing the peace. ─── 一名MIT(麻省理工学院)学生将面临携带危险装置和扰乱治安的指控。

29、To this end, the departments concerned must be reminded consumers purchase, and especially beware of "black heart" of the four developers hoax. ─── 为此,有关部门提醒消费者购房时一定要警惕,特别要提防“黑心”开发商的四种骗术。

30、However Romeo is unaware that Juliet's death is just a hoax. ─── 但是,罗密欧并不知道朱莉亚的死是一场骗局。

31、But the author disappeared soon after the article was published, and it's now widely viewed as one of the great yellow journalism hoaxes. ─── 但该作者在这篇文章发表后不久就不见了踪影。如今,那件事被普遍认为不过是一桩耸人听闻的媒体恶作剧罢了。

32、For the very info may be hoax or tainted, or the opposer will dissmiss it anyway. ─── 但,不好意思,关键信息的部分我不能确定其真实性,或者反面意见被删改过。

33、Some of these hoaxes will be put together into a pseudo-haiku news conference. ─── 一些恶作剧者将这些俳句拼凑成一个伪新闻发布会。

34、Here we've gathered the top 10 science hoaxes of all time. ─── 这里,我们收集了,有史以来最出名的十大科学骗局。

35、"But, Chi-jen, all this talk of a trust can't be just a hoax. ─── “可是,吉人,那托辣斯一层,大概不是空炮;

36、They discover the death was a publicity hoax but when the executive producer and a studio executive are killed, Sam and Dean realize they are dealing with a haunted set. ─── 他们发现所谓的命案只不过是一个为吸引公众注意而设的骗局。但当执行制片人和影棚执行导演也被杀后,Sam和Dean意识到他们正在对付一个闹鬼的布景。

37、the victim of a hoax, practical joke, conspiracy, etc ─── 在骗局、 恶作剧、 阴谋等中上当的人.

38、Actually victims of a hoax Only when he saw that the man was actually telephoning the police did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax. ─── 当他看到那个工人真的是给警察挂电话,才恍然大悟,原来他们都成了一场骗局的受害者。

39、In regards to beta, I'm seeing many websites and hoaxes messing with people's expectations. ─── 大家都对星际争霸11周年纪念给予厚望,但什么也没发生。

40、Don't hoax the new boy who's my nephew. ─── 别戏弄新来的小伙子啊,他是我外甥。

41、Today is the frist day of march. I need a good idear hoax my friends.but I have not good idear .who can help me? ─── 今天是四月的第一天,我需要好的主意去愚弄我的朋友,但是我没有好的主意,谁可以帮助我?

42、"But, Chi-jen, all this talk of a trust can't be just a hoax ─── “可是,吉人,那托辣斯一层,大概不是空炮

43、Thousands of such incidents are reported around the world each year, though many turn out to be hoaxes or natural phenomena. ─── 每年世界各地有成千上万这样的事情发生,很多事件最后的真相或是恶作剧,或是自然现象。

44、But some distinguished biological researchers, including Clement L. Markert of Yale University and Beatrice, Mintz of Fox Chase Institute for Cancer Research, offered their opinion that the book was pure fantasy, a hoax. ─── 但是一些杰出的生物学研究人员包括耶鲁大学的克莱门特·L·马科特及福可斯·蔡斯癌症研究所的比阿特丽丝·明茨都提出看法,认为该书纯系幻想,事属子虚。

45、But sending the letters is "a serious crime," even if they are a hoax, FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said in a statement. ─── 但是派送这些信是严重的犯罪!即使他们只是想愚弄一下别人。

46、ALSO: If Nibiru is such a hoax on "the internet" then why was it on the History Channel and why don't you guys have censors for such "hoaxes" then? ─── 另外:如果nibiru只是“互联网”上的骗局,那么为什么历史频道(??这是什么)也播了?为什么你们这些家伙不审查?

47、They were the victims of a cruel hoax. ─── 他们成了一大骗局的上当受骗者。

48、You have played the hoax on yourself, and it is your ways which are cruel. ─── 你们愚弄了自己,你们的方式才残酷无情。

49、A simple "pick and mix" hoax that combines the syllables at random could not produce a text with so many regularities. ─── 光靠随机混合音节的假造方式,不可能产生规律性这麽高的文字。

50、Voynichese may contain no message at all, and the manuscript may simply be an elaborate hoax. ─── 伏尼契文说不定完全没有意义,手稿也可能只是个精心设计的骗局。

51、As well as guarding against viruses, it includes: E-mail filtering, which controls incoming e-mail that contains spam, file attachments that are too large or hoax e-mails. ─── 关于防病毒方面,它具有:电子邮件过滤,由它来控制含有不请自来的广告邮件、太大的附加文件或者戏弄邮件的进入。

52、As our topic: “TOP 100 APRIL FOOL'S DAY HOAXES!!”, I'd like to introduce the top 3 hoaxes to you. ─── 在18世纪这习俗已经传遍整个英国及苏格兰,其后更由英国人和法国人传入美国殖民地。

53、There have beenseveral hoaxes. ─── 有过几例恶作剧。

54、It is very unlikely that the binomial distribution of Voynichese could have been a deliberate part of a hoax, because this statistical concept was not invented until centuries after the manuscript was written. ─── 伏尼契文字长度的二项分布,不太可能是骗子刻意编造出来的,因为这种统计概念要到手稿写就后数百年才会出现。

55、Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax . ─── 学生们擅长一种特殊的恶作剧:戏弄人。

56、An 11-year-old Huntsville boy gets high marks in storytelling after staging a hoax to cover up his bad grades. ─── 一名11岁、住在亨茨维尔市的男孩在说故事方面拿了高分,因为他安排一场骗局来掩饰自己的难看分数。

57、Thought by many to be a hoax, the bird was taken by its owner to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City to establish its authenticity. ─── 好多人认为这是造假的事,因此它的主人把它带到盐湖城的犹他州大学,证实此事非假。

58、Don't hoax the old, remember, old ginger is alway hot! ─── 不要愚弄老人哦,记住,姜是老的辣!

59、You are systematically destroying your own environment, then pointing to so-called natural disasters as evidence of God's cruel hoax, or Nature's harsh ways. ─── 你们有系统地摧毁你们自己的环境,指着所谓的天灾,说是神的残酷愚弄或大自然的无情方式的证据。

60、Missouri woman has pleaded not guilty in Los Angeles federal court to charges in a MySpace hoax. ─── 一名密苏里州妇女对洛杉矶联邦法院指控其在“我的空间”上的骗局声称无罪。

61、Mainstream critics argue that the entire affair is a hoax. ─── 主流的批评家批评整件事是一场愚弄。

62、Newspapers in Shanghai and Taiwan ran a nude photo purportedly of Palin that turned out to be a hoax. ─── 上海和台湾几家报纸登出一张据称是佩林的裸照,这最终证明是一场骗局。

63、I can see through whatever hoax he chooses to stage. ─── 他不管玩什么鬼把戏我都能看穿。

64、Hoax rumours prove so popular that spammers are also getting in on the act, sending out emails offering links to "news" or "pictures" of dead celebs. ─── 事实证明这些恶搞的谣传十分受欢迎,以致垃圾邮件发送者也加入了这一行列,他们在发出的邮件中提供了死去的名人的“新闻”或“图片”链接。

65、A comical hoax or practical joke. ─── 取笑,愚弄使人发笑的恶作剧或玩笑

66、But skeptics have challenged accounts of sightings, and practical jokers have staged hoaxes that have included grainy film footage of people dressed in costumes. ─── 但是怀疑论者一直认为没有证据证明这个传说,爱开玩笑的人也只是以舞台形象来向人们展示大足野人的存在。

67、The Cardiff Giant is one of the most famous hoaxes in American history. ─── 卡蒂夫巨人是美国历史上最有名的骗局之一。

68、The Cardiff Giant is one of the most famous hoaxes in American history. ─── 卡蒂夫巨人是美国历史上最有名的骗局之一。

69、a supposedly primitive man later proven to be a hoax. ─── 假想中的原始人,后来证明是个骗局。

70、Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. ─── 学生们擅长于一种特殊形式的恶作剧--设置骗局。

71、If it is a hoax, then it would be the best of all hoaxes. ─── 假如它是一个恶作剧,它将是所有恶作剧中最好的一个。我相信这是真的…

72、I suspect a hoax is intended, but the instigators of it little knew whom they had to deal with. ' ─── 只是他们不知道他们的对手是谁。

73、Earlier, local reporters had dismissed messages about the pending divorce as an April Fool's Day hoax but realised it was real when they turned up at the courtroom. ─── 之前,当地记者以为这个消息只是个愚人节玩笑,所以没给予重视,但当三人出现在法庭时,他们才意识到这是真的。

74、7.Most people who have studied the Voynich manuscript agreed that Voynichese was too complex to be a hoax. ─── 大多数研究过伏尼契手稿的人认为伏尼契文十分复杂,不可能是骗局。

75、They considered the phone call a hoax. ─── 他们认为那个电话是恶作剧。

76、Are you certain that it isn't a hoax? ─── 你能确定那不是一个骗局吗?

77、They said that they receive calls on a regular basis dealing with UFOs all the time, as well as many hoax videos, and there was no reason to believe my video was anything different. ─── 他们说,他们接听电话,定期处理UFO的所有的时间,以及许多恶作剧的影片,也没有理由相信我的视频是没有什麽不同。

78、To skeptics, this is evidence of hoax[1] or error. ─── 对怀疑者而言,这正是欺骗和讹传的证明。

79、The findings of researchers at Melbourne's Monash University suggested occasional sightings of panthers, leopards and jaguars are not hoaxes but cases of mistaken identities. ─── 墨尔本蒙那什大学研究人员的发现显示,有关看到黑豹、美洲豹和美洲虎等零星传闻并非骗局,只是目击者搞错了。

80、Am I forwarding something about a virus or worldwide charity effort or other potential hoax? (If so, visit snopes and check to see if it's 'actually true). ─── 你是不是在转发关于病毒或者世界性慈善行动或者其他很有可能是谣言的消息?如果是,先找权威媒体证实。

81、It was a hoax, as I was soon to learn. ─── 后来不久我才知道这是个骗局。

82、Even if he can start handing out loans, this finance trust of his is still nothing but a hoax! ─── 尽管他当真要放款,那托辣斯还是空炮!

83、To this day the Panorama broadcast remains one of the most famous and popular April Fool's Day hoaxes of all time. ─── 直到今天,的愚人节玩笑始终是最著名和受欢迎的恶作剧之一。

84、If this is some kind of elaborate hoax, then why would it surface again almost ten years later and be connected with the CIA? ─── 如果这是一种精心的恶作剧,为何十年后再次浮出水面,并与CIA有关?

85、A look at the most infamous scientific hoax examines the paleontological find that initiated the controversy and explains how the hoax was perpetrated. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

86、the victim of a cruel hoax. ─── 一场大骗局的受害者

87、If this is not too elaborate hoax like the specter of the terrible event. ─── 假如这个过于缜密的恶作剧不是什么可怕事件的凶兆就好了。”

88、They hoax him out of his money. ─── 他们骗去他的钱。

89、Only when he saw that the men was actually telephoning the police did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax. ─── 当他看到这名工人确实在打电话报警时,他才认识到他们都是这个恶作剧的受害者。

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